Friday, May 29, 2020

Let Us Prey (2014)

A novice police officer has an intense first day's work when all the residents of a police station begin to be influenced by the presence of a mysterious man.

Let Us Prey is a horror movie that's full of suspense and surprises. Wonderfully filmed, it's not a perfect movie, but it's perfectly satisfying. With a slow, intriguing and far from boring start, the film continues explosively in horror scenes done by the book. Although not very long, it reserves enough time to reveal details about each character, some of them developed in complex and interesting typologies, a delight for fans of uncovering layers and anticipation exercises.
Excellent for fans of the genre and many more.

Regia: Brian O'Malley  
Cu: Liam Cunningham, Pollyanna McIntosh, Bryan Larkin, Hanna Stanbridge

Rating: 8/10

Let Us Prey (2014)

O politista incepatoare are parte de o zi de lucru intensa atunci cand toti locatarii unei sectii de politie incep sa fie influentati de prezenta unui ins misterios.

Let Us Prey este un film de groaza plin de suspans si surprize. Filmat minunat, nu e un film perfect, dar e perfect satisfacator. Cu un inceput lent, intrigant si lipsit de plictis, filmul continua exploziv in scene de groaza ca la carte. Desi nu foarte lung, isi rezerva timp indeajuns pentru a dezvalui detalii despre fiecare personaj, unele dintre ele dezvoltate in tipologii complexe si interesante, un deliciu pentru fanii de substraturi si exercitii de anticipare. 
Excelent pentru fanii genului si nu numai.

Regia: Brian O'Malley  
Cu: Liam Cunningham, Pollyanna McIntosh, Bryan Larkin, Hanna Stanbridge

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Pierrot le Fou (1965)

An atypical couple runs away from the law and Algerian pursuers.

A fragmented and mixed cinematic experiment that contains popular elements from the world of cinema, with its clichés and metaphors hidden under literary quotes. The film is in fact an attack on traditionalism and on modern pragmatism both in cinema itself  and in real life and at the same time it's also an ode to cinema and the world of dreams that it encourages and enriches. It's admirable as a revolutionary act, but Pierrot le Fou does not pause long enough to allow the audience to care even a little about the characters beyond this cinematic Dadaism this film became.

Directed by: Jean-Luc Godard  
With: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Anna Karina

Rating: 7/10

Pierrot le Fou (1965)

Un cuplu atipic fuge de lege si de urmaritori algerieni.

Un experiment cinematic fragmentat si amestecat ce contine elemente populare din cinema-ul mondial, cu ale sale clisee si metafore ascunse sub citate literare. Filmul este de fapt un atac la adresa traditionalismului dar si a pragmatismului modern atat in viata reala cat si in cinema si totodata o oda cinematografiei si lumii visurilor pe care cinematografia o incurajeaza. De admirat ca efect revolutionar dar filmul nu sta de ajuns pe loc pentru a permite audientei sa ii pese cat de cat de dramele personajelor dincolo de dadaismul cinematografic rezultat.

Regia: Jean-Luc Godard  
Cu: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Anna Karina

Rating: 7/10

Also read in English

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Apostle (2018)

A young man travels to the island owned by a cult to recover his kidnapped sister.

A messy mix of supernatural and purely human horrors, Apostle is only half succeeded. It however earns points for acting, diversity and the rich scenery. The supernatural part is not exploited enough or satisfactorily and the human component is intense but incompletely explained and pushed to the brim exactly where it should not be.

Directed by: Gareth Evans 
With: Dan Stevens, Michael Sheen, Lucy Boynton, Mark Lewis Jones, Sharon Morgan

Rating: 7/10

Apostle (2018)

Un tanar calatoreste pe insula unei secte pentru a-si recupera sora rapita.

Un amestec pestrit de supranatural si orori pur umane, Apostle e numai pe jumatate reusit. Castiga puncte la jocul actorilor, diversitate si decorul bogat. Partea supranaturala nu este exploatata de ajuns sau satisfacator iar componenta umana este intensa dar incomplet explicata si intensificata pana la refuz exact unde nu trebuie.

