Monday, March 30, 2020

Dragged Across Concrete (2018)

Two efficient but tough and recently suspended  for it police officers are looking for illicit sources of income by doing what they know best.

A tough and unforgiving film, probably best at imitating life with its unfiltered illustration of questionable intentions in combination with unanswered expectations and unexpected surprises that both have a negative effect. With a slow rhythm, confusing to start with, the tension and the revelations pile up without fail, and are accompanied by an unusual but convincing dialogue, also unexpectedly funny every so often.
The main protagonists are on a roll, faultless and extremely convincing in the role of the two delightful apathetic cops. Also Jennifer Carpenter's part is probably the shortest and most devastating role of recent years I've seen.

Directed by: S. Craig Zahler
With: Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn, Jennifer Carpenter, Tory Kittles, Laurie Holden, Don Johnson, Udo Kier, Thomas Kretschmann

Rating: 10/10

Dragged Across Concrete (2018)

Doi politisti eficienti dar duri si recent suspendati pentru asta, cauta surse the venit ilicite facand ce stiu sa faca cel mai bine.

Un film dur, ce nu iarta nimic, imitand probabil viata cel mai bine prin ilustrarea nefiltrata a unor intentii indoielnice in combinatie cu asteptari inselate si surprize neasteptate ce au ambele un efect nefast. Cu un ritm incet, derutant la inceput, tensiunea si revelatiile se aduna fara gres, si sunt insotite de un dialog neobisnuit dar credibil si amuzant cand vrea. 
Protagonistii principali sunt pe val, fara cusur si extrem de credibili in rolul celor doi apatici simpatici. Iar Jennifer Carpenter are parte probabil de cel mai scurt si devastator rol al anilor recenti.

Regia: S. Craig Zahler
Cu: Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn, Jennifer Carpenter, Tory Kittles, Laurie Holden, Don Johnson, Udo Kier, Thomas Kretschmann

Rating: 10/10

Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Rover (2014)

10 years after a globally spread economical collapse, a lonely man is vigorously pursuing those who stole his car, having no other companion than the brother of one of the pursued.

An apocalyptic drama/thriller that wants itself to be and manages to be different from others of the same genre to the extent that the action could very well take place in so many places in our world today. Depressive but also captivating from the first scene, The Rover manages to maintain an almost invariable rhythm through a mixture of perfectly balanced tension and intrigue. The soundtrack is also a good source of contrasting senses, appreciated but that fact still makes you wonder for a brief second if the film only benefited from a rushed post production.
The film does not offer any characters that could be generating sympathies, either through lack of context or just by insisting on making them do terrible things.
The emotional substrate is so thin that you almost miss it.
The lack of anything too obvious, however, does not steal at all from the emotional effect of the edifying end.

Screenplay: Joel Edgerton
Directed by: David Michôd
With: Guy Pearce, Robert Pattinson

Rating: 8/10

Friday, March 27, 2020

Top of the lake (2013-)

A detective with personal problems uses her job as an escape, giving her the only context she can control, in which she can act and think with perfect objectivity. The problems start to rise to the surface though when the two worlds intersect.

Intense and a little dark, this series deals with a popular subject (police investigations) in a less frequently exploited culture, namely the Australian and New Zealand cultures. Under the guide of the wonderful Jane Campion (one of my favorite directors, the author of The Piano), and with some welcome cameos from great actresses like Holly Hunter and Nicole Kidman (both wonderful and expressive and interesting), this film gives the talented Elizabeth Moss (you might know her from Mad Men and The Handmaid's Tale) the opportunity to shine while portraying the silent Robin.
Sometimes slow, but without becoming boring, Top Of The Lake amazes with credibility and originality. Everything seems to take place in their natural course, the characters are always in a convincing environment and nature is never far away.
It won't be easy to watch it properly, I warn you. I say that because the first season was released in 2013 and the second one in 2017 and no details are yet known about the third season.

Directed by: Jane Campion and others
Featuring: Elisabeth Moss, Holly Hunter, Nicole Kidman, Peter Mullan, David Wenham, Gwendoline Christie, Alice Englert

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Mute (2018)

An Amish mute searches for his missing girlfriend using any glimpse of a hint.

