Saturday, July 31, 2021

Split Second (1992)

Pe urma unui ucigas in serie intr-o Londra alternativa si inundata, detectivul Harley Stone descopera ca natura pradatorului nu e umana.

Un film de actiune, SF si de groaza ce a devenit un clasic, in ciuda categoriei B de care apartine. Rutger Hauer e un erou tipic, vicios, cu fitilul scurt, si nu ii plac alti oameni. Atmosfera si calitatea imaginii amintesc puternic de filmele pe VHS din anii '90. Si apoi se adauga elementele SF de tip Alien si o realitate alternativa in viitor (un 2008 de mult dus) si se obtin 90 de minute de entertainment pur.

Regia:  Tony Maylam   
Cu: Rutger Hauer, Kim Cattrall, Alastair Duncan, Alun Armstrong, Pete Postlethwaite

Rating: 8/10

Split Second (1992)

Hunting down a serial killer in an alternative and flooded "future" London, Detective Harley Stone discovers that the nature of the predator is not human.

An action movie, Sci-Fi and horror that has become a classic, despite its B category. Rutger Hauer is a typical hero, full of vices, with a short fuse, and he doesn't like other people. The atmosphere and image quality are very reminiscent of VHS movies from the '90s. And then you add the Alien-like Sci-Fi elements and an alternative reality in the future (a long gone 2008) and you get 90 minutes of pure entertainment.

Director:  Tony Maylam   
With: Rutger Hauer, Kim Cattrall, Alastair Duncan, Alun Armstrong, Pete Postlethwaite

Rating: 8/10

Friday, July 30, 2021

Jolt (2021)

O femeie afectata de o forma patologica grava de "fitil scurt" (tinuta in frau cu un dizpozitiv ce ii aplica socuri electrice) incearca sa razbune uciderea proaspatului sau iubit.

Un film de actiune facut in graba in dorinta de a gasi un succes asemanator lui Crank, cu un protagonist britanic furios si grabit (ajutat de socuri electrice din cand in cand), replici de tip one-liner la tot pasul si multa violenta gratuita. Ideea povestii suna mai rau decat e, dar executia lasa de dorit, in asa fel incat personalitatea eroinei devine iritanta in anumite momente, deznodamantul este foarte predictibil, calitatea audio este indoielnica, si continuitatea scenelor si lipsa de asa-zisele "plot holes" nu sunt o prioritate.

Regia:  Tanya Wexler    
Cu: Kate Beckinsale, Jai Courtney, Stanley Tucci, Bobby Cannavale

Rating: 6/10

Jolt (2021)

A woman affected by a serious pathological form of "short fuse" (kept in check with a device that gives her electric shocks) is on a journey to avenge the murder of her new boyfriend.

An action film made in a rush in the desire to find a Crank-like success, with an angry and amped British protagonist ("helped" by electric shocks from time to time), many a one-liner throughout and a lot of gratuitous violence. The idea of ​​the story sounds worse than it is, but the execution leaves much to be desired, in that the heroine's personality becomes irritating at times, the finale is very predictable, the audio quality is questionable, and the continuity of the scenes and the lack of so-called "plot holes" are not a priority.

Director:  Tanya Wexler    
With: Kate Beckinsale, Jai Courtney, Stanley Tucci, Bobby Cannavale

Rating: 6/10

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Our House (2018)

Un adolescent geniu, ce isi creste fratii dupa moartea neasteptata a parintilor, inventeaza un dispozitiv ce amplifica anumite frecvente paranormale, permitand sufletelor decedate sa comunice iar, inclusiv unora cu intentii malefice.

Un film de groaza de tipul multor din ultimii ani. Povestea avea ceva substanta dar executia nu se ridica la nivelul asteptat. Incet, mai mult drama, nu se concentreaza de ajuns pe elementul supranatural.

Regia:  Anthony Scott Burns   
Cu: John Ralston, Thomas Mann, Percy Hynes White, Lucius Hoyos

Rating: 6/10

Our House (2018)

A genius teenager, who has to devote himself to raising his siblings after the unexpected death of his parents, invents a device that amplifies certain paranormal frequencies, allowing the deceased to communicate again, including some with evil intentions.

A horror movie like many others in recent years (with many quiet scenes filled with unspoken pains and unfairness ...). The story had some substance but the execution did not do it justice. Slow, more dramatic than anything else, with not enough focus on the supernatural.