Regia: Gareth Evans 
Cu: Dan Stevens, Michael Sheen, Lucy Boynton, Mark Lewis Jones,  Sharon Morgan

Rating: 7/10

Also read in English

Monday, May 25, 2020

El hoyo / The Platform (2019)

In a prison-like building, a kind of social experiment takes place in which a platform with the only food available for the day goes around vertically, allowing the occupants to eat in the order of their floors.

A social commentary film, raw and heartbreaking, without a more concrete solution than just the hope that lies with the next generation. It credibly presents an explicit metaphor of the current world situation where those who have a lot also use too much and very little remains to reach those who have too little anyway. Moreover, it shows that a lot of the components that perpetuate this evil do not do this consciously, as the parties work independently, without a clear vision over the big picture, because ignorance gives them an excuse under which they hide more or less voluntarily. Human nature is cruel and not all evil is born evil.

Directed by: Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia
With: Ivan Massagué, Zorion Eguileor, Antonia San Juan, Emilio Buale

Rating: 8/10

El hoyo / The Platform (2019)

Intr-o cladire tip inchisoare se desfasoara un fel de experiment social in care o platforma cu singura mancare disponibila se plimba vertical permitand locatarilor sa manance in ordinea etajelor.

Un film comentariu social, crud si sfasietor, fara o solutie mai concreta decat speranta in generatia urmatoare. Prezinta credibil o metafora explicita a situatiei mondiale actuale unde cei ce au folosesc prea mult si foarte putin ajunge la cei ce oricum au prea putin. In plus, arata cum multe din componentele ce incurajeaza raul nu fac asta constient,  partile lucreaza independent, fara o viziune asupra imaginii de ansamblu, deoarece ignoranta le ofera o scuza sub care se ascund mai mult sau mai putin voluntar. Natura umana este cruda si nu tot raul se naste rau.

Regia: Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia
Cu: Ivan Massagué, Zorion Eguileor, Antonia San Juan, Emilio Buale

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Polaroid (2019)

O tanara pasionata de fotografie si antichitati primeste cadou o camera Polaroid si banuieste ca are un trecut obscur dupa ce cei pe care ii fotografiaza mor in conditii ciudate.

Un horror standard dar functional. Foloseste multe clisee si un format des folosit (amenintare paranormala pentru toti indivizii ce comit o anume actiune ca si in The Ring, Truth or Dare, Stay Alive, Final Destination, It Follows si tot asa) dar isi mentine logica legendei urbane intacta si interesanta. Nu e nimic special dar este placut de vizionat pentru amatorii genului.

Regia: Lars Klevberg
Cu: Kathryn Prescott, Tyler Young, Samantha Logan, Javier Botet, Mitch Pileggi, Grace Zabriskie, Keenan Tracey, Priscilla Quintana

Rating: 7/10

Polaroid (2019)

A high schooler who's passionate about photography and antiques receives a Polaroid camera as a gift and suspects that it has an obscure background after all those she photographs die in strange conditions.

A standard but functional horror. It uses many clichés and a frequently used format (a paranormal threat for all individuals who commit a certain action just like in The Ring, Truth or Dare, Stay Alive, Final Destination, It Follows and many more) but manages to keep the logic of the urban legend intact and interesting. It's nothing special but it's quite enjoyable for the fans of the genre.

Directed by: Lars Klevberg
With: Kathryn Prescott, Tyler Young, Samantha Logan, Javier Botet, Mitch Pileggi, Grace Zabriskie, Keenan Tracey, Priscilla Quintana

Rating: 7/10

Friday, May 22, 2020

Midsommar (2019)

A young woman with depressive tendencies accompanies her boyfriend's group of friends on a trip to Sweden for anthropological studies.

A stylized horror, with a flawless cinematography and mesmerizing visual effects. The colors and the naive art are in a continuous contrast with the horrors that are presented, pleasantly maintaining the atmosphere for about half of the film. The ending is instead disappointing and reveals the pointlessness of the entire construction. Probably the film's root idea - if one had to enunciate it - would refer to the vindictive tendencies in each of us, hidden under inhibitions with social roots and the fear of repercussions that in this case are much relieved by a few natural hallucinogens and an isolated context.

