Saturday, September 30, 2023

No One Will Save You (2023)

A young woman who leads an isolated life is attacked by extraterrestrial beings in her parental home.

'No One Will Save You' is a horror movie with aliens. That's usually not the most promising combination, but if the viewer does not allow themselves to be led by prejudices, and ignores the undesirable presences, the film presents many satisfactory elements, and demonstrates qualities that are difficult to obtain normally: first of all, the extensiveness of the main actress is an asset to applaud on, because the film is almost completely devoid of dialogue, then there's the feeling of solidarity with a so-called "final girl" that cannot be ignored, and the ending can be interpreted in several intriguing ways.

Director:  Brian Duffield       
With: Kaitlyn Dever, Elizabeth Kaluev, Zack Duhame, Lauren L. Murray

Rating: 7.5/10

No One Will Save You (2023)

O tanara ce duce un trai izolat, este atacata de fiinte extraterestre in casa parinteasca.

'No One Will Save You' este un film horror cu extraterestri. Nu e cea mai promitatoare combinatie, dar daca vizionatorul nu se lasa condus de prejudicii, si ignora prezenta indezirabila, filmul prezinta multe elemente satisfacatoare, si demonstreaza calitati ce sunt greu de obtinut in mod normal: in primul rand, extresivitatea actritei principale este un atu de admirat, deoarece filmul este aproape lipsit de dialog in intregime, sentimentul de solidaritate cu o asa-zisa "final girl" nu este de ignorat, iar finalul poate fi interpretat in cateva moduri intrigante.

Regia:  Brian Duffield       
Cu: Kaitlyn Dever, Elizabeth Kaluev, Zack Duhame, Lauren L. Murray

Rating: 7.5/10

Friday, September 29, 2023

Prey (2022)

Naru, parte din tribul Comanche, se confrunta cu o versiune mai timpurie a razboinicului Predator.

'Prey' este cel mai nou film din colectia Predator, cu o idee si realizare noua, cu aceeasi formula, dar ingropat adanc in istorie. Personajele sunt credibile si usor urmarit cu o masura decenta de investire emotionala.

Regia:  Dan Trachtenberg   
Cu: Amber Midthunder, Dakota Beavers, Dane DiLiegro, Stormee Kipp

Rating: 8/10

Prey (2022)

Naru, part of the Comanche tribe, faces an earlier version of the Predator warrior.

'Prey' is the newest film in the Predator collection, with a new idea and execution, with the same formula, but buried deep in history. The characters are believable and easy to root for with a decent amount of emotional investment.

Director:  Dan Trachtenberg   
With: Amber Midthunder, Dakota Beavers, Dane DiLiegro, Stormee Kipp

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Predator (2018)

A soldier who witnesses the crash of a Predator accidentally sends alien technology into the hands of his gifted son.

'The Predator' is the penultimate film in the sci-fi franchise, an iteration that just continues the list of events and admittedly, brings some new information about the alien mystery (they collect the best quality DNA to manipulate the creation of the most efficient killing machine). The action is well done, but not a lot of it, and a bit more humor is attempted by associating the main character with a group of soldiers who are persona non grata for various reasons. Not very strong overall

Director:  Shane Black   
With: Boyd Holbrook, Trevante Rhodes, Jacob Tremblay, Keegan-Michael Key, Olivia Munn, Thomas Jane, Alfie Allen, Jake Busey, Sterling K. Brown, Yvonne Strahovski

Rating: 6/10

The Predator (2018)

Un soldat martor la aterizarea unui Predator trimite tehnologie extraterestra in mainile fiului sau supradotat accidental.

'The Predator' este penultimul film din franciza SF, o iteratie ce continua lista de evenimente si admisibil, aduce ceva informatie noua despre misterul extraterestru (colectie de DNA de cea mai buna calitate pentru a manipula crearea celor mai eficiente masini de ucis). Actiunea este bine realizata dar nu prea in masuri considerabile, si se incearca ceva mai mult umor prin asocierea personajului principal cu un grup de soldati persona non grata pentru diverse motive. Slabut in general

Regia:  Shane Black   
Cu: Boyd Holbrook, Trevante Rhodes, Jacob Tremblay, Keegan-Michael Key, Olivia Munn, Thomas Jane, Alfie Allen, Jake Busey, Sterling K. Brown, Yvonne Strahovski

Rating: 6/10

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Justified: City Primeval (2023)

15 years later, Raylan's vacation with his teenage daughter is interrupted by local events that require his attention.

'Justified: City Primeval' is an event season that resumes the story of Raylan Givens, 15 years later than we last saw him in the last season of Justified, and introduces a more modern, complex and rapidly developing context. And so Boyd Holbrook enters the scene in an intriguing and nuanced role, not qite as nuanced as everyone's favorite antagonist (Boyd Crowder), but a close attempt. However, the rest of the context loses a bit of its weight, plausibility and authenticity. Just enough. A shame, but still worth watching.

