Thursday, June 30, 2022

Pitch Perfect (2012)

Beca, pasionata de DJ-ing, se inscrie in grupul Bellas si participa in competitii intre universitati.

'Pitch Perfect' e o comedie muzicala cu adolescenti. Devenita o serie intre timp, filmul e foarte popular si ofera un entertaining usor cu momente muzicale foarte bine facute. Ca poveste, nu e nimic special, ba chiar foarte banal.

Regia:  Jason Moore     
Cu: Anna Kendrick, Brittany Snow, Rebel Wilson, Anna Camp, Adam Devine

Rating: 6/10

Pitch Perfect (2012)

Beca, passionate about DJ-ing, joins the Bellas group and participates in competitions between universities.

'Pitch Perfect' is a musical comedy with teenagers. It's become a series in the meantime, and the film is very popular and offers light entertaining with very well done musical moments. In terms of a story though, there's nothing special about it, it's quite mundane and derivative.

Director:  Jason Moore     
With: Anna Kendrick, Brittany Snow, Rebel Wilson, Anna Camp, Adam Devine

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (2019)

Un actor si prietenul sau apropiat de ocupatie cascador se intersecteaza cu evenimente cunoscute ale anului 1969.

'Once Upon A Time In Hollywood' e o drama cu accente comice sub semnatura lui Quentin Tarantino. E un film greu de descris fara a dezvalui elementul surpriza, tocmai pentru ca are sens si functioneaza cum este intentionat prin acel final. In mare, filmul este o oda a lui Tarantino dedicata Hollywood-ului sau cel putin ideea de Hollywood vazut prin ochii unui cinefil plin de imaginatie. Cei doi actori principali au o chimie incredibila si reusesc sa mentina atentia si credibilitatea comica a filmului clipa de clipa.

Regia:  Quentin Tarantino   
Cu: Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Emile Hirsch

Rating: 9/10

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (2019)

An actor and his stuntman close friend intersect with well-known events of 1969.

'Once Upon A Time In Hollywood' is a drama with comic accents signed by Quentin Tarantino. It's a  difficult to describe film without revealing its element of surprise, precisely because it makes sense and works as intended because of it. However, in short, the film is Tarantino's ode dedicated to Hollywood or at least the idea of ​​Hollywood as seen through the eyes of an imaginative cinephile. The two main actors have an incredible chemistry and manage to maintain the viewer's attention and the comic credibility of the film every and each moment.

Director:  Quentin Tarantino   
With: Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Emile Hirsch

Rating: 9/10

Sunday, June 26, 2022

iZombie (2015-2019)

Un rezident medical devine zombie si descopera ca poate ajuta investigatii politiste prin viziuni neasteptate.

'iZombie' e un serial de investigatii politiste cu un twist supranatural. Bazat pe o serie de benzi desenate, desi simplist, iZombie e o sursa excelenta de comedie si escapism usurator. Schimbarile de personalitate inedite ale lui Olivia sunt o sursa continua de originalitate si deraieri binevenite si actrita principala e minunata si eficienta in rolul ei neobisnuit.

Regia:  Michael Fields si altii  
Productie:  CW
Creator:  Diane Ruggiero-WrightRob Thomas   
Durata:  5 sezoane a cate 13 episoade (42 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Rose McIver, Malcolm Goodwin, Rahul Kohli, Robert Buckley, David Anders, Robert Knepper

Rating: 8/10

iZombie (2015-2019)

A medical resident becomes a zombie and discovers that she can help police investigations through her unexpected visions.

'iZombie' is a police investigations TV series with a supernatural twist. Based on a comic book series, although simplistic, iZombie is an excellent source of comedy and light escapism. Olivia's unique personality changes are a continuous source of originality and welcome derailment and the lead actress is wonderful and efficient in her unusual role.

Director:  Michael Fields and others 
Production:  CW
Creator:  Diane Ruggiero-WrightRob Thomas   
Duration: 5 seasons of 13 episodes (42 minutes each)   
With: Rose McIver, Malcolm Goodwin, Rahul Kohli, Robert Buckley, David Anders, Robert Knepper

Rating: 8/10

Friday, June 24, 2022

The Banishing (2020)

Familia unui preot, cu sotia si fiica, se muta in anii '30 intr-o casa obtinuta de la biserica, dar casa are un trecut sinistru.

