Sunday, August 30, 2020

I See You (2019)

Un detectiv obosit se infrunta cu probleme in familie dar si cu un caz ciudat de disparitii de copii.

Un thriller cu o idee interesanta ce pur si simplu nu este pusa in valoare cum merita. Filmul este o sansa ratata la un suspans bine plasat si satisfacator, dar producatorii se multumesc sa se bazeze doar pe ideea twist cu imaginatie minima in ceea ce priveste executia. Probabil va prinde foarte bine la cei ce nu gusta genul de obicei.

Regia:  Adam Randall      
Cu: Helen Hunt, Jon Tenney, Judah Lewis, Owen Teague

Rating: 7/10

I See You (2019)

A tired detective has to face family problems but also a strange series of missing children.

A thriller with an interesting idea that simply isn't given enough support to do it justice. The film is a missed chance for a well-placed and satisfying suspense, but the makers are instead content to count on the twist idea alone with minimal imagination in terms of execution. It will probably go quite well with those who do not usually have a taste for the genre.

Director:  Adam Randall      
With: Helen Hunt, Jon Tenney, Judah Lewis, Owen Teague

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Hitman: Agent 47 (2015)

Fiica unui geneticist ce a creat asasini programati trebuie sa aleaga in cine sa aiba incredere: unul din acei asasini sau dusmanul acestuia.

Un film de actiune destul de standard, bazat pe un joc video popular. Nu este ceva special dar umple 96 de minute cu actiune ok, o intriga interesanta si un deznodamant acceptabil si istet.

Jürgen Prochnow apare intamplator intr-un rol mic si nesemnificativ.

Regia:  Aleksander Bach      
Cu: Rupert Friend, Hannah Ware, Zachary Quinto, Ciarán Hinds, Thomas Kretschmann

Rating: 7/10

Hitman: Agent 47 (2015)

The daughter of a geneticist who created programmed assassins must choose who to trust: one of those assassins or his enemy.

A fairly standard action movie, based on a popular video game. It's not something special but it fills 96 minutes with ok action, an interesting plot and an acceptable and clever ending.

Jürgen Prochnow also happens to appear in a small and insignificant role.

Director:  Aleksander Bach      
With: Rupert Friend, Hannah Ware, Zachary Quinto, Ciarán Hinds, Thomas Kretschmann

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Upgrade (2018)

Intr-un viitor apropiat, Grey este un tip de moda veche ce cauta razbunare dupa ce sotia ii este ucisa.

Un film de actiune SF, bine facut, coerent, bazat pe o realitate nu chiar atat de implauzibila, cu un final numai pe jumatate predictibil. Personajele sunt creionate superficial dar indeajuns pentru tipul acesta de film, focusul fiind pus pe secventele de actiune ce sunt simple dar foarte eficiente si cu un impact bine gandit, fara a ingreuna imaginile cu prea multe efecte speciale.

Regia:  Leigh Whannell   
Cu: Logan Marshall-Green, Melanie Vallejo, Steve Danielsen, Abby Craden

Rating: 8/10

Upgrade (2018)

In a near future, Grey is an old-fashioned guy looking for revenge after his wife is killed.

A well-made, coherent, action-packed Sci-Fi film based on a not-so-implausible reality, with only a half-predictable ending. The characters are superficially drawn but that's sufficient for this type of film, the focus being on the action sequences that are simple but very effective and with a well thought out impact, without over-complicating the scenes with too many special effects.

Director:  Leigh Whannell   
With: Logan Marshall-Green, Melanie Vallejo, Steve Danielsen, Abby Craden

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Gifted (2017)

Un unchi ce isi creste nepoata super dotata este nevoit sa o trimita la scoala pentru a o incuraja sa aibe o viata normala dar deschide poarta pentru interventii nedorite ale apropiatilor.

Un film drama cu destula sare si piper pentru a atrage gusturi variate. Bine jucat si cu personaje usor de placut, filmul se concentreaza pe lumea din jurul unui copil special, fiecare individ crezand ca stie mai bine de ce are nevoie. Simpatic, cu destul umor si cateva lacrimi, Gifted nu isi va lasa spectatorii nepasatori.

Regia:  Marc Webb   
Cu: Chris Evans, Mckenna Grace, Lindsay Duncan, Octavia Spencer

Rating: 8/10

Gifted (2017)

An uncle who's raising his gifted niece is forced to send her to school to encourage her to have a normal life but inadvertently opens the door for unwanted interventions from relatives.