Regia/scenariu: Ari Aster
Cu: Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor, Vilhelm Blomgren, Will Poulter

Rating: 6/10

Midsommar (2019)

O tanara cu tendinte depresive insoteste grupul de prieteni ai iubitului sau intr-o excursie pentru studii antropologice in Suedia.

Un horror stilizat, cu o cinematografie fara gres si efecte vizuale hipnotizante. Culorile si arta naiva sunt intr-un continuu contrast cu ororile prezentate, intretinand placut atmosfera cam jumatate de film. Deznodamantul este in schimb dezamagitor si dezvaluie lipsa de rost a intregii constructii. Probabil ideea de baza - daca ar trebui enuntata - s-ar referi la tendintele vindicative in fiecare din noi, ascunse sub inhibitii cu radacini sociale si teama de repercursiuni ce in cazul de fata sunt mult usurate de halucinogenici naturali si un context izolat.

Regia/scenariu: Ari Aster
Cu: Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor, Vilhelm Blomgren, Will Poulter

Rating: 6/10

Also read in English

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Ready Player One (2018)

Intr-un viitor aglomerat, lumea isi traieste fanteziile intr-un joc ce ofera o realitate virtuala bogata si unde creatorul acestuia a ascuns o competitie populara.

Un film de aventuri ce rezuma cultura populara a anilor '80 avand ca pretext personalitatea extrem de populara a creatorului jocului din film si cauza comuna de a cauta indicii in tot ce a reprezentat persoana acestuia. Interesant ca si continut cultural dar slabut ca si constructie de sustinere a acestuia. Incearca sa insufle admiratie pentru atentia pentru detalii si nevoia de cercetare culturala dar inchide ochii asupra faptului ca singurul motiv a valorii mentinute acestor elemente este insemnatatea acestora pentru practic un idol pop. Vizual nu este mai impresionant decat jocurile ultimilor ani si nici revolutionar din moment ce nici macar nu incearca sa imite realitatea cea adevarata sau posibila. De vazut ca raspuns al nevoii de aventuri vizuale dar nimic mai mult. Fragmentul inspirat din The Shining are totusi ceva merit.

Regia: Steven Spielberg 
Cu: Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke, Ben Mendelsohn, Lena Waithe,  T.J. Miller, Simon Pegg, Mark Rylance, Hannah John-Kamen

Rating: 6/10

Ready Player One (2018)

In a crowded future, the world lives its fantasies in a game that offers a rich virtual reality and where its creator hid a popular competition.

An adventure film that summarizes the popular culture of the '80s with the pretext of the extremely popular personality of the creator of the game from the film and the common cause of looking for clues in everything that his person represented. Interesting in terms of cultural content but weak in terms of a supporting construction for it. The film tries to inspire admiration for attention to detail and the need for cultural research but closes its eyes to the fact that the only reason for the value of these elements comes from heir significance to someone who practically is a pop idol. Visually, it is not more impressive than any of the games of recent years, nor revolutionary since it does not even try to imitate the true or possible reality. To be watched only as a response to the need for visual adventures but nothing more. The fragment inspired by The Shining still has some merit though.

Directed by: Steven Spielberg 
With: Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke, Ben Mendelsohn, Lena Waithe,  T.J. Miller, Simon Pegg, Mark Rylance, Hannah John-Kamen

Rating: 6/10

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

L'Eclisse (1962)

A dreamer young woman tries to find herself between a breakup and a new lively boyfriend.

An impressive film that can mean something different depending on who is watching it and their personality. The main character is a woman who loves life and anything new and different and stays away from materialism and easily gets bored of the people attracted to it. Still in the process of learning about herself, she acts almost instinctively when she is attracted to something, even if she is aware of the reasons that work against  the said attraction or its durability. She does not find her place in the world as she realizes more and more how widespread this desire for material is, but the world continues its evolutionary cycle without the care of  the different and special individuals, an idea reinforced by the end that uses no music, no comments and no familiar characters.

Directed by: Michelangelo Antonioni
With: Monica Vitti, Alain Delon, Francisco Rabal

Rating: 9/10

L'Eclisse (1962)

O tanara visatoare incearca sa se regaseasca intre o despartire si intalnirea unui iubit nou.

