Saturday, November 26, 2022

1899 (2022-)

O tanara medic se apropie de diferite personaje cheie de pe vaporul pe care calatoreste pentru a ajuta la explicarea evenimentelor misterioase ce au loc.

'1899' e un serial mister/suspans cu accente dramatice si SF ce este creat de echipa ce ne-a adus Dark. Complex, dar mai usor de urmarit, dramatic dar derutant, serialul ofera un mix interesant de culturi si limbi ce incearca sa adanceasca impresia de veritabil. Creierul vizionatorului nu va inceta sa inchege teorii, ajungand la idei familiare din alte surse (si fara a fi neaparat gresit), finalul insa poate fi perceput dezamagitor, dar speranta pentru sezonul al doilea va sta nezdruncinata.

Regia:  Baran bo Odar 
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Baran bo Odar, Jantje Friese   
Durata:  1 sezon de 8 episoade (1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Emily Beecham, Aneurin Barnard, Andreas Pietschmann, Miguel Bernardeau

Rating: 8/10

1899 (2022-)

A young woman doctor approaches various key characters on the ship she is traveling on to help explain the mysterious events taking place.

'1899' is a mystery/suspense series with dramatic and sci-fi accents created by the team that brought us Dark. Complex, but easier to follow, dramatic but distracting, the series offers an interesting mix of cultures and languages ​​that try to deepen the impression of authenticity. The viewer's brain will not stop coming up with new theories, reaching familiar ideas from other sources (and without that necessarily being wrong), but the ending can be perceived as disappointing, however the high hopes for a second season stay strong.

Director:  Baran bo Odar   
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Baran bo Odar, Jantje Friese   
Duration:  1 season of 8 episodes (1 hour each)   
With: Emily Beecham, Aneurin Barnard, Andreas Pietschmann, Miguel Bernardeau

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, November 20, 2022

First Kill (2022)

Juliette and Calliope belong to two factions that hate each other: vampires and vampire hunters and they fall in love.

'First Kill' is a horror series with comic accents that wanted the be the new best thing with something similar to Buffy's cultural impact. But without paying attention to details, getting a script full of memorable lines or making sure there's some obvious clever humour. It has some interesting new vampiric lore, but: it's made in a rush, messy, some actors either don't have talent, or no one bothered to get them to redo some of their scenes when that was painfully needed, and the script leaves a lot to be desired with clichés and cringey lines. What brings it closest to what it should have been is the presence of the big sister.

Director:  Eriq La Salle and others 
Production:  Netflix  
Creator:  V.E. Schwab   
Duration:  1 single season of 8 episades (1 hour each)  
With: Sarah Catherine Hook, Imani Lewis, Elizabeth Mitchell, Aubin Wise

Rating: 6/10

First Kill (2022)

Juliette si Calliope fac parte din doua categorii ce se urasc: vampiri si vanatori de vampiri si se indragostesc.

'First Kill' e un serial de groaza cu accente comice ce se dorea o versiune noua a impactului avut de Buffy. Dar fara atentia pentru scenariu plin de replici memorabile sau umorul evident. Are ceva mitologie vampirica noua interesanta, dar: e facut in graba, unii actori ori nu au talent, ori nu le-a spus nimeni ca scenele trebuiesc refacute cand trebuia, iar scenariul lasa de dorit cu clisee si replici negandite. Ce il aduce cel mai aproape de ce ar fi trbuit sa fie este prezenta surorii.

Regia:  Eriq La Salle si altii  
Productie:  Netflix  
Creator:  V.E. Schwab   
Durata:  1 singur sezon de 8 episoade (1 ora fiecare)  
Cu: Sarah Catherine Hook, Imani Lewis, Elizabeth Mitchell, Aubin Wise

Rating: 6/10

Friday, November 18, 2022

The Perfection (2018)

O fosta violoncelista minune se intoarce la compania ce i-a finantat talentul dupa ce mama sa moare dar lucrurile nu sunt ceea ce par a fi.

'The Perfection' e un film thriller horror surpriza. Orice asteptari trebuiesc lasate la usa. Bine jucat, bine scris, multi-fatetat si bogat in evenimente ce creeaza suspans bine dozat, intrebari, derutare si iar suspans. Iubirea pentru muzica si intelegerea dedicatiei unui astfel de talent sunt si ele prezente pentru a ajuta cu sentimentul de realism si fidelitate povestii.

Regia:  Richard Shepard     
Cu: Logan Browning, Allison Williams, Steven Weber, Christina Jastrzembska, Glynis Davies

Rating: 9/10

The Perfection (2018)

A former prodigy cellist returns to the company that financed her talent after her mother dies, but things are not what they seem.