A drama film with enough salt and pepper to attract various viewer tastes. Well written and performed, and with easy-to-like characters, the film focuses on the world around a special child, each individual believing that they know better what the child needs. Cute, with sufficient humor and a few tears, Gifted will not leave its viewers indifferent.

Director:  Marc Webb   
With: Chris Evans, Mckenna Grace, Lindsay Duncan, Octavia Spencer

Rating: 8/10

Monday, August 17, 2020

Sang Krasue / Inhuman Kiss (2019)

Intr-un satuc tailandez, legenda lui Krasue ia viata cand Sai este infectata, capul ei detasandu-se noaptea pentru a vana.

Un film de groaza mai mult fantezie decat de speriat, cu accente interesante pe romantism si lipsa de toleranta. Filmat in culori interesante, legenda este originala si mentine curiozitatea pana la final. Lipsa de suspans real sau surprize si abundenta de clisee il fac oarecum un exemplu slabut al categoriei de care apartine.

Regia:  Sitisiri Mongkolsiri   
Cu: Phantira Pipityakorn, Oabnithi Wiwattanawarang, Sapol Assawamunkong 

Rating: 7/10

Sang Krasue / Inhuman Kiss (2019)

In a Thai village, the legend of Krasue comes to life when Sai is infected, her head detaching at night to hunt.

A horror film that's more fantasy than scary, with interesting accents on romance and intolerance. Filmed in interesting colors, the legend is original and it maintains the viewer's curiosity until the end. The lack of real suspense or surprises though and the abundance of clichés make it a weak example of the category of film to which it belongs.

Director:  Sitisiri Mongkolsiri   
With: Phantira Pipityakorn, Oabnithi Wiwattanawarang, Sapol Assawamunkong 

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Angel (1999–2004)

Angel isi continua aventurile dupa ce a parasit Sunnydale la finalul sezonului 3 din Buffy si se muta in Los Angeles unde isi creeaza o echipa de investigatii.

Un serial copil al lui Buffy The Vampire Slayer ce muta un personaj preaiubit in prim plan. Foarte popular la vremea lui, Angel nu se ridica la nivelul lui Buffy, incercand o formula noua, mai matura si complexa de a continua reteta de "monstrul saptamanii", fapt ce lucreaza impotriva sa, deoarece ambitiile de productie au trebuit limitate de dezvoltarea tehnica a vremii si constrictiile financiare impuse de producatori. Pe alocuri aberant, cu mai putin umor (de succes) decat serialul mama, Angel a creat personaje noi, adesea fascinante (Fred) si a folosit si transformat personaje vechi, adesea in mod ridicol, cu rezultate mixte (Cordelia). Serialul in mare este cam pestrit cu calitate imprastiata, cu imbunatatiri evidente spre finalul seriei, cand chiar motivul suspendarii a fost faptul ca a devenit prea scump.

Productie:  The WB   
Creator:  David Greenwalt, Joss Whedon   
Durata:  5 sezoane a cate 22 episoade (42 minute fiecare)   
Cu: David Boreanaz, Charisma Carpenter, Alexis Denisof, Andy Hallett, Amy Acker, J. August Richards, Stephanie Romanov, Vincent Kartheiser, James Marsters, Christian Kane, Julie Benz, Mercedes McNab, Elisabeth Röhm, Glenn Quinn, Juliet Landau, Eliza Dushku, Adam Baldwin, Gina Torres

Rating: 7/10

Angel (1999–2004)

Angel continues his adventures after leaving Sunnydale at the end of season 3 of Buffy and moves to Los Angeles where he starts an investigation company.

A spin-off series from the Buffy The Vampire Slayer universe that places a beloved character in the foreground. Very popular in his time, Angel did not rise to the level of Buffy, with its experimenting with a new, more mature and complex formula that follows the same "monster of the week" recipe, which actually works against it, because the production ambitions had to be limited by the technical development at the time and the financial constraints imposed by the producers. Sometimes aberrant, with less (successful) humor than its mother series, Angel created new characters, often fascinating (Fred) and used and transformed old characters, sometimes in a ridiculous way, with mixed results (Cordelia). The series in general is a bit motley with scattered quality, with obvious improvements towards the end of the series, when the very reason for the cancellation was the fact that it became too expensive.

Production:  The WB   
Creator:  David Greenwalt, Joss Whedon   
Duration:  5 seasons of 22 episodes (42 minutes each)   
With: David Boreanaz, Charisma Carpenter, Alexis Denisof, Andy Hallett, Amy Acker, J. August Richards, Stephanie Romanov, Vincent Kartheiser, James Marsters, Christian Kane, Julie Benz, Mercedes McNab, Elisabeth Röhm, Glenn Quinn, Juliet Landau, Eliza Dushku, Adam Baldwin, Gina Torres

Rating: 7/10

Friday, August 14, 2020

VFW (2019)

Un grup de veterani sunt nevoiti sa apere o tanara ce se refugiaza in barul lor, in fuga de niste traficanti periculosi.

