Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Witcher (2019-)

The adventures of a monster hunter enhanced by magic told in a non-linear way.

An eagerly awaited adaptation for fantasy books fans as well as fans of the well-known game. Unjustly compared to Game Of Thrones even before being officially launched, it has potential in its complexity, rich imagination, interesting characters and adventures that keep the audience with their hearts in their mouths. The story told in parallel on multiple temporal planes actually makes sense and explains the intensity and importance of events that (almost) bring the three main personalities (the Witcher being only one of the three) on the same stage. It is worth seeing what they will do with season two and beyond.

Production: Netflix
Creator: Lauren Schmidt
With: Henry Cavill, Freya Allan, Anya Chalotra, MyAnna Buring, Jodhi May

The Witcher (2019-)

Aventurile unui vanator de monstri ajutat de magie povestite neliniar.

O ecranizare asteptata cu nerabdare de fanii cartilor fantasy precum si fanii binecunoscutului joc. Pe nedrept comparat cu Game Of Thrones inca dinainte de a fi lansat oficial, are potential in complexitate, imaginatie, personaje interesante si aventuri ce tin publicul cu sufletul la gura. Povestirea in paralel pe multiple planuri temporale are sens si explica intensitatea si importanta unor evenimente ce (aproape) aduc cele trei personalitati principale (Witcher fiind doar una din cele trei) pe aceeasi scena. Merita vazut ce vor face cu sezonul doi si mai departe.

Productie: Netflix
Creator: Lauren Schmidt
Cu: Henry Cavill, Freya Allan, Anya Chalotra, MyAnna Buring, Jodhi May

Rating: 8/10

Malevolent (2018)

A team of con artists who take advantage of the pain of those who lost their loved ones run into a different type of case.

A mix of genres of different qualities, Malevolent is a film that progresses slowly before reaching that which the audience expects. And yet this is its strength because the drama and the character building are well developed, with the horror and thriller elements left being somewhere in the background, using ideas that have been seen before. This dragging however contributes to the lack of popularity of the film, given its low rating in all the best known charts.

Directed by: Olaf de Fleur Johannesson
With: Florence Pugh, Ben Lloyd-Hughes, Scott Chambers, Celia Imre, Georgina Bevan

Malevolent (2018)

O echipa de sarlatani ce profita de durerea celor ce au pierdut pe cei dragi dau de un caz diferit.

Un amestec de genuri de diferite calitati, Malevolent este un film ce progreseaza incet inainte de a ajunge la ceea ce audienta asteapta. Si totusi in aceasta consta punctul sau forte deoarece drama si constructia personajelor sunt bine puse la punct, partea horror si thriller fiind undeva pe fundal secundar, folosind idei ce s-au mai vazut. Taraganarea contribuie in schimb la lipsa de popularitate a filmului, data fiind nota medie destul de joasa in toate topurile de prestanta.

Regia: Olaf de Fleur Johannesson
Cu: Florence Pugh, Ben Lloyd-Hughes, Scott Chambers, Celia Imrie, Georgina Bevan

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Elizabeth Harvest (2018)

O proaspata sotie face turul casei sotului unde ii este interzis accesul intr-o singura camera.

Un thriller/horror foarte atmosferic, in ton cu personalitatea foarte curioasa si senzuala si copilaroasa a personajului principal. Incepe ca o poveste de basm cu tonuri arhaice dar continua ca.. altceva. Are o intriga interesanta, explicata spre final ca un fel de Pygmalion cu intorsaturi complet neasteptate, dar data fiind natura umana, probabil justificabile. Misterul este pastrat constant, socurile vin tiptil, iar cinematografia este foarte frumoasa.

Regie/scenariu: Sebastian Gutierrez
Cu: Abbey Lee, Ciarán Hinds, Carla Gugino, Matthew Beard, Dylan Baker

Rating: 7/10

Elizabeth Harvest (2018)

A newlywed wife takes a tour of her husband's house where she is forbidden access in a single room.

