Tuesday, September 29, 2020

#Saraitda / #Alive(2020)

Un tanar dependent de lumea moderna ramane izolat in apartamentul familiei in timpul raspandirii unui virus fatal.

Un film cu zombie un pic mai diferit. In multitudinea de optiuni ale genului, #Alive este inocent, onest si atragator prin realismul comportamentului uman si a interactiunii interesante cu alti supravietuitori. 

Regia:  Il Cho    
Cu: Ah-In Yoo, Shin-Hye Park, Hyun-Wook Lee, Bae-soo Jeon

Rating: 8/10

#Saraitda / #Alive(2020)

A young man addicted to the modern world remains isolated in his family's apartment during the outbreak of a fatal virus.

A slightly different zombie movie. Within the multitude of options for the zombie genre, #Alive is innocent, honest and appealing through the realism of the human behavior and interesting interaction between the few survivors. 

Director:  Il Cho    
With: Ah-In Yoo, Shin-Hye Park, Hyun-Wook Lee, Bae-soo Jeon

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Nightingale (2018)

In the first half of the 19th century, in the Tasmanian wilderness, a young Irish woman pursues a group of English officers seeking revenge for the sufferings of her family and enlists the help of a young Aboriginal man who has his own grievances.

A drama film, painfully realistic in terms of its historical context concerning life in nineteenth-century Tasmania. Injustice is everywhere, generated by a diverse amount of inequalities. The actors are extremely well chosen, managing with admirable success to generate palpable emotional expressions but also create perfectly suited characters historically, either physically or linguistically. Aisling Franciosi is painfully true and the film has some very uncomfortable moments for the viewer, even more uncomfortable when everything is so convincing, accurate considering the history profile of the times and not at all part of an ironic slasher. 

Director:  Jennifer Kent    
With:  Aisling Franciosi, Michael Sheasby, Maya Christie, Addison Christie, Sam Claflin

Rating: 8/10

The Nightingale (2018)

In prima jumatate a secolului X1X, in salbaticia tazmaniana, o tanara irlandeza urmareste un grup de ofiteri englezi cautand razbunare pentru suferintele familiei sale si obtine ajutorul unui tanar aborigen cu propriile nemultumiri.

Un film drama, dureros de realist în ceea ce privește contextul istoric al vieții în Tazmania secolului XIX. Nedreptatea este la tot pasul, generată de o armată variata de inegalități. Actorii sunt extrem de bine aleși, reușind cu un succes admirabil și sa creeze expresii emoționale palpabile dar și personaje perfect potrivite istoric, fie prin fizic sau limbaj. Aisling Franciosi este dureros de veridica iar filmul are câteva momente foarte incomode pentru privitor, cu atât mai incomode când totul este credibil, potrivit istoriei și nu parte dintr-un slasher ironic. 

Regia:  Jennifer Kent    
Cu:  Aisling Franciosi, Michael Sheasby, Maya Christie, Addison Christie

Rating: 8/10

Friday, September 18, 2020

Nomis / Night Hunter (2018)

O echipa de investigatori si un fost judecator acum justitiar neautorizat se confrunta cu un caz de rapiri si crime in serie conectate de un suspect cu probleme mentale.

Un thriller adormit, scris pe fugite, dornic de profit si fara respect pentru inteligenta audientei. Producatorii folosesc o echipa de actori talentati, dar intr-un mod atat de fad ca nu stralucesc prin nimic. Logica nu este o prioritate si cliseele se tin lant. Pierdere de timp si risipa de talent.

Regia:  David Raymond      
Cu: Henry Cavill, Ben Kingsley, Alexandra Daddario, Stanley Tucci, Brendan Fletcher, Minka Kelly, Nathan Fillion

Rating: 6/10

Nomis / Night Hunter (2018)

A team of investigators and a former judge now an unauthorized judge are facing a case of kidnappings and serial murders connected by a suspect with mental problems..

