Sunday, August 29, 2021

The Dead Don't Die (2019)

Locuitorii din Centerville se trezesc in mijlocul unei epidemii zombie fara explicatie.

"The Dead Don't Die" e un film artistic, semnat de Jim Jarmusch, ce e mascat ca un horror-comedie cu zombi. Filmul e toate de mai sus, dar in principal e o satira ce comenteaza era curenta de consumerism digital. Mesajul nici nu incearca sa fie subtil, iar comedia are ca surse principale placiditatea unora dintre personaje in fata evenimentelor si dialogul ce trece de bariera filmului cu mici referiri la contextul real al productiei.
Bonus: filmul are o colectie intreaga de cameo-uri neasteptate (Iggy Pop, Selena Gomez, Tilda Swinton).

Regia:  Jim Jarmusch      
Cu: Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Tom Waits, Chloë Sevigny, Tom Waits, Caleb Landry Jones, RZA, Rosie Perez, Tilda Swinton, Danny Glover, Steve Buscemi, Carol Kane, Iggy Pop

Rating: 7/10

The Dead Don't Die (2019)

Centerville residents find themselves in the middle of an unexplained zombie epidemic.

"The Dead Don't Die" is an art film, by well known auteur Jim Jarmusch, a film which is disguised as a zombie horror comedy. The film is all of the above, but moreover, it's a satire that comments on the current era of digital consumerism. The message does not even try to be subtle, and the comedy has its main sources coming from the placidity of some of the characters when faced with the events and the rich dialogue that crosses the barrier of the film with small references to the real context of the production.
Bonus: the film has a whole collection of unexpected cameos (Iggy Pop, Selena Gomez, Tilda Swinton and so on).

Director:  Jim Jarmusch      
With: Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Tom Waits, Chloë Sevigny, Tom Waits, Caleb Landry Jones, RZA, Rosie Perez, Tilda Swinton, Danny Glover, Steve Buscemi, Carol Kane, Iggy Pop

Rating: 7/10

Friday, August 27, 2021

The Night Manager (2016)

Seful de noapte al unui hotel din Cairo sufera efectul unui eveniment dramatic, si isi schimba complet viata incercand sa infiltreze reteaua apropiata a traficantului de arme ce a cauzat acel eveniment.

O miniserie dramatica cu elemente de spionaj, bazata pe un roman de John le Carré. Incepe puternic, credibil, creeaza atractia pentru public prin uzul de personaje bine scrise si cu trasaturi puternice. Din pacate, finalul cam pierde din tractiune si implicare, dar nu anuleaza povestea cu totul, doar isi pierde oarecum din farmecul initial.

Regia:  Susanne Bier   
Productie:  AMC   
Creator:  David Farr   
Durata:  o miniserie de 6 episoade (1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Hugh Laurie, Tom Hiddleston, Elizabeth Debicki, Olivia Colman, Alistair Petrie, Tom Hollander, Tobias Menzies

Rating: 7/10

The Night Manager (2016)

The night manager of a hotel in Cairo is affected by a dramatic event, and continues on with completely changing his life trying to infiltrate the inner circle of the arms dealer who caused said event.

A dramatic miniseries with spy films elements, based on a novel by John le Carré. It starts strong, perfectly plausible, it creates the appeal for the audience through the use of well-written characters with strong traits. Unfortunately, towards the ending, it loses a bit of traction and involvement, but it doesn't completely cancel the story, it just loses some of its initial charm.

Director:  Susanne Bier   
Production:  AMC   
Creator:  David Farr   
Duration:  one miniseries of 6 episodes (1 hour each)   
With: Hugh Laurie, Tom Hiddleston, Elizabeth Debicki, Olivia Colman, Alistair Petrie, Tom Hollander, Tobias Menzies

Rating: 7/10

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Relic (2020)

O familie compusa din mama, fiica si bunica sunt victimele unor manifestari supranaturale ce au o semnificatie neasteptata.

Relic e un film horror cu adevarat diferit. E original, intrigant, si foarte enigmatic pana la final. Misterul si nedumerirea sunt persistente, dar fara a deveni excesive si frustrante. Finalul si explicatia au un efect mai mult pansiv si o semnificatie metaforica si nu se vor lasa usor uitate.