'The Banishing' este un film de groaza de reteta clasica, ce are o dezvoltare foarte lenta si un stil foarte amestecat, cu alegeri chestionabile. Elementele dramatice din povestea familiei sunt o distractie ce nu era necesara iar finalul ajuta doar sa dea nastere mai multor intrebari. Ca stil este bine facut iar distributia duce filmul in spate cu brio in ciuda lipsurilor.

Regia:  Christopher Smith      
Cu: Jessica Brown Findlay, John Heffernan, Anya McKenna-Bruce, Sean Harris, John Lynch

Rating: 7/10

The Banishing (2020)

The family of a priest, his wife and daughter, moved in the 1930s to a house offered by the church, but the house has a sinister past.

'The Banishing' is a classic recipe horror film, which has a very slow development and a very mixed style, with many questionable choices. The dramatic elements in the family's story are a distraction that was not necessary and the ending only helps to give rise to more questions. In terms of style, it is well made and the cast carries the film brilliantly despite the film's shortcomings.

Director:  Christopher Smith      
With: Jessica Brown Findlay, John Heffernan, Anya McKenna-Bruce, Sean Harris, John Lynch

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Constantine (2005)

John Constantine e un exorcist atipic ce ajuta o politista sa rezolve cazul sinuciderii surorii sale gemene.

'Constantine' e un film de actiune fantastica de tip horror, bazat pe o serie de benzi desenate multiubita. Nu a fost primit grozav la timpul sau dar publicul a invatat sa ii aprecieze punctele forte: atitudinea sarcastica a personajelor, povestea ne-(complet-)liniara, twistul istet si portretizarile pline de je-ne-sais-quois ale lui Gabriel si Lucifer.

Regia:  Francis Lawrence   
Cu: Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz, Djimon Hounsou, Shia LaBeouf, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Tilda Swinton, Gavin Rossdale, Peter Stormare

Rating: 9/10

Constantine (2005)

John Constantine is an atypical exorcist who helps a policewoman solve her twin sister's suicide case.

'Constantine' is a horror-fantasy action movie, based on a comic book series. It was not well received at its time, but the audience learned to appreciate its many strengths: the sarcastic attitude of the characters, the non-(fully-)linear narrative, the clever twist and the full of je-ne-sais-quois portrayals of Gabriel and Lucifer.

Director:  Francis Lawrence   
With: Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz, Djimon Hounsou, Shia LaBeouf, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Tilda Swinton, Gavin Rossdale, Peter Stormare

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The Power (2021)

O asistenta tanara este fortata sa lucreze tura de noapte in timpul unei pane de curent.

'The Power' este un film horror, de efect, cu o dezvoltare destul de inceata, dara care nu pierde atentia vizionatorului. Intunericul ajuta efectul tenebros, iar actrita principala este bine aleasa si isi duce rolul cu brio. Deznodamantul nu este cel mai original, dar nu doar destinatia conteaza!

Regia:  Corinna Faith    
Cu: Mark Smith, Marley Chesham, Rose Williams, Diveen Henry

Rating: 7/10

The Power (2021)

A young nurse is forced to work the night shift during a power outage.

'The Power' is an effective horror film, with a rather slow development, but one that does not lose the viewer's attention. Darkness helps the sinister effect, and the lead actress is well chosen and plays her role brilliantly. The ending is not the most original, but it's not only about the destination!

Director:  Corinna Faith    
With: Mark Smith, Marley Chesham, Rose Williams, Diveen Henry

Rating: 7/10

Monday, June 20, 2022

Cinderella (2015)

Moartea tatalui lui Ella macrheaza inceputul unei vieti grele, la mila mamei si surorilor sale vitrege.