Director:  Michael Dinner and others   
Production:  FX   
Creator:  Dave Andron, Michael Dinner   
Duration:  1 special season of 8 episodes (48 minutes each)   
With: Timothy Olyphant, Boyd Holbrook, Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Marin Ireland, Vivian Olyphant, Terry Kinney

Rating: 7/10

Justified: City Primeval (2023)

15 ani mai tarziu, vacanta lui Raylan cu fiica sa adolescenta este intrerupta de evenimente locale ce ii necesita atentia.

'Justified: City Primeval' este un sezon eveniment ce reia povestea lui Raylan Givens, 15 ani mai tarziu decat l-am vazut ultima oara in ultimul sezon din Justified, si introduc un context mai modern, complex si cu dezvoltare rapida. Si asa intra in scena Boyd Holbrook intr-un rol intrigant si plin de nuante, nu chiar ca antagonistul preferat al tuturor, dar a good try. In schimb restul contextului isi cam pierde din greutate, plauzibilitate si autenticitate. Pacat, dar totusi inca merita sa fie vazut.

Regia:  Michael Dinner si altii   
Productie:  FX   
Creator:  Dave Andron, Michael Dinner   
Durata:  1 sezon special de 8 episoade (48 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Timothy Olyphant, Boyd Holbrook, Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Marin Ireland, Vivian Olyphant, Terry Kinney

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, September 23, 2023

April Fool's Day (1986)

Noua studenti ce stau la cabana unei prietene pe o insula izolata, cad victima rand pe rand unui ucigas nestiut, dar lucrurile nu sunt cum par.

'April Fool's Day' e un film horror clasic, devenit cult pe nesimtite. Imperfect si plin de trucurile specifice filmelor de groaza din anii 80, a pavat drumul pentru multe din exemplarele superioare de care ne bucuram azi, din genul slasher dar si genul slasher cu un twist.

Regia:  Fred Walton   
Cu: Deborah Foreman, Griffin O'Neal, Clayton Rohner, Jay Baker

Rating: 6/10

April Fool's Day (1986)

Nine students staying at a friend's villa on an isolated island, fall victim one after another to an unknown killer, but things are not as they seem.

'April Fool's Day' is a classic horror film, which has become a cult inconspicuously. Imperfect and full of tropes that were particular of horror films from the 80s, it paved the way for many of the superior examples we enjoy today, from the slasher genre but also the slasher genre with a twist.

Director:  Fred Walton   
With: Deborah Foreman, Griffin O'Neal, Clayton Rohner, Jay Baker

Rating: 6/10

Monday, September 18, 2023

Synchronic (2019)

Doi paramedici intalnesc consecinte foarte bizare cauzate de supradoze de un drog nou si popular.

'Synchronic' e un film SF cu accente melodramatice. Interesant, frumos facut, si cu personaje de care vizonatorului ii pasa. Pune intrebari filosofice legate de evolutia raului, evolutia umanitatii si efectul asupra naturii, fara a uita miezul actiunii.

Regia:  Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead   
Cu: Anthony Mackie, Jamie Dornan, Katie Aselton, Ally Ioannides

Rating: 8/10

Synchronic (2019)

Two paramedics encounter very bizarre consequences caused by overdoses of a new and popular drug.

'Synchronic' is a sci-fi film with melodramatic accents. Interesting, beautifully made, and with characters that the viewer cares about. It tries to asks philosophical questions related to the evolution of evil, the evolution of humanity and the effect on nature, without forgetting the heart of the action.

Director:  Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead   
With: Anthony Mackie, Jamie Dornan, Katie Aselton, Ally Ioannides

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Little Things (2021)

Joe Deacon are o misiune simpla, dar este distras de o investigatie locala a unor crime in serie, care nu ar trebui sa fie problema lui.

'The Little Things' e un thriller politist cu o reteta traditionala si cateva surprize. Cu un cast atragator, filmul deja are asteptari din primul minut. Nu chiar perfect, dar perfect entertaining. Denzel Washington, chiar si singur, merita atentia, dar impreuna cu Rami Malek, cu care are un raport foarte interesant, motivele pentru a viziona filmul se inmultesc.

Regia:  John Lee Hancock    
Cu: Denzel Washington, Rami Malek, Jared Leto, Chris Bauer

Rating: 8/10

The Little Things (2021)

Joe Deacon has a simple travelling task, but he gets distracted by a local serial murder investigation that shouldn't be his problem.