A film that looked perfect on paper (synopsis, trailer, Moon's director, Paul Rudd and Alexander etc.), but in reality it is far below expectations. With an interesting cast, the film offers a few roles that are quite different to the usual typecast work of the actors involved, with Paul Rudd being the most memorable. Theoretically a "spiritual" follow up of Moon (which has an obvious connection to the Mute universe), Mute is way below that one's quality. Placed in a futuristic context, it has almost no sci-fi element that contributes to the story, except the connection with Moon. So the sci-fi angle is basically not exploited at all. And the emotional angle almost never manages to convince up until the final moments.

Duncan Jones is the son of David Bowie.

Directed by: Duncan Jones
With: Alexander Skarsgård, Paul Rudd, Justin Theroux

Rating: 6/10

Mute (2018)

Un mut Amish isi cauta iubita disparuta folosind orice farama de indiciu.

Un film care pe hartie parea perfect (synopsis, trailer, regizorul lui Moon, Paul Rudd s Alexander etc), dar in realitate este mult sub asteptari. Cu o distributie interesanta, filmul ofera partituri diferite de repertoriile obisnuite ale actorilor implicati, cu Paul Rudd fiind cel mai memorabil. Teoretic o urmare "in spirit" al lui Moon (care are o legatura evidenta cu universul lui Mute), este sub nivelul aceluia. Desfasurat intr-un mediu stiinfitico-fantastic, nu are aproape nici un element SF care sa depinda de poveste, decat legatura cu Moon. Componenta SF nu este exploatata deloc. Iar componenta sentimemotionala  nu reuseste aproape deloc sa convinga decat poate in momentele finale.

Duncan Jones este fiul lui David Bowie.

Regia: Duncan Jones
Cu: Alexander Skarsgård, Paul Rudd, Justin Theroux

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Orphan Black (2013-2017)

The story of a group of clones who discover each other and form a pseudo family fighting against the system, as full of intrigue and conspiracy as they come.

A production of BBC USA and Netflix, Orphan Black presents a story that's a little sci-fi, a little soap opera, sometimes just stitched with white thread, which manages to hold the viewer's interest almost only due to the fascinating performance of Tatiana Maslany, who manages to juggle countless characters. and personalities, even physical differences. She's so versatile and compelling in every personality that you can swear that you can te;; when a certain "sister" pretends to be another.
There's the main character, Sarah, a kind of family leader, her twin sister Helena, a fascinating personality with serial killer hobbies and skills, Cosima, the embodiment of intelligence, a nerd with interesting style choices, and these are just a few to mention.
Also worth mentioning is the darling Felix, the brother of the main character, a gay artist with a British accent and a big heart (to make room for all the new pseudo sisters), and who offers the most amusing and sarcastic lines of the entire cast. Otherwise, the humor is rare, perhaps only sometimes caused by Helena and her odd lines which sound very natural and normal but are completely incompatible with the surrounding modern world.

A production of: BBC USA
With: Tatiana Maslany, Jordan Gavaris, Maria Conan-Doyle

Rating: 8/10

Suspiria (2018)

A dance passionate young woman runs away from a religious life to join a famous dance academy in Berlin. 

A carnal and seemingly cold film, without vivid emotions, except for the dance moments, it impresses through the historical placement of the story. The portrayal of the communist era is flawless, with a realism reminiscent of the (good) Romanian films of the 90s.
Tilda Swinton is wonderful in a triple role, but I can't help but wonder if that was really necessary. It's more like evidence of megalomania on a smaller scale if you ask me. But I can't think of a better person that can do that.
And Dakota Johnson impresses in her innocence full of authority and promise, giving life to a character that seems to hide boundless wisdom.
Her dedication to this role is obvious every moment she spends on screen.
It's not a movie for everyone, not even for the original author's fans (i.e. Dario Argento), but it manages to lift the excess of gore to the level of amazing art in an unusual, painfully realistic context in its eccentricity. And it's an achievement worth praising.

You might know Dakota from the infamous Fifty Shades of Grey but also from the wonderful A Bigger Splash.
Tilda Swinton seems to be in every movie these days, but some are worth special mentions: Orlando, Only Lovers Left Alive, We Need To Talk About Kevin, A Bigger Splash, Snowpiercer.
You might know Chloë from Kick Ass and the remake for Carrie.