'Cinderella' este o ecranizare live-action moderna a preiubitei povesti, la carma lui Kenneth Branagh. Departe de a fi necesara, ecranizarea de fata aduce multe nume talentate la un loc, si evoca o poveste familiara, punand mult focus pe anumite goluri si aspecte din istorioara originala, cum ar fi personalitatile tatalui si mamei lui Ella sau viata ei dinainte de a avea rude vitrege. In plus, renunta la anumite aspecte implauzibile: Ella si printul se vad si plac inainte de bal.

Regia:  Kenneth Branagh      
Cu: Lily James, Cate Blanchett, Richard Madden, Helena Bonham Carter, Ben Chaplin, Derek Jacobi, Hayley Atwell, Sophie McShera, Holliday Grainger, Stellan SkarsgÃ¥rd

Rating: 8/10

Cinderella (2015)

Ella's father's death marks the beginning of a difficult life, at the mercy of her  step mother and step-sisters.

'Cinderella' is a modern live-action adaptation of the beloved story, directed by Kenneth Branagh. Far from being necessary, this adaptation brings many talented names together, and evokes a familiar story, with a strong focus on certain gaps of the original story, such as the personalities of Ella's father and mother or her life before she had step-relatives. In addition, it gives up certain implausible aspects: Ella and the prince see each other and like each other before the ball.

Director:  Kenneth Branagh      
With: Lily James, Cate Blanchett, Richard Madden, Helena Bonham Carter, Ben Chaplin, Derek Jacobi, Hayley Atwell, Sophie McShera, Holliday Grainger, Stellan SkarsgÃ¥rd

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, June 18, 2022

The Grudge (2020)

O mama singura politista este intrigata de povestea casei in care locuieste si legatura cu un caz vechi al noului sau partener detectiv.

'The Grudge' e un film de groaza ce pur si simplu continua legenda si blestemul din filmele originale mai degraba decat incearca sa puna la cale un remake. Ideea nu e rea, dar implementarea lasa de dorit. Multe nume talentate s-au adunat (Bichir, Riseborough) dar scenaristi nu prea, si au aruncat la gramada efecte de tip jump scares ieftine, intoarceri in timp fara avertizare sau rost, alegeri chestionabile ale personajelor si scene dramatice fara ancora, si le-au pus pe repeat. Fara sens

Regia:  Nicolas Pesce     
Cu: Demián Bichir, Tara Westwood, Andrea Riseborough, Junko Bailey, Lin Shaye, David Lawrence Brown, Zoe Fish, John Cho, Betty Gilpin, Jacki Weaver

Rating: 6/10

The Grudge (2020)

A single mum policewoman is intrigued by the story of the house where she moved into and its connection with an old case of her new detective partner.

'The Grudge' is a horror film that simply continues the legend and curse of the original films rather than trying to make a remake. The idea is not bad, but the implementation leaves much to be desired. Many talented names got put together (Bichir, Riseborough) but not so much for the screenwriters' side, with them throwing in a random heap: cheap jump scares, time jumps without warning or purpose, questionable character choices and dramatic scenes without an anchor, and they just put that on repeat. Made no sense whatsoever

Director:  Nicolas Pesce     
With: Demián Bichir, Tara Westwood, Andrea Riseborough, Junko Bailey, Lin Shaye, David Lawrence Brown, Zoe Fish, John Cho, Betty Gilpin, Jacki Weaver

Rating: 6/10

The Last Duel (2021)

O disputa indelungata intre doi cavaleri, fosti prieteni, trebuie rezolvata printr-un duel, fapt decis printr-un edict regal.

'The Last Duel' este o drama istorica epica neasteptata din partea lui Ridley Scott. In trei parti, filmul prezinta istoria aceleiasi dispute din punctele de vedere ale celor trei persoane implicate, cu tot subiectivismul asteptat pentru fiecare. Un subiect tragic, ce inca este relevant si la fel de nelinistitor in istoria curenta, surprinzator ca subiectul ales de un barbat regizor. Actorii implicati isi duc rolul cu maiestrie, iar aspectul epic este bine potentat, ca in orice film al lui Ridley Scott.

Regia:  Ridley Scott   
Cu: Matt Damon, Adam Driver, Jodie Comer, Harriet Walter, Ben Affleck

Rating: 8/10

The Last Duel (2021)

A long dispute between two knights, former friends, must be resolved by a duel, a fact decided by a royal edict.

