Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Resident Evil (2022)

Trei decenii dupa descoperirea virusului T, doua gemene se trezesc in mijlocul unei conspiratii ce continua in mod nedrept.

'Resident Evil' e un serial cu o idee noua ce are loc in universul creat de seria lunga de filme cu Milla Jovovich si seria mult iubita de jocuri video. Si in loc sa fie primit cu brate deschise pentru farama de originalitate si drama inoculate unei francize prea obosite, publicul a atacat efortul si asta a rezultat intr-o anulare prea devreme.

Regia:  Rachel Goldberg si altii   
Productie:  Netflix  
Creator:  Andrew Dabb   
Durata:  1 sezon de 8 episoade (1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Ella Balinska, Tamara Smart, Siena Agudong, Adeline Rudolph, Lance Reddick, Paola Núñez

Rating: 8/10

Resident Evil (2022)

Three decades after the discovery of the T virus, a pair of twins find themselves in the middle of a conspiracy that continues unjustly.

'Resident Evil' is a series with a new idea that takes place in the universe created by the long series of films with Milla Jovovich and the much-loved series of video games. And instead of being welcomed with open arms for the the bit of originality and realness inoculated into an over-tired franchise, the public attacked the effort and that resulted in a premature cancellation.

Director:  Rachel Goldberg and others 
Production:  Netflix  
Creator:  Andrew Dabb   
Duration:  1 season of 8 episodes (1 hour each)   
With: Ella Balinska, Tamara Smart, Siena Agudong, Adeline Rudolph, Lance Reddick, Paola Núñez

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Collateral (2018)

Omorul unui tanar ce livreaza pizza declanseaza o investigatie intensa ce aduce o conspiratie la iveala.

'Collateral' e o miniserie de investigatie ce urmeaza stilul unei drame politice cu spioni. Intens, foarte detaliat si imbarligat, isi pastreaza consistenta si logica pana la final, iar protagonista principala face cursa investigatiei un joc intens si de neratat pentru amatorii genului.

Regia:  S.J. Clarkson   
Productie:  Netflix     
Durata:  1 sezon a cate 22 episoade (3 ore 50 minute in total)   
Cu: Carey Mulligan, Nathaniel Martello-White, Hayley Squires, Vineeta Rishi, Ben Miles, Billie Piper, John Simm

Rating: 8/10

Collateral (2018)

The murder of a young pizza delivery man triggers an intense investigation that brings a conspiracy to light.

"Collateral" is an investigative miniseries that follows the style of a political drama with spies. Intense, very detailed and complicated, it keeps its consistency and logic up until the end, and the main protagonist makes the investigation race an intense and unmissable act for fans of the genre.

Director:  S.J. Clarkson   
Production:  Netflix     
Durata:  1 season of 22 episodes (3 hours 50 minutes in total)   
With: Carey Mulligan, Nathaniel Martello-White, Hayley Squires, Vineeta Rishi, Ben Miles, Billie Piper, John Simm

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

Spider-Man cauta ajutorul lui Doctor Strange dupa ce identitatea i-a fost facuta publica.

'Spider-Man: No Way Home' e cel mai recent dintr-un lung sir de filme cu eroul mult iubit. E destul de original, distractiv, e nostalgic si interesant prin prezenta lui Doctor Strange si a multor din personajele iteratiilor trecute

Regia:  Jon Watts       
Cu: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jacob Batalon, Jamie Foxx, Jon Favreau, Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, Benedict Wong, Marisa Tomei, Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire

Rating: 8/10

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

Spider-Man seeks the help of Doctor Strange after his identity is revealed.

'Spider-Man: No Way Home' is the latest in a long line of films with the much-loved hero. It is quite original, fun, nostalgic and interesting due to the presence of Doctor Strange and many of the characters of the past iterations.

Director:  Jon Watts       
With: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jacob Batalon, Jamie Foxx, Jon Favreau, Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, Benedict Wong, Marisa Tomei, Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire

Rating: 8/10

Friday, August 19, 2022

Doom Patrol (2019– )

Un om de stiinta isi aduna o echipa de supereroi neobisnuiti si imperfecti ce traiesc impreuna pentru nimeni altcineva nu ii vrea.