Regia:  Natalie Erika James    
Cu: Robyn Nevin, Emily Mortimer, Bella Heathcote, Steve Rodgers

Rating: 9/10

Relic (2020)

A family composed of a mother, a daughter and the grandmother are the victims of some supernatural manifestations that have an unexpected significance.

Relic is a really different horror movie. It's original, intriguing, and very enigmatic up to the end. The mystery and confusion are persistent, but without becoming excessive and frustrating. The ending and the explanation have a more pensive effect and a metaphorical significance and will not be easily forgotten.

Director:  Natalie Erika James    
With: Robyn Nevin, Emily Mortimer, Bella Heathcote, Steve Rodgers

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Mary Queen of Scots (2018)

Anii de viata ai lui Mary Stuart inainte de a fi inchisa de regina Elisabeta pentru 20 de ani si raportul de la distanta cu aceasta.

Un film istoric un pic diferit, ce prezinta fapte istorice cunoscute, imbracate in ceva mai multa emotie, empatie si trairi mai realiste ale cleor doua personalitati puternice. Filmul e fascinant, accentele feministe ajutand sa puna in valoare realitatea vremii istorice si puterea de spirit a unor femei ce au contat, dar care au avut o atitudine contrastanta fata de limitele impuse genului de care au apartinut, fiecare pierzand in felul ei.

Regia:  Josie Rourke    
Cu: Saoirse Ronan, Margot Robbie, Jack Lowden, Joe Alwyn

Rating: 8/10

Mary Queen of Scots (2018)

The years of Mary Stuart's life before she was imprisoned by Queen Elizabeth for 20 years and the long-distance rapport they built.

A slightly different historical film, which presents known historical facts (and more), dressed in a little more emotion, empathy and more realistic feelings of the two strong personalities. The film is fascinating, the feminist accents helping to highlight the reality of the historical time and the power of spirit of two women who mattered, but who had a contrasting attitude towards the limits imposed on the gender to which they belonged, each of them losing something  in their own way.

Director:  Josie Rourke    
With: Saoirse Ronan, Margot Robbie, Jack Lowden, Joe Alwyn

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Brightburn (2019)

Un cuplu ce isi doreste copii gaseste raspunsul la rugile lor, cand un copil extraterestru aterizeaza pe terenul lor, intr-un meteorit.

Un film de groaza despre un anti-Superman. Tensiunea e bine mentinuta si bine realizata, involutia emotionala a copilului este iar bine portretizata si teroarea si indoiala celor ce il iubesc are sens. Ce e neplacut poate, e bruschetea schimbarii emotionale a copilului si lipsa de speranta si vidul emotional ce il sugereaza, mai ales cu nota contrastanta a personajului de la inceput.

Regia:  David Yarovesky     
Cu: Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Jackson A. Dunn, Abraham Clinkscales

Rating: 7/10

Brightburn (2019)

A couple who wants children finds an answer to their prayers, when an alien child crashes on their land, in a meteorite.

A horror movie about an anti-Superman. The tension is well maintained and well executed, the child's emotional involution is well portrayed and the terror and doubt of those who love him makes sense. What is unpleasant, perhaps, is the abruptness of the child's emotional change and the hopelessness and emotional emptiness that is suggested, especially given the contrast to the same character at the beginning of the film.

Director:  David Yarovesky     
With: Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Jackson A. Dunn, Abraham Clinkscales

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Finding Dory (2016)

Dory incepe sa isi aminteasca fragmente din copilarie, ceea ce o provoaca sa alerge in cautarea parintilor sai, spre disperarea prietenilor ce incearca sa o regaseasca.

O animatie de succes, urmare a unei animatii de mare renume (Finding Nemo). Povestea e draguta si diversa, ritmul e constant si fara plictis, personajele sunt bine gandite si nu doar superficiale. O poveste numai buna pentru o familie cu copii mici si nu numai.

Regia:   Andrew Stanton, Angus MacLane     
Cu: Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Ed O'Neill, Kaitlin Olson

Rating: 8/10

Finding Dory (2016)

Dory begins to remember fragments of her childhood, which causes her to run in search of her parents with no second thought, to the despair of her friends who are trying to find her.

