Thursday, February 25, 2021

Brahms: The Boy II (2020)

O familie noua se muta la Heelshire Mansion, intr-o incercare de a se reface dupa experiente traumatice, dar evenimentele locale noi si vechi inca prezinta urme ale trecutului.

Un film de groaza destul de standard, urmarea lui The Boy. Primul film ne-a pus pe urma supranaturalului pentru ca apoi sa ne trezeasca cu un deznodamant mult mai natural, pe cand filmul de fata ne confirma ca aveam dreptate de la inceput. Interesant ca schimbare de 180 de grade de gen si stil, dar ca executie, Brahms duce lipsa de multe si se bazeaza prea mult pe clisee ale genului (i.e.: asa-zisele "jump scares").

Regia:  William Brent Bell   
Cu: Katie Holmes, Christopher Convery, Owain Yeoman, Ralph Ineson

Rating: 6/10

Brahms: The Boy II (2020)

A new family moves to Heelshire Mansion in an attempt to recover from traumatic experiences, but new and old local events still show traces of the past.

A fairly standard horror film, the sequel to The Boy. The first film put us on a thought trail of the supernatural kind and then abruptly woke us to a much natural outcome, while this film confirms that we were right all along. Interesting as a 180-degree change in genre and style, but when it comes to its execution, Brahms lacks much and it relies too much on genre tropes (i.e. the much dreaded "jump scares").

Director:  William Brent Bell   
With: Katie Holmes, Christopher Convery, Owain Yeoman, Ralph Ineson

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Order (2019–2020)

Un tanar dornic de razbunare se inscrie la o universitate dominata de o societate secreta, unde supranaturalul face parte din viata cotidiana.

Un serial despre supranatural si adolescenti si vraji si varcolaci. Destul de comun in zilele astea, mai ales in lumea atator obsesii dupa carti de tip Young Adult. Si totusi The Order merita mai mult. Cu un personaj principal oarecum antipatic si o echipa de productie ce nu pare constienta de principiul de retake (multe scene par filmate si pastrate de la prima incercare), serialul nu pare sa promita prea multe, dar dialogul istet si in zeflemea, restul personajelor ce sunt mult mai captivante si bine puse in valoare precum si interactiunea distractiva a acestora fac rabdarea unui inceput oarecum incet sa fie rasplatita in mod neasteptat. 
Daca Netflix (sau scenaristii) si-ar fi dat seama din timp pe ce sa puna accent, poate The Order nu ar fi fost anulat dupa doar 2 sezoane.

Regia:  Leslie Hope si altii  
Productie:  Netflix  
Creator:  Dennis Heaton, Shelley Eriksen    
Durata:  2 sezoane a cate 10 episoade (45 de minute fiecare)   
Cu: Jake Manley, Sarah Grey, Adam DiMarco, Louriza Tronco, Katharine Isabelle, Thomas Elms, Devery Jacobs, Max Martini

Rating: 7/10

The Order (2019–2020)

A young man eager for revenge enrolls in a university dominated by a secret society, where the supernatural is part of everyday life.

A series about the supernatural and teenagers and spells and werewolves. Quite common these days, especially in the world of such a strong Young Adult books mania. And yet The Order deserves a bit more. With a somewhat unlikeable main character and a production team that doesn't seem to be aware of the principle of retakes (many scenes seem filmed and wrapped up from the first try), the series doesn't seem to promise much, but the clever and bantery dialogue, the rest of the much more captivating and well developed characters as well as their fun interaction make one's patience over a somewhat slow start damn worthwhile.
If Netflix (or the screenwriters) had figured out in good time what the focus of the story should be, maybe The Order wouldn't have been canceled after only 2 seasons.

Director:  Leslie Hope and others  
Production:  Netflix  
Creator:  Dennis Heaton, Shelley Eriksen    
Duration:  2 seasons of 10 episodes each (45 minutes long)   
With: Jake Manley, Sarah Grey, Adam DiMarco, Louriza Tronco, Katharine Isabelle, Thomas Elms, Devery Jacobs, Max Martini

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Escape Room (2019)

Saze indivizi primesc o invitatie misterioasa pentru a participa la un Escape Room popular, dar jocul devine serios.

