Friday, September 30, 2022

Antibirth (2016)

Lou lives a life full of drugs, carelessness and complications and hard work avoidance, until one day she realizes that a night of partying has left behind something more worrying.

"Antibirth" is a body horror. It succedes in overcomplicating the plot with meaningless conspiracies, with the main character reacting with the most appropriate attitude: carelessness and incredulity. Until it's too late. Well acted, interesting to a certain extent, meaningless, but captivating.

Director:  Danny Perez     
With: Natasha Lyonne, Chloë Sevigny, Meg Tilly, Mark Webber

Rating: 7/10

Antibirth (2016)

Lou isi traieste viata plina de droguri, nepasare si evitare de complicatii si munca grea, pana ce intr-o zi isi da seama ca o noapte de petrecere a lasat in urma ceva mai ingrijorator.

'Antibirth' e un body horror. Reuseste sa complice intriga cu conspiratii fara inteles, personajul principal reactionand cu cea mai potrivita atitutide: nepasare si incredulitate. Pana cand e prea tarziu. Bine jucat, interesant pana intr-o anume masura, fara sens, dar captivant.

Regia:  Danny Perez     
Cu: Natasha Lyonne, Chloë Sevigny, Meg Tilly, Mark Webber

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, September 29, 2022

The Stand (2020–2021)

Dupa ce o epidemie a ucis majoritatea populatiei, cativa "alesi" incep sa primeasca viziuni ce ofera un sens mistic evenimentelor.

'The Stand' este o noua ecranizare a romanului lui Stephen King, dupa cea din 1994. Ca gen apartine stilului horror, cu un ritm incet si multe elemente religioase. Plin de nume cunoscute, serialul e decent, dar nu depaseste pe cel dinainte si nu ramane in memorie ca ceva deosebit. In plus, ultimul episod este adaugat ca un filler, fara explicatie, dupa ce toate deznodamantele de interes au fost dezvaluite. 

Regia:  Josh Boone si altii   
Productie:  CBS 
Creator:  Josh BooneBenjamin Cavell   
Durata:  miniserie de 1 sezon de 9 episoade (8 ore 30 de minute in total)   
Cu: Whoopi Goldberg, Alexander Skarsgård, James Marsden, Odessa Young, Amber Heard, Owen Teague, Greg Kinnear, Katherine McNamara, Fiona Dourif

Rating: 7/10

The Stand (2020–2021)

After an epidemic has killed the majority of the population, a few "chosen" begin to receive visions that give a mystical meaning to the events.

'The Stand' is a new adaptation of Stephen King's novel, the second one after the one from 1994. In terms of genre, it belongs to the horror style, with a slow pace and many religious elements. With a cast full of well-known names, this series is decent, but does not surpass the previous one and does not remain in memory as anything special. In addition, the last episode is added as a filler, without explanation, after all the interesting developments have been revealed.

Director:  Josh Boone  and others
Production:  CBS 
Creator:  Josh Boone, Benjamin Cavell   
Duration:  miniseries of 1 season of 9 episodes (8 hours 30 minutes in total)   
With: Whoopi Goldberg, Alexander Skarsgård, James Marsden, Odessa Young, Amber Heard, Owen Teague, Greg Kinnear, Katherine McNamara, Fiona Dourif

Rating: 7/10

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Echoes (2022)

Leni si Gina au impartit mereu totul ca gemene, dar cand una din ele dispare, secrete misterioase sunt dezvaluite.

'Echoes' este o miniserie dramatica, cu o intriga demna de soap operas. Incepe misterios si puternic, dar farmecul dispare destul de rapid si evenimentele devin de ajuns de previzibile incat continui sa urmaresti doar pentru satisfactia de a avea dreptate.

Regia:  Kat Candler si altii   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Vanessa Gazy
Durata:  miniserie de 1 sezon a cate 7 episoade (5 ore 26 minute in total)   
Cu: Michelle Monaghan, Matt Bomer, Karen Robinson, Ali Stroker

Rating: 6/10

Echoes (2022)

Leni and Gina have always shared everything as twins, but when one of them disappears, mysterious secrets are revealed.