A successful animation film, a sequel to another famous animation (Finding Nemo). The story is nice and diverse, the rhythm is constant and without any boredom, the characters are well thought out and not just superficial schetches. A good story for a family with small children but also for bigger children.

Director:   Andrew Stanton, Angus MacLane     
With: Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Ed O'Neill, Kaitlin Olson

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Army of the Dead (2021)

In mijlocul unui apocalips cu zombie, o echipa de mercenari se aventureaza in mijlocul unui foarte afectat Las Vegas pentru o misiune de interes financiar.

Un film de actiune de tip blockbuster in cel mai pur sens al cuvantului, adica este impresionant vizual si prin alte elemente superficiale, dar nu acorda importanta logicii sau lipsei de predictibilitate. Interesanta si impresionata este manipularea digitala a scenelor cu Tig Notaro datorata inlocuirii lui Chris D'Elia post productie (dupa acuze de hartuire). 

Regia:  Zack Snyder     
Cu: Dave Bautista, Ella Purnell, Ana de la Reguera, Omari Hardwick, Hiroyuki Sanada, Theo Rossi, Garret Dillahunt, Tig Notaro

Rating: 6/10

Army of the Dead (2021)

In the middle of a zombie apocalypse, a team of mercenaries ventures in the middle of a very affected Las Vegas for a mission of financial interest.

A blockbuster action film in the purest sense of the word, that is, it is visually impressive (lots of special effects and explosions), but does not give importance to logic or lack of predictability. Interesting and impressive is the seamless digital manipulation of the scenes with Tig Notaro due to them replacing Chris D'Elia post production (after allegations of sexual harassment). 

Director:  Zack Snyder     
With: Dave Bautista, Ella Purnell, Ana de la Reguera, Omari Hardwick, Hiroyuki Sanada, Theo Rossi, Garret Dillahunt, Tig Notaro

Rating: 6/10

Monday, August 16, 2021

Ghostbusters (1984)

O echipa de oameni de stiinta pasionati de paranormal formeaza o echipa ce vaneaza fantome.

O comedie de success, blockbuster al anilor '80, acum film cult cu nenumarati fani si sursa de citate celebre. Cei patru protagonisti sunt placuti, amuzanti, printre cele mai iubiti actori de comedie si nu numai, iar povestea este trasa de par dar bine facuta, chiar si cu efectele speciale invechite, incat lipsa de fond stiintific sau logica este pur si simplu irelevanta.

Regia:  Ivan Reitman   
Cu: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Rick Moranis, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, William Atherton

Rating: 8/10

Ghostbusters (1984)

A group of scientists who are passionate about the paranormal forms a business that take ghost hunting cases.

A successful comedy, blockbuster of the '80s, now a cult film with an enormous fanbase and a rich source of famous quotes. The four protagonists are appealing, funny, they are played by some of the most popular comedy and not only actors, and the story is ridiculous but well executed, even with the outdated special effects, so much so that the lack of scientific background or logic is simply irrelevant.

Director:  Ivan Reitman   
With: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Rick Moranis, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, William Atherton

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019)

Intr-o lume post Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man incearca sa faca lucruri normale varstei lui, dar soarta de supererou ii sta in cale.

Inca un film din seria fara sfarsit a filmelor din universul Marvel curent. E un film destul de entertaining, cu ceva idei originale si mai atragatoare pentru un public plictisit de acelasi tip de raufacator. Ceea ce este chiar foarte refreshing, dar ca film, Far From Home nu poate fi mai mult decat unul de umplutura.

Regia:  Jon Watts     
Cu: Tom Holland, Samuel L. Jackson, Jake Gyllenhaal, Marisa Tomei, Zendaya

Rating: 7/10

Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019)

In a post-Avengers: Endgame world, Spider-Man tries to do things normal for his age, but the fate of his superhero persona gets in his way.

Another movie from the endless series of features in the current Marvel Universe. It's a pretty entertaining film, with some quite original and more appealing ideas and plot for an audience so fed up with the same type of villain. Which is really very refreshing, but as a movie, Far From Home can't be considered anything more than just a filler one.