Director:  Anthony Scott Burns   
With: John Ralston, Thomas Mann, Percy Hynes White, Lucius Hoyos

Rating: 6/10

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Fear Street: 1994, 1978 si 1666 (2021)

1994: Un maniac ce poarta o masca si capa ucide adolescenti din localitatea Shadyside in cautarea unei fete marcate de Sarah Feir, o vrajitoare din trecutul local, ucigasul curent fiind ultimul dintr-o serie ce se repeta la fiecare cativa ani. 
1978: Evenimentele de tip slasher la o tabara de vara unde cele doua localitati Shadyside si Sunnyvale participa la competitii, evenimente ce descopera noi indicii despre trecutul lui Sarah Feir. 
1666: Adevarata poveste a lui Sarah Feir si explicatia pentru impartirea localitatii Union intre Shadyside si Sunnyvale.

Un horror experiment/eveniment. Netflix a pus la cale ceva interesant aici, cu un amestec de genuri horror si omagii clasicilor gen Friday the 13th si Scream si multi altii. 
Incepe slabut in 1994 cu prima parte, ce este aparent inca un slasher cu ceva supranatural. Prima parte introduce cateva personaje esentiale si doar o idee a intrigii ce va urma. Atmosfera anilor '90 este frumos intretinuta cu muzica a acelor ani, chiar daca si mai recenta decat '94 in unele cazuri (Firestarter e din '96).
Partea a doua continua unde prima a ramas, unde supravietuitoarea evenimentelor precedente povesteste in 1994 ce s-a intamplat in tabara de vara din 1978. Povestea devine ceva mai captivanta si bine inchegata, cu slasher-ul numarul doi fiind superior primului. 
Partea a treia dezvaluie treptat totul, cu o acoperire plina de amanunte a evenimentelor din 1666, anul in care povestea lui Sarah Fier a avut loc cu adevarat. Aceasta din urma piesa a puzzle-ului incheie trilogia foarte satisfacator ca un film horror si film cu detectivi in acelasi timp. Partea a treia e alerta ca si primele doua, dar plina de suprize si mult mai mult supranatural dark.
Luate individual, cele 3 parti nu sunt egale, dar toate 3 sunt esentiale pentru intregirea experientei Fear Street si satisfactia partii finale nu ar fi existat fara primele 2 filme.

Regia:  Leigh Janiak       
Cu: Kiana Madeira, Olivia Scott Welch, Benjamin Flores Jr., Julia Rehwald, Sadie Sink, Emily Rudd, Ryan Simpkins, McCabe Slye, Ashley Zukerman, Gillian Jacobs

Rating: 8/10 (P1: 6/10, P2: 7/10, P3: 8/10)

Fear Street: 1994, 1978 and 1666 (2021)

1994: A maniac wearing a mask and a cape kills teenagers in Shadyside in search of a girl marked by Sarah Feir, a witch from the local past, the current killer being the most recent in a series that is repeated every few years.
1978: Slasher events at a summer camp where the two towns of Shadyside and Sunnyvale compete in fun games, events that reveal new clues about Sarah Feir's past.
1666: The true story of Sarah Feir and the explanation for the division of the Union town between Shadyside and Sunnyvale.

A horror experiment / event. Netflix has put together something interesting here, with a mix of horror genres and tributes to classics like Friday the 13th and Scream and many others.
The trilogy started weakly in 1994 with the first part, which seems to be just another slasher with some supernatural in the mix. The first part introduces some essential characters and only a glimpse of ​​the plot that will follow. The atmosphere of the '90s is nicely maintained with the music of those years, even if more recent than '94 in some cases (Firestarter is from '96).
The second part continues where the first one ended, where the survivor of previous events tells in 1994 what happened in the summer camp of 1978. The story becomes a bit more captivating and well-knit, with the number two slasher being superior to the first.
The third part gradually reveals everything, with a detailed coverage of the events of 1666, the year in which Sarah Fier's story really took place. This last piece of the puzzle concludes the trilogy very satisfactorily as a horror movie and a detective movie at the same time. The third part is as alert as the first two, but full of surprises and a lot more dark supernatural feel to it.
Taken individually, the 3 parts are not equal, but all 3 are essential to complete the Fear Street experience and the satisfaction of the final part would not have existed without the first 2 films.

Director:  Leigh Janiak       
With: Kiana Madeira, Olivia Scott Welch, Benjamin Flores Jr., Julia Rehwald, Sadie Sink, Emily Rudd, Ryan Simpkins, McCabe Slye, Ashley Zukerman, Gillian Jacobs

Rating: 8/10 (P1: 6/10, P2: 7/10, P3: 8/10)

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Good Time (2017)

Dupa un jaf de banca ce merge prost, Connie Nikas incearca sa isi elibereze fratele capturat printr-o serie de aventuri imbarlicate.