A fost o mare de filme in ultimii ani bazate pe ideea de Escape Room cu un twist, majoritatea de o calitate indoielnica. Filmul de fata adera oarecum mai tarziu la aceasta moda, dar le da clasa la toate. Este inteligent, captivant, amintind adesea de un Cube timpuriu, si cu toate defectele ce sunt intr-adevar totusi prezente, este un succes in ceea ce priveste entertainmentul si suspansul garantat privitorului.

Regia:  Adam Robitel    
Cu: Taylor Russell, Logan Miller, Jay Ellis, Tyler Labine, Deborah Ann Woll

Rating: 9/10

Escape Room (2019)

Six individuals receive a mysterious invitation to participate in a popular Escape Room, but the play turns serious.

There have been a  variety of ​​horrors in recent years based on the idea of ​​an escape room gone wrong, most of a questionable quality. The current film adheres somewhat late to this fashion, but could teach all of those a lesson. It is intelligent, captivating, often reminiscent of an early Cube vibe, and even with all its flaws which aren't exactly missing, it's a real success when it comes to entertainment and suspense that ate guaranteed to the viewer.

Director:  Adam Robitel    
With: Taylor Russell, Logan Miller, Jay Ellis, Tyler Labine, Deborah Ann Woll

Rating: 9/10

Friday, February 19, 2021

The Hole in the Ground (2019)

O mama traieste cu fiul sau intr-un satuc in Irlanda si incepe sa creada ca acesta nu este fiul ei.

Inca o poveste de groaza ce implica copii cu schimbari de comportament. Ideea de changeling a devenit foarte comuna si desi filmul prezinta cateva atuu-ri in ceea ce priveste atmosfera, calitatea imaginii si cinematografia, povestea e atat de obosita ca acestea nu prea ajuta in a ridica filmul din mediocritate.

Regia:  Lee Cronin   
Cu: Seána Kerslake, James Quinn Markey, Kati Outinen, David Crowley, James Cosmo

Rating: 6/10

The Hole in the Ground (2019)

A mother who lives with her son in a small Irish village begins to believe that he is not really her boy anymore.

Another horror story involving children with behavioral changes. The idea of ​​changeling has become so very common these days and although the film has some good elements working for it in terms of atmosphere, image quality and cinematography, the story is so tired that these do not help much in lifting the film from mediocrity.

Director:  Lee Cronin   
With: Seána Kerslake, James Quinn Markey, Kati Outinen, David Crowley, James Cosmo

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Ozark (2017 - )

Un consultant financiar este fortat de imprejurari sa isi mute familia in Ozark pentru a gasi metode rapide si eficiente de a spala bani pentru seful sau, cap al unui cartel de traficanti de droguri .

Un serial eficient, in spiritul lui Breaking Bad  sau Peaky Blinders sau The Sopranos. Cu personaje bine definite, aparent doar oameni obisnuiti initial, rapiti din normalul lor de zi cu zi, si fortati de imprejurari sa isi (re)descopere abilitati inedite, Ozark ofera o excursie in afara normalului privitorilor, binevenita fiind fara riscurile de care protagonistii se lovesc frecvent, dar plina de suspans si respiratie taiata oricum. Serialul nu este un roller-coaster constant, si are momente de taraganare enervanta din cand in cand, dar fiecare din aceste episoade sunt bine contracarate de desfasurari de evenimente intense ce aproape le anuleaza sau rezulta intr-un echilibru binevenit.

Regia: Jason Bateman si altii
Productie: Netflix   
Creator:  Bill Dubuque, Mark Williams   
Durata: 3 sezoane a cate 10 episoade (~1 ora fiecare); sezonul 4 va avea 14 episoade
Cu: Jason Bateman, Laura Linney, Julia Garner, Sofia Hublitz, Lisa Emery, Janet McTeer, Skylar Gaertner

Rating: 9/10

Ozark (2017 - )

A financial consultant is forced by circumstances to move his family to Ozark in order to find quick and efficient new ways to launder money for his boss, the head of a drug cartel .