Scenario: Dario Argento and others
Directed by: Luca Guadagnino
Cu: Tilda Swinton, Dakota Johnson, Mia Goth, Chloë Grace Moretz, Alex Wek

Rating: 9/10

Monday, March 23, 2020

The Secret Of Marrowbone (2017)

A big brother is taking care of his siblings while hiding the fact that their mother died and that they are associated with a known serial killer.

I wanted to like it. And I liked it at first. It had nice characters played by talented actors, with a dramatic and intriguing personal history, eager to invite the good in their life; it had romantic potential and some effective ghost potential. Then they went into the details and explained everything. And it became tedious and cliché.
Maybe the ending is ok though, with the romantic idealism a tad exaggerated.
Maybe I'm too cynical and the ending is not exaggerated.
It is a pseudo-horror and for that it can't be forgiven though, the rest is ok.

You might know George (Jack) from Captain Fantastic, Charlie (Billy) from Stranger Things. And you might know Anya (Allie) from Morgan, The VVitch, Split, Peaky Blinders.

Directed by: Sergio Sànchez
With: George MacKay, Charlie Heaton, Mia Goth, Anya Taylor-Joy

Rating: 6/10

Also read in Romanian

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Within (aka Crawlspace) (2016)

A family with money problems moves to a house where tragedies have taken place.

With the first half of the movie done quite well, Within becomes a bore in the second half. A cocktail of well placed morbid shadows and cheap clichés, it has a mixed effect. Horror enthusiasts will be especially disappointed by the fatalistic ending, and non-connoisseurs might have the impression that they went through the adventure of watching a by-the-book horror movie.

Directed by: Phil Claydon
Featuring: Michael Vartan, Erin Moriarty, Nadine Velazquez

Rating: 5/10

Within (aka Crawlspace) (2016)

O familie cu probleme de bani se muta intr-o casa in care au avut loc tragedii.

Cu o prima jumatate de film facuta bine, Within devine de duzina in a doua jumatate. Un cocktail de umbre morbide bine plasate si clisee ieftine, are un efect amestecat. Amatorii de horror vor fi dezamagiti mai ales de finalul fatalist iar necunoscatorii ar putea avea impresia ca au trecut cu bine prin aventura urmaririi unui film de groaza ca la carte.

Regia: Phil Claydon
Cu: Michael Vartan, Erin Moriarty, Nadine Velazquez

Rating: 5/10

Friday, March 20, 2020

You Were Never Really Here (2017)

A veteran with PTSD from various sources is committed to bringing the missing daughter of a politician back.

A powerful film about trauma and contradictions (weaknesses that coexist with almost incompatible strengths) that mixes "real" images with hallucinations and memories seamlessly. Visually impressive, with an original audio accompaniment reminiscent of Drive and The Guest at times, You Were Never Really Here leaves a strong emotional imprint. With different effects on the audience (I heard complaints about its slowness while I personally thought it felt like a short full feature film), it is definitely not a movie that can be easily forgotten. The exceptional interpretation of Joaquin Phoenix represents a large part of the emotional weight of the film.

Directed by: Lynne Ramsay
With: Joaquin Phoenix, Judith Roberts, John Doman, Ekaterina Samsonov, Alessandro Nivola

Rating: 9/10

You Were Never Really Here (2017)

Un veteran cu stress post traumatic din diverse surse este angajat sa recupereze fiica unui politician.

Un film puternic despre trauma si contradictii (slabiciuni ce coexista cu atu-uri aproape incompatibile) ce amesteca imagini "reale" cu halucinatii si amintiri intr-un mod perfect uniform. Impresionant vizual, cu acompaniament audio original ce aminteste de Drive si The Guest pe alocuri, You Were Never Really Here lasa o amprenta emotionala puternica. Cu efecte diferite asupra publicului (am auzit plangeri despre lentiozitate pe cand mie personal mi s-a parut un film scurt), cu siguranta nu e un film ce poate fi uitat usor. Interpretarea de exceptie a lui Joaquin Phoenix reprezinta o mare parte din greutatea emotionala a peliculei.

Regia: Lynne Ramsay
Cu: Joaquin Phoenix, Judith Roberts, John Doman, Ekaterina Samsonov, Alessandro Nivola

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Sex Education (2019-)

A high school student with personal inadequacies and a sex therapist mother discovers that he can use his family experience to offer sexual advice to his troubled colleagues.