'Doom Patrol' e un serial cu oameni cu supraputeri ce se intersecteaza cu Titans, ambele serii avand loc in universul DC. Si aici se termina toate asemanarile, serialul de fata fiind poate cel mai neobisnuit, original si nebunesc serial cu supereroi, fie el DCU sau MCU. De la strada ce e o fiinta (numita Danny), viata posibila in albul benzilor desenate (!), orasul rapit in fundul unui magar si pana la faptul ca naratorul primului sezon era the bad guy, Doom Patrol este plin de imaginatie, ridicol inteligent, personaje imperfecte dar bogat daruite cu personalitate si drame si nici cea mai mica picatura de plictis. 
Pacat ca va fi ratat de cei cu prejudecati despre filmele si serialele cu supereroi.

Regia:  Chris Manley si multi altii   
Productie:  DC Comics, Warner Bros   
Creator:  Jeremy Carver   
Durata:  3 sezoane a cate 15/9/10 episoade (1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Diane Guerrero, April Bowlby, Matt Bomer, Brendan Fraser, Timothy Dalton, Alan Tudyk, Michelle Gomez, Mark Sheppard

Rating: 9/10

Doom Patrol (2019– )

A scientist gathers a team of unusual and imperfect superheroes who live together because no one else wants them.

'Doom Patrol' is a series with superpowered people that intersects with Titans, both series taking place in the DC universe. And this is where all the similarities end, this series being perhaps the most unusual, original and crazy series with superheroes, be it DCU or MCU. From the street that is a being (called Danny), life being possible in the white of comics' sheets (!), the city kidnapped in the butt of a donkey, to the fact that the narrator of the first season was the bad guy, Doom Patrol is full of imagination, intelligent ridiculousness, imperfect characters who are richly endowed with personality and drama and and lacks even the slightest bit of boredom.
Too bad it will be missed by those with prejudices about superhero movies and series.

Director:  Chris Manley and many others  
Production:  DC Comics, Warner Bros   
Creator:  Jeremy Carver   
Duration:  3 seasons of 15/9/10 episodes (1 hour each)   
With: Diane Guerrero, April Bowlby, Matt Bomer, Brendan Fraser, Timothy Dalton, Alan Tudyk, Michelle Gomez, Mark Sheppard

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Making a Murderer (2015–2018)

Dupa ce e exonerat dupa ani de inchisoare, Steven Avery este acuzat de o noua crima.

'Making a Murderer' este un serial documentar despre cum sistemul judiciar american a afectat pe Steven Avery inca de cand era tanar si pana in prezent. A fost un eveniment la lansare si inca provoaca reactii puternice. Bine facut, bine povestit, bine organizat, e usor de inteles de ce a fost atat de discutat.

Regia:  Moira Demos, Laura Ricciardi  
Productie:  Netflix  
Durata:  2 sezoane a cate 10 episoade (1 ora fiecare)  
Cu: Steven Avery, Brendan Dassey, Kathleen Zellner, Ken Kratz, Laura Nirider

Rating: 9/10

Making a Murderer (2015–2018)

After being exonerated after years in prison, Steven Avery is accused of a new crime.

'Making a Murderer' is a documentary series about how the American judicial system has affected Steven Avery's life ever since he was young and up until now. The series was a real social event at its launch and still causes strong reactions. Well made, well told, well organized, it's easy to understand why it was so discussed.

Director:  Moira Demos, Laura Ricciardi  
Production:  Netflix  
Duration:  2 seasons of 10 episodes (1 hour each)  
With: Steven Avery, Brendan Dassey, Kathleen Zellner, Ken Kratz, Laura Nirider

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Cea mai fericitã fatã din lume (2009)

Delia e o adolescenta ce a castigat o masina la un concurs de la suc si calatoreste in capitala pentru a-si ridica premiul.

'Cea mai fericita fata din lume' e o comedie-drama ce arata relatia copii-parinti in societatea romaneasca post-revolutionara, cu neintelegerile, problemele financiare,  santajul emotional, impulsurile tineresti versus intelegerea responsabilitatii care o inconjoara. Bine facut, bine jucat, coerent, realist, dar nu neaparat interesant.