Un film impresionant ce poate insemna ceva diferit in functie de cine il vizioneaza si de personalitatea fiecaruia. Personajul principal este o femeie ce iubeste viata si noul si diferitul si sta departe de materialisme si se plictiseste usor de oamenii atrasi de acestea. Inca in proces de a se cunoaste pe sine insasi, ea actioneaza aproape instinctiv cand este atrasa de ceva, chiar daca este constienta de ratunile ce lucreaza impotriva atragerii sau durabilitatii. Nu isi gaseste locul in lume pe masura ce isi da seama cat de raspandita este aceasta dorinta de material dar lumea isi continua ciclul evolutiv fara grija indivizilor diferiti si speciali, idee intarita de finalul fara muzica, comentarii sau personaje familiare.

Regia: Michelangelo Antonioni
Cu: Monica Vitti, Alain Delon, Francisco Rabal

Rating: 9/10

Also read in English

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Hostile (2017)

In a post-apocalyptic world, Juliet is hurt and isolated and overwhelmed by vivid memories.

A horror film with a lot of potential, only half realised due to the mix of a sappy and unconvincing parallel story that instead of completing the main one, it invades and corrupts it, especially in the highly unlikely ending. At least it doesn't last too long.

Directed by: Mathieu Turi
With: Brittany Ashworth, Grégory Fitoussi, Javier Botet

Rating: 6/10

Hostile (2017)

Intr-o lume post apocaliptica, Juliet este ranita si izolata si coplesita de amintiri foarte vii.

Un film horror cu mult potential, numai partial reusit din cauza amestecului unei povesti paralele siropoase si neconvingatoare ce in loc sa completeze povestea principala, o invadeaza si corupe mai ales prin finalul neverosimil. Macar nu dureaza prea mult.

Regia: Mathieu Turi
Cu: Brittany Ashworth, Grégory Fitoussi, Javier Botet

Rating: 6/10

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Ida (2013)

A nun about to take her vows connects with her aunt, her last relative, and finds and lives new experiences.

A Polish drama that won the Oscar for foreign film on merit. Filmed with a 4:3 camera in black and white, which helps to strengthen the impression of intimacy and authenticity, Ida is a magnetic story about authentic purity and the traumas of life, historically placed in the post-World War II world. The two main characters are wonderfully portrayed by the two actresses, at very opposite poles, but in perfect harmony with each other, giving each other the necessary material to get closure for the current chapter of their lives and move on to the next without doubts.

Directed by: Pawel Pawlikowski
With: Agata Kulesza, Agata Trzebuchowska, Dawid Ogrodnik

Rating: 10/10

Ida (2013)

O calugarita pe cale de a-si depune juramintele isi regaseste matusa, ultima sa ruda, si afla si traieste experiente noi.

O drama poloneza ce a obtinut Oscar-ul pentru film strain pe merit. Filmat cu o camera 4:3 in alb-negru, ce ajuta la intarirea impresiei de intim si autentic, Ida este o poveste magnetica despre puritate autentica si traumele vietii, plasata istoric in lumea post Cel De-Al Doilea Razboi Mondial. Cele doua personaje principale sunt minunat portretizate de cele doua actrite, la poluri foarte opuse, dar in perfecta armonie una cu cealalta, oferindu-si materialul necesar fiecareia pentru a incheia capitolul curent al vietii lor si a trece in urmatorul fara indoieli.

Regia: Pawel Pawlikowski
Cu: Agata Kulesza, Agata Trzebuchowska, Dawid Ogrodnik

Rating: 10/10

Friday, May 15, 2020

Time Trap (2017)

Un grup de studenti la arheologie isi urmeaza profesorul disparut intr-o pestera in care timpul pare sa curga in alta viteza.

Un film construit pe o idee de calatorii in timp cu un twist. Nu are o executie perfecta dar ideea insasi e suficienta pentru a satisface publicul, ritmul este destul de alert cand trebuie si personajele sunt carismatice de ajuns.