Director:  Jon Watts     
With: Tom Holland, Samuel L. Jackson, Jake Gyllenhaal, Marisa Tomei, Zendaya

Rating: 7/10

Friday, August 13, 2021

Firefly (2002–2003)

O echipa de renegati abili isi gasesc misiuni diverse calatorind intr-o nava spatiala, 500 de ani in viitor.

Un serial SF creat, scris si regizat de Joss Whedon si marca stilului sau se simte la tot pasul prin dialogul bine scris, cu expresii frumos unduite pentru a exprima diverse tonuri umoristice cam in orice situatie, atitudinea usor prea serioasa in tandem cu jucausa ce pare sa fie prezenta la toti eroii pe care Joss i-a creat (ca Mal si Buffy inaintea lui)  si multe  amanunte de gen. 
Serialul a fost anulat brusc din cauza unor amanunte contractuale si o intreaga generatie de fani a fost razvratita, ca urmare Firefly a continuat intr-un film: Serenity, si ambele sunt si acum foarte sus in topul celor mai iubite seriale/filme cult. 

Regia:  Joss Whedon si altii
Productie:  FOX  
Creator:  Joss Whedon   
Durata:  1 sezon de 14 episoade (44 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, Alan Tudyk, Morena Baccarin, Adam Baldwin, Jewel Staite, Summer Glau, Christina Hendricks, Ron Glass, Mark Sheppard

Rating: 8/10

Firefly (2002–2003)

A team of randomly skilled renegades find various missions while travelling in a spaceship, 500 years in the future.

A SciFi series created, written and directed by Joss Whedon and the brand of his style can be felt at all times through the well-written dialogue, with beautifully constructed lines meant to express various humorous tones in almost any situation, an attitude that's slightly too serious but mixed in with playful which seems to be present in all the heroes that Joss created (like Mal for Firefly and Buffy before him) and many similar details.
The series was abruptly canceled due to contractual details and an entire generation of fans rebelled, as a result of which Firefly continued in a movie: Serenity, and both are still very high in the tops of the most beloved cult series and movies.

Director:  Joss Whedon and others
Production:  FOX  
Creator:  Joss Whedon   
Duration:  1 season of 14 episodes (44 minutes each)   
With: Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, Alan Tudyk, Morena Baccarin, Adam Baldwin, Jewel Staite, Summer Glau, Christina Hendricks, Ron Glass, Mark Sheppard

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Ad Astra (2019)

Roy Mcbride e un astronaut ce porneste intr-o misiune complexa si periculoasa din dorinta de a afla adevarul despre tatal sau, disparut intr-o misiune asemanatoare in urma cu 30 de ani.

Ad Astra este o drama Stiintifico-fantastica ce trateaza teme umane comune ca ambitia si sentimentele catre parinti dezamagitori sau absenti. Vedem predispozitia catre a dori a-ti cunoaste radacinile, precum si dorinta nedeclarata, ascunsa sub o masca de apatie de a afla ca parintii vinovati au circumstante atenuante. Brad Pitt este foarte eficient si abil ca intotdeauna in a reda o mare gama de emotii cu foarte putin efort, ajutat si de monologul sau cinic si plictisit ce serveste ca povestitor. 
Cu putina actiune si mai multa invitatie la cugetare, Ad Astra nu e un film entertaining decat pentru putini.

Regia:  James Gray    
Cu: Brad Pitt, Tommy Lee Jones, Ruth Negga, Donald Sutherland

Rating: 9/10

Ad Astra (2019)

Roy Mcbride is an astronaut who embarks on a complex and dangerous mission out of a desire to find out the truth about his father, who disappeared on a similar mission 30 years ago.

Ad Astra is a sci-fi drama that deals with common human themes such as ambition and one's feelings towards disappointing or absent parents. We see here the predisposition to wanting to know one's roots, as well as the undeclared desire, hidden under a mask of apathy, to find out that the guilty parents have some mitigating circumstances. Brad Pitt is very efficient and skilled as always in rendering a wide range of emotions with very little effort, helped by his cynical and bored monologue his character delivers as also the storyteller.
With little action and more of an invitation to reflection, Ad Astra is an entertaining film only for a few.