A very atmospheric thriller / horror, in tune with the very curious and sensual and childlike personality of the main character. It starts out as a sorta fairy tale with archaic tones but continues as.. something else. It has an interesting plot, explained towards the end as a kind of Pygmalion with completely unexpected twists, but given human nature, probably fully justifiable. The mystery is kept constant, the shocks come on tiptoes, and the cinematography is very beautiful.

Director / screenplay: Sebastian Gutierrez
With: Abbey Lee, Ciarán Hinds, Carla Gugino, Matthew Beard, Dylan Baker

A Royal Affair / En kongelig affære (2012)

The real story of the affair between Queen Caroline of Denmark and her husband's personal physician - Johann Struensee.

A fascinating love story which has changed Denmark forever. Having the king's ear, Struensee introduced enlightenment ideas that, although they lasted a short time, paved the way for change for the next generation.
A beautifully made period film, brought to life by wonderful actors. Mads Mikkelsen is fascinating as always, Alicia Vikander is perfect in the balance of fragility and strength she shows, very believable as the English princess and Mikkel Boe Følsgaard is wonderful in the role of the king who has some mental issues, credible in his weakness but also when showing authority.
An easy to learn and enjoy history lesson.

Directed by: Nikolaj Arcel
Based on a novel by: Bodil Steensen-Leth
Featuring: Alicia Vikander, Mads Mikkelsen, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard, David Dencik

A Royal Affair / En kongelig affære (2012)

Povestea reala a legaturii romantice dintre Regina Consoarta Caroline a Danemarcei si doctorul personal al sotului acestuia - Johann Struensee.

O poveste de dragoste fascinanta ce a schimbat Danemarca pentru totdeauna. Avand urechea regelui, Struensee a instaurat idei iluministe ce desi au durat putin, au pavat drumul catre schimbare pentru generatia urmatoare. 
Un film de epoca frumos facut, adus la viata de actori minunati. Mads Mikkelsen e fascinant ca intotdeauna, Alicia Vikander e perfecta in echilibrul aratat de fragilitate si putere, foarte credibila ca printesa engleza iar Mikkel Boe Følsgaard este minunat in rolul regelui cu ceva probleme la cap, credibil si in slabiciune dar si cand arata autoritate.
O lectie de istorie usor si placut de invatat.

Regia: Nikolaj Arcel
Dupa un roman de: Bodil Steensen-Leth
Cu: Alicia Vikander, Mads Mikkelsen, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard, David Dencik

Rating: 9/10

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Dark Places (2015)

Libby Day, a survivor of her family's massacre, begins to investigate what really happened that day.

Advertised as a follow up for Gone Girl, and based on the novel with the same name from a trilogy (which also contains Sharp Objects), it  actually has nothing to do with it. The only connection could be made when the main character is told that "other crimes do take place".
With an interesting plot and a good choice in Charlize Theron, the film follows the book closely, inheriting both the imperfections and its unusual ideas. Perhaps a bit rushed as a movie, the mystery is more "mysterious" as a novel, but probably much easier to enjoy visually without having had the experience of the book.

Directed by: Gilles Paquet-Brenner
Based on a novel by: Gillian Flynn
With: Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult, Christina Hendricks, Corey Stoll, Tye Sheridan, Chloë Grace Moretz

Dark Places (2015)

Libby Day, supraviețuitoarea masacrului familiei sale, începe să investigheze ce s-a întâmplat cu adevărat în aceea zi.

Vândut ca urmare a lui Gone Girl, și bazat pe romanul cu același nume dintr-o trilogie (ce mai conține și Sharp Objects), nu are de fapt nici o legatura cu acesta. Singura legătură ar putea fi făcută când personajului principal i se spune că "alte crime au loc".
Cu o intrigă interesantă și cu o alegere potrivită în Charlize Theron, filmul urmează cartea îndeaproape, moștenind atât imperfecțiunile cât și ideile neobișnuite. Poate un pic grăbit ca film, misterul este mai "misterios" ca roman, dar probabil mult mai ușor de savurat vizual fără să fi avut experiența cărții.