Regia: Mark Dennis, Ben Foster
Cu: Andrew Wilson, Cassidy Gifford, Brianne Howey, Reiley McClendon

Rating: 8/10

Time Trap (2017)

A group of archaeology students follow their missing teacher in a cave where time seems to flow at a different speed.

A film built on an idea of ​​time travel with a twist. It's not perfectly executed but the idea itself is enough to satisfy the audience, the rhythm is quite alert when it needs to be and the characters are charismatic enough even if not very well developed.

Directed by: Mark Dennis, Ben Foster
With: Andrew Wilson, Cassidy Gifford, Brianne Howey, Reiley McClendon

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wildling (2018)

A young woman is raised in isolation by a protective father for fear of a monster with a specific physiognomy.

A mysterious film, somewhat simple but effective, with a pleasant story, built around a message that's a little cliché but not to be ignored, namely that it's in our human nature to reject that which is different. Labeled a horror, the film actually has too few scary elements, and it's more of a fantasy thriller. The actors are well chosen, with Liv Tyler surprisingly among them.

Directed by: Fritz Böhm
With: Bel Powley, Brad Dourif, Liv Tyler, Collin Kelly-Sordelet

Rating: 8/10

Wildling (2018)

O tanara este crescuta izolata de un tata protector cu teama de un monstru cu o fizionomie specifica.

Un film misterios, oarecum simplu dar eficient, cu o poveste placuta, construita in jurul unui mesaj un pic cliseic dar nu de lepadat si anume natura umana da a respinge ceea ce e diferit. Etichetat horror, are de fapt prea putine elemente de speriat, si e mai mult un fantasy thriller. Actorii sunt bine alesi, cu Liv Tyler in mod surprinzator printre acestia.

Regia: Fritz Böhm
Cu: Bel Powley, Brad Dourif, Liv Tyler, Collin Kelly-Sordelet

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

La Jetée (1962)

Paris is destroyed after World War II and people living underground experiment to travel through time in a desperate attempt to save humankind.

A short film, revolutionary in its ideas and execution that was the inspiration for a well-known cult film, namely Twelve Monkeys. The gravity and depth are beautifully intensified by the long line of static images displayed with a sound background that only contains intense music, incomprehensible whispers and the categorical voice of the narrator. Short and effective!

Directed by: Chris Marker 
With: Étienne Becker, Jean Négroni, Hélène Chatelain, Davos Hanich

Rating: 9/10

La Jetée (1962)

Parisul este distrus dupa cel de-Al Doilea Razboi Mondial si oamenii ce traiesc in subteran fac experimente pentru a calatori in timp intr-o incercare disperata de a-si imbunatati soarta.

Un film scurt, revolutionar in idei si executie ce a stat la baza unui film cult bine cunoscut si anume Twelve Monkeys. Gravitatea si profunzimea sunt frumos intensificate de insirarea de imagini statice pe un fundal sonor ce contine doar muzica intensa, vorbe soptite de neinteles si glasul categoric al povestitorului. Scurt si de efect!

Regia: Chris Marker 
Cu: Étienne Becker, Jean Négroni, Hélène Chatelain, Davos Hanich

Rating: 9/10

Also read in English

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Ai no korîda / In The Realm Of The Senses (1976)

In pre World War II Japan, a maid begins an intense and risky relationship with the owner of the house where she works.

Based on a true story that shocked Japan, In The Realm Of The Senses is an intense, revolutionary and controversial to this day film, portraying Sada Abe, an interwar anti-heroine whose image was popularized to reinforce political and social messages in the years she lived. The picture is almost perfect in that it looks newer than some '90s movies, and the actors are extremely natural and convincing despite the unsimulated acts explicitly committed on screen. The love story is genuine and touching despite the breaking of many taboos onscreen. The Japanese society of the time is also an interesting point the film touches on, the director's message being impossible to ignore due to the boldness of the imagistic expression.

Directed by: Nagisa Ôshima
With: Tatsuya Fuji, Eiko Matsuda, Aoi Nakajima

Rating: 9/10

Ai no korîda / In The Realm Of The Senses (1976)

In Japonia dinaintea celui de-Al Doilea Razboi Mondial, o servitoare incepe o relatie intensa si riscanta cu stapanul casei in care lucreaza.