Regia:  Radu Jude     
Cu: Andreea Bosneag, Violeta Haret-Popa, Vasile Muraru, Serban Pavlu

Rating: 8/10

The Happiest Girl in the World / Cea mai fericitã fatã din lume (2009)

Delia is a teenager who won a car in a commercial competition and travels to the capital with her family to collect her prize.

"The Happiest Girl in the World" is a comedy-drama that shows the relationship between children and their parents in post-revolutionary Romanian society, with all the misunderstandings, financial problems, emotional blackmail, youthful impulses versus responsibility awareness that surrounds it. Well made, well acted, coherent, realistic, but not necessarily interesting.

Director:  Radu Jude     
With: Andreea Bosneag, Violeta Haret-Popa, Vasile Muraru, Serban Pavlu

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Woody este observat de un colectionar de jucarii ce il fura sperand sa faca multi bani iar prietenii sai organizeaza o misune de salvare.

'Toy Story 2' este o urmare cu merit a unei povesti preaiubite. Aduce originalitate in ciuda subiectului limitat si incanta sufletele tinere de orice varsta.

Regia:  John Lasseter, Ash Brannon, Lee Unkrich     
Cu: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Kelsey Grammer, John Ratzenberger, Wayne Knight

Rating: 9/10

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Woody is noticed by a toy collector who steals him hoping to make a lot of money but his friends put together a rescue mission.

'Toy Story 2' is a worthy sequel to a beloved story. It brings originality despite the limited subject matter and delights young souls of any age.

Director:  John Lasseter, Ash Brannon, Lee Unkrich   
With: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Kelsey Grammer, John Ratzenberger, Wayne Knight

Rating: 9/10

Friday, August 12, 2022

Under the Silver Lake (2018)

Sam e un tanar fara directie ce foloseste disparitia brusca a unei vecine pe care a cunoscut-o o singura seara ca scuza pentru a incepe o investigatie ce descopera mistere si coincidente.

'Under The Silver Lake' e un film in stil noir si totusi modern in tehnica si arta. Urmeaza un fir narativ neobisnuit, ghidat de elemente criptografice si instinctul si curiozitatea unui pseudo detectiv. Lasa vizionatorul plin de indoiala cum ca ar exista cu adevarat o conspiratie demna de descoperit, dar in acelasi timp, hipnotizat de atractia  si frumusetea evenimenteor ce se desfasoara in fata ochilor, foarte asemanator cu starea personajul principal.
Unii ar putea asemana arta si efectul filmului de fata cu rectiile timpurii la vizionarea serialului Twin Peaks. Merita vizionari repetate pentru a fi trait si judecat cum trebuie.

Regia:  David Robert Mitchell      
Cu: Andrew Garfield, Riley Keough, Topher Grace, Callie Hernandez

Rating: 9/10

Under the Silver Lake (2018)

Sam is a jaded young man who uses the sudden disappearance of a neighbor he met only for one evening as an excuse to start an investigation in which he uncovers mysteries and coincidences.

'Under The Silver Lake' is a film in a noir style and yet modern in technique and art. It follows an unusual narrative thread, guided by cryptographic elements and the instinct and curiosity of a pseudo detective. It leaves the viewer full of doubt about there actually being a conspiracy worth discovering, but at the same time, hypnotized by the attraction and beauty of the events unfolding before their eyes, not unlike the main character.
Some might liken the art and effect of this film to the early reactions to watching Twin Peaks back in the day. It deserves repeated viewings to be experienced and judged properly.

Director:  David Robert Mitchell      
With: Andrew Garfield, Riley Keough, Topher Grace, Callie Hernandez

Rating: 9/10

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Sandman (2022-)

Dream, the being who controls the world of dreams, escapes after being kidnapped for almost a century and brings order to his world.

'Sandman' is a fantasy series based on a series of well-loved comics by Neil Gaiman. It exceeds all expectations regarding the staging of such a well-developed and imaginative world and characters, with an incredible dream/nightmare atmosphere. The team of actors is unexpectedly well chosen in terms of appearance but also voice, gestures and everything that means the personification of beings that exist only two-dimensionally. The main story itself isn't all that special, but it's just an excuse to bring to life an amazing fantasy world. In addition, the 2 filler episodes (as all series have) from somewhere in the middle, raise the overall quality by a lot.