Regia/scenariu: Gilles Paquet-Brenner
Dupa un roman de: Gillian Flynn
Cu: Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult, Christina Hendricks, Corey Stoll, Tye Sheridan, Chloë Grace Moretz

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Bone Tomahawk (2015)

A sheriff and his team leave for the rescue of three locals kidnapped by a savage enemy.

A quite different western movie, combined with  a few horror elements which sometimes reminds me of Ravenous. With an introduction and unfolding that may seem slow, the ending comes suddenly and shocking both in speed and content. The main strength of the film is the dialogue which will trigger a few smiles with its many small talk type discussions using an unusual vocabulary (reminiscent of Eugene from The Walking Dead for connoisseurs), reinforced by an amazing Richard Jenkins as the old backup sheriff deputy and a taciturn Kurt Russell in the role of the sheriff. For those who were lazily enjoying the majority of the film's action, enduring the finale might present itself as a challenge through its raw scenes which just seem too real.
Filmed in just 21 days, it is a visually impressive success, with a small budget which demonstrates quality and efficiency by going back to the roots of cinema.

Director/screenplay: S. Craig Zahler
Featuring: Kurt Russell, Richard Jenkins, Matthew Fox, Patrick Wilson, Lili Simmons, David Arquette, Sid Haig

Bone Tomahawk (2015)

Un serif si echipa lui pleaca in ajutorul a trei localnici rapiti de un inamic salbatic.

Un film western mai diferit, combinat cu elemente horror ce imi aminteste pe alocuri de Ravenous. Cu o expozitie si desfasurare ce pot parea taraganate, finalul vine brusc si socant atat prin viteza cat si continut. Punctul forte al filmului este dialogul ce va fura multe zambete cu discutiile de umplutura folosind un vocabular neobisnuit (asemanator cu al lui Eugene din The Walking Dead pentru cunoscatori), intarit de un Richard Jenkins in mare forma ca batranul ajutor de serif de rezerva si un taciturn Kurt Russell in rolul serifului. Pentru cei ce s-au delectat cu majoritatea desfasurarii filmului, suportarea finalul va prezenta o posibila provocare prin scenele crude ce par prea reale.
Filmat in doar 21 de zile, este un succes impresionant vizual, cu buget mic, ce demonstreaza calitate si eficienta printr-o reintoarcere la radacinile cinema-ului.

Regia/scenariu: S. Craig Zahler
Cu: Kurt Russell, Richard Jenkins, Matthew Fox, Patrick Wilson, Lili Simmons, David Arquette, Sid Haig

Rating: 9/10

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Wire (2002-2008)

The prolonged investigation of drug dealers in East Baltimore as seen through the eyes of the team of detectives, the traffickers and all involved in the politico-social context that influences its direction and progress.

To this day, The Wire still holds the title of best series of all time, and for everyone who has tried it, it is easy to understand why. It's complex, it's tough, it's real, with imperfect people with good intentions or just survival instincts and personal ambitions. It is practically a vivisection of the urban society with all the good and especially with the ugly which manages to illustrate the limitations and obstacles of the few who want to change the system. Things can only reach to the potential of improvements in extraordinary situations where all those with a similar purpose manage to accidentally synchronize (a kind of comet type event ...).
It has launched or reconfirmed some famous names (Dominic West, Idris Elba, Aidan Gillen) and it has showcased some impressive raw talent that has not been seen again in other productions (Felicia Pearson and practically most of the teenagers in season 4).

Production: HBO
Creator: David Simon
With: Dominic West, Lance Reddick, Wendell Pierce, Sonja Sohn, Seth Gilliam, Deidre Lovejoy, Clark Peters, John Doman, Domenick Lombardozzi, Andre Royo, Idris Elba, J.D. Williams, Michael Kenneth Williams, Jim True-Frost, Corey Parker Robinson, Aidan Gillen, Delaney Williams

The Wire (2002-2008)

Investigația prelungită a unor traficanți de droguri din East Baltimore așa cum este văzută prin ochii detectivilor, a traficanților și a tuturor implicați în contextul politico-social ce influențează direcția și progresul acesteia.