'The Last Duel' is an unusual epic historical drama by Ridley Scott. In three parts, the film presents the story of the same dispute from the point of view of the three people involved, with all the subjectivism expected of each. A tragic subject, which is still relevant and as unsettling in current history, surprising as the subject chosen by a male director. The actors involved play their part with mastery, and the epic aspect is well put to work, as expected of any Ridley Scott film.

Director:  Ridley Scott   
With: Matt Damon, Adam Driver, Jodie Comer, Harriet Walter, Ben Affleck

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

The Walking Dead - Season 10 (2019-2020)

Razboiul cu Alpha dureaza mult dar ajunge la un final si comunitatea intra intr-o perioada de pace si curiozitate ce aduce noi descoperiri.

Sezonul 10 al The Walking Dead este in mare parte axat pe conflictul cu The Whisperers si Alpha ce ajunge la un final mai mult sau mai putin asteptat, prin metode neasteptate. Si acest focus a fost bine realizat si bine primit. In ultima parte in schimb, autorii au decis sa arunce 4,5 episoade la gunoi, irosind rabdarea fanilor pe povesti alternative legate de personaje noi, personaje vechi dar plictisite si certate sau descoperiri de comunitati intrigante ce par scoase din alt film.

Regia:  Greg Nicotero si altii   
Productie:  AMC  
Creator:  Frank Darabont   
Durata:  1 sezon de 22 episoade (44 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Norman Reedus, Danai Gurira, Melissa McBride, Lauren Cohan, Christian Serratos, Josh McDermitt, Seth Gilliam, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Samantha Morton, Thora Birch

Rating: 8/10

The Walking Dead - Season 10 (2019-2020)

The war with Alpha lasts a long time but comes to an end and the community enters a period of peace and curiosity that brings new discoveries.

Season 10 of The Walking Dead is largely focused on the conflict with The Whisperers and Alpha that reaches a more or less expected end, by unexpected means. And this focus was well done and well received. In the last part, though, the authors decided to throw 4,5 episodes in the trash, wasting the patience of the fans on alternative stories about new characters, old but bored and fallen out characters or discoveries of intriguing new communities that seem taken from a completely different movie.

Director:  Greg Nicotero and others   
Production:  AMC  
Creator:  Frank Darabont   
Duration:  1 season of 22 episodes (44 minutes each)   
With: Norman Reedus, Danai Gurira, Melissa McBride, Lauren Cohan, Christian Serratos, Josh McDermitt, Seth Gilliam, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Samantha Morton, Thora Birch

Rating: 8/10

Monday, June 13, 2022

Ratu Ilmu Hitam/ Queen of Black Magic (2019)

Cativa frati ce au crescut la acelasi orfelinat se intalnesc impreuna cu familiile in locatia acestuia dupa ce administratorul care i-a crescut a devenit bolnav si neputincios.

'Queen of Black Magic' e un film horror indonezian, remake al unui film cu acelasi nume din 1981. In afara aspectului de remake, filmul are o poveste interesanta si originala, de ajuns de captivanta si plina de credibilitate in ceea ce priveste cauza tuturor ororilor. Ororile nu se lasa asteptate si apar aproape din primele minute, si nimeni nu e iertat, chiar si cei nevinovati. Atmosfera este sinistra si efectele scenelor de groaza sunt bine facute si aproape mereu neasteptate.

Regia:  Kimo Stamboel       
Cu: Ario Bayu, Hannah Al Rashid, Adhisty Zara, Muzakki Ramdhan

Rating: 7/10

Ratu Ilmu Hitam/ Queen of Black Magic (2019)

Several brothers who grew up in the same orphanage meet up, together with their families at the place's location after the administrator who raised them became ill and helpless.

'Queen of Black Magic' is an Indonesian horror film remake of a 1981 film of the same name. Apart from the remake aspect, the film has an interesting and original story, quite captivating and full of credibility in terms of the story that's at the root of all the horrors. The horrors are not late to turn up and appear almost from the first few minutes, and no one is forgiven, not even the innocent. The atmosphere is sinister and the effects of the horror scenes are well done and almost always in an unexpected manner.