A sloppy tired thriller, written in a rush, aiming for only profits and with no respect for its audience's intelligence. The producers use a team of talented actors, but in such a bland way that they don't shine with anything. Logic is not a priority at all and the clichés keep on coming. A waste of time and even worse: a waste of good talent.

Director:  David Raymond      
With: Henry Cavill, Ben Kingsley, Alexandra Daddario, Stanley Tucci, Brendan Fletcher, Minka Kelly, Nathan Fillion

Rating: 6/10

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Child's Play (2019)

Andy primeste o papusa inteligenta de la mama sa ce curand demonstreaza un comportament bizar si periculos.

Un remake al unui film horror clasic cu aduce povestea in realitatea curenta (inteligenta artificiala, dependenta de tehnologie, monopol al pietei tehnologice). Chucky nu este schimbat foarte mult si motivatia comportamentului sau sta mai bine pozitionata in contextul temerilor reale ale unei mari parti din omenire ce se asteapta ca Skynet sa fie o realitate extrem de probabila. Jucat ok si imbibat cu un umor negru dar zgarcit, filmul este mai bun decat te-ai astepta, si desi nu este prea ..de groaza, are un pic de gore ce restabilizeaza echilibrul.

Regia:  Lars Klevberg   
Cu: Aubrey Plaza, Tim Matheson, Gabriel Bateman, Mark Hamill

Rating: 7/10

Child's Play (2019)

Andy receives a smart doll from his mother and it soon shows a bizarre and dangerous behavior.

A remake of a classic horror which upgrades the story to our current reality (artificial intelligence, addiction to technology, some giants' monopoly over the technology market). Chucky has not changed much and the motivation for his behavior is better positioned in the context of the real fears of a large part of humanity who expect Skynet to be an extremely probable reality. The team of actors perform ok and the story is imbued with a dark but kinda scarce humor, making the film better than one would expect, and although it's not too ..scary, it has a bit of gore that restores some balance.

Director:  Lars Klevberg   
With: Aubrey Plaza, Tim Matheson, Gabriel Bateman, Mark Hamill

Rating: 7/10

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tag (2018)

Un grup de prieteni din copilarie profita de nunta unuia dintre ei pentru a-l invinge in sfarsit la jocul de Tag pe care il joaca de cand copii.

Bazat pe o idee reala, si frumoasa si inocenta in felul ei, Tag este o comedie ce porneste puternic dar isi pierde farmecul pe parcurs. Cauza nu este neaparat de blamat, deoarece repetitia aceluiasi tip de poanta este o strategie populara ce chiar functioneaza in industria cinematografica, dar pentru a ridica stafeta e nevoie de ceva mai consistent. Filmul functioneaza dar putea fi ceva mai scurt.
Un sentiment ciudat vine de la prezenta lui Jon Hamm ce nu pare potrivit pentru comedie - de vina e probabil amprenta permanenta a unui personaj ce va fi mereu identificat cu el - Don Draper al Mad Men.

Regia:  Jeff Tomsic      
Cu:  Jeremy Renner, Ed Helms, Jake Johnson, Jon Hamm, Annabelle Wallis, Jake Johnson, Isla Fisher, Leslie Bibb, Rashida Jones

Rating: 7/10

Tag (2018)

A group of childhood friends take advantage of the wedding of one of them to finally defeat them at Tag - a game they have been playing since being children.

Based on a real story, and beautiful and innocent in its own way, Tag is a comedy that starts strong but loses its charm somewhere along the way. The cause for that is not necessarily to blame, because the repetition of the same type of joke is a popular strategy that really works in the film industry, but to raise the bar one needs something more consistent. The movie works but could improve by being a little shorter.
A strange feeling comes from the presence of Jon Hamm who does not seem suitable for comedy - the fault sits probably with the permanent imprint of a character who will always be identified with him - Don Draper of Mad Men.

Director:  Jeff Tomsic      
With:  Jeremy Renner, Ed Helms, Jake Johnson, Jon Hamm, Annabelle Wallis, Jake Johnson, Isla Fisher, Leslie Bibb, Rashida Jones

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Twixt (2011)

Un scriitor de carti horror isi regaseste inspiratia intr-un orasel in care elemente interesante sunt presarate la tot pasul.