"Echoes" is a dramatic miniseries, with a plot worthy of a soap opera. It starts out mysterious and strong, but the charm wears off pretty quickly and the events become predictable enough that you keep watching just for the satisfaction of being right.

Director:  Kat Candler and others   
Productiion:  Netflix   
Creator:  Vanessa Gazy
Duration:  miniseries of 1 seasons with 7 episodes (5 hours 26 minutes in total)   
With: Michelle Monaghan, Matt Bomer, Karen Robinson, Ali Stroker

Rating: 6/10

Monday, September 26, 2022

Tomboy (2011)

Familia lui Laure se muta intr-o locatie noua si ea decide sa se prezinte noilor prieteni ca fiind baiat.

'Tomboy' e un film dramatic ce prezinta un episod scurt din povestea atingatoare a unei fetite ce respinge identitatea ce ii este impusa. Cu un buget foarte mic, filmat in 20 de zile, filmul este frumos facut, suprinzator de bine jucat de fetita de 10 ani si induiosator.

Regia:  Céline Sciamma      
Cu: Zoé Héran, Malonn Lévana, Jeanne Disson, Sophie Cattani

Rating: 9/10

Tomboy (2011)

Laure's family moves to a new location and she decides to introduce herself to her new friends as being a boy.

"Tomboy" is a dramatic film that presents a short episode of the touching story of a girl who rejects the identity imposed on her. With a very small budget, filmed in 20 days, the film is beautifully made, surprisingly well acted by the 10-year-old girl and touching.

Director:  Céline Sciamma      
With: Zoé Héran, Malonn Lévana, Jeanne Disson, Sophie Cattani

Rating: 9/10

Friday, September 23, 2022

Jakob's Wife (2021)

O sotie de preot de oras mic, Anne, isi evalueaza prioritatile dupa intalnirea violenta cu "the Master".

'Jakob's Wife' e un film horror, de buget mic, cu vampiri si idei feministe. Barbara Crampton e excelenta in rolul sotiei pioase ce se razvrateste. Filmul e bine facut, in stil indie, cu un ritm incet si actiuni curioase.

Regia:  Travis Stevens      
Cu: Barbara Crampton, Larry Fessenden, Bonnie Aarons, Nyisha Bell

Rating: 7/10

Jakob's Wife (2021)

A small-town minister's wife, Anne, reevaluates her priorities after a violent encounter with "the Master".

'Jakob's Wife' is a low-budget horror film with vampires and feminist ideas. Barbara Crampton is excellent in the role of the pious wife who rebels. The film is well made, in an indie style, with a slow pace and curious actions.

Director:  Travis Stevens      
With: Barbara Crampton, Larry Fessenden, Bonnie Aarons, Nyisha Bell

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Old (2021)

O familie in vacanta descopera ca toti membrii trec prin imbatranire rapida.

'Old' e un film horror psihologic, supranatural, unul din filmele cu care M. Night Shyamalan ne-a delectat ca un comeback. Bazat pe o viziunea extrema a ideilor in jurul "scopul scuza mijloacele", filmul de fata are efectul scontat, evidentiind foarte dur oroarea ideii cum ca individul nu conteaza cand multi beneficiaza. Motivul si executia sunt lipsite de subtilitate in cazul de fata, dar fara a anula efectul vizionarii.

Regia:  M. Night Shyamalan      
Cu: Gael García Bernal, Vicky Krieps, Rufus Sewell, Alex Wolff, Thomasin McKenzie, Abbey Lee, Eliza Scanlen, Ken Leung, Embeth Davidtz

Rating: 8/10

Old (2021)

A family on vacation discovers that all its members are aging rapidly.

'Old' is a psychological, supernatural horror film, one of the films with which M. Night Shyamalan delighted us as a comeback. Based on an extreme view of the ideas around "the end justifies the means", the current film has the intended effect, highlighting very harshly the horror of the idea that the individual does not matter when many benefit. The film's message and and execution are pretty much lacking in subtlety this time, but without canceling the overall effect. 