Director:  Jamie Childs and others
Production:  Netflix   
Creator: Neil Gaiman, David S. Goyer, Allan Heinberg   
Duration:  1 season of 10 episodes (45 minutes each)   
With: Tom Sturridge, Boyd Holbrook, Patton Oswalt, Vivienne Acheampong, Mason Alexander Park, David Thewlis, Jenna Coleman, Joely Richardson

Rating: 9/10

Sandman (2022-)

Dream, fiinta ce controleaza lumea viselor, scapa dupa ce a fost rapit timp de aproape un secol si face ordine in lumea sa.

'Sandman' e un serial fantezie bazat pe o serie de benzi desenate mult iubite de Neil Gaiman. Depaseste orice asteptari in ceea ce priveste punerea in scena a unei lumi si personaje atat de bine dezvoltate si pline de imaginatie, cu o atmosfera de vis/cosmar incredibila. Echipa de actori este neasteptat de bine aleasa in ceea ce priveste aspectul dar si vocea, gesturile si tot ce inseamna personificarea unor fiinte ce exista doar bidimensional. Povestea principala in sine nu este chiar atat de deosebita, dar reprezinta doar o scuza pentru a aduce la viata o lume fantezista nemaipomenita. In plus, cele 2 episoade de umplutura (cum toate serialele au) de undeva la mijloc, ridica stafeta calitatii intregului cu mult.

Regia:  Jamie Childs si altii   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator: Neil Gaiman, David S. Goyer, Allan Heinberg   
Durata:  1 sezon de 10 episoade (45 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Tom Sturridge, Boyd Holbrook, Patton Oswalt, Vivienne Acheampong, Mason Alexander Park, David Thewlis, Jenna Coleman, Joely Richardson

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Don't Breathe 2 (2021)

La cativa ani dupa ce casa ii este invadata, orbul cu abilitati secrete traieste o viata linistita alaturi de fiica sa, dar trecutul nu il iarta.

'Don't Breathe 2' e o urmare cvasi-satisfacatoare a unui film cu un succes neasteptat. Diferit de primul printr-un cliseu al anilor 80 unde tipul rau isi rascumpara pacatele dar tot stie sa se bata, mai ales in fata unor dusmani si mai aprigi si usor de antipatizat, filmul de fata nu e rau, dar e departe de a fi credibil.

Regia:  Rodo Sayagues     
Cu: Stephen Lang, Madelyn Grace, Brendan Sexton III, Adam Young

Rating: 6/10

Don't Breathe 2 (2021)

A few years after his house invasion, the blind man with secret abilities lives a quiet life with his daughter, but the past does not forgive him.

'Don't Breathe 2' is a semi-satisfying sequel to an unexpectedly successful film. Different from the first one, mainly through a cliché of the 80s where the bad guy redeems his sins but still knows how to kick ass, especially when facing even nastier and easy to dislike enemies, the new film is not bad, but it is far from having credibility.

Director:  Rodo Sayagues     
With: Stephen Lang, Madelyn Grace, Brendan Sexton III, Adam Young

Rating: 6/10

Monday, August 08, 2022

Annabelle Comes Home (2019)

Babysitterul fiicei lui Ed si Lorraine Warren reuseste sa trezeasca spiritul lui Annabelle.

'Annabelle Comes Home' e inca un film din universul The Conjuring, o continuare a liniei narative a papusii Annabelle. Ed si Lorraine abia apar, principalele personaje fiind copii. Eficient oricum si surprinzator in mod placut.

Regia:  Gary Dauberman   
Cu: Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Mckenna Grace, Madison Iseman

Rating: 8/10

Annabelle Comes Home (2019)

Ed and Lorraine Warren's daughter's babysitter manages to awaken Annabelle's spirit.

'Annabelle Comes Home' is another film from The Conjuring universe, a continuation of the narrative line of the Annabelle doll. Ed and Lorraine barely appear, the main characters being children. Efficient anyway and pleasantly surprising.

Director:  Gary Dauberman   
With: Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Mckenna Grace, Madison Iseman

Rating: 8/10