Un film fals etichetat ca horror, fiind un experiment regizoral ce descrie inspiratia creatoare si procesul compozitional. Interesant ca bucati ale unui intreg si ca analiza procesului creator dar neinspirat ca film pentru un public ce asteapta o poveste inchegata consistent. Nu oricine poate satisface audienta cu altceva decat ce asteapta cum reuseste David Lynch.

Regia:  Francis Ford Coppola    
Cu: Val Kilmer, Bruce Dern, Elle Fanning, Ben Chaplin, Joanne Whalley, Alden Ehrenreich

Rating: 7/10

Twixt (2011)

A horror novel writer finds his inspiration in a small town where interesting pieces of an undiscovered story are sprinkled everywhere.

A film that's mislabeled a horror, Twixt being more like a directorial experiment that describes the creative inspiration and the compositional process. Interesting as pieces of a whole and as an analysis of the creative process but not very inspired as a film for an audience that's waiting for a consistently cohesive story. Not everyone can satisfy the audience with something else than what's expected like David Lynch can.

Director:  Francis Ford Coppola    
With: Val Kilmer, Bruce Dern, Elle Fanning, Ben Chaplin, Joanne Whalley, Alden Ehrenreich

Rating: 7/10

Friday, September 11, 2020

The King (2019)

Povestirea circumstantelor devenirii rege al lui Henric al V-lea si desfasurarea bataliei de la Agincourt.

O dramatizare a unui episod istoric din timpul razboiului de 100 de ani ce isi permite multe licente poetice, inspirat fiind de scrierile lui Shakespeare. Bine scris si foarte bine jucat, The King poate fi gustat de un public variat. Lupta interna a lui Hal e foarte bine pusa in scena de Timothée Chalamet, unul din marile talente ale generatiei curente de actori. 
Prezenta lui Robert Pattinson, ca britanic in rolul Delfinului Francez, in antagonism cu francezul Timothée Chalamet in rolul regelui britanic este un deliciu surpriza, bine aranjat si bine primit.

Regia:  David Michôd    
Cu: Timothée Chalamet, Sean Harris, Ben Mendelsohn, Joel Edgerton, Tara Fitzgerald, Robert Pattinson, Lily-Rose Depp

Rating: 8/10

The King (2019)

The story of the circumstances of Henry V's becoming king and the unfolding of the Battle of Agincourt.

A dramatization of a historical episode during the Hundred Years' War that allows itself many poetic licenses, while being inspired by the Shakespearean works. Well written and with a good display of great performances, The King can be enjoyed by a wide audience. Hal's internal struggle is very well brought to life by Timothée Chalamet, one of the great talents of the current generation of actors.
The presence of Robert Pattinson, as a Briton in the role of the French Dauphin, in antagonism with the Frenchman Timothée Chalamet in the role of the British king is a delightful surprise, well thought out and pleasantly received.

Director:  David Michôd    
With: Timothée Chalamet, Sean Harris, Ben Mendelsohn, Joel Edgerton, Tara Fitzgerald, Robert Pattinson, Lily-Rose Depp

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Slumber (2017)

O doctorita ce ajuta in probleme de somn, trebuie sa lucreze cu o familie afectata de un demon ce foloseste cosmaruri pentru a-si ataca victimele.

Un film de groaza cu o idee interesanta dar care nu a reusit sa ecranizeze nimic original, interesant sau inovator. In afara de prezenta lui Maggie Q, nimic din film nu mentine interesul, ritmul este incet si plictisitor iar finalul eliberator se resimte ca un balon dezumflat pe neobservate.

Regia:  Jonathan Hopkins      
Cu: Maggie Q, Will Kemp, Sophia Wiseman, Kristen Bush

Rating: 6/10

Slumber (2017)

A doctor who helps people with sleep problems, must work with a family who's affected by a demon who uses nightmares to feed of their victims.