O drama aventuroasa ce transporta privitorul printr-un amalgam de sentimente, balansate intre extreme intr-un mod foarte abil. Intentiile personajului principal nu sunt mereu usor de iertat, iar planurile sale prost inspirate sunt demne de un amestec de mila, admiratie si ras. Disperarea si perseverenta personajului sunt incredibil de bine portretizate de Robert Pattinson iar aventurile sale prin viata de noapte a New York-ului nu devin monotone pentru nici o clipa.

Regia:  Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie    
Cu: Robert Pattinson, Benny Safdie, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Buddy Duress

Rating: 9/10

Good Time (2017)

After a botched bank robbery, Connie Nikas tries to free her captured brother through a series of tangled adventures.

An adventurous drama that transports the viewer through an amalgam of feelings, balanced between extremes in a very skillful way. The main character's intentions are not always easy to forgive, and his poorly inspired plans are worthy of a mixture of pity, admiration and laughter. The character's despair and perseverance are incredibly well portrayed by Robert Pattinson and his adventures through the nightlife of New York do not become monotonous for any moment.

Director:  Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie    
With: Robert Pattinson, Benny Safdie, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Buddy Duress

Rating: 9/10

Friday, July 16, 2021

Ghostbusters (2016)

Four scientists passionate about supernatural come up with a way to fight the sudden surge in ghost invasions.

A remake of the classic Ghostbusters from 1984, with a modern and more politically correct take. The humor is fresh and palpable, Kate McKinnon enriches any movie and the fantasy side of the story is no more ridiculous than the old film's; one might even say that an obvious effort has been made to make the story sound like something that might actually make sense.

Director:  Paul Feig   
With: Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones

Rating: 8/10

Ghostbusters (2016)

Patru femei de stiinta pasionate de supranatural creeaza o metoda de a lupta impotriva unei bruste invazii de fantome.

Un remake al clasicului Ghostbusters din 1984, cu o viziune moderna si mai politically correct. Umorul e proaspat si palpabil, Kate McKinnon imbogateste orice film iar povestea fantastica nu este mai ridicola decat cea veche, ba chiar efort a fost depus in a suna ca ceva ce chiar are un miez de sens.

Regia:  Paul Feig   
Cu: Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones

Rating: 8/10

Monday, July 12, 2021

The Void (2016)

Un spital in tranzitie si cu personal redus devine scena unor evenimente foarte neobosnuite dupa ce un val de violenta fara explicatie blocheaza un grup restrans intre peretii sai.

Un film de groaza in traditia lui The Thing (cel din 1982). Misterul, suspansul si body-horror-ul sunt bine gandite si bine dozate, iar explicatia evenimentelor este de ajuns de vaga si abstracta incat sa aiba ceva sens fara a fi usor atacata, si cumva mereu se leaga de natura umana si dorinta de a prelungi viata celor dragi, si viata in general.

Regia:  Jeremy Gillespie, Steven Kostanski       
Cu: Aaron Poole, Kenneth Welsh, Daniel Fathers, Kathleen Munroe

Rating: 8/10

The Void (2016)

A transitioning understaffed hospital becomes the scene of very unusual events after a wave of unexplained violence blocks a small group within its walls.

A horror film in the tradition of The Thing (the one from 1982). The mystery, the suspense and the body-horror are all well thought out and well dosed, and the explanation of the events is vague and abstract enough to make sense without being easily attacked, and somehow always linked to human nature and the desire to prolong the lives of our loved ones, and life in general.

Director:  Jeremy Gillespie, Steven Kostanski       
With: Aaron Poole, Kenneth Welsh, Daniel Fathers, Kathleen Munroe

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, July 08, 2021

The Favourite (2018)

Prietenia si influenta lui Lady Sarah asupra reginei Anne este amenintata cand o noua servitoare, fosta nobila, este introdusa la curte.

Unul dintre cele mai bune filme istorice, mai ales cand este considerata maiestria neobisnuita a lui Yorgos Lanthimos. Subiectul real nu i-a permis sa exploreze unghiuri fanteziste cum pare sa ii placa de obicei, dar stilul sau se lasa simtit in multe aspecte ale cinematografiei, de la ridicolul scenelor ostentative ale vietii de la curte, exagerarea aerelor nobiliare sau figurile mofturoase ale damelor in conflict. Cele trei actrite sunt minunate, cu Olivia Colman si Rachel Weisz mai mult decat fascinante, lucru ce a generat o situatie neobisnuita in sezonul premiilor de cinema, ocazie care a vazut-o pe Olivia nominalizata ca actrita principala, iar pe Emma Stone si Rachel Wesz ca actrite secundare, desi importanta pentru naratiune si timpul pe ecran este aproape egal.