Până în ziua de azi, The Wire încă deține titlul de cel mai bun serial din toate timpurile, și pentru toți ce l-au încercat este un fapt ușor de înțeles. E complex, e dur, e real, cu oameni imperfecți cu intenții bune sau doar cu instincte de supraviețuire și ambiții personale. E practic o vivisecție a societății urbane cu  tot bunul și mai ales cu urâtul ce reușește să ilustreze limitările celor puțini ce vor să schimbe sistemul. Lucrurile reușesc să se apropie de îmbunătățiri aproape doar în situații extraordinare în care toți cei cu un scop asemănător reușesc să se sincronizeze accidental (un fel de eveniment tip cometă ...).
A lansat sau reconfirmat ceva nume celebre (Dominic West, Idris Elba, Aidan Gillen) și a avut parte de talent crud impresionant ce nu a mai fost revăzut în alte producții (Felicia Pearson și practic majoritatea adolescenților din sezonul 4).

Productie: HBO
Creator: David Simon
Cu: Dominic West, Lance Reddick, Wendell Pierce, Sonja Sohn, Seth Gilliam, Deidre Lovejoy, Clark Peters, John Doman, Domenick Lombardozzi, Andre Royo, Idris Elba, J.D. Williams, Michael Kenneth Williams, Jim True-Frost, Corey Parker Robinson, Aidan Gillen, Delaney Williams

Rating: 10/10

Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Nun (2018)

A priest specializing in exorcisms and a novice nun are sent to investigate a suicide at an isolated Catholic monastery in Romania.

Probably the weakest in The Conjuring universe (it remains to be seen if The Curse Of Llorona will win this title instead), the film gives some context to the mysterious picture that kept appearing now and then in the other films involving the Warren's. Filled with cliches and jump-scares, it offers nothing to be really scared of because there is no quiet moment to offer some time for building up even the smallest measure of suspense. The story is not completely ridiculous, but it is not benefiting from having a director that actually knows the horror genre.
Only for the fans of the franchise or for amateurs of cheap horror which will reinforce their prejudices about the genre ...

Directed by: Corin Hardy
With: Damian Bichir, Taissa Farmiga, Jonas Bloquet

The Nun (2018)

Un preot specializat în exorcisme și o călugăriță novice sunt trimiși să investigheze un suicid la o mănăstire catolică izolată în România.

Probabil cel mai slăbuț din universul The Conjuring (rămâne de văzut dacă The Curse Of Llorona va câștiga acest titlu în loc), filmul oferă un context misteriosului tablou ce își facea apariția din când în când în celelalte filme ce-i implică pe soții Warren. Plin de clișee și așa-zisele "jump-scares", nu oferă nimic cu adevărat de speriat deoarece nu există nici un moment de liniște apăsătoare care să ofere timp pentru construcția și celei mai mici măsuri de suspans. Povestea nu este complet trasă de păr, dar nu este pusă în valoare de un regizor care să cunoască genul horror.
Doar pentru fanii francizei sau pentru amatorii de horror ieftin ce le va întări prejudecățile despre acest gen...

Regia: Corin Hardy
Cu: Damian Bichir, Taissa Farmiga, Jonas Bloquet

Rating: 5/10

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Green Book (2018)

A typical Italian-American becomes the driver of a genius African-American pianist on his tour through the South.

After the initial shock of learning that the movie is directed by one of the Farrelly brothers (Dumb And Dumber; Me, Myself And Irene; Stuck On You; There's Something About Mary; Movie 43 and so on), you'll enjoy a perfect movie, pleasant, honest, with very different people in more or less common situations for most of the population. Viggo Mortensen is unrecognizable, perfect in portraying the Italian-American Tony Lip and Mahershala Ali is divine, bringing to life a lonely character, superior in intelligence and knowledge and perfectly aware of it who slowly breaks the barriers raised by himself between him and the rest of the world. Many would easily benefit from trying to learn something from both these very different personalities.
Often sad, at times amusing, Green Book demonstrates universal ways to counteract social obstacles that change or evolve from generation to generation.

Directed by: Peter Farrelly
With: Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali, Linda Cardellini

Green Book (2018)

Un italo-american tipic devine șoferul unui pianist geniu de culoare în turul acestuia prin Sudul Americii.