An ode to John Hughes's films (The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty In Pink, Ferry Bueller and so on) in an English setting, modified to suit the tastes of the American continent. It offers a teenage story that causes addiction, with a wonderfully brilliant Gillian Anderson (X Files!) and lots of characters that are different in interesting ways.

Production: Netflix
With: Asa Butterfield, Gillian Anderson, Ncuti Gatwa, Emma Mackey, Connor Swindells, Alistair Petrie, Anne-Marie Duff

Rating: 8/10

Sex Education (2019-)

Un elev de liceu cu ciudatenii personale si o mama terapeut sexual descopera ca isi poate folosi experienta din familie pentru a oferi sfaturi sexuale colegilor sai cu probleme.

Oda filmelor lui John Hughes (The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty In Pink, Ferry Bueller si tot asa) intr-un cadru englezesc, modificat pentru a se potrivi gusturilor de pe continentul american, ofera o poveste cu adolescenti ce creeaza dependenta, cu o Gillian Anderson (X Files!) de zile mari si personaje care de care mai diverse si interesante.

Productie: Netflix
Cu: Asa Butterfield, Gillian Anderson, Ncuti Gatwa,  Emma Mackey, Connor Swindells, Alistair Petrie, Anne-Marie Duff

Rating: 8/10

His Dark Materials (2019-)

In an alternate reality where everyone lives in symbiosis with an animal that contains their soul essence, Lyra is a special little girl who lives through unexpected adventures in her quest to unmask a political conspiracy that involves kidnapping children for unknown purposes.

A fantasy series very true to the books according to the general opinion, but which in an effort to concentrate as much of the written reality into the series, has not been able to also recreate the emotional effect and its credibility in relation to this reality. With interesting characters, and new things at every turn, His Dark Materials maintains the interest succeeding in bringing the viewer to the end, but not with much enthusiasm.

Another adaptation was started sometime ago with a full feature film: The Golden Compass (2007-8/10), which was not continued due to some religious controversies.
You've seen Lyra (Dafne Keen) before as Wolverine's descendant in Logan (2017-10/10).

Production: BBC
Featuring: Dafne Keen, Ruth Wilson, James Cosmo, James McAvoy, Helen McRory, Anne-Marie Duff, Gedmintas Route

Rating: 6/10

His Dark Materials (2019-)

Intr-o realitate alternativa unde toti oamenii traiesc in simbioza cu un animal ce contine esenta lor sufleteasca, Lyra este o fetita speciala ce traieste aventuri neasteptate in lupta pentru a demasca o conspiratie politica ce implica rapirea de copii pentru scopuri nestiute.

Un serial fantastic foarte fidel cartilor conform parerii generale, dar care in efortul de a concentra cat mai mult din realitatea romanesca nu a mai avut loc pentru a recrea efectul sentimental si credibilitatea acestuia in relatie cu aceasta realitate. Cu personaje interesante, si noutati la fiecare pas, His Dark Materials mentine interesul pentru a reusi sa duca vizionatorul catre final, dar nu cu mult entuziasm.

O alta ecranizare a fost inceputa candva cu un film artistic: The Golden Compass (2007-8/10), necontinuat din cauza unor controverse religioase.
Pe Lyra (Dafne Keen) ati mai vazut-o ca descendenta lui Wolverine in Logan (2017-10/10).

Productie: BBC
Cu: Dafne Keen, Ruth Wilson, James Cosmo, James McAvoy, Helen McRory, Anne-Marie Duff, Ruta Gedmintas

Rating: 6/10

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Anna (2019)

Anna becomes a KGB secret agent and uses her modelling career in 90s Paris as a cover.

One's expectations before actually watching this movie are probably a tad unfair, because the trailer and any other adds for Anna make it look like a re-iteration of Atomic Blonde, Red Sparrow, Lucy or Nikita. Luc Besson as author contributes to the same impression.
Nothing could be more false. The film stands on its own, based on a very fluid and typical Luc Besson screenplay, with a focus on fast-paced action and maximised viewer fun. It's far less serious than all the titles mentioned above, and the events are told in a fragmented way without following the chronological order of the action, a fact has an almost dizzying effect but is also part of the charm and individuality of the film. Twists galore and no boredom at all.