Un film in clasicul stil grindhouse, stilul copilariei lui Quentin Tarantino. Intr-un context ce pare o realitate paralela, actiunea este constanta, fara un ritm anume sau logica, si pune actori mereu pe planul doi in alte filme consacrate in prim plan, cu replici obosite de eroi americani tipici si sansa de a-si da personajelor un final de glorie limitata. In teorie filmul ar fi trebuit sa functioneze minunat, cu actorii facand treaba buna, dar scenariul pur si simplu nu este satisfacator, rezultand intr-un film efectiv plictisitor, cu toata pierderea de sange, spartul obscen de capete si atitudinile megalomane.
Ar trebui să obțină puncte suplimentare pentru autenticitate, deoarece calitatea imaginii, tonul sumbru general și coloana sonoră sunt foarte fidele conceptului de grindhouse.

Regia: Joe Begos   
Cu:  Stephen Lang, William Sadler, Fred Williamson, Martin Kove, David Patrick Kelly, George Wendt, Tom Williamson, Sierra McCormick, Travis Hammer, Dora Madison

Rating: 6/10

VFW (2019)

A group of veterans are forced to defend a young woman who takes refuge in their bar, fleeing from some dangerous traffickers.

A film in the classic grindhouse style, Quentin Tarantino's childhood focus. In a context that seems like a parallel universe, the action is never stopping, without any certain rhythm or logic, and always moves actors normally in the background in better known films in the foreground, giving them tired lines of typical American heroes and the chance to give their characters an exit of limited glory. In theory, the film should have worked great, with the actors doing a good job, but the script is simply unsatisfactory, resulting in an actually boring film, even with all the blood loss, obscene head smashing  and the megalomaniacal attitudes.
It should get extra points for authenticity though as the picture quality, overall darkness and the soundtrack are very true to the grindhouse concept.

Director: Joe Begos   
With:  Stephen Lang, William Sadler, Fred Williamson, Martin Kove, David Patrick Kelly, George Wendt, Tom Williamson, Sierra McCormick, Travis Hammer, Dora Madison

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Dexter (2006–2013)

Dexter este un individ tacut ce ziua lucreaza ca analist criminalistic pentru politia din Miami si noaptea urmareste si ucide criminali.

Un serial inteligent despre un justitiar un pic diferit si mult mai aproape de adevarata problema morala decat in multe seriale populare in care subiectul este atins numai superficial sau deloc. Serialul este excelent scris cu un format bine ales de tipul "inamicul sezonului", in care un personaj nou (negativ sau chiar pozitiv in unele cazuri) devine centrul atentiei prin antagonism cu personajul principal, timp in care Dexter ne intra pe sub piele incontestabil, datorita complexitatii personalitatii sale in efect defectiva dar aproape inocenta din multe puncte de vedere.
De remarcat ca Dexter este insotit de o echipa extrem de abila de actori, atat invitati de sezon si permanenti, in frunte cu o Jennifer Carpenter de zile mari (sora lui Dexter), ce dau viata personajelor variate si bine creionate.

Productie:  SHOWTIME  
Creator:  James Manos Jr.  
Durata: 8 sezoane de 12 episoade (de aproximativ 50+ minute) 
Cu: Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, David Zayas, James Remar, Desmond Harrington, Julie Benz, Luna Lauren Velez, C.S. Lee, Yvonne Strahovski, Keith Carradine, Jimmy Smits, Colin Hanks, John Lithgow, Julia Stiles, Charlotte Rampling, Edward James Olmos, Ray Stevenson, Jaime Murray, Johnny Lee Miller

Rating: 10/10

Dexter (2006–2013)

Dexter is a quiet individual who works as a forensic analyst for the Miami police during the day and pursues and punishes killers at night.

An intelligent series about a vigilante that's a tad different while being much closer to the real moral issue at hand than many popular vigilante shows in which the subject is only superficially or not at all touched. The series is excellently written with a well-chosen "enemy of the season" format, in which a new character (negative or even positive in some cases) becomes the center of attention by antagonism with the main character, while Dexter undeniably gets under our skin, due to the complexity of his personality which is in fact defective but almost innocent in so many ways.
It should be noted that Dexter is accompanied by an extremely skilled team of actors, both season guest stars and permanent, led by a magnificent Jennifer Carpenter (Dexter's sister), who give life to such different and well-written characters.