Director:  Kimo Stamboel       
With: Ario Bayu, Hannah Al Rashid, Adhisty Zara, Muzakki Ramdhan

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Red Notice (2021)

Doi hoti de arta cu experienta si un agent al Interpolului isi pun bete in roate unii altora in incercarea de a gasi niste artefacte ce candva au apartinut lui Cleopatra.

'Red Notice' e un film de actiune si aventuri impletite cu ceva comedie si umor. Cum era de asteptat, prezenta numelor cunoscute inseamna film scumup si cam fara fond. Ceea ce nu inseamna ca e complet de evitat, deoarece entertainmentul pe care il ofera este totusi entertainment, oricat de superficial ar fi, sanatatea mentala are nevoie si de superficialitati de calitate.

Regia: Rawson Marshall Thurber     
Cu: Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, Gal Gadot, Ritu Arya

Rating: 6/10

Red Notice (2021)

Two seasoned art thieves and an Interpol agent keep getting on each other's toes in their attempt to find artifacts that once belonged to Cleopatra.

'Red Notice' is an action and adventure film woven with some comedy and humor. As expected, the presence of well-known names means expensive and and almost completely shallow film. This does not mean that it is at all unwatchable, because the entertainment it offers is still entertainment, no matter how superficial; the viewers' mental health also needs some quality superficialities here and then.

Director: Rawson Marshall Thurber     
With: Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, Gal Gadot, Ritu Arya

Rating: 6/10

Monday, June 06, 2022

Morbius (2022)

Michael Morbius suffers from a rare blood disease, as does his best friend, and in an attempt to cure himself, he accidentally infects himself with vampirism.

'Morbius' is a vampire action thriller set in the Marvel Universe. The vampiric presence is not particularly strong, but it is welcome, because it refreshes the MCU-type of action with a little more darkness. The film is the recipient of a lot of unfounded hatred, possibly due to the disappointment of the fans caused by Jared Leto's Joker. The character is believable and interesting enough, the narrative line is decent, the action is a bit all over the place, but overall, it's not half bad.

Director:  Daniel Espinosa    
With: Jared Leto, Matt Smith, Adria Arjona, Jared Harris

Rating: 7/10

Morbius (2022)

Michael Morbius sufera de o boala de sange rara, la fel ca si prietenul sau cel mai bun, si in incercarea de a se lecui, se inoculeaza accidental cu vampirism.

'Morbius' e un thriller de actiune cu vampiri ce are loc in Universul Marvel. Prezenta vampirica nu e foarte accentuata, dar e binevenita, deoarece reimprospateaza actiunea de tip MCU cu ceva mai multa darkness. Filmul e receptorul a multa ura nefondata, posibil ca urmare a dezamagirii fanilor cauzate de Joker-ul lui Jared Leto. Personajul e suficient de credibil si interesant, linia narativa e decenta, actiunea e cam peste tot, dar in mare, nu e de lepadat.

Regia:  Daniel Espinosa    
Cu: Jared Leto, Matt Smith, Adria Arjona, Jared Harris

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, June 05, 2022

Uncharted (2022)

Nathan Drake isi foloseste in sfarsit cultura istorica vasta dupa ce Victor "Sully" il acosteaza pentru a gasi comori celebre.

'Uncharted' e un film de aventuri tip Indiana Jones, bazat pe o franciza de jocuri video preaiubite. Filmul de fata e in mare parte bazat pe cel mai recent joc, Uncharted 4, dar cu cateva schimbari esentiale ca: personaje noi (ca Chloe Frazer), multe personaje cu nume schimbate (Nadine Ross a devenit Braddock), iar Nathan Drake e la inceput de cariera in loc de retras alaturi de sotia lui (care lipseste din film). Filmul e decent, cu actori ce isi merita rolul, dar un pic cam diluat. In mare e totusi satisfacator, probabil mult mai satisfacator daca nu ai jucat si jocul.