Director:  M. Night Shyamalan      
With: Gael García Bernal, Vicky Krieps, Rufus Sewell, Alex Wolff, Thomasin McKenzie, Abbey Lee, Eliza Scanlen, Ken Leung, Embeth Davidtz

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Onward (2020)

Doi frati elf, foarte diferiti, pornesc intr-o aventura magica pentru a-si vedea tatal o ultima data.

'Onward' e un film de animatie de fantezie, cu o poveste de familie ce are mesaje potrivite despre toleranta, acceptarea diferentelor si recunoasterea calitatilor ascunse. Distractiv si emotional

Regia:  Dan Scanlon      
Cu: Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Octavia Spencer

Rating: 8/10

Onward (2020)

Two elf brothers, very different to each other, embark on a magical adventure to see their father one last time.

'Onward' is a fantasy animated film, with a family story that has appropriate messages about tolerance, accepting each other's differences and recognizing hidden qualities. Fun and emotional

Director:  Dan Scanlon      
With: Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Octavia Spencer

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Copshop (2021)

O statie de politie de oras mic devine locul confruntarii dintre un escroc si asasinul eficient pus pe urmele sale.

'Copshop' e un thriller politist ce se petrece mai mult sau mai putin intr-o singura locatie. E bine gandit, bine asamblat, cu un ritm constant, pe aceeasi lungime de unda cu atentia si interesul vizionatorului.

Regia:  Joe Carnahan       
Cu: Gerard Butler, Frank Grillo, Alexis Louder, Toby Huss

Rating: 8/10

Copshop (2021)

A small town police station becomes the site of the confrontation between a crook and the efficient killer on his trail.

"Copshop" is a cop thriller that more or less takes place in just one location. It is well thought out, well put together, with a good pacing, a constant rhythm, which is on the same wavelength as the viewer's attention and interest.

Director:  Joe Carnahan       
With: Gerard Butler, Frank Grillo, Alexis Louder, Toby Huss

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The White Queen (2013)

Povestea Razboiului Rozelor prin prisma a trei personalitati feminine importante.

'The White Queen' este primul din serialele dramatice istorice bazate pe romanele lui Philipa Gregory. Are in prim plan pe regina Elizabeth Woodville a casei York, si impreuna cu punctele de vedere alor lui Lady Margaret Beaufort (bunica lui Henric al VIII-lea) si Anne Neville (sotia lui Richard al III-lea), formeaza o reimaginare completa si romantata a catorva zeci de ani de istorie zbuciumata si plina de tradari ce a fascinat si va fascina mereu.

Regia:  Colin Teague si altii   
Productie:  Starz   
Creator:  Emma Frost, Philipa Gregory (roman)   
Durata:  1 sezon de 10 episoade (1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Aneurin Barnard, Rebecca Ferguson, Amanda Hale, Faye Marsay, Max Irons, Caroline Goodall, Janet McTeer, James Frain, Rupert Graves

Rating: 8/10

The White Queen (2013)

The story of the War of the Roses through the eyes of three important female personalities.

'The White Queen' is the first of the historical drama series based on Philipa Gregory's novels. It features Queen Elizabeth Woodville of the House of York, and together with the points of view of Lady Margaret Beaufort (Henry VIII's grandmother) and Anne Neville (Richard III's wife), forms a complete and romanced reimagining of several decades of turbulent and full of betrayals history that has long fascinated  us and always will.

Director:  Colin Teague and others   
Production:  Starz   
Creator:  Emma Frost, Philipa Gregory (novel)   
Duration:  1 season of 10 episodes (1 hour each)   
With: Aneurin Barnard, Rebecca Ferguson, Amanda Hale, Faye Marsay, Max Irons, Caroline Goodall, Janet McTeer, James Frain, Rupert Graves

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Taking (2014)

O echipa de studenti filmeaza pe Deborah Logan, o batrana cu Alzheimer, in activitatile zilnice, dar descopera adevaruri sinistre.