Production:  SHOWTIME  
Creator:  James Manos Jr.  
Duration: 8 seasons of 12 episodes each (approximately 50+ minutes per episode) 
With: Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, David Zayas, James Remar, Desmond Harrington, Julie Benz, Luna Lauren Velez, C.S. Lee, Yvonne Strahovski, Keith Carradine, Jimmy Smits, Colin Hanks, John Lithgow, Julia Stiles, Charlotte Rampling, Edward James Olmos, Ray Stevenson, Jaime Murray, Johnny Lee Miller

Rating: 10/10

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Hush (2016)

O scriitoare surdo-muto ce traieste izolat este atacata de un criminal mascat.

Un film horror de tip slasher/invadare a casei ce poarta semnatura celui ce ne-a dat The Haunting Of Hill House si Gerald's Game. Cu un suspans bine construit si idei originale, vizionarea nu e lipsita de frustrari legate de anumite alegeri ale personajului, impuse doar din ratiuni stilistice mai degraba decat logice sau satisfactia vizionarii. Un pic dezamagitor din cauza asteptarilor mari dar in final un film reusit ce reuseste sa fie real fara a impinge limitele plauzibilului.

Regia:  Mike Flanagan    
Cu: John Gallagher Jr., Kate Siegel, Michael Trucco, Samantha Sloyan

Rating: 7/10

Hush (2016)

A deaf-mute writer living in isolation is attacked by a masked killer.

A horror film of the slasher/home invasion flavour that bears the signature of the man who gave us The Haunting Of Hill House and Gerald's Game. With well-constructed suspense and original ideas, its watching is not without frustrations related to certain choices the main character makes, imposed only for stylistic reasons rather than logical or viewer satisfaction. The film is a little disappointing because of the high expectations but overall a successful one that manages to be real without pushing the limits of plausibility.

Director:  Mike Flanagan    
With: John Gallagher Jr., Kate Siegel, Michael Trucco, Samantha Sloyan

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, August 08, 2020

Eli (2019)

Un baiat ce trebuie sa traiasca izolat complet este dus de familia sa intr-o locatie noua, unde o procedura revolutionara ar putea sa il vindece, dar incepe sa aiba indoieli legate de realitatea ce il inconjoara.

Un film horror aparent traditional, ce isi schimba stilul pe la jumatate. Are ceva gauri in intriga si e un pic defectiv in executie dar tranzitia cu success de stil si gen de la final ridica mult calitatea totala si efectul satisfacator asupra privitorului. Elementele horror sunt eficiente si bine facute, misterul este palpabil iar finalul neasteptat. Extrem de multe bile albe pentru amatorii genului.

Regia:  Ciarán Foy    
Cu: Charlie Shotwell, Kelly Reilly, Max Martini, Lili Taylor

Rating: 8/10

Eli (2019)

A boy who has to live in complete isolation is taken by his family to a new location, where a revolutionary procedure could cure him for good, but he begins to have doubts about the reality around him.

A seemingly traditional horror film, which changes its style about halfway. It has a few plot holes and a somewhat flawed execution but the very successful transition of style and genre at the end improves the overall quality and the satisfactory effect on the viewer by a great deal. The horror elements are effective and well done, the mystery is palpable and the ending unexpected. That is a considerable amount of brownie points for the fans of the horror genre.

Director:  Ciarán Foy    
With: Charlie Shotwell, Kelly Reilly, Max Martini, Lili Taylor

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Blockers (2018)

Trei parinti apropiati datorita prieteniei fiicelor lor se unesc in incercarea de a le opri planurile de a-si pierde virginitatea in noaptea balului.

Un film comedie mai mult sau mai putin verosimil ce pune niste parinti carismatici in situatii comice in telul mai mult sau mai putin scuzabil de a controla viata copiilor lor. Nu este o comedie speciala, ci chiar foloseste adesea clisee si glume obosite, dar personajele sunt facute atat de simpatice de actorii ce le dau viata, ca multe sunt iertate si filmul poate fi savurat cu usuratatea necesara.

Regia:  Kay Cannon   
Cu: Leslie Mann, John Cena, Ike Barinholtz, Kathryn Newton

Rating: 8/10

Blockers (2018)

Three parents brought together by their daughters' friendship unite in an attempt to stop their plans to lose their virginity on prom night.

A more or less plausible comedy film that puts some charismatic parents in comical situations while pursuing their more or less excusable goal of controlling the lives of their children. It's not particularly special, as it often uses tired clichés and off-colour jokes, but the characters are made so likeable by the actors that give them life, that many of these things are forgiven and the film can be enjoyed with the necessary lightness.