Bazat pe o poveste reala ce a socat Japonia, In The Realm Of The Senses este un film intens, revolutionar si controversat pana in ziua de azi, ce picteaza portretul lui Sade Aba, o antieroina interbelica a carui imagine a fost popularizata pentru a intari mesaje politico-sociale ale anilor in care a trait. Imaginea este aproape perfecta incat arata mai nou decat unele filme din anii '90, iar actorii sunt extrem de naturali si credibili in ciuda actelor nesimulate comise explicit pe ecran. Povestea de dragoste este veridica si induiosatoare in ciuda incalcarii multor tabuuri. Societatea japoneza a vremii este si ea un punct interesant al filmului, mesajul regizorului fiind imposibil de ignorat datorita indraznelii expresiei imagistice. 

Regia/scenariul: Nagisa Ôshima
Cu: Tatsuya Fuji, Eiko Matsuda, Aoi Nakajima

Rating: 9/10

Saturday, May 09, 2020

Cockneys vs Zombies (2012)

Two brothers rob a bank in the middle of a zombie epidemic.

Unpretentious comedy that is not interested in the horror genre but only in the situation comedy part of it and the opportunity to create a funny and interesting dialogue for fans of linguistic curiosities. The comic effect isn't amazing but the movie is fun enough.

Directed by: Matthias Hoene
With: Harry Treadaway, Michelle Ryan, Georgia King, Tony Gardner, Alan Ford, Dudley Sutton, Richard Briers

Rating: 6/10

Cockneys vs Zombies (2012)

Doi frati jefuiesc o banca in mijlocul unei epidemii de zombie.

Comedie fara pretentii ce nu e interesata de genul horror ci doar de comicul de situatie si ocazia de a crea un dialog amuzant si interesant pentru amatorii de curiozitati lingvistice. Comicul nu te da pe spate dar filmul e distractiv de ajuns.

Regia: Matthias Hoene
Cu: Harry Treadaway, Michelle Ryan, Georgia King, Tony Gardner, Alan Ford, Dudley Sutton, Richard Briers

Rating: 6/10

Thursday, May 07, 2020

Les amants du Pont-Neuf / The Lovers On The Bridge (1991)

A young alcoholic and a young artist who gradually loses her sight meet while living on the street.

One of the important films of the '90s, The Lovers On The Bridge tells the story of an unconventional and imperfect love, but no less true than the perfect examples that are popularized in so many other films. Moreover, it offers the viewers a chance to look through a window into some negative aspects of life that most people pretend don't exist, revealing a hidden but fascinating facet of Parisian life at the same time. The two actors are fascinating, the raw realities give the impression of undeniable authenticity and the film's overall effect is ageless.

Directed / written by: Leos Carax
With: Juliette Binoche, Denis Lavant, Klaus-Michael Grüber

Rating: 9/10

Les amants du Pont-Neuf / The Lovers On The Bridge (1991)

Un tanar alcoolic si o tanara artista ce isi pierde vederea se intalnesc in timp ce traiesc pe strada.

Unul din filmele importante ale anilor '90, The Lovers On The Bridge prezinta povestea unei relatii de dragoste neconventionala si imperfecta, dar nu mai putin veridica decat exemplarele perfecte popularizate in atatea alte filme. Totodata ne ofera o fereastra in aspecte negative ale vietii pe care majoritatea dintre oameni se prefac ca nu exista, dezvaluind si o fateta ascunsa dar fascinanta a vietii Parisului. Cei doi actori sunt fascinanti, realitatile brute dau impresia de autentic de netagaduit iar efectul final nu are varsta.

Regia/scenariul: Leos Carax
Cu: Juliette Binoche, Denis Lavant, Klaus-Michael Grüber

Rating: 9/10

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Enemy (2013)

A history teacher discovers that there is another person identical to himself.

