Thursday, April 29, 2021

Widows (2018)

Vaduvele unor criminali de cariera decid sa puna in miscare planul acestora pentru un ultim jaf.

Widows este o drama si un film tip heist, cu mult accent pe dramatic. Personajele sunt bogat caracterizate, dialogul este antrenant, intriga functioneaza, dar in final rezulta intr-un film cam inegal si dezorganizat, in couda numelor mari asociate cu productia. Finalul se doreste de tip twist dar e cam dezamagitor sau partial dezamagitor.

Regia:  Steve McQueen     
Cu: Viola Davis, Michelle Rodriguez, Elizabeth Debicki, Jon Bernthal, Robert Duvall, Colin Farrell,  Liam Neeson

Rating: 8/10

Widows (2018)

The widows of a gang of career criminals decide to set in motion their plan for a final robbery.

Widows is a heist drama, with a strong emphasis on the drama. The characters are richly portrayed and developed, the dialogue is engaging, the plot works, but in the end it results in a rather uneven and disorganized film, in spite of the big names associated with the production. The end is meant as a twist, but it's a bit disappointing or partially disappointing.

Director:  Steve McQueen     
With: Viola Davis, Michelle Rodriguez, Elizabeth Debicki, Jon Bernthal, Robert Duvall, Colin Farrell,  Liam Neeson

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Happy Death Day 2U (2019)

Tree este proaspat scapata din ciclul de repetitii ale zilei in care moare si ,in pragul descoperirii cauzei originare, redeschide un ciclu nou.

Urmare a lui Happy Death Day, filmul de fata reimprospateaza povestea cu idei demne de Doctor Who si Primer, inteligente in esenta, dar care cumva fac pelicula sa piarda din farmecul si originalitatea comica a primului film. Happy Death Day 2U este asadar o urmare ce chiar schimba naratiunea si merita urmarit de sine statator.

Regia:  Christopher Landon    
Cu: Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, Phi Vu, Suraj Sharma

Rating: 8/10

Happy Death Day 2U (2019)

Tree is freshly freed from the time loop of the day she dies and, on the verge of discovering the original cause, gets trapped in a fresh loop.

A sequel to Happy Death Day, this film refreshes the original story with new ideas worthy of Doctor Who and Primer, intelligent in essence, but which somehow make the film lose some of the charm and comic originality of the first one. Happy Death Day 2U is therefore a worthy sequel that really changes the narrative and is worth a watch all on its own.

Director:  Christopher Landon    
With: Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, Phi Vu, Suraj Sharma

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Miss Violence (2013)

O fata de familie buna se sinucide la implinirea de 12 ani.

Miss Violence este o drama in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, bazat pe o poveste adevarata zdruncinatoare. Evident ca scriitorii si regizorul fac in asa fel incat impresiile si sentimentele publicului sunt manipulate si merg in directia aparentelor, usor usor ducandu-l brusc spre finalul plin de revelatii socante. Aceasta separare a impresiilor nu e complet curata, si unele elemente ce precedeaza finalul chiar nu isi au locul acolo decat ca sa ne insele intr-un mod ce nu se leaga cu realitatea, dar efectul finalului e oarecum garantat prin aceste artificii.

Regia:  Alexandros Avranas    
Cu: Themis Panou, Reni Pittaki, Eleni Roussinou, Sissy Toumasi

Rating: 8/10

Miss Violence (2013)

A good family girl jumps to her death on the day she turns 12.

Miss Violence is a drama in the true sense of the word, based on a shocking true story. Obviously, the writers and the director do things in such a way that the impressions and feelings of the audience are manipulated and go in the direction of the appearances, slowly leading them to the sudden finale that's filled with shocking revelations. This separation of impressions is not completely clean so to say, and some of the elements that precede the end do not really have their place there except to deceive us in a way that doesn't really make sense considering the reality of things, but the effect of the finale is somewhat guaranteed by these artifices.

Director:  Alexandros Avranas    
With: Themis Panou, Reni Pittaki, Eleni Roussinou, Sissy Toumasi

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Lavender (2016)

Un accident de masina o ajuta pe Jane sa inceapa sa recupereze amintiri ale unei copilarii tragice, demult pierdute.