Regia:  Yorgos Lanthimos    
Cu: Olivia Colman, Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz, Nicholas Hoult

Rating: 10/10

The Favourite (2018)

Lady Sarah's friendship and influence over Queen Anne is threatened when a new maid, a former noblewoman, is brought to court.

One of the best historical films, especially when the unusual mastery of Yorgos Lanthimos is considered. The real historical subject did not allow him the same freedom to explore fanciful angles as he usually likes, but his style is felt in many aspects of the cinematography, from the ridiculous ostentatious scenes of life at court, the exaggerated so-called noble airs or the capricious and fussy expressions of the women in conflict. The three actresses are wonderful, with Olivia Colman and Rachel Weisz beyond mesmerising, which generated an unusual situation in the awards season, an occasion that saw Olivia nominated as a leading actress, and Emma Stone and Rachel Wesz as supporting actresses, although the importance for the narrative and the screen time of each is almost equal.

Director:  Yorgos Lanthimos    
With: Olivia Colman, Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz, Nicholas Hoult

Rating: 10/10

Monday, July 05, 2021

Shazam! (2019)

Un baiat abandonat de mama devine gazda oficial aleasa a unor superputeri ce ajuta sa mentina echilibrul bine-rau in lume, onoare atribuita numai dupa teste de caracter esuate de multi altii inaintea lui.

Shazam! este raspunsul DC la Deadpool, ce pare sa fie primit de public intr-un mod la fel de pozitiv, lucru pe care nu pot sa il explic. Shazam si umorul sau sunt puerile, actiunea este plictisitoare iar dialogul este de umplutura. Copiii sunt simpatici dar nu de ajuns pentru a castiga inima publicului in mod subiectiv.

Regia:  David F. Sandberg     
Cu: Zachary Levi, Mark Strong, Asher Angel, Jack Dylan Grazer

Rating: 6/10

Shazam! (2019)

A boy abandoned by his mother becomes the officially chosen host of mythical superpowers that help maintain the good vs bad balance in the world, an honor attributed only after character tests failed by many others before him.

Shazam! is DC's response to Deadpool, and it seemsed to be received by the public in an equally positive way, a fact I really can't explain. Shazam and its humour are childish, the action is boring and the dialogue is just filler. The kids are cute but that's not enough to just win the public's heart subjectively.

Director:  David F. Sandberg     
With: Zachary Levi, Mark Strong, Asher Angel, Jack Dylan Grazer

Rating: 6/10

Friday, July 02, 2021

Supernatural: Season 15 (2020)

Dean nu mai este controlat de Arhanghelul Michael din cealalta realitate, dar din plictiseala, lupul cel rau acum devine Chuck - Dumnezeu.

Ultimul sezon. The end. Continua de unde precedentul a ramas, un cliffhanger ce parea imposibil. Spoiler, nu era imposibil, dar situatia nu se schimba prea curand. Episoadele de tip caz de investigat sunt mai putine decat inainte, si cumva sunt legate de povestea principala oricum. Chuck-God este enervant si imposibil de invins pentru mult timp si cei doi eroi par sa nege inevitabilul fara speranta ca doi copii mici. Finalul totusi exista, si sfarsitul conflictului este vazut in penultimul episod, si nu e rau. Finalul final (al serialului) are loc in ultimul episod si e cumva dezamagitor, dar cumva nu, deoarece e mai degraba dedicat fanilor si optimismului..cred.

Regia:  Robert Singer si altii   
Productie:  CW   
Creator:  Eric Kripke   
Durata:  sezonul 14 de 20 de episoade (42 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jim Beaver, Misha Collins, Alexander Calvert,  Mark Pellegrino, Samantha Smith, Ruth Connell

Rating: 8/10

Supernatural: Season 15 (2020)

Dean is no longer controlled by the Archangel Michael from the other reality, but out of boredom, the big bad now becomes Chuck - God.

The final season. The end. It continues from where the previous got to, a cliffhanger that seemed impossible. Spoiler alert, it was not impossible, but the situation does not change too soon. The case-to-investigate type of episodes are fewer than before, and somehow end up linked to the main story anyway. Chuck-God is annoying and impossible to defeat for the longest time and the two heroes seem to be in denial of the hopeless end of all things like two small children. An outcome does exist, and the end of the conflict is seen in the penultimate episode, and it's not bad. The final finale (i.e. of the series) takes place in the last episode and it's somehow disappointing, but somehow not, because it's sorta dedicated to fans and optimism ... I think.

Director:  Robert Singer and others   
Production:  CW   
Creator:  Eric Kripke   
Duration:  season 15 of 20 episodes (42 minutes each)   
With: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jim Beaver, Misha Collins, Alexander Calvert, Mark Pellegrino, Samantha Smith, Ruth Connell

Rating: 8/10