După ce treci de șocul faptului că filmul este regizat de unul din frații Farrelly (Dumb And Dumber; Me, Myself And Irene; Stuck On You; There's Something About Mary; Movie 43 și tot așa), te vei delecta cu un film perfect, plăcut, sincer, cu oameni foarte diferiți în situații mai mult sau mai puțin obișnuite pentru majoritatea populației. Viggo Mortensen este de nerecunoscut, perfect în portretizarea italo-americanului Tony Lip iar Mahershala Ali este divin, aducând la viață un personaj singuratec, superior ca inteligență, cunoștințe și perfect conștient de aceasta ce ușor ușor sparge barierele ridicate de el însuși între el și restul lumii. Mulți ar beneficia cu ușurință încercând să învețe câte ceva de la ambele foarte diferite personalități.
Adesea trist, pe alocuri amuzant, Green Book demonstrează moduri universale de a contraataca obstacole sociale ce se schimbă sau evoluează de la o generație la alta.

Regie: Peter Farrelly
Cu: Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali, Linda Cardellini

Rating: 10/10

Also read in English

Thursday, January 09, 2020

Mindhunter (2017-)

Povestea reala a "devenirii" profilurilor criminalistice asa cum sunt folosite astazi prin prisma celor doi detectivi FBI care au pus la punct teoria prin interviuri cu criminali celebri.

Bazat pe evenimente istorice reale, cu ceva inflorituri licenta poetica (inclusiv schimbarea numelor personajelor principale), serialul este fascinant si extrem de bine facut (David Fincher este implicat si in productie si in regie), evidentiind foarte credibil obstacolele intalnite de un atat de ambitios proiect. Personajele principale (in numar de 3 de fapt, incluzand personajul minunatei Anna Torv - cunoscuta din Fringe) sunt interesante ele insesi si servesc ca obiect de studiu colateral prin vietile lor personale si contrastul acestora cu carierele in care par aproape supereroi. Cu toate problemele politice si sociale specifice vremii (anii '70).
Fascinante vor parea si toate portretizarile criminalilor in serie reali cu figuri aievea celor reale, folosind tehnici de machiaj impresionante (Damon Herriman il joaca pe Charles Manson si in Mindhunter si in Once Upon A Time ...In Hollywood cu Mindhunter fiind net superior vizual) si jucate fara gres de actorii implicati (de mentionat mai ales pe Cameron Britten ce il aduce la viata pe Edmund Kemper minunat).

Productie: Netflix
Creatori: Joe Penhall
Cu: Jonathan Groff, Holt McCallany, Anna Torv, Hannah Gross, Cameron Britton

Rating: 10/10

Mindhunter (2017-)

The true story of the "becoming" of forensic profiling as used today through the perspective of the two FBI detectives who developed the theory  behind it through interviews with famous criminals.

Based on real historical events, with some poetic license embellishments (including changing the names of the main characters), this series is fascinating and extremely well done (David Fincher is involved in both production and direction), very credibly highlighting the obstacles encountered by such an ambitious project. The main characters (3 in number really, including the character of the wonderful Anna Torv - also known from Fringe) are interesting themselves and serve as an object of collateral study through their personal lives and their contrast with the careers in which they seem almost superheroes. With all the specific political and social problems of the time (70's).
Also fascinating will be all the portraits of real-life serial killers with their like to like faces, using impressive makeup techniques (Damon Herriman plays Charles Manson in Mindhunter and Once Upon A Time ... In Hollywood with Mindhunter being the visually superior one) and played perfectly by the actors involved (worth mentioning Cameron Britten who brings the Edmund Kemper to life wonderfully).

Production: Netflix
Creators: Joe Penhall
Cu: Jonathan Groff, Holt McCallany, Anna Torv, Hannah Gross, Cameron Britton

Monday, January 06, 2020

Aquaman (2018)

Aquaman - already established as the well-known hero - is introduced more closely to the underwater world Atlantis, which represents half of his origin in order to avoid a devastating war.