Un film dramatic etichetat de groaza pentru usorul uz de supranatural, dar mult prea melodramatic pentru a avea un astfel de efect. Povestea nu este nemaiauzita, dar este placuta de ajuns in constructia dramatica pentru a umple timpul favorabil.

Regia:  Ed Gass-Donnelly   
Cu: Dermot Mulroney, Abbie Cornish, Justin Long, Lola Flanery

Rating: 6/10

Lavender (2016)

A car accident forces Jane to start getting memories back from her long lost tragic childhood.

Lavender is a drama film labeled a horror for its light use of the supernatural, but it's far too melodramatic to have such an effect. The story is not particularly new, but it is pleasant enough in its dramatic construction to help fill the time in a pleasant way.

Director:  Ed Gass-Donnelly   
With: Dermot Mulroney, Abbie Cornish, Justin Long, Lola Flanery

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Us (2019)

O vacanta in familie se transforma in cosmar cand o dublura a fiecaruia incepe sa terorizeze comunitatea.

Un film de groaza cu adevarat diferit. Interesant si inteligent, foloseste idei complet originale ce duc cu gandul la The OA, imbarligate intr-un mod atat de intrigant, ca lipsa de teroare specifica genului, ridicolul intrigii si simplitatea tehnicilor sunt irelevante si fac loc suspansului si unui creier foarte ocupat in a lega faptele de explicatii  ce au sens in contextul oferit.

Regia:  Jordan Peele      
Cu: Lupita Nyong'o, Winston Duke, Elisabeth Moss, Tim Heidecker

Rating: 9/10

Us (2019)

A family vacation turns into a nightmare when a doppelganger of everyone begins to terrorize the community.

A really different horror movie. Interesting and clever, Us uses completely original ideas that remind us of The OA, tangled in such an intriguing way that the lack of the genre-specific terror, the ridiculousness of the plot and the simplicity of the techniques are irrelevant and give way to great suspense and a very busy brain, trying to link the facts to explanations that make sense in the context the film provides.

Director:  Jordan Peele      
With: Lupita Nyong'o, Winston Duke, Elisabeth Moss, Tim Heidecker

Rating: 9/10

Friday, April 16, 2021

Lifechanger (2018)

Un shapeshifter trece dintr-o "viata" in alta intr-o incercare disperata de a supravietui si a se revendica in fata celei pe care o iubeste.

Un eseu de filosofie mascat ca film de groaza. Filmul il arata pe protagonist intr-o lumina nefavorabila, ca si cum ar fi un ucigas fara sange, cand de fapt vina este a naturii ce nu i-a oferit o sansa de a invata mai mult despre bine si rau, empatie si adevarata dragoste pentru apropiati. Interesant dar mai putin deep decat se crede.

Regia:  Justin McConnell     
Cu: Lora Burke, Jack Foley, Elitsa Bako, Sam White

Rating: 6/10

Lifechanger (2018)

A shapeshifter goes from one "life" into another in a desperate fight for survival and in a continuous effort to redeem himself to the one he loves.

An essay on philosophy disguised as a horror film. The film shows the protagonist in an unfavorable light, as if he were a coldblooded killer, when in fact it is nature's fault for not giving him a chance to learn more about good and evil, empathy, sacrifice and the true love one can bear for their loved ones. Interesting but not as deep as the makers think.

Director:  Justin McConnell     
With: Lora Burke, Jack Foley, Elitsa Bako, Sam White

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Mara (2018)

Un psiholog politist are contact cu o mitologie obscura cand este insarcinata cu un caz al unei fetite ce si-a vazut tatal ucis.

Mara este un film de groaza supranatural despre un demon ce paralizeaza in somn. Mai bine facut decat Slumber (cu o tematica similara), Mara nu este perfect dar demonul portretizat de Javier Botet are efectul paralizant garantat si tot necesarul de infiorator si socant. Scenele de paralizie sunt bine facute si aproape la fel de eficiente ca aparitia lui Mara (demonul). In rest, povestea nu e grozava, un pic cusuta cu ata alba si fara prea mari surprize. Un buget mai mare si o echipa mai investita ar fi putut face probabil mai mult.