Director / screenplay: Luc Besson
With: Sasha Luss, Helen Mirren, Luke Evans, Cillian Murphy

Rating: 8/10

Anna (2019)

Anna devine agent secret KGB si isi foloseste cariera de fotomodel in Parisul anilor 90 ca acoperire.

Asteptarile dinainte de a vedea filmul sunt probabil un pic nedrepte, deoarece trailer-ul si alte reclame pentru Anna il fac sa para o re-iteratie a lui Atomic Blonde, Red Sparrow, Lucy sau Nikita. Luc Besson ca autor contribuie la aceeasi impresie.
Nimic mai fals. Filmul sta in picioare singur, bazat pe un scenariu foarte fluid si tipic lui Luc Besson, dar cu accent pe ritm rapid si distractie maximizata a publicului. E mai putin serios decat toate titlurile mentionate, si evenimentele sunt povestite intr-un mod fragmentat fara a urma ordinea cronologica a actiunii, fapt ce are un efect aproape ametitor dar ce face parte din farmecul si individualitatea peliculei. Twisturi sunt cat incape si plictiseala deloc.

Regie/scenariu: Luc Besson
Cu: Sasha Luss, Helen Mirren, Luke Evans, Cillian Murphy

Rating: 8/10

Monday, March 16, 2020

Call Me By Your Name (2017)

A young man starts a special relationship with his father's assistant in 80's Italy.

A special and trivial story at the same time (trivial meaning only that it is not of the domain of legend). The complex social and cultural context of the film offers an ideal context for a natural evolution of feelings induced by both instinct and a genuine attraction of two resonant personalities. The context (limited to just the summer, a silent but present fact) helps the experience to go almost without any of the imminent obstacles that any other circumstance would incur, making an impossible summer flirtation possible.
The importance of what has unfolded is beautifully stated via the father's monologue and the short end reminded us of the daily reality (at least of the time of the action) without ruining the effect.

One of my favorite authors, James Ivory became the oldest Oscar winner at 89 for the adaptation of André Aciman's novel.

Screenplay: James Ivory (adapted from a novel by André Aciman)
Directed by: Luca Guadagnino
Featuring: Armie Hammer, Timothée Chalamet, Michael Stuhlbarg, Amira Casar, Esther Garrel, Victory Du Bois

Rating: 10/10

Call Me By Your Name (2017)

Un tânăr încheagă o relație speciala cu asistentul tatălui sau în Italia anilor 80.

O poveste speciala si banala in acelasi timp (banala insemnand doar ca nu e de domeniul legendelor). Contextul socio cultural complex al peliculei oferă un context ideal pentru o evoluție fireasca a sentimentelor induse atât de instinct cât și de o atracție genuina a doua personalități ce rezonează. Contextul (limitat pe durata verii, un fapt tăcut dar prezent) ajuta trăirea aproape fără obstacole iminente in oricare alta conjunctura, făcând posibil un flirt de vara imposibil.
Importanta celor derulate este minunat enunțata prin monologul tatălui iar finalul scurt ne amintește de realitatea de zi cu zi(cel putin a timpului actiunii) fără a narui efectul. 

Unul din autorii mei preferati, James Ivory a devenit cel mai batran castigator de Oscar la 89 de ani pentru adaptarea romanului lui André Aciman.

Scenariu: James Ivory (adaptare dupa André Aciman)
Regia: Luca Guadagnino
Cu:  Armie Hammer, Timothée Chalamet, Michael Stuhlbarg, Amira Casar, Esther Garrel, Victoire Du Bois

Rating: 10/10

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Ingrid Goes West (2017)

Ingrid, a stalker of people she virtually meets via Instagram, becomes obsessed with a new celebrity and changes her life to get closer to them.

A movie that should be a dark comedy, with a focus on ... the dark bit. Well done, well written, it correctly portrays virtual and social obsessions that many Internet users suffer of, mainly due to a lack of time spent on discovering their own self because of their obsession with what one's self should be according to the accepted fashion of the moment. Coherent until the end, the film manages to keep the viewers's attention and curiosity through interesting interactions and almost natural people. One should note Ingrid(Audrey Plaza)'s autistic robot-ism when her obsession isn't looking and the natural charm of Dan as portrayed by Ice Cube's son.