An effective series, in the spirit of Breaking Bad or Peaky Blinders or The Sopranos. With well-defined characters, apparently just ordinary people initially, removed abruptly from their daily routine, and forced by circumstances to (re)discover unique skills, Ozark offers an out-of-the-ordinary trip for the viewer, welcome without the risks that the protagonists face frequently, but full of suspense and shortness of breath nevertheless. The series is not a constant roller-coaster, and has some annoying dragging episodes from time to time, but each of these are well counteracted by intense stages of action filled events that almost cancel them out or result in a well received balance.

Directed by: Jason Bateman and others
Production: Netflix   
Creator:  Bill Dubuque, Mark Williams   
Duration: 3 seasons of 10 episodes (~1 hour each); season 4 will have 14 episodes
With: Jason Bateman, Laura Linney, Julia Garner, Sofia Hublitz, Lisa Emery, Janet McTeer, Skylar Gaertner

Rating: 9/10

Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Prodigy (2019)

Schimbarile ingrijoratoare de comportament ale fiului sau, o fac pe o mama sa caute solutii in departamente neobisnuite.

Un film horror/thriller ce adesea aminteste de elemente ale Child's Play cel original. Are cateva idei originale si merge pentru o vizionare neinvestita, dar ceva ii lipseste pentru a deveni ceva mai mult decat clisee si repetitii.

Regia:  Nicholas McCarthy    
Cu: Taylor Schilling, Jackson Robert Scott, Peter Mooney, Colm Feore

Rating: 6/10

The Prodigy (2019)

Her son's worrying behavioral changes make a mother look for solutions in unusual avenues.

A horror / thriller film that often reminds the viewer of elements of the original Child's Play. It has some original ideas and it works OK for an uninvested viewing, but it just lacks something more consistent in order to become more than just clichés and repetitions.

Director:  Nicholas McCarthy    
With: Taylor Schilling, Jackson Robert Scott, Peter Mooney, Colm Feore

Rating: 6/10

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Cruel Peter (2019)

Un arheolog se muta temporar in Italia cu fiica sa pentru un proiect, in incercarea de a isi regasi legatura emotionala cu aceasta, dar istoria locala are propriile planuri.

O coproductie italo-engleza ce rezulta intr-un film de groaza destul de placut, in ciuda celor cateva probleme: o intunecime exagerata a imaginii ce nu are efectul planuit ci dimpotriva si o oarecare dezvoltare inceata a actiunii. Altfel, poveste este intriganta, personajele de ajuns de colorate si misterul exista si este bine intretinut.

Regia:  Christian Bisceglia, Ascanio Malgarini     
Cu: Angelica Alleruzzo, Antonio Alveario, Aran Bevan, Alessio Bonaffini

Rating: 7/10

Cruel Peter (2019)

An archaeologist temporarily moves to Italy with his daughter for a project, in an attempt to restore his emotional connection to her, but the local history has its own plans.

An English/Italian co-production that resulted in a rather pleasant horror film, despite its few issues: an exaggerated darkness of the image that does not have the intended effect, quite the opposite and a certain slowness of the story's progress. Otherwise, the subject is intriguing enough, the characters are colorful enough and the mystery is tangible and is well maintained.

Directors:  Christian Bisceglia, Ascanio Malgarini     
With: Angelica Alleruzzo, Antonio Alveario, Aran Bevan, Alessio Bonaffini

Rating: 7/10

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

The Lighthouse (2019)

Doi paznici de far in New England in timpul anilor 1890 isi tin companie incercand din greu sa isi retina un oarecare echilibru mental.