'The Perfection' is a surprise horror-thriller film. Any expectations should be left at the door. Well acted, well written, multi-faceted and rich in events that create well-dosed suspense, questions, confusion and more suspense. The love for music and the understanding of the dedication of such a talent as the main character has are also present to help with the feeling of accuracy and loyalty to the story.

Director:  Richard Shepard     
With: Logan Browning, Allison Williams, Steven Weber, Christina Jastrzembska, Glynis Davies

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Stranger (2022)

Henry Teague se imprieteneste cu un tip ce pare facut din acelasi material intr-o cursa de autobuz, si evenimentele se insira pornind de aici.

'The Stranger' e o drama thriller bazata pe un caz politist real ce s-a petrecut in Australia. Filmul incepe  nevinovat, fara sa lase de banuit in ce directie o va lua, si evolueaza incet, adaugand elemente abstracte combinand drama si efecte vizuale si audio bruste si "crapate" ce creeaza un efect de nepotrivire si da nastere unei nevoi de a repara universul. Excelent jucat de cei doi protagonisti principal.

Regia:  Thomas M. Wright    
Cu: Joel Edgerton, Sean Harris, Jada Alberts, Cormac Wright

Rating: 8/10

The Stranger (2022)

Henry Teague befriends a guy who seems to be like-minded in a bus ride, and the rest of the events continue from there.

'The Stranger' is a thriller drama based on a real police case that happened in Australia. The film starts innocently, leaving no clue as to which direction it will take, and evolves slowly, adding abstract elements combining drama and sudden and broken visual and audio effects that create a feeling of mismatch and cause the viewer feeling a drastic need to repair the universe. Excellent acting by the two main protagonists.

Director:  Thomas M. Wright    
With: Joel Edgerton, Sean Harris, Jada Alberts, Cormac Wright

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Searching (2018)

Un tata singur foloseste toate uneltele online la care are acces pentru a-si gasi fiica disparuta.

'Searching' e un thriller experiment, ce are loc in exclusivitate online, numai prin prisma aplicatiilor pe calculator disponibile in zilele moderne. Interesant ca idee, si bine realizat, filmul retine atentia, interesul si curiozitatea, fara a pierde investitia emotionala.

Regia:  Aneesh Chaganty       
Cu: John Cho, Debra Messing, Joseph Lee, Michelle La

Rating: 8/10

Searching (2018)

A single father uses all the online tools he has access to to find his missing daughter.

'Searching' is an experimental thriller, which takes place exclusively online, only through the lens of computer applications available in modern days. Interesting as an idea, and well made, the film retains the viewer's attention, interest and curiosity, without losing the emotional investment.

Director:  Aneesh Chaganty       
With: John Cho, Debra Messing, Joseph Lee, Michelle La

Rating: 8/10

Friday, November 11, 2022

Au-delà des murs/Beyond The Walls (2016)

Lisa mosteneste o casa de la un necunoscut dar curand descopera ca peretii ei ascund un labirint misterios in care se pierde.

"Au-delà des murs" e un film in 3 parti ce atinge mai multe genuri: drama, horror, SF. Plin de intriga si mister, privitorul este constant in suspans, mirare si in mijlocul unei furtuni de intrebari. Nu toate sunt raspunse, si nici nu e un fapt dezamagitor, dar in final lucrurile au o dependinta circulara logica ce satisface romanticii din noi.

Regia:  Hervé Hadmar   
Productie:  Lincoln TV   
Creator:  Hervé Hadmar, Marc Herpoux   
Durata:  1 miniserie de 3 episoade (2 ore si 36 minute in total)   
Cu: Veerle Baetens, François Deblock, Geraldine Chaplin, Cédric Lechapelier

Rating: 8/10

Au-delà des murs/Beyond The Walls (2016)

Lisa inherits a house from a stranger but soon discovers that its walls hide a mysterious labyrinth in which she gets lost.

"Au-delà des murs" is a film in 3 parts that touches several genres: drama, horror, sci-fi. Full of intrigue and mystery, the viewer is constantly in suspense, wonder and in the middle of a storm of questions. Not all are answered, and it's not a disappointing fact either, but in the end things have a logical circular dependency that fully satisfies the romantics in us.

Director:  Hervé Hadmar   
Production:  Lincoln TV   
Creator:  Hervé Hadmar, Marc Herpoux   
Duration:  1 miniseries of 3 episodes (2 hours and 36 minutes in total)   
With: Veerle Baetens, François Deblock, Geraldine Chaplin, Cédric Lechapelier

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Countdown (2019)

O sora medicala afla ca exista o aplicatie pe telefon ce iti spuna cat mai ai de trait si afla ca va muri in 3 zile.