A film that's more complex than it deserves on a subject as old as the world. Visually interesting but also enticing as a puzzle to uncover, it becomes somewhat dull after a little thought. In addition, it can be quite difficult to talk about Enemy without some measure of spoilers. Using a somewhat simple network of symbols, the film can be interpreted in several ways: the character's doppelganger suggests the duality of the character and the inner struggle between the right choice and temptation and the spider that appears frequently can be either a transgression of the past surrounded by regret and melancholy or it can be the very present that follows a right choice, thus represented as an inhibition of one's true self.

Directed by: Denis Villeneuve
With: Jake Gyllenhaal, Mélanie Laurent, Sarah Gadon, Isabella Rossellini

Rating: 7/10

Enemy (2013)

Un profesor de istorie descopera ca exista o alta persoana identica siesi.

Un film mai complex decat merita pe un subiect vechi cat lumea. Interesant vizual si ca enigma de descalcit, devine oarecum banal dupa putina cugetare. In plus, devine dificil a vorbi despre Enemy fara o masura de de spoilere. Are o retea de simboluri oarecum simpla, filmul putand fi interpretat in mai multe moduri: dublura personajului sugereaza dualitatea de caracter si lupta interioara dintre alegerea corecta si tentatie iar paianjenul ce apare frecvent poate fi ori o transgresiune din trecut inconjurata de regret si melancolie ori poate fi chiar prezentul ce urmeaza o alegere corecta, reprezentat astfel ca inhibare a eu-lui adevarat. 

Regia: Denis Villeneuve 
Cu: Jake Gyllenhaal, Mélanie Laurent, Sarah Gadon, Isabella Rossellini

Rating: 7/10

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

The Iceman (2012)

The story of the well-known contract killer Richard Kuklinski, who managed to lead a family life in parallel.

An dispassionate account of the history of the famous Iceman, in which the most intense element is the unwavering gaze of Michael Shannon who portrays him, effectively carrying the entire production on his back. Without any other exceptional element, the film efficiently tells an interesting story, avoiding going into too much detail that could find causes or excuses for his turning into the cold-blooded killer.

Directed by: Ariel Vromen
With: Michael Shannon, Winona Ryder, Ray Liotta, Chris Evans, David Schwimmer, James Franco, Stephen Dorff, Robert Davi

Rating: 7/10

The Iceman (2012)

Povestea cunoscutului asasin platit Richard Kuklinski, ce a reusit sa duca o viata de familie in paralel.

O evocare impartiala a istoriei celebrului Iceman, in care elementul cel mai intens este privirea neclintita a lui Michael Shannon ce il portretizeaza, ducand efectiv intreaga productie in spate. Fara vreun alt element de exceptie, filmul spune eficient o poveste interesanta, evitand a intra in prea multe detalii ce ar putea gasi cauze sau scuze pentru devenirea ucigasului cu sange rece.

Regia: Ariel Vromen
Cu: Michael Shannon, Winona Ryder, Ray Liotta, Chris Evans, David Schwimmer, James Franco, Stephen Dorff, Robert Davi

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, May 03, 2020

Mary (2019)

The father of a family in the boat business risks their savings to invest in a boat with a sinister history.

A run of the mill horror disguised as a "Gary Oldman movie" to mask the overall disinterest for the genre in favor of a quick profit. The story is not highlighted by much, with cliché horror effects and an ending that copies other successful films. The monster is not fully bad but doesn't make up for anything.

Directed by: Michael Goi
With: Gary Oldman, Emily Mortimer, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Stefanie Scott, Jennifer Esposito

Rating: 4/10

Mary (2019)

Tatal unei familii in afaceri cu barci risca economiile pentru a investi intr-o barca cu o istorie sinistra.

Film de groaza de duzina mascat sub eticheta de "film cu Gary Oldman" pentru a masca dezinteresul pentru gen in favoarea unui profit rapid. O poveste nepusa in valoare prin nimic, cu efecte horror cliseice si un final ce copie alte filme de succes. Monstrul nu e un complet dezastru dar nu salveaza nimic din efectul total.

Regia: Michael Goi
Cu: Gary Oldman, Emily Mortimer, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Stefanie Scott, Jennifer Esposito

Rating: 4/10

Saturday, May 02, 2020

Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995)

Candyman continues his adventures caused by mirror activity but the descendant from an old family seems to create a special connection with him.