Regia:  Clive Tonge     
Cu: Olga Kurylenko, Craig Conway, Javier Botet, Rosie Fellner

Rating: 7/10

Mara (2018)

A police psychologist has contact with an obscure dark mythology when she is assigned the case of a little girl who saw her father killed.

Mara is a supernatural horror movie about a sleep paralyzing demon. Better made than Slumber (with a similar theme), Mara is not perfect but the demon portrayed by Javier Botet has the expected paralyzing effect and all the right amount of creepy and shocking. The sleep paralysis scenes are well done and almost as effective as the appearance of Mara (the demon). Otherwise, the story is not great, a bit just randomly thrown together and without too many surprises. A bigger budget and a more invested team would have probably fared better.

Director:  Clive Tonge     
With: Olga Kurylenko, Craig Conway, Javier Botet, Rosie Fellner

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Voces (2020)

Un cuplu ce renoveaza case se muta intr-o asa zisa "casa a vocilor", unde fiul lor este primul care observa zgomotele ciudate.

Voces este un film de groaza spaniol, ce pare sa fi avut multe resurse la dispozitie pentru a face ceva de calitate. Vizionabil, dar din pacate foarte usor de uitat din moment ce utilizeaza trucuri ale genului folosite si rasfolosite ce si-au pierdut farmecul. Usoara stangacie de ici si colo iarasi nu ajuta.

Regia:  Ángel Gómez Hernández      
Cu: Rodolfo Sancho, Ana Fernández, Ramón Barea, Belén Fabra

Rating: 6/10

Voces (2020)

A couple renovating houses move into a so-called "house of voices", where their son is the first to notice the strange noises everywhere.

Voces is a Spanish horror film, which seems to have had many resources at its disposal to make something of high quality. Watchable, but unfortunately very forgettable too since it uses genre tropes so often used that they've lost their touch and effect. The slight awkwardness here and there again does not help.

Director:  Ángel Gómez Hernández      
With: Rodolfo Sancho, Ana Fernández, Ramón Barea, Belén Fabra

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Sharp Objects (2018)

Camille primeste sarcina de a scrie despre locul ei natal in urma stirilor despre disparitia unor adolescente, fapt ce o pune fata in fata cu evenimente nefaste ale adolescentei proprii.

O miniserie tip drama si investigatie jurnalistica/politista. Bazat pe o carte de Gillian Flynn (din aceeasi trilogie ca si Gone Girl si Dark Places), Sharp Objects evolueaza din paginile cartii intr-o poveste cu totul fascinanta, ce caracterizeaza mica comunitate americana sudica si relatiile interumane/familiale intr-un mod intrigant, atmosferic si foarte detaliat, ceea ce cartea din pacate nu a reusit la fel de bine. Pentru cei ce prefera calatoria destinatiei, miniseria va fi un deliciu, pentru restul finalul va merita asteptarea (mai ales daca nu au citit cartea, ce are anumiti spoilers in functie de editie).

Regia:  Jean-Marc Vallée   
Productie:  HBO   
Creator:  Marti Noxon   
Durata:  1 sezon a cate 8 episoade (~1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Amy Adams, Patricia Clarkson, Chris Messina, Eliza Scanlen, Matt Craven, Henry Czerny, Elizabeth Perkins

Rating: 10/10

Sharp Objects (2018)

Camille is given the task of writing about her hometown following the news about the disappearance of a couple of teenagers, which puts her face to face with messy events from her own adolescence.

A drama-type miniseries that follows a journalistic / police investigation. Based on a book by Gillian Flynn (from the same trilogy as Gone Girl and Dark Places), Sharp Objects evolves from the pages of the book into a fascinating story that aptly depicts the character of the small Southern American community and the interpersonal / family relationships in it, in an intriguing, atmospheric and very detailed way, which unfortunately the book did not manage as well. For those who prefer to enjoy the journey rather than the destination, the miniseries will be a delight, for everyone else the ending will be worth the wait (especially if they haven't read the book, which has certain spoilers depending on which edition it is).