'Countdown' e un film de groaza de duzina, cu o idee interesanta, ce ia in ras tendinta curenta de a avea o aplicatie pentru orice subiect posibil. Distractiv pana la un punct, in care devine banal si soporific.

Regia:  Justin Dec   
Cu: Elizabeth Lail, Jordan Calloway, Talitha Eliana Bateman, Peter Facinelli

Rating: 6/10

Countdown (2019)

A nurse uses an app that tells you how long you have to live and learns that she will die in 3 days.

'Countdown' is a run of the mill horror movie, with an interesting idea, which makes fun of the current trend of having an app for every possible subject. Enjoyable up to a point where it becomes uninteresting and clichéd.

Director:  Justin Dec   
With: Elizabeth Lail, Jordan Calloway, Talitha Eliana Bateman, Peter Facinelli

Rating: 6/10

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Crooked House (2008)

A few horror stories around the same haunted house.

'Crooked House' is an anthology of 4 short horror stories, set around the same geographical context, at different time periods. Intriguing at times, it is a bit too mellow to have the desired effect and lacks intensity and depth.

Director:  Damon Thomas   
Production:  BBC   
Creator:  Mark Gatiss  
Duration:  one miniseries of 4 episodes (1 hour and 30 minutes in total)   
With: Lee Ingleby, Mark Gatiss, Beth Goddard, Derren Brown, Philip Jackson, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Samuel Barnett

Rating: 6/10

Crooked House (2008)

Mai multe povestiri de groaza in jurul aceleiasi case bantuite.

'Crooked House' e o antologie de 4 povesti scurte de groaza, in jurul aceluiasi cadru geografix, in timpuri diferite. Intrigant uneori, e cam moale pentru a avea efectul dorit si ii lipseste intensitate si adancime.

Regia:  Damon Thomas   
Productie:  BBC   
Creator:  Mark Gatiss  
Durata:  o miniserie de 4 episoade (1 ora 30 minute in total)   
Cu: Lee Ingleby, Mark Gatiss, Beth Goddard, Derren Brown, Philip Jackson, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Samuel Barnett

Rating: 6/10

Sunday, November 06, 2022

The Devil's Hour (2022– )

O femeie se trezeste in fiecare noapte la 3:33, cu amintiri ale unor evenimente ce nu au avut loc.

'The Devil's Hour' e un thriller psihologic cu elemente SF si poate chiar horror. Excelent facut, se intinde peste sase parti meticulos gandite, fara a depinde de calitatea deznodamantului pentru a-si valida valoarea, deznodamantul poate nefiind la fel de impresionant ca asteptarile, dar foarte aproape. Personajele sunt bine creionate, multidimensionale intr-un mod mai mult decat suficient, si cuprinde partituri impresionante din partea personajelor principale, mai ales actorul copil. O miniserie ce va da impresia de film, de neratat!

Regia:  Johnny Allan, Isabelle Sieb   
Productie:  Amazon Studios, Hartswood Films
Creator:  Tom Moran
Durata:  1 sezon in 6 parti (1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Jessica Raine, Peter Capaldi, Nikesh Patel, Benjamin Chivers, Phil Dunsters

Rating: 9/10

The Devil's Hour (2022– )

A woman wakes up every night at 3:33, with memories of events that never happened.

'The Devil's Hour' is a psychological thriller with sci-fi and maybe even horror elements. Excellently done, it stretches over six meticulously thought out parts, without depending on the quality of the final episode to validate its overall value, with the ending maybe not being as impressive as the expectations make it, but it comes very close. The characters are well drawn, multidimensional in a more than sufficient way, and it includes impressive artistry from the main characters' actors, especially the child actor. A miniseries that will give you the impression of a movie, not to be missed!

Director:  Johnny Allan, Isabelle Sieb  
Production:  Amazon Studios, Hartswood Films
Creator:  Tom Moran
Duration:  1 season in 6 parts (1 hour each)   
With: Jessica Raine, Peter Capaldi, Nikesh Patel, Benjamin Chivers, Phil Dunsters

Rating: 9/10

Friday, November 04, 2022

Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities (2022– )

Guillermo del Toro prezinta fiecare episod dintr-o antologie pentru care a adunat povesti si talente care sa le aduca la viata.

'Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities' e un serial antologic unde fiecare episod e unic si de sine statator. Calitatea variaza dar efectul intregului este minunat.