The action follows that of Justice League. It's a film full of special effects as expected, but some of very good quality. The underwater scenes are often fascinating with the voices of the characters accompanied by a credible echo and the hair always in motion due to the water currents. Otherwise, it is not boring, it's visually pleasing, but with poor dialogue and filled with clichés and sentimentality. Nicole Kidman is totally not in her element.

Directed by: James Wan
Featuring: Jason Momoa, Amber Heard, Willem Dafoe, Nicole Kidman, Patrick Wilson, Dolph Lundgren

Aquaman (2018)

Aquaman - deja consacrat ca eroul binecunoscut - este introdus mai indeaproape lumii subacvatice Atlantis ce reprezinta jumatate din natura sa ca solutie pentru a evita un razboi devastator.

Actiunea urmeaza pe cea din Justice League. Este un film plin de efecte speciale cum este de asteptat, dar unele de foarte buna calitate. Scenele subacvatice sunt adesea fascinante cu vocile personajelor insotite de un ecou credibil si parul mereu "batut" de curentii de apa. In rest, nu este plictisitor, placut vizual, dar cu un dialog slabut si umplut cu clisee si sentimentalisme. Nicole Kidman este total nu in elementul ei.

Regia: James Wan
Cu: Jason Momoa, Amber Heard, Willem Dafoe, Nicole Kidman, Patrick Wilson, Dolph Lundgren

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, January 04, 2020

Synecdoche, New York (2008)

Un regizor de teatru dezamagit de viata personala foloseste banii primiti ca urmare a succesului in cariera pentru a reconstrui scene din viata sa intr-un proiect urias.

Un film marca Charlie Kaufman dificil de urmarit datorita tonului fatalist si defetist. Inteligent si foarte complex (Inception e nimic pe langa acest film), lasa personajul principal sa isi analizeze viata si greselile sale si ale celorlati prin o clona a propriei povesti unde permite unor asa-zisi martori sa dezvaluie adevaruri ascunse sie insusi. Finalul ni-l arata in sfarsit capabil de a reda proiectul (i.e. repare viata) in modul corect, constient ca fiecare din indivizii ce populeaza planeta sunt centrul propriului dezastru, numai pentru a-i rapi satisfactia unui final demn.
Filmul este o oda dedicata dramei si tristetii despicarii firului in patru si permiterii ocaziilor sa treaca nefolosite, folosind povestea unui barbat ce reuseste sa nefericeasca cel putin patru femei si pe el insusi in moduri foarte diferite (prin incompatibilitate, distantare, alegeri gresite, abandon etc).
Doar pentru amatorii de analiza psihologica ce nu sunt deranjati de posibilul efect depresiv.

Scenariu/regie: Charlie Kaufman
Cu: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Samantha Morton, Michelle Williams, Katherine Keener, Tom Noonan, Hope Davis, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Emily Watson, Dianne Wiest

Rating: 10/10

Synecdoche, New York (2008)

A theatre director disappointed with his personal life uses the money received as a result of his career success to reconstruct scenes from his life as part of a huge project.

A Charlie Kaufman movie difficult to watch due to its fatalistic and defeatist tone. Intelligent and very complex (Inception is nothing compared to this film), it lets the main character analyze his life and his mistakes and those of others through a clone of his own story where he allows so-called witnesses to reveal hidden truths unknown  even to himself. The finale finally shows him able to render the project (i.e. repair his life) in the correct way, aware that each of the individuals that populate the planet are the centre of their own disaster, only to take away the satisfaction of a dignified end from him.
The film is an ode to the drama and sadness of overthinking and letting things pass by, using the story of a man who manages to make unhappy at least four women and himself in very different ways (through incompatibility, lack of engagement/commitment, wrong choices and bad timing, abandonment, etc.). 
Only for fans of psychological analysis who are not too bothered by the possible depressive effect.

Screenplay/direction: Charlie Kaufman
Featuring: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Samantha Morton, Michelle Williams, Katherine Keener, Tom Noonan, Hope Davis, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Emily Watson, Dianne Wiest

Friday, January 03, 2020

Halt And Catch Fire (2014-2017)

Povestea unui grup de pionieri IT din timpul boom-ului tehnologic din anii '80, cu tot cu drama personala, evenimente istorice reale un pic inflorite si toate cauzele si efectele lor mai mult sau mai putin asteptate.