Director:  Jean-Marc Vallée   
Production:  HBO   
Creator:  Marti Noxon   
Duration:  1 season of 8 episodes (~1 hour each)   
With: Amy Adams, Patricia Clarkson, Chris Messina, Eliza Scanlen, Matt Craven, Henry Czerny, Elizabeth Perkins

Rating: 10/10

Monday, April 05, 2021

Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)

Dracula tries everything possible to prove that his grandson's vampiric side is the dominant one.

A family animation film, a sequel to the popular Hotel Transylvania, made famous 3 years before. Produced by and starring Adam Sandler, it was a guaranteed success from the beginning due to his presence, the vampirical appeal and a children's story with roots in modern problems. The film is nice, just right for the target audience.

Director:  Genndy Tartakovsky     
With: Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Selena Gomez, Kevin James

Rating: 8/10

Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)

Dracula face tot posibilul sa aduca jumatatea vampir a nepotului sau la suprafata.

O animatie de familie, urmare a popularului Hotel Transylvania, facut celebru cu 3 ani inainte. Produs si jucat de Adam Sandler, era un succes garantat de la inceput prin prezenta acestuia, atractia de origine vampirica si o poveste pentru copii cu radacini in probleme moderne. Filmul e dragut, numai bun pentru publicul tinta.

Regia:  Genndy Tartakovsky     
Cu: Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Selena Gomez, Kevin James

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, April 03, 2021

Instant Family (2018)

Un cuplu reusit, dar blocat in rutina, decide sa adopte o adolescenta ce vine la pachet cu doi frati mai mici.

O comedie ok, numai buna de o seara in familie. Ca film nu e deosebit, dar are "intentii bune" ceea ce e cumva un merit de sine statator. Cam multa atentie pe melodramatic, cu elementele de comedie deja consumate prin vizionarea trailer-ului, dar personajele si actorii sunt cu totii simpatici si timpul trece usor si placut.

Regia:  Sean Anders    
Cu: Mark Wahlberg, Rose Byrne, Isabela Merced, Gustavo Escobar

Rating: 7/10

Instant Family (2018)

A well paired couple, but stuck in a routine, decides to adopt a teenager who comes with two younger siblings.

An ok comedy, perfectly suited for a family evening. As a film it's not particularly special, but it has "good intentions" which is somehow a merit in itself. A tad too much attention on the melodramatic, with the elements of comedy already consumed by the time one's watched the trailer, but the characters and actors are all nice and entertaining and time passes easily and pleasantly.

Director:  Sean Anders    
With: Mark Wahlberg, Rose Byrne, Isabela Merced, Gustavo Escobar

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, April 01, 2021

Titans (2018– )

Aventurile unei echipe de supereroi tineri si adolescenti, adesea asociati ca sidekick ai unor supereroi arhicunoscuti.

Un serial ca multe din ultimii ani, bazat pe una din multele serii de benzi desenate, DC in cazul de fata. Spre deosebire de altele din acelasi univers (ca Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman), Titans este mai matur, mai serios, mai multi-fatetat si bine facut, in ciuda ironiei faptului ca eroii sunt in majoritate adolescenti. Sezonul doi nu este la fel de puternic ca primul, dar Titans nu si-a pierdut potentialul si atractia.

Regia:  Carol Banker si altii   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Greg Berlanti, Akiva Goldsman, Geoff Johns   
Durata:  2 sezoane a cate 11-13 episoade (45 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Brenton Thwaites, Teagan Croft, Anna Diop, Ryan Potter, Minka Kelly, Esai Morales, Rachel Nichols, Iain Glen

Rating: 8/10

Titans (2018– )

The adventures of a team of young and teenage superheroes, often associated as sidekicks of other well-known superheroes.

A series like many in recent years, based on one of the many existing comic book series, from the DC family in this case. Unlike others in the same universe (like Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman), Titans is more mature, more serious, more multi-faceted and better done, despite the irony that the current heroes are mostly teenagers. Season two is not as strong as the first, but the Titans have not lost their potential and attraction.

Director:  Carol Banker and others   
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Greg Berlanti, Akiva Goldsman, Geoff Johns   
Durata:  2 seasons of 11-13 episodes (45 minutes each)   
With: Brenton Thwaites, Teagan Croft, Anna Diop, Ryan Potter, Minka Kelly, Esai Morales, Rachel Nichols, Iain Glen

Rating: 8/10