'The Taking of Deborah Logan' e un film horror din subgenul found footage. Schimbarea de intriga asociata cu acest stil e binevenita, desi posedarea e si ea ultra utilizata, si totusi combinatia de fata functioneaza si e eficienta. Actrita principala e minunata in rol, alternand bunicuta fragila si nevinovata, cu aparenta demonica si sinistra. Povestea ce urmeaza si enigma elucidata in final sunt interesante si merita urmarite.

Regia:  Adam Robitel      
Cu: Jill Larson, Anne Ramsay, Michelle Ang, Brett Gentile

Rating: 7/10

The Taking (2014)

A team of students films Deborah Logan, an old woman with Alzheimer's, in her daily activities, but discovers sinister truths.

'The Taking of Deborah Logan' is a found footage horror film. The change of plot that usually comes with this subgenre is welcome, although demonic possession is also overused, and yet the current combination works and is effective. The main actress is wonderful in her role, skillfully alternating between the fragile and innocent grandmother and a demonic and sinister apparition. The story that follows and the enigma uncovered at the end are interesting and worth watching through.

Director:  Adam Robitel      
With: Jill Larson, Anne Ramsay, Michelle Ang, Brett Gentile

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, September 08, 2022

The Collector (2009)

Un fost hot este fortat de imprejurari sa sparga casa sefului sau, dar evenimentele iau o intorsatura neasteptata cand realizeaza ca locuinta nu e goala.

'The Collector' e un thriller cu o directie un pic schimbata in intentie si dezvoltare. O schimbare binevenita. Nu e cel mai original in executie, dar suspansul e palpabil si publicul este respectat si satisfacut.

Regia:  Marcus Dunstan   
Cu: Josh Stewart, Andrea Roth, Madeline Zima, Robert Wisdom

Rating: 8/10

The Collector (2009)

A former thief is forced by circumstances to break into his boss's house, but events take an unexpected turn when he realizes that the house is not empty.

"The Collector" is a thriller with a slightly changed direction in intention and development. And that's a welcome change. It doesn't follow the most original execution, but the suspense is palpable and the audience gets to feel respected and satisfied.

Director:  Marcus Dunstan   
With: Josh Stewart, Andrea Roth, Madeline Zima, Robert Wisdom

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

By the Sea (2015)

Un cuplu alege sa stea intr-un hotel in Franta pentru ca el sa scrie si impreuna sa isi regaseasca flacara.

'By The Sea' e o drama sub regia protagonistei Angelina Jolie si are o nota foarte personala avand in vedere drama reala si publicizata a casniciei celor doi. Filmul are adancime si credibilitate si comparatia celor doua cupluri: unul cu experienta si un cuplu abia casatorit isi are locul intr-un film ce analizeaza degradarea relatiilor (poate cam mult). Nu e pentru oricine.

Regia:  Angelina Jolie    
Cu: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Mélanie Laurent, Melvil Poupaud

Rating: 7/10

By the Sea (2015)

A couple chooses to stay in a hotel in France so that he can write and they can recover their spark together.

'By The Sea' is a drama directed by the protagonist Angelina Jolie and has a very personal note considering the real and publicized drama of the marriage of the two. The film has depth and credibility and the comparison of the two couples: one with experience and a newly married couple has its place in a film that analyzes the degradation of relationships (maybe a little too much). It's not for everyone.

Director:  Angelina Jolie    
With: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Mélanie Laurent, Melvil Poupaud

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, September 04, 2022

Day Shift (2022)

Un tata munceste din greu pentru a-si pastra fetita aproape iar slujba sa implica vanatul de vampiri.

'Day Shift' e o comedie de actiune cu vampiri. Aminteste pe alocuri de Fright Night mai ales in tipologia vampirica dar si de John Wick. Jamie Foxx e relaxat si potrivit in rol iar Dave Franco face o aditie comica neasteptata.