A horror film that was based on an interesting idea but which failed to put unto the screen anything original, interesting or innovative. Apart from the presence of Maggie Q, nothing in the film maintains the viewer's interest, the rhythm is slow and boring and the liberating ending is perceived just like a deflated balloon that got pierced almost unnoticed.

Director:  Jonathan Hopkins      
With: Maggie Q, Will Kemp, Sophia Wiseman, Kristen Bush

Rating: 6/10

Monday, September 07, 2020

Project Power (2020)

O adolescenta traficanta de droguri, un fost soldat si un politist interactioneaza in mod neasteptat intr-o realitate ce contine pastile ce transforma orice individ intr-un super-om pentru 5 minute.

Un film de actiune si SF ce foloseste idei imprumutate din X-Men in mod inovativ si foarte satisfacator. Personajele sunt bine scrise, carismatice si cu o chimie foarte credibila si placuta. Actiunea este bine planificata si surprizele bine gandite, si limitate sau exagerate perfect, dupa cum o cere momentul. Elemente muzicale neasteptate sunt inteligent folosite pentru a ajuta la creionarea personajelor.

Regia:  Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman     
Cu: Jamie Foxx, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Dominique Fishback, Rodrigo Santoro

Rating: 8/10

Project Power (2020)

A teenage drug dealer, a former soldier and a policeman unexpectedly interact in a reality that contains pills that turn any individual into a superhuman for five minutes.

An action and sci-fi film that uses ideas borrowed from X-Men in an innovative and very satisfying way. The characters are well written, charismatic and showcasing a very convincing and pleasant chemistry. The action is well oaced and the surprises well thought out, and constrained or exaggerated perfectly, as the moment requires. Unexpected musical elements are cleverly used to help sketch the characters.

Directors:  Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman     
With: Jamie Foxx, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Dominique Fishback, Rodrigo Santoro

Rating: 8/10

Friday, September 04, 2020

Hotel Artemis (2018)

Intr-un viitor apropiat, Nurse conduce un spital  ilegal cu drepturi speciale pentru membrii sai ce apartin exclusiv lumii interlope.

Un thriller de actiune cu accente SF si elemente caricaturistice. Bine facut, bine jucat, cu personaje detaliate indeajuns, Hotel Artemis intretine atmosfera eficient prin dialogul bine pus la punct si interactiunea interesanta a personajelor. Mai incet decat fanii genului ar dori, filmul nu este perfect si se pare nici prea bine primit, ceea ce este pacat, deoarece va fi uitat repede pe nedrept.
Jodie Foster revine dupa ani de absenta intr-un rol neasteptat in care interpreteaza un personaj mult mai in varsta decat ea insasi.

Regia:  Drew Pearce    
Cu: Jodie Foster, Sofia Boutella, Dave Bautista, Sterling K. Brown, Jenny Slate, Zachary Quinto,  Charlie Day, Kenneth Choi

Rating: 8/10

Hotel Artemis (2018)

In a near future, Nurse runs an illegal hospital that reserves special rights for its members who belong exclusively to the criminal world.

An action thriller with SF accents and comic book elements. Well done, well performed, with enough detailed characters, Hotel Artemis maintains its atmosphere efficiently through the well-developed dialogue and the interesting character interaction. Slower than the fans of the genre would probably like, the film is not perfect and does not seem to have been too well received, which is a shame, because it will be quickly unfairly forgotten.
Jodie Foster returns after years of absence in an unexpected role in which she plays a character much older than herself.

Director:  Drew Pearce    
With: Jodie Foster, Sofia Boutella, Dave Bautista, Sterling K. Brown, Jenny Slate, Zachary Quinto,  Charlie Day, Kenneth Choi

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, September 03, 2020

The Curse of la Llorona (2019)

O asistenta sociala se confrunta cu o entitate supranaturala cu intentii negative dupa ce atrage atentia acesteia asupra copiilor sai printr-un caz la care lucra.