Un film drama horror cutremurator. Avand la baza diferite fapte reale din diverse evenimente ale trecutului, The Lighthouse e practic e o reproducere artistica a actului de a deveni nebun in izolare si conditii grele. Povestea e bine scrisa si intretinuta eficient de raportul celor doi actori ce impresioneaza iar cu partituri foarte grele. Vizual, desi alb negru pe un raport de aspect de 1.19 : 1, este violent si foarte descriptiv emotional, sentimentele tumultoase fiind la ordinea zilei.

Regia:  Robert Eggers    
Cu: Robert Pattinson, Willem Dafoe, Valeriia Karaman, Logan Hawkes

Rating: 8/10

The Lighthouse (2019)

Two lighthouse keepers in New England during the 1890s keep each other company, trying hard to maintain some trace of mental balance.

A mesmerizing horror drama. Based on various accounts from real past events, The Lighthouse is practically an artistic reproduction of the act of going crazy in isolation and difficult living conditions. The story is very well written and efficiently maintained by the rapport of the two actors who impress again with very difficult and striking performances. Visually, although black and white on an aspect ratio of 1.19: 1, the film feels violent and very emotionally descriptive, tumultuous feelings of all kinds being the order of the day.

Director:  Robert Eggers    
With: Robert Pattinson, Willem Dafoe, Valeriia Karaman, Logan Hawkes

Rating: 8/10

Monday, February 08, 2021

Pet Sematary (2019)

Un doctor si familia sa se muta la tara pentru mai multa liniste si timp in familie, dar surprizele tot apar odata ce descopera un cimitir pentru animale pe proprietate.

Un remake al unui film de groaza clasic, bazat pe un roman al lui Stephen King bine-cunoscut. Povestea pare ceva mai bine construita decat filmul anterior si efectele speciale si atmosfera sunt mai moderne si mai potrivite pentru misterul si tonul sumbru cerute de subiectul de fata. Filmul nu duce lipse de defectele proprii dar este o imbunatatire clara fata de ecranizarea anterioara, mai ales daca ne referim la talentul evident al copiilor implicati.

Regia:  Kevin Kölsch, Dennis Widmyer     
Cu: Jason Clarke, Amy Seimetz, John Lithgow, Jeté Laurence

Rating: 7/10

Pet Sematary (2019)

A doctor moves with his family to the country side in search for more peace and family quality time, but weird things keep happening once they discover a pet cemetery on their property.

A remake of a classic horror film, based on a well-known novel by Stephen King. The story seems a bit better constructed than the previous film and the special effects and atmosphere have a more modern feel and are better suited for the mystery and dark tone required by the subject matter. The film isn't without its own flaws but it is a clear improvement over the previous adaptation, especially if one refers to the obvious talent of the children involved.

Directors:  Kevin Kölsch, Dennis Widmyer     
With: Jason Clarke, Amy Seimetz, John Lithgow, Jeté Laurence

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, February 07, 2021

The Transfiguration (2016)

Milo este un adolescent cu probleme serioase, obsedat de vampiri, dar lumea si sistemul dupa care traieste ii sunt date peste cap cand o intalneste pe Sophie, o tanara naiva cu probleme.

O drama thriller/horror greu de clasificat. Personajul principal nu este unul cu care publicul s-ar putea identifica dar a trai dupa alegerile bazate pe o convingere gresita ar putea fi un trend destul de comun. Milo este introvertit, victima a unor drame personale, dar in esenta de o natura oarecum autista, lipsita de empatie, chiar psihopata din pricina tendintelor evidente (istorie de ranit animale, usurinta cu care ucide straini si altele). Frumusetea filmului vine din felul in care aparitia lui Sophie ii schimba viata, ce de fapt nu inseamna ca isi schimba natura si obiceiurile ci intelege ca ce a ales sa faca si sa creada nu e corect.

Regia:  Michael O'Shea   
Cu: Eric Ruffin, Karin Cherches, Luis Scott, Dangelo Bonneli

Rating: 7/10

The Transfiguration (2016)

Milo is a teenager with serious problems, obsessed with vampires, but his world and the system of believes that he lives by are turned upside down when he meets Sophie - a naive young woman, also with problems.