"The Little Things" is a police thriller with a traditional recipe and a few surprises. With an appealing cast, the film already has expectations from the get go. Not quite perfect, but perfectly entertaining. Denzel Washington, even on his own, deserves attracting an audience, but together with Rami Malek, with whom he has a very interesting rapport, the reasons to watch the film multiply.

Director:  John Lee Hancock    
With: Denzel Washington, Rami Malek, Jared Leto, Chris Bauer

Rating: 8/10

Friday, September 15, 2023

The Boogeyman (2023)

After the death of the mother, a family becomes vulnerable to the sadistic influence of a demon who wants the children.

'The Boogeyman' is a new adaptation of Stephen King's novel. The appearance of the demon, the predilection for child victims and the suggested intensity of the dark's danger are deeply reminiscent of King's style. "The monster" is visually effective, but more so through movements and simple suggestions, the darkness in all its shades being an extremely effective tool. The typical horror effects are of high quality, and the story is also intense enough. A treat

Director:  Rob Savage      
With: Sophie Thatcher, Chris Messina, Vivien Lyra Blair, David Dastmalchian

Rating: 9/10

The Boogeyman (2023)

Dupa moartea mamei, o familie devine vulnerabila influentei sadice a unui demon ce urmareste copii.

'The Boogeyman' este o ecranizare noua dupa romanul lui Stephen King. Aspectul demonului, predilectia pentru victime copii si intensitatea sugerata a pericolului intunericului amintesc adanc de stilul lui King. "Monstrul" este eficient vizual, dar mai ales prin miscari si simple sugestii, intunericul in toate nuantele sale fiind o unealta extrem de eficienta. Efectele tipice horror sunt de calitate, iar povestea e si ea intensa indeajuns. Un regal

Regia:  Rob Savage      
Cu: Sophie Thatcher, Chris Messina, Vivien Lyra Blair, David Dastmalchian

Rating: 9/10

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Soul (2020)

Un pianist de muzica jazz ajunge undeva intre Pamant si viata de apoi, dupa ce are un accident chiar inainde de a se bucra de sansa la succes.

'Soul' este un film de animatie cu mult suflet. Cu o prezentare vizuala demna de brandul de care apartine, povestea e cea care impresioneaza, fiind o alegorie despre echilibrul din sufletul uman, nevoia de pasiuni si timp si libertate pentru ele.

Regia:  Pete Docter, Kemp Powers       
Cu: Jamie Foxx, Tina Fey, Graham Norton, Rachel House

Rating: 9/10

Soul (2020)

A jazz pianist ends up stuck somewhere between Earth and the afterlife, after he has an accident right before enjoying his chance at success.

'Soul' is an animated film with a lot of soul. With a visual presentation worthy of the brand it belongs to, the story is the one that impresses, being an allegory about the balance in the human soul, the need for passions and time and freedom for them.

Director:  Pete Docter, Kemp Powers       
With: Jamie Foxx, Tina Fey, Graham Norton, Rachel House

Rating: 9/10

One piece (2023-)

Luffy e decis sa fie Regele Piratilor si isi culege un echipaj pestrit in cautarea comorii One Piece.

'One piece' e versiunea live-action a unui anime iubit cu acelasi nume. Plin de aventuri cu pirati, serialul foloseste mult CGI si machiaj destul de abil, pentru a pune in scena o versiune destul de convingatoare a stilului anime, pastrat pentru autenticitate.

Regia:  Marc Jobst si altii   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Steven Maeda, Matt Owens   
Durata:  1 sezon de 8 episoade (1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Iñaki Godoy, Emily Rudd, Mackenyu, Vincent Regan

Rating: 6.5/10

One piece (2023-)

Luffy is determined to become the King of Pirates and gathers a motley crew in search of the One Piece treasure.

'One piece' is the live-action version of a beloved anime of the same name. Full of adventures with pirates, the series uses a lot of CGI and quite skillful make-up, to stage a rather convincing version of the anime style, kept almost intact for authenticity.

Director:  Marc Jobst and others   
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Steven Maeda, Matt Owens   
Duration:  1 season of 8 episodes (1 hour each)   
With: Iñaki Godoy, Emily Rudd, Mackenyu, Vincent Regan

Rating: 6.5/10

Saturday, September 09, 2023

Nocturne (2020)

In ciuda talentului innascut, o pianista recurge la un pact Faustian pentru a deveni cea mai celebrata artista intr-un concurs prestigios.

'Nocturne' este un film horror psihologic ce foloseste elementul horror pentru a evidentia adancimea unei obsesii pentru perfectiune, comuna in atatea suflete talentate. Paranoia, neincrederea in realitate, dorinta de a trece peste orice, chiar si peste iubirea fraternala evidenta, sunt toate elemente intens lucrate si studiate pentru a construi o poveste intensa. Imperfect, dar cu siguranta lasa o impresie de netagaduit.