Regia:  J.J. Perry  
Cu: Jamie Foxx, Dave Franco, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Meagan Good, Karla Souza, Snoop Dogg, Eric Lange, Peter Stormare

Rating: 8/10

Day Shift (2022)

A father works hard to keep his little girl close and the job involves hunting vampires.

'Day Shift' is an action comedy with vampires. At times it reminds one of Fright Night, especially in the vampiric typology, but also of John Wick. Jamie Foxx is relaxed and appropriate in the role and Dave Franco makes an unexpected comic addition.

Director:  J.J. Perry  
With: Jamie Foxx, Dave Franco, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Meagan Good, Karla Souza, Snoop Dogg, Eric Lange, Peter Stormare

Rating: 8/10

Friday, September 02, 2022

Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)

O imigranta ce are probleme cu taxele si o afacere greu to mentinut descopera posibilitati noi dupa ce afla de existenta altor versiuni ale sale bazate pe alegeri diferite din viata ei.

'Everything Everywhere All at Once' este greu de descris, trebuie trait. In principiu, este un film SF cu accente tragi-comice. Aduce in prim plan dezamagiri usor de recunoscut si ideea de potential neindeplinit versus interpretare noua cu schimbare de unghi. Este o lectie de viata ce te face sa razi copios nu doar o data, ce utilizeaza lupte martiale atat de populare intr-un mod in care nu s-a mai facut pana acum. Iar Michelle Yeoh este adorabila intr-o ipostaza vulnerabila cum nu a mai incercat.

Regia:  Dan Kwan, Daniel Scheinert     
Cu: Michelle Yeoh, Stephanie Hsu, Ke Huy Quan, James Hong, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jenny Slate

Rating: 10/10

Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)

An immigrant who has tax problems and a hard-to-maintain business discovers new possibilities after learning of the existence of other versions of herself based on different choices in her life.

'Everything Everywhere All at Once' is hard to describe, it has to be experienced. In principle, it is a sci-fi film with tragic-comic accents. It brings to the fore easily recognizable disappointments and the idea of an ​​unfulfilled potential versus a new interpretation with a new viewpoint. It is a life lesson that makes you laugh copiously and not just once, that uses popular martial arts in a way that has never been done before. And Michelle Yeoh is adorable in a vulnerable new side like she's never shown us before.

Directors:  Dan Kwan, Daniel Scheinert     
With: Michelle Yeoh, Stephanie Hsu, Ke Huy Quan, James Hong, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jenny Slate

Rating: 10/10

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Den of Thieves (2018)

O echipa din departamentul Serifilor din LA se intersecteaza cu o banda de spargatori de banci priceputi in incercarea acestora de a efectua jaful perfect.

'Den Of Thieves' este un film de actiune politist ce suna banal pe hartie. Si totusi tensiunea de pe ecran, dezvoltarea graduala a asteptarilor vizionatorului, investirea in soarta personajelor, sunt toate efecte subtile ale unui film bine construit, bine jucat, si cu un scenariu ce include caracterizari utile ce dezvolta ideea ce reprezinta fiecare din personaje.

Regia:  Christian Gudegast      
Cu: Gerard Butler, Pablo Schreiber, O'Shea Jackson Jr., 50 Cent, Brian Van Holt, Dawn Olivieri, Eric Braeden, Cooper Andrews

Rating: 9/10

Den of Thieves (2018)

A unit from the LA Sheriff's department intersects with a gang of skilled bank robbers in their attempt to pull off the perfect heist.

'Den Of Thieves' is a cop action film that sounds trivial on paper. And yet the tension on the screen, the build up of the viewer's expectations and their investment in the fate of the characters, are all subtle effects of a well-constructed, well-acted film which also benefits from a script that includes useful characterizations that develop the idea behind each of the characters.

Director:  Christian Gudegast      
With: Gerard Butler, Pablo Schreiber, O'Shea Jackson Jr., 50 Cent, Brian Van Holt, Dawn Olivieri, Eric Braeden, Cooper Andrews

Rating: 9/10