A thriller / horror drama that's quite hard to classify. The main character is not one that the public could identify with but living with choices based on misguided beliefs could be a fairly common trend. Milo is an introvert, the victim of many personal dramas, but essentially he's somewhat of an autistic nature, lacking empathy, even psychopathic based on some of his obvious tendencies (history of injuring animals, the ease with which he kills strangers and others). The beauty of the film comes from the way Sophie's appearance changes his life, which in fact does not mean that she changes his nature and habits, but makes him understand indirectly that what he chose to do and live by is not right.

Director:  Michael O'Shea   
With: Eric Ruffin, Karin Cherches, Luis Scott, Dangelo Bonneli

Rating: 7/10

Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Supernatural: Season 14 (2020)

Dean este controlat de Arhanghelul Michael din cealalta realitate, iar Jack, Sam si Castiel fac tot posibilul si imposibilul sa il elibereze fara a pune planeta in pericol.

Un sezon nou din serialul mult iubit horror, ce cumva pare sa se intoarca la radacini: episoadele "monstrul saptamanii" sunt ceva mai frecvente, episoadele cu aspecte umoristice nu mai sunt raritati si personaje vechi revin pentru scurt timp. Povestea principala este in schimb cam inceata si plina de repetitii si actiuni ce rezulta in zero schimbari, si abia spre final incepe sa dea semne de a deveni ceva mai epica, exact la timp pentru un final tip cliffhanger, amplificat in mod evident de scurtarea abrupta a sezonului la numai 20 de episoade.

Regia:  Robert Singer si altii   
Productie:  CW   
Creator:  Eric Kripke   
Durata:  sezonul 14 de 20 de episoade (42 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jim Beaver, Misha Collins, Alexander Calvert,  Mark Pellegrino, Samantha Smith, Ruth Connell

Rating: 8/10

Supernatural: Season 14 (2020)

Dean is under Archangel-Michael-from-the-other-side's control, and Jack, Sam and Castiel do everything possible and impossible to free him without endangering the planet.

A new season of the much-loved horror series, which somehow seems to return to its roots: the "monster of the week" episodes are a bit more frequent, the humorous episodes are no longer a rarity and old characters return for a short while. The main story is instead a bit slow and full of repetitions and actions that result in zero changes, and only towards the season finale does it start to show signs of becoming a bit more epic, just in time for a cliffhanger ending, amplified by the abrupt shortening of the season to only 20 episodes.

Director:  Robert Singer and others   
Production:  CW   
Creator:  Eric Kripke   
Duration:  season 14 of 20 episodes (42 minutes each)   
With: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jim Beaver, Misha Collins, Alexander Calvert,  Mark Pellegrino, Samantha Smith, Ruth Connell

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

Batalia dintre Jedi si Sith ajunge la final, cu revenirea unor dusmani vechi si descoperirea puterii abilitatilor ultimului Jedi - Rey.

Ultimul film din serie. In sfarsit, finalul. Un pic mai plin de continut fata de predecesorul si cu un pic mai mult suflet, Episodul IX a impresionat audienta ceva mai mult. Ca si in cazul episodului antecedent, raportul Rey-Kylo Ren si influenta lor reciproca este lipiciul si inima povestii, restul e umplutura.

Regia:  J.J. Abrams     
Cu: Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Richard E. Grant, Lupita Nyong'o, Domhnall Gleeson, Keri Russell, Ian McDiarmid

Rating: 8/10

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

The battle between the Jedi and the Sith comes to an end, with the return of some old enemies and the uncovering of the wide range of the last of the Jedi's abilities.

The last movie in the series. Finally, the end. A tad fuller content wise than its predecessor and with a little more heart, Episode IX impressed the audience a bit more. Same as with the previous episode, the Rey-Kylo Ren rapport and their mutual influence is the heart and soul of the story, the rest is just padding.

Director:  J.J. Abrams     
With: Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Richard E. Grant, Lupita Nyong'o, Domhnall Gleeson, Keri Russell, Ian McDiarmid

Rating: 8/10