Directed by: Matt Spicer (screenplay co-author)
With: Audrey Plaza, Elizabeth Olsen, O'Shea Jackson Jr., Wyatt Russell

Rating: 8/10

Ingrid Goes West (2017)

Ingrid, obsedata de oameni pe care ii cunoaste virtual prin Instagram, devine obsedata de o celebritate noua si isi schimba viata pentru a se apropia de ea.

Un film ce ar trebui sa fie comedie neagra, cu accent pe... neagra. Bine facut, portretizeaza corect obsesii virtuale si sociale de care sufera multi internauti care au uitat sa petreaca timp descoperindu-si sinele din cauza obsesiei pentru ceea ce sinele ar trebui sa fie conform modelor  acceptate ale momentului. Coerent pana la final, reuseste sa pastreze atentia si curiozitatea prin interactiuni interesante si oameni aproape naturali. De remarcat robotismul autist al lui Ingrid (Audrey Plaza) cand obsesia ei nu o vede si sarmul natural al lui Dan portretizat de fiul lui Ice Cube.

Regia: Matt Spicer (co-scenarist)
Cu: Audrey Plaza, Elizabeth Olsen, O'Shea Jackson Jr., Wyatt Russell

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Spring (2014)

An American runs away from the troubles of his home to Italy, where he meets a mysterious woman who hides secrets unbeknown to him.

A superb movie, reminiscent of Before Sunrise, but with a delicious (horror / fantasy) twist. Romantic, mysterious, both the romantic and the suspense are palpable. The dialogue is well written, the story is well coordinated and the cinematography is superb with Italy providing a magnificent and versatile visual context.

Directed by: Justin Benson (the script author), Aaron Moorhead
With: Lou Taylor Pucci, Nadia Hilker

Rating: 9/10

Spring (2014)

Un american fuge de necazurile de acasa in Italia, unde cunoaste o misterioasa femeie ce ascunde secrete nebanuite.

Un film superb, ce aminteste de Before Sunrise, dar cu un twist (horror/fantasy) delicios. Romantic, misterios, atat romanticul e palpabil cat si suspansul. Dialogul e bine pus la punct, povestea e bine coordonata si cinematografia e superba cu Italia oferind un context vizual magnific si versatil.

Regia: Justin Benson (autorul scenariului), Aaron Moorhead
Cu: Lou Taylor Pucci, Nadia Hilker

Rating: 9/10

Marianne (2019-)

A horror writer returns to her hometown after the witch in her novels reappears in her life.

An effective horror series, with common elements to the story in It (childhood monster, revisited as an adult, adventures with a close group of friends both in childhood and as adults). It combines mysterious and comical elements to achieve a coherent and intriguing story. The suspense is well maintained and the fear becomes tangible quite often.
It's a pity that it cannot be found and enjoyed in the original language, without being dubbed in English, which would have worked much better for the story and its audio effects. It was a similar case with Zone Blanche (9/10).

It's been announced in the news that Netflix won't make a second season, though it doesn't seem to be officially acknowledged.

Production: Netflix
With: Victoire Du Bois, Tiphaine Daviot, Lucie Boujenah, Patrick d'Assumçao

Rating: 8/10

Marianne (2019-)

O scriitoare de horror se intoarce in orasul natal dupa ce vrajitoarea din romanele sale isi rearata prezenta.

Un serial horror eficient, cu elemente comune cu povestea din It (monstru din copilarie, revazut ca adult, aventuri cu un grup strans de prieteni atat in copilarie cat si ca adulti). Imbina elemente misterioase si elemente comice pentru a obtine o poveste coerenta si intriganta. Suspansul e bine intretinut si teama devine reala.
E pacat ca nu poate fi urmarit in limba originala, fara dublare in engleza, ceea ce ar fi functionat mult mai bine pentru poveste si efectele audio. S-a vazut similar la Zone Blanche (9/10).

Se pare ca Netflix nu va face un al doilea sezon, desi nu pare sa fi confirmat oficial.

Productie: Netflix
Cu:  Victoire Du Bois, Tiphaine Daviot, Lucie Boujenah, Patrick d'Assumçao

Rating: 8/10

Friday, March 13, 2020

American Hustle (2013)

A pair of con artists is forced by federal agents to help catch bigger fish using the same skills that brought them trouble.