Inca un film horror din universul The Conjuring, cu The Nun ramanand cel mai slab. Pare un subiect vazut adesea, dar mitul lui La Llorona exista si merita atentia acordata. Povestea in schimb nu este prea originala si executia si mai putin, folosind clisee ale genului prea evidente si nici una din subtilitatile originale ale filmelor din serie. Are cateva atuu-ri ca jocul lui Linda Cardellini in rolul mamei, ce e minunata alternand o persoana speriata de ceva fara explicatie si o mama ce se teme si isi apara copiii, precum si umorul unor replici aplicate complet neasteptat in momente inoportune cu un efect benefic impresiei generale a filmului.

Regia:  Michael Chaves   
Cu: Linda Cardellini, Raymond Cruz, Patricia Velasquez, Marisol Ramirez

Rating: 6/10

The Curse of la Llorona (2019)

A social worker has to confront a supernatural entity that has bad intentions after she draws it's attention to her own children through a case she was working on.

Another horror film from The Conjuring universe, with The Nun still remaining the weakest of the bunch. It uses a topic often seen in various forms, but the myth of La Llorona exists and actually deserves some attention. The development of the story though is not very original and its execution is even less, using genre clichés that are too obvious and none of the original subtleties of the first films in the series. It gets some extra points for a few pros: Linda Cardellini's role as the mother, who is wonderful juggling a person that's scared of some unexplained something and a mother who is afraid for and defends her children, but also the comical effect of some completely unexpected lines just dropped on the audience at inopportune moments with an effect that's actually quite beneficial to the overall impression of the film.

Director:  Michael Chaves   
With: Linda Cardellini, Raymond Cruz, Patricia Velasquez, Marisol Ramirez

Rating: 6/10

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Dark (2017–2020)

The disappearance of a couple of children triggers a series of connected events in unexpected ways once the time factor is manipulated.

A surprising series that's based on ideas that are often reused like temporal paradoxes, but taken to an extreme so efficiently and artistically, contributing to a network of connections so complex that some fans decide to watch Dark with a pencil in their hand. The scientific explanation becomes somewhat of a secondary focus while the cause&effect network becomes the main attention and the generator of much fascination and curiosity. Nothing is accidental in Dark, and the few poetic licenses it adopted increase the initial fascination which remains constant right up to the freeing finale at the end of season 3.
The attention to detail is admirable and many may notice that the actors are not chosen at random, because all those who play the same character at different ages look alike just enough so you actually know which character they are without them being introduced.

Production:  Netflix  
Creator:  Baran bo Odar, Jantje Friese   
Duration:  the first season has 10 episodes, followed by 2 seasons of 8 (1 hour each)   
With: Louis Hofmann, Karoline Eichhorn, Lisa Vicari, Maja Schöne, Andreas Pietschmann

Rating: 9/10

Dark (2017–2020)

Disparitia unor copii declanseaza o serie de evenimente conectate in moduri neasteptate odata ce factorul timp este modificat.

Un serial neasteptat ce este bazat pe idei des refolosite ca paradoxuri temporale dar dus la extrem foarte eficient si artistic contribuind la o retea de legaturi atat de complexa incat unii fani decid sa urmareasca Dark cu un creion in mana. Explicatia stiintifica devine oarecum personaj secundar in timp ce increngatura dependentelor devine atentia principala si generatoarea de fascinatie si curiozitate. Nimic nu este intamplator in Dark, iar putinele licente poetice adoptate sporesc fascinatia initiala ce ramane constanta pana la finalul eliberator de la sfarsitul sezonului 3. 
Atentia pentru detalii este de admirat si multi pot observa ca actorii nu sunt alesi intamplator, deoarece toti cei ce joaca acelasi personaj la diferite varste seamana de ajuns incat stii cine sunt fara a se prezenta.

Productie:  Netflix  
Creator:  Baran bo Odar, Jantje Friese   
Durata:  primul sezon de 10 episoade apoi 2 sezoane a cate 8 (de 1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Louis Hofmann, Karoline Eichhorn, Lisa Vicari, Maja Schöne

Rating: 9/10