A sequel to a cult horror that has more merit than one would expect. With a mix of characters that are either poorly sketched or quite well developed, Candyman 2 focuses more on the story and setting than on its horror effects. However, when it comes to the horror aspect, the surplus of jump scares is unwelcome. The authenticity of the New Orleans setting is well-done, evocatively accompanied by the arch-present kingfisher, which at one point becomes just irritating though. The 90's horror vibe is welcome but unfortunately the frequent inconsistencies tear down the story which is not otherwise half bad.

Directed by: Bill Condon
Based on a story by: Clive Barker
With: Tony Todd, Kelly Rowan, William O'Leary, Veronica Cartwright, David Gianopoulos

Rating: 5/10

Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995)

Candyman isi continua aventurile provocate in fata oglinzilor dar fiica unei familii vechi pare sa creeze o conexiune speciala cu acesta.

O urmare la un horror cult ce are mai mult merit decat te-ai astepta. Cu un amestec de personaje ori slab creionate ori bine dezvoltate, Candyman 2 se concentreaza mai mult pe poveste si cadru decat pe efecte de groaza. Si totusi cand vine vorba de partea horror, surplusul de jump scares e suparator de la ordinea zilei. Autenticitatea cadrului New Orleans-ian este bine pus la punct, insotit in mod evocator de arhiprezentul kingfisher, ce la un moment dat devine doar iritant. Aerul de horror al anilor 90 este binevenit dar din pacate inconsistentele frecvente darama povestea ce nu e complet rea.

Regia: Bill Condon
Dupa o poveste de: Clive Barker
Cu: Tony Todd, Kelly Rowan, William O'Leary, Veronica Cartwright, David Gianopoulos

Rating: 5/10

Friday, May 01, 2020

Portrait de la jeune fille en feu / Portrait Of A Lady On Fire (2019)

An artist is given the task of painting the portrait of the daughter of a wealthy family to serve in arranging a marriage for her.

An entirely feminist film that manages to showcase the few actions available to a woman in the past to control or maintain any degree of her personal freedom. The idea of ​​equality is evident in all the interaction scenes emphasizing the authenticity of emotions. Slowly but intensely, the story develops particularly visually, similarly to the analysis of a landscape picture, a fact highlighted by the emphasis on wide, natural, simple and minimalist frames but with even the smallest details very visible to the eye, which allows the undeniable expressiveness of the two actresses to be impossible to miss. The almost complete lack of music serves the same goal, the music being used efficiently only to mark three scenes of high interest (the scene representing the initiation of the connection between the two characters, in which their fascination becomes mutual, the scene of female solidarity which involves a large group and the final scene, intensely lived by both characters but only as a hidden witness for one of them).

Directed by: Céline Sciamma
With: Noémie Merlant, Adèle Haenel, Luàna Bajrami, Valeria Golino

Rating: 9/10

Portrait de la jeune fille en feu / Portrait Of A Lady On Fire (2019)

O artista primeste sarcina de a picta portretul fiicei unei familii instarite pentru a servi casatoriei aranjate pentru aceasta.

Un film pe deplin feminist ce reuseste sa portretizeze putinele actiuni disponibile unei femei in trecut pentru a-si controla sau mentine un grad de libertate. Ideea de egalitate este evidenta in toate scenele de interactiune accentuand autenticiatea emotiilor. Incet dar intens, povestea se dezvolta mai ales pe plan vizual, ca analiza unui tablou peisagistic, lucru evidentiat prin accentul pe cadre largi, naturale, simple si minimaliste dar cu cele mai mici detalii vizibile, ce permite expresivitatii de netagaduit a celor doua actrite sa fie imposibil de omis. Lipsa aproape completa de muzica ajuta aceluiasi tel, muzica fiind folosita eficient doar pentru a puncta trei scene de interes (scena initiatica a legaturii celor doua personaje, in care fascinatia devine mutuala, scena de solidaritate feminina in grup si scena finala, traita intens de ambele personaje dar doar ca martor ascuns pentru personajul principal).

Regia: Céline Sciamma
Cu: Noémie Merlant, Adèle Haenel, Luàna Bajrami, Valeria Golino

Rating: 9/10