Director:  James Gray    
With: Brad Pitt, Tommy Lee Jones, Ruth Negga, Donald Sutherland

Rating: 9/10

Monday, August 09, 2021

The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)

In spatiu pentru a cauta o solutie la criza de energie, o echipa de cercetatori se trezesc intr-o situatie neasteptata cand un accident de testare ii muta intr-un univers duplicat.

Un film thriller SF ce functioneaza si de sine statator dar si ca parte componenta a trilogiei marca Cloverfield, cu o poveste ce serveste ca originea contextului actiunii din cele 3 (foarte diferite) filme. Ideea e interesanta, executia este coerenta si actiunea palpitanta de ajuns iar echipa de actori este bine aleasa, continand cativa favoriti ai publicului.

Regia:  Julius Onah      
Cu: Gugu Mbatha-Raw, David Oyelowo, Daniel Brühl, John Ortiz, Chris O'Dowd, Ziyi Zhang, Elizabeth Debicki, Donal Logue, Simon Pegg (voice)

Rating: 8/10

The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)

In space to find a solution to the energy crisis, a team of researchers find themselves in an unexpected situation when a test accident moves them into a duplicate universe.

A Sci-Fi thriller film that works well on its own but also as a component of the Cloverfield trilogy, with a story that serves as the origin for the context of the 3 (very different) films. The idea is interesting, the execution is coherent and the action is exciting enough and the team of actors is well chosen, including some fan favorites (like Chris O'Dowd and Ziyi Zhang).

Director:  Julius Onah      
With: Gugu Mbatha-Raw, David Oyelowo, Daniel Brühl, John Ortiz, Chris O'Dowd, Ziyi Zhang, Elizabeth Debicki, Donal Logue, Simon Pegg (voice)

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, August 07, 2021

Justified (2010–2015)

Raylan Givens is a US Marshal who's reassigned to the rural Kentucky area he comes from, as punishment for bending the rules during his Miami service.

An American action series that is much more than its covers suggest. For those who expect a new Walker - Texas ranger, Justified is so much more: it faithfully represents a way of life, with all the bad, good and ugly, it is a rich source of interesting dialogue, very entertaining,  and rich humor, both the subtle and less subtle kind, and it has a variety of well-written, well-characterized characters that are either in tune with the environment or extremely contrasting in the most satisfying way. The main character is an imperfect hero, the more so loved by the audience for this predilection he has for reinterpreting the law in his own way.

Director:  Adam Arkin, Jon Avnet and others   
Production:  FX   
Creator:  Graham Yost   
Duration:  6 seasons of 13 episodes (44 minutes each)   
With: Timothy Olyphant, Nick Searcy, Walton Goggins, Joelle Carter, Jacob Pitts, Natalie Zea, David Meunier, Jere Burns, Damon Herriman, Jeremny Davies, Kaitlyn Dever

Rating: 9/10

Justified (2010–2015)

Raylan Givens e un serif federal ce e asignat in zona rurala din Kentucky de unde provine, dupa ce a incalcat reguli in serviciul din Miami.

Un serial de actiune american ce e mult mai mult decat coperta de prezentare sugereaza. Pentru cei ce se asteapta la un nou Walker, politist texan, Justified este mult mai mult: reprezinta fidel un mod de viata, cu bunul si uratul specific, este o sursa bogata de dialog interesant, foarte entertaining, cu umor si subtil si mai putin, are o varietate de personaje bine scrise, bine caracterizate, ce ori sunt in ton cu mediul ori extrem de contrastante in cel mai satisfacator mod. Personajul principal e un erou imperfect, mai iubit de public pentru aceasta predilectie pentru a reinterpreta legea in mod propriu.

Regia:  Adam Arkin, Jon Avnet si altii   
Productie:  FX   
Creator:  Graham Yost   
Durata:  6 sezoane a cate 13 episoade (44 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Timothy Olyphant, Nick Searcy, Walton Goggins, Joelle Carter, Jacob Pitts, Natalie Zea, David Meunier, Jere Burns, Damon Herriman, Jeremny Davies, Kaitlyn Dever

Rating: 9/10

Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Blood Red Sky (2021)

A woman with a mysterious condition that keeps her away from the sun, has to confront a group of terrorists trying to hijack the plane she is on with her son, on their way to get a miraculous treatment.