Director:  Kay Cannon   
With: Leslie Mann, John Cena, Ike Barinholtz, Kathryn Newton

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Knives Out (2019)

Decesul capului unei familii bogate declanseaza o investigatie misterioasa si conflicte neasteptate.

Un film de investigatii de crima in stilul clasic al lui Agatha Christie sau Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Cu o distributie de milioane, fiecare detaliu este gandit cu multa atentie si intentie, fiecare personaj este caracterizat in linii mari si mici, de la gesturi si replici pana la stilul si preferintele vestimentare cu amprente vizuale puternice, amintind in unele locuri de stilul lui Wes Anderson. Fiecare actor isi duce rolul in spate intr-un mod excelent, dand personalitate si adancime personajului, dar Daniel Craig (detectivul Benoit Blanc) si Ana de Armas (ingrijitoarea personala Marta) sunt de exceptie, furand scena abil de cate ori isi fac aparitia. 
Ritmul este destul de alert, misterul este constant chiar si cand ti se dezvaluie parti din adevarul final la mijlocul peliculei, multe elemente surpriza tinand creierul privitorului in continua intrebare, incercand sa invarta teorii si posibilitati, dar fara a deveni suparator sau frustrant. Un deliciu pentru fanii genului.

Regia:  Rian Johnson    
Cu: Daniel Craig, Toni Collette, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis,  Michael Shannon, Don Johnson, LaKeith Stanfield, Christopher Plummer, Riki Lindhome, Frank Oz, Katherine Langford, Jaeden Martell

Rating: 10/10

Knives Out (2019)

The death of the head of a rich family triggers an intriguing investigation and unexpected conflicts.

A crime investigation film in the classic style of Agatha Christie or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. With an extraordinary cast, every detail is thought out with great attention and intention, each character is well defined in high level and small details, from gestures and dialogue lines to their style and clothing choices which have quite a strong visual impression, reminiscent in some places of Wes Anderson's style. Each actor carries their part with excellency, giving personality and depth to their character, but Daniel Craig (detective Benoit Blanc) and Ana de Armas (caregiver Marta) are exceptional, skillfully stealing the scene whenever they are on the screen.
The pace is quite alert, the mystery is constant even as parts of the final truth are revealed to you in the middle of the film, with many elements of surprise keeping the viewer's brain in constant wonder, trying to spin theories and possibilities, but without allowing that to become in any way annoying or frustrating. A delight for the fans of the genre.

Director:  Rian Johnson    
With: Daniel Craig, Toni Collette, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis,  Michael Shannon, Don Johnson, LaKeith Stanfield, Christopher Plummer, Riki Lindhome, Frank Oz, Katherine Langford, Jaeden Martell

Rating: 10/10

Saturday, August 01, 2020

The Lodgers (2017)

In anii 1920, doi gemeni izolati traiesc simplu incercand sa ascunda un secret familial misterios.

Un film de groaza in stil pur gotic, extrem de reusit vizual si in materie de atmosfera si dezvoltarea personajelor. Poetic si misterios, The Lodgers ascunde si dezvaluie extrem de subtil parti ale intrigii intr-un mod atat de abil incat banalitatea sau incredibilitatea acesteia este minimizata si mutata pe un plan secundar in timp ce publicul se poate concentra aproape fara stiinta sau voie pe starea emotionala generata de frumusetea si perfectiunea imaginii. 
Parerile sunt cum era de asteptat impartite deoarece un film etichetat de groaza genereaza anumite asteptari in materie de proportia de sperietura si entertainment, capitol la care filmul de fata sta slab, nu din motive de incapabilitate ci de pura intentie.

Regia:  Brian O'Malley    
Cu: Charlotte Vega, Bill Milner, Eugene Simon, David Bradley

Rating: 9/10

The Lodgers (2017)

In the 1920s, two isolated twins live simply while trying to hide a mysterious family secret.

A horror film in a purely Gothic style, extremely well done visually and in what concerns the atmosphere and its character development. Poetic and mysterious, The Lodgers hides and reveals extremely subtly only parts and suggestions of the plot in such a clever way that its banality or the questioning of its plausibility are minimized and moved to the far background while the audience can focus almost unknowingly on the emotional state generated by the beauty and perfection of the picture.
Opinions are as expected quite divided because a film labeled as horror generates certain expectations in terms of the proportion of scare and entertainment, a criterion in which this film is weak, not for reasons of incompetence but simply intention.

Director:  Brian O'Malley    
With: Charlotte Vega, Bill Milner, Eugene Simon, David Bradley

Rating: 9/10