Regia:  Ruben Fleischer    
Cu: Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg, Antonio Banderas, Sophia Ali, Tati Gabrielle

Rating: 7/10

Uncharted (2022)

Nathan Drake finally uses his vast historical knowledge after Victor "Sully" recruits him to find famous lost treasures.

'Uncharted' is an Indiana Jones-type adventure film based on a beloved video game franchise. This movie is mostly based on the latest game, Uncharted 4, but with a few key changes: new characters (like Chloe Frazer), many renamed characters (Nadine Ross became Braddock), and Nathan Drake is only just beginning his career instead of having retired with his wife (who is completely missing from the movie). The film is decent, with popular actors who carry their role well, but a bit maybe... diluted. Overall, it's still satisfying, probably much more so if you haven't also played the game.

Director:  Ruben Fleischer    
With: Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg, Antonio Banderas, Sophia Ali, Tati Gabrielle

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, June 04, 2022

Le calendrier (2021)

Eva este o tanara paralizata ce primeste un calendar de advent special de ziua ei, in care fiecare zi are o provocare cu dublu inteles.

'Le Calendrier' este un horror francez, ce foloseste un instrument nou si original pentru a pune idei familiare in miscare, in traditia lui 'Final Destination' sau 'The Ring'. Nu e extraordinar dar e destul de entertaining si satisfacator.

Regia: Patrick Ridremont      
Cu: Eugénie Derouand, Honorine Magnier, Clément Olivieri, Janis Abrikh

Rating: 7/10

Le calendrier (2021)

Eva is a paraplegic young woman who receives a special Advent calendar for her birthday, one in which every day has a new dare with a double meaning.

'Le Calendrier' is a French horror, which uses a new and original tool to set familiar ideas in motion, in the tradition of 'Final Destination' or 'The Ring'. It's not amazing but it's quite entertaining and satisfying.

Director: Patrick Ridremont      
With: Eugénie Derouand, Honorine Magnier, Clément Olivieri, Janis Abrikh

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, June 02, 2022

Van Helsing (2016–2021)

Vanessa Helsing, un urmas al faimosului Helsing, se trezeste din ani de coma in mijlocul unei lumi apocaliptice, pradata de vampirism, si descopera ca are abilitati speciale si utile.

'Van Helsing' e un serial horror, cu vampiri intr-o lume apocaliptica. Atmosfera generala aduce cu 'The Walking Dead' dar evenimentele de inalta tensiune sunt pline de o mitologie noua, destul de originala si bogata in idei. Eroina principala e plina de contradictii interesante si puterile sale, mereu in crestere, sunt sursa de maxima satisfactie pentru privitor. Are etape mai lente in ceea ce priveste desfasurarea de evenimente, dar perseverenta privitorului este mereu rasplatita.

Regia:  Jonathan Scarfe si altii   
Productie:  Sify   
Creator:  Gorrman Lee   
Durata:  5 sezoane a cate 13 episoade (43 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Kelly Overton, Missy Peregrym, Jonathan Scarfe, Aleks Paunovic, Rukiya Bernard, Vincent Gale, Christopher Heyerdahl, Paul Johansson, Laura Mennell

Rating: 8/10

Van Helsing (2016–2021)

Vanessa Helsing, a descendant of the famous Helsing, wakes up from a coma in the middle of an apocalyptic world, preyed upon by vampirism, and discovers that she has special and useful abilities.

'Van Helsing' is a horror series with vampires in an apocalyptic world. The general atmosphere reminds one of 'The Walking Dead' but the high tension events are filled with a new mythology, quite original and rich in ideas. The main heroine is full of interesting contradictions and her ever-increasing powers are a source of maximum satisfaction for the viewer. It has slower stages in terms of the story progress, but the viewer's perseverance is always rewarded.

Director:  Jonathan Scarfe and others  
Production:  Sify   
Creator:  Gorrman Lee   
Duration:  5 seasons of 13 episodes (43 minutes each)   
With: Kelly Overton, Missy Peregrym, Jonathan Scarfe, Aleks Paunovic, Rukiya Bernard, Vincent Gale, Christopher Heyerdahl, Paul Johansson, Laura Mennell

Rating: 8/10