An action movie with some supernatural and horror elements. Fans of vampire movies, fans of Blade and well-made action movies will have a real visual feast. The suspense is well dosed and choreographed, the ending is not easy to predict and there is no moment of boredom.
The film is a co-production produced by Netflix, with a team of actors of different nationalities and is spoken in German and English.

Director:  Peter Thorwarth    
With: Peri Baumeister, Carl Anton Koch, Alexander Scheer, Graham McTavish, Dominic Purcell

Rating: 8/10

Blood Red Sky (2021)

O femeie cu o boala misterioasa ce o tine departe de soare confrunta un grup te teroristi ce incearca sa deturneze avionul in care este cu fiul sau, in drum spre un tratament miraculos.

Un film de actiune cu ceva elemente supranaturale si de groaza. Amatorii de filme cu vampiri, fanii Blade si ai filmelor de actiune bine facute vor avea un adevarat festin vizual. Suspansul este bine dozat si coregrafiat, finalul nu este usor de prevazut si nu este nici un moment de plictiseala. 
Filmul este o coproductie produsa de Netflix, cu o echipa de actori de diferite nationalitati si este vorbit in germana si engleza.

Regia:  Peter Thorwarth    
Cu: Peri Baumeister, Carl Anton Koch, Alexander Scheer, Graham McTavish, Dominic Purcell

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Men in Black: International (2019)

Cel mai eficient Om in Negru si cel mai recent recrut lucreaza impreuna pentru a descoperi identitatea unui dublu agent.

O re-editare a seriei Men in Black cu fete noi si populare ale ultimilor ani. Nu am urmarit cu prea multa atentie partea 2 si 3 a versiunii vechi, dar chiar si daca Emma Thompson si Liam Neeson apar in versiunea moderna, pare blasfemie sa nu-i vedem iar pe Will Smith si Tommy Lee Jones ca figurile principale. Filmul de fata nu are nimic deosebit, chiar nimic, dar poate fi folosit drept umplutura (de timp).

Regia:  F. Gary Gray   
Cu: Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Kumail Nanjiani, Rebecca Ferguson

Rating: 6/10

Men in Black: International (2019)

The most efficient Man in Black and the latest recruit team up in order to discover the identity of a double agent.

A reboot of the Men in Black series with new and popular faces of recent years. I didn't pay that much attention to parts 2 and 3 of the old version, but even if Emma Thompson and Liam Neeson appear in the modern version, it almost seems blasphemous not to see Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones again as the main figures. This film has nothing special, nothing at all, but it can be used as a time filler and very young kids will still love it.

Director:  F. Gary Gray   
With: Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Kumail Nanjiani, Rebecca Ferguson

Rating: 6/10

Monday, August 02, 2021

The Irregulars (2021)

Un grup de orfani din Londra victoriana ajuta la investigat mistere paranormale initial la cerinta doctorului Watson apoi pe picioarele proprii.

Un serial interesant pentru amatorii de supranatural si perioada istorica victoriana. Cazurile nu sunt rele, executia este interesanta si efectele speciale sunt moderne si credibile. Ce nu a prins probabil au fost personajele principale ce nu au reusit sa atraga empatia si camaraderia publicului, cum probabil ar fi fost necesar.

Regia:  Joss Agnew si altii  
Productie:  Netflix  
Creator:  Tom Bidwell   
Durata:  1 sezon de 8 episoade (~1 ora fiecare)   - anulat dupa doar 1 sezon
Cu: McKell David, Thaddea Graham, Jojo Macari, Harrison Osterfield

Rating: 7/10

The Irregulars (2021)

A group of orphans in Victorian London help investigate paranormal mysteries, initially at the request of Dr. Watson and then on their own.

An interesting series for lovers of the supernatural and of the Victorian historical period. The investigation cases are not bad, the execution is interesting and the special effects are modern and look right. What probably didn't catch on were the main characters who failed to attract the public's empathy and camaraderie, as would probably have been necessary.

Director:  Joss Agnew and others  
Production:  Netflix  
Creator:  Tom Bidwell   
Duration:  1 season of 8 episodes (~1 hour each)  - cancelled after just 1 season 
With: McKell David, Thaddea Graham, Jojo Macari, Harrison Osterfield

Rating: 7/10