Serial dramatic inteligent ce si-a ales o tematica interesanta ca pretext pentru a caracteriza cateva tipologii umane interesante, rar portretizate in film, cu toate trasaturile psihologice subtile atasate acestora. Un regal pentru cei familiari cu industria IT si nu numai deoarece se mentine captivant nu prin context ci prin ce umple acel context. Cine putea să-și închipuie ca industria IT poate cauza atat de multa drama și suspans. 

Cu: Lee Pace, Mackenzie Davis, Scott McNairy, Kerry Bishé, Toby Huss

Rating: 9/10

Halt And Catch Fire (2014-2017)

The story of a group of IT pioneers during the '80s technological boom, whole with their personal drama, real historical events - a bit embellished - and all the more or less expected causes and their  effects.

Intelligent drama series that chose an interesting theme as a pretext to showcase some interesting human typologies, rarely portrayed in film like this, with all the subtle psychological traits attached to them. A delight for those familiar with the IT industry and not only because it is captivating not via its context but through what fills that context. 
Who could have imagined that the IT industry could cause so much drama and suspense.

With: Lee Pace, Mackenzie Davis, Scott McNairy, Kerry Bishé, Toby Huss

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

The Originals (2013-2018)

The story of Klaus and his Original Vampire family continues in New Orleans after leaving Mystic Falls of The Vampire Diaries to pursue his destiny as leader.

If you grew up with Anne Rice, considered Twilight to be a mockery of the genre and The Vampire Diaries and True Blood only a slight improvement, then The Originals ticks all the genre's requirements.
Constructed as a spin off of The Vampire Diaries, The Originals existed for the simple fact that the maniac Klaus was saved from sure death (as per the books) by the popularity of the TV version of the character masterly played by Joseph Morgan.
More mature than TVD, bloodier and a bigger generator of contradictory feelings when you get a main character - already declared a bad guy - which is capable of poetry-worthy human feelings, The Originals manages to be heartbreaking literally and figuratively.
With two perfect initial seasons, it is still worth watching until its end (another 3 seasons) even just to find out the fate of some of the more interesting characters.

Created by: Julie Plec
Based on characters created by: L. J. Smith
Featuring: Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies, Claire Holt, Phoebe Tonkin, Charles Michael Davis, Yusuf Gatewood, Leah Pipes, Danielle Campbell, Riley Voelkel, Sebastian Roché, Nathaniel Bucolic, Rebecca Breeds

The Originals (2013-2018)

Povestea lui Klaus si a familiei sale de vampiri Originali continua in New Orleans dupa ce paraseste Mystic Falls al lui The Vampire Diaries pentru a-si urma destinul de conducator.

Dacă ai crescut cu Anne Rice, ai considerat Twilight o batjocura a genului iar The Vampire Diaries și True Blood doar o mica îmbunătățire, atunci The Originals bifează toate cerințele genului.
Construit ca un spin off al The Vampire Diaries, The Originals a existat pentru simplul fapt ca maniacul Klaus a fost salvat de la moartea sigura (din cărți) de popularitatea variantei TV a personajului cu măiestrie jucat de Joseph Morgan.
Mai matur decât TVD, mai sângeros și mai provocator de sentimente contradictorii când personajul principal declarat bad guy e capabil de sentimente umane demne de poezie, The Originals reușește sa fie sfâșietor la propriu și la figurat.
Cu doua sezoane inițiale perfecte, merita văzut pana la capăt (inca 3 sezoane) chiar și doar pentru a afla soarta câtorva din personajele mai interesante. 

Creat de: Julie Plec
Bazat pe personaje create de: L. J. Smith
Cu: Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies, Claire Holt, Phoebe Tonkin, Charles Michael Davis, Yusuf Harewood, Leah Pipes, Danielle Campbell, Riley Voelkel, Sebastian Roché, Nathaniel Bucolic, Rebecca Breeds

Rating: 10/10