American Hustle is an entertaining and intelligent film without becoming too complicated to maintain the audience's interest. With multiple layers of deceptions and appearances and varied and interesting characters, the film keeps you curious and intrigued up until the last moment.
It has a typical atmosphere of the 70's, very well maintained by the characters' attire and attitude and a specific and wonderfully chosen soundtrack. The film includes a subtle and convincing love story, even if it is not the main focus. The actors give wonderful performances, with a subtle Christian Bale and explosive Jennifer Lawrence at the front.

Director/screenplay: David O. Russell
Featuring: Christian Bale, Jennifer Lawrence, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Renner, Michael Pena, Alessandro Nivola, Shea Whigham, Robert De Niro

Rating: 9/10

American Hustle (2013)

O pereche de escroci este fortata de agenti federali sa ajute la prinderea unor pesti mai mari folosindu-si aptitudinile ce i-au adus probleme.

American Hustle este un film antrenant si inteligent fara a deveni prea complicat pentru a intretine atractia audientei. Cu straturi multiple de pacaleli si aparente si personaje variate si interesante individual, filmul te tine curios si intrigat pana in ultima clipa. 
Are o atmosfera tipica a anilor 70, foarte bine intretiunuta de vestimentatia si atitudinea personajelor si o coloana sonora specifica si minunat aleasa. Filmul include o poveste de dragoste subtila si credibila, chiar daca nu este focusul principal. Actorii au prestatii minunate, in frunte cu un Christian Bale subtil si Jennifer Lawrence exploziva.

Regia/scenariu: David O. Russell
Cu: Christian Bale, Jennifer Lawrence, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Renner, Michael Pena, Alessandro Nivola, Shea Whigham, Robert De Niro

Rating: 9/10

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

I Come With The Rain (2009)

A former cop suffering with PTSD is tasked with searching for the missing son of an eccentric millionaire.

An action movie that combines different styles. It gets overly complicated by following three narrative threads in parallel and trying to tackle philosophical themes - a bit stretched and out of place - which initially creates unnecessary confusion. A somewhat unsuccessful but still intriguing and entertaining mix due to the stylised cinematographic technique specific to Asian action films.

Directed by: Tran Anh Hung
Featuring: Josh Hartnett, Byung-hun Lee, Takuya Kimura, Elias Koteas, Shawn Yue

Rating: 7/10

I Come With The Rain (2009)

Un fost politist cu stress post-traumatic primeste sarcina de a cauta fiul disparut al unui milonar excentric.

Un film de actiune ce imbina stiluri diverse. Se complica urmarind trei fire narative paralele, incercand sa dezbata teme filozofice fortate, cam nelalocul lor, ce initial creeaza o confuzie inutila. Un amestec oarecum nereusit dar totusi intrigant datorita tehnicii cinematorgrafice stilizate specifice filmelor asiatice de actiune.

Regia: Tran Anh Hung
Cu: Josh Hartnett, Byung-hun Lee, Takuya Kimura, Elias Koteas, Shawn Yue

Rating: 7/10

Monday, March 09, 2020

Uncut Gems (2019)

A jeweller sets up all kinds of chains of  financial arrangements in order to make enough profit to pay his debts.

A film with a fast and stressful rhythm, both for the character and for the audience. It's well made and very realistic, with actors often proving their talent, but in the end, it's a story wasted on a mediocre guy who doesn't seem to be aware of his own mediocrity. It doesn't teach a particularly special message, perhaps maybe an obvious "man makes plans and God laughs" but in this case the plans are extremely irresponsible and even stupid, things that are explicitly told to the character surprisingly often by those with whom he interacts.

Directed by: Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie
Featuring: Adam Sandler, Idina Menzel, Julia Fox

Rating: 6/10

Uncut Gems (2019)

Un bijutier aranjeaza tot felul de lanturi de afaceri pentru a-si plati datoriile.

Un film cu un ritm rapid si stressant, pentru personaj cat si pentru public. Este bine facut si foarte credibil, cu actori ce isi dovedesc talentul adesea, dar in mare, este o poveste irosita despre un tip mediocru ce nu pare sa fie constient de mediocritatea sa. Fara un mesaj aparte, decat poate un evident "omul face planuri si Dumnezeu rade" dar in cazul de fata planurile sunt extrem de iresponsabile si chiar stupide, lucruri ce ii sunt declarate direct personajului surprinzator de des de catre cei cu care interactioneaza.