Regia:  Zu Quirke   
Cu: Sydney Sweeney, Madison Iseman, Jacques Colimon, Ivan Shaw

Rating: 7.5/10

Nocturne (2020)

Despite her obvious natural talent, a pianist resorts to a Faustian pact to become the most celebrated artist in a prestigious competition.

"Nocturne" is a psychological horror film that uses the horror element to highlight the depth of an obsession for perfection, common in so many talented souls. Paranoia, mistrust of reality, the desire to overcome any apparent obstacle, even the very genuine sisterly love, are all elements intensively worked on and studied to build an intense story. Imperfect, but it definitely leaves an unmistakeable impression.

Director:  Zu Quirke   
With: Sydney Sweeney, Madison Iseman, Jacques Colimon, Ivan Shaw

Rating: 7.5/10

Friday, September 08, 2023

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)

Un grup de hoti cu scrupule aleg o misiune pentru a gasi un artefact special pentru cauze nobile.

'Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves' e o comedie de aventuri, bazata pe jocul celebru. Ofera o imaginare inteligenta a rolurilor tipice ce apartin jocului, fara a necesita experienta jocului pentru a se bucura vizual. Inteligent, modern in tehnicile CGI, cu un dialog plin de replici pline de umor si caternica, filmul va fi pe placul unui public general.

Regia:  John Francis Daley, Jonathan Goldstein    
Cu: Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Regé-Jean Page, Justice Smith

Rating: 8/10

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)

A group of scrupulous thieves choose a mission to find a special artifact for noble causes.

'Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves' is an adventure comedy based on the famous game. It offers an intelligent imagining of the typical roles belonging to the game, without requiring the experience of the game to be visually enjoyed. Intelligent, modern in CGI techniques, with a dialogue full of humour and banter, the film will be liked by a general audience.

Director:  John Francis Daley, Jonathan Goldstein    
With: Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Regé-Jean Page, Justice Smith

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Scream (2022)

Ghostface makes a killing comeback, on the 25th anniversary of the shocking events, despite the fact that the real culprits are no longer alive.

'Scream' is another iteration of the famous franchise, made 25-ish years after the first film. The plot is not the most original, and the twist is predictable, but the suspense is still believable and worth watching.

Director:  Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett  
With: Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, David Arquette, Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega, Marley Shelton, Jack Quaid

Rating: 7/10

Scream (2022)

Ghostface revine la suprafata, la aniversarea a 25 de ani de la evenimentele socante, in ciuda faptului ca adevaratii vinovati nu mai sunt in viata.

'Scream' este o urmare din franciza celebra, facut la 25 si un pic de ani dupa primul film. Intriga nu este cea mai originala, si twistul este previzibil, dar suspansul este inca verosimil si merita vizionat.

Regia:  Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett  
Cu: Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, David Arquette, Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega, Marley Shelton, Jack Quaid

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, September 03, 2023

Renfield (2023)

Renfield begins to feel the possibility of a life free from Dracula.

'Renfield' is a horror comedy, based on the codependent relationship between servant and master. With some successful moments of humor every now and then, fighting worthy of superhero movies, Renfield is not exactly the promised movie, but it is entertaining.

Director:  Chris McKay    
With: Nicholas Hoult, Nicolas Cage, Awkwafina, Ben Schwartz

Rating: 7/10

Renfield (2023)

Renfield incepe sa simta posibilitatea unei vieti libere de Dracula.

'Renfield' e o comedie de groaza, bazata pe relatia de codependenta dintre servitor si stapan. Cu momente reusite de umor din can in cand, lupte demne de filme cu supereroi, Renfield nu este chiar filmul promis, dar este entertaining.

Regia:  Chris McKay    
Cu: Nicholas Hoult, Nicolas Cage, Awkwafina, Ben Schwartz

Rating: 7/10

Friday, September 01, 2023

The Offering (2022)

Un sot isi duce partenera insarcinata in vizita la tatal religios, unde o amenintare supranaturala ii pune in pericol.

'The Offering' este un film de groaza ce incearca sa aduca un pic de schimbare in genul ce favorizeaza demoni in case vechi. Departe de a fi impredictibil, filmul reuseste sa creeze interes si curiozitate.

Regia:  Oliver Park    
Cu: Nick Blood, Emily Wiseman, Paul Kaye, Allan Corduner

Rating: 7.6/10

The Offering (2022)

A husband takes his pregnant partner to visit his religious father, where a supernatural threat puts them in danger.

'The Offering' is a horror film that tries to bring a bit of change to the genre that favors demons in old houses. Far from being unpredictable, the film manages to create interest and curiosity.

Director:  Oliver Park    
With: Nick Blood, Emily Wiseman, Paul Kaye, Allan Corduner

Rating: 7.6/10