Regia/scenariu: Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie
Cu: Adam Sandler, Idina Menzel, Julia Fox

Rating: 6/10

Saturday, March 07, 2020

The Lost City Of Z (2016)

Povestea reala a lui Percival Fawcett, un pasionat explorator disparut in anii '20 cautand un misterios sat amazonian.

Un film foarte frumos, despre vise si ambitii si obstacolele si sacrificiile reale intalnite pentru indeplinirea acestora. Pe de o parte il vedem pe Percival si echipa lui si pe de alta parte o vedem pe sotia acestuia cu vise similare dar cu obstacole sociale mult mai imposibil de invins. Cu un final asteptat, audienta poate se intreaba care ar fi rostul atentiei asupra povestii unui esec, dar important este de retinut ca fara acesti oameni nu am avea succesele ce s-au strecurat printre crapaturi.

Regia/scenariu: James Gray
Cu: Charlie Hunnam, Robert Pattinson, Sienna Miller, Tom Holland, Angus Macfadyen, Edward Ashley

Rating: 8/10

The Lost City Of Z (2016)

The real story of Percival Fawcett, a passionate explorer who disappeared in the 1920s looking for a mysterious Amazonian village.

A very beautiful film, about dreams and ambitions and the obstacles and real sacrifices met for their fulfilment. On the one hand we see Percival and his team and on the other hand we see his wife with similar dreams but with social obstacles much more impossible to overcome. With an expected ending, the audience may wonder what would be the point to pay so much attention to the story of a failure, but it is important to remember that without these people we would not have the successes that have crept through the cracks.

Directed/Written by: James Gray
With: Charlie Hunnam, Robert Pattinson, Sienna Miller, Tom Holland, Angus Macfadyen, Edward Ashley

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, March 01, 2020

La Migliore Offerta / Deception (2013)

An art expert, lonely and full of phobias, meets a female client who intrigues him more than his personal collection of female portraits masterpieces .

A film by Giuseppe Tornatore (The Legend of 1900, Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, Malena) with Geoffrey Rush in the lead role. That should be enough to attract the right audience.
A sensitive film, with and about sensitive people,  it initially creates contradictory feelings about gender equality, soon overturned by the idea of ​​a man with sensitivities so different from the realities around him that he gets to build his own world in which he feels accepted, whole and in his element, delaying / cancelling happy events that are (only apparently) forbidden to him.
If at times the film reminds the viewer of Cet Obscur Object Du Desir, this is an unfair comparison, the main character of Deception being a completely special individual, at the opposite pole of the superficiality exposed in Buñuel's film.
Bonus: The story has many attractions to offer for the public who is not very fond of too emotional films.

Directed/written by: Giuseppe Tornatore
Featuring: Geoffrey Rush, Jim Sturgess, Donald Sutherland, Sylvia Hoeks, Dermot Crowley, Liya Kebede

Rating: 9/10

La Migliore Offerta / Deception (2013)

Un expert evaluator de arta, singuratec si plin de fobii intalneste o clienta care il intriga mai mult decat colectia personala de capodopere portrete feminine.

Un film de Giuseppe Tornatore (The Legend of 1900, Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, Malena) cu Geoffrey Rush in rolul principal. Asta ar trebui sa fie de ajuns sa atraga publicul potrivit.
Un film sensibil, cu si despre oameni sensibili, creeaza initial sentimente contradictorii legate de egalitatea sexelor, curand daramate de ideea unui om cu sensibilitati atat de diferite realitatii din jurul sau incat ajunge sa isi construiasca propria lume in care se simte acceptat, complet si in elementul sau, amanand/anuland fericiri ce ii sunt (doar aparent) interzise.
Daca pe alocuri aminteste de Cet Obscur Objet Du Desir, aceasta este o paralela nedreapta, personajul de fata fiind un individ complet special, la polul opus superficialitatii expuse in filmul lui Buñuel.
Bonus: povestea ascunde destule atractii si pentru publicul ce nu este amator de filme prea emotionale.

Regia/scenariu: Giuseppe Tornatore
Cu: Geoffrey Rush, Jim Sturgess, Donald Sutherland, Sylvia Hoeks, Dermot Crowley, Liya Kebede

Rating: 9/10