E1: Lot 36: Elementele horror nu apar decat spre final, dar fascinatia ocultului si personajele tridimensionale mentin interesul in continuu.
Regia:  Guillermo Navarro 
Cu: Tim Blake Nelson, Sebastian Roché, Elpidia Carrillo, Demetrius Grosse
Rating: 9/10

E2: Graveyard Rats: Perioada istorica in care e fixata povestea devine o atractie in sine iar atentia pentru detaliu este de admirat. Comicul gotic este parte din farmec.
Regia:  Vincenzo Natali 
Cu: David Hewlett, Alexander Eling, Ish Morris, Cory Bertrand
Rating: 9/10

E3: The Autopsy: Un mister de elucidat, imbracat in suspans si curiozitate palpabile si un dialog intre personaje demn de un film noir si sinistru.
Regia:  David Prior 
Cu: F. Murray Abraham, Glynn Turman, Luke Roberts, Dan Beirne
Rating: 10/10

E4: The Outside: Aminteste de The Society ca stil si fundal, dar nu sare in evidenta decat poate prin curajul actritei principale de a intruchipa personajul.
Regia:  Ana Lily Amirpour 
Cu: Kate Micucci, Martin Starr, Dan Stevens, Kylee Evans
Rating: 6/10

E5: Pickman's Model: Un aer gotic interesant si arta amenintatoare. Imaginatia devine realitate iar socul finalului este ca realitatea a fost mereu inspaimantatoare dar am ales sa fim ignoranti.
Regia:  Keith Thomas 
Cu: Ben Barnes, Crispin Glover, Oriana Leman, Seamus Patterson
Rating: 8/10

E6: Dreams in the Witch House: Personaje si entitati din imaginatia lui HP Lovecraft prind viata in aceasta adaptare inflorita. O adaptare asemanatoare face parte din volumul 1 din Masters of Horror, dar versiunea curenta este net superioara, mai ales prin accesul la efecte moderne si un buget bogat.
Regia:  Catherine Hardwicke
Cu: Rupert Grint, Ismael Cruz Cordova, DJ Qualls, Nia Vardalos
Rating: 7/10

E7: The Viewing: Ecoul anilor '80 este prezent in fiece clipa, vixzual dar si auditiv. Pana si alegerea subiectului si a misterului din final. Bine facut, dar isi pierde audienta prin aroganta.
Regia:  Panos Cosmatos  
Cu: Peter Weller, Steve Agee, Eric André, Sofia Boutella
Rating: 6/10

E8: The Murmuring: O poveste dramatica ce atinge unde trebuie, cu o atmosfera de groaza gotica si fantome melodramatice.
Regia:  Jennifer Kent 
Cu: Essie Davis, Andrew Lincoln, Greg Ellwand, Daxton William Lund
Rating: 8/10

Regia:  Diversi   (vezi mai sus)
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Guillermo del Toro   
Durata:  1 sezoane de 8 episoade (1 ora fiecare)  
Cu: Diversi (vezi mai sus)

Rating: 9/10

Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities (2022– )

Guillermo del Toro introduces each episode from an anthology series for which he gathered stories and talents to bring them to life.

"Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities" is an anthology series where each episode is unique and independent. The quality varies but the overall effect is wonderful.

E1: Lot 36: The horror elements only appear towards the end, but the fascination of the occult and the three-dimensional characters keep the interest going.
Director:  Guillermo Navarro 
WithTim Blake Nelson, Sebastian Roché, Elpidia Carrillo, Demetrius Grosse
Rating: 9/10

E2: Graveyard Rats: The historical period in which the story is set becomes an attraction in itself and the attention to detail is admirable. The gothic humor is part of the charm.
Director:  Vincenzo Natali 
WithDavid Hewlett, Alexander Eling, Ish Morris, Cory Bertrand
Rating: 9/10

E3: The Autopsy: A mystery to be solved, draped in palpable suspense and curiosity and a dialogue between characters worthy of a sinister film noir.
Director:  David Prior 
WithF. Murray Abraham, Glynn Turman, Luke Roberts, Dan Beirne
Rating: 10/10

E4: The Outside: It reminds one of The Society in terms of style and background, but it mainly stands out due of the courage of the main actress to embody the character.
Director:  Ana Lily Amirpour 
WithKate Micucci, Martin Starr, Dan Stevens, Kylee Evans
Rating: 6/10

E5: Pickman's Model: An interesting gothic air and menacing art. Imagination becomes reality and the shock of the ending is that reality was always frightening but we just choose to be ignorant.
Director:  Keith Thomas 
WithBen Barnes, Crispin Glover, Oriana Leman, Seamus Patterson
Rating: 8/10

E6: Dreams in the Witch House: Characters and entities from the imagination of HP Lovecraft come to life in this embelished adaptation. A similar adaptation has been done in Volume 1 of Masters of Horror, but the newer version is clearly superior, especially through the access to modern effects and a rich budget.
Director:  Catherine Hardwicke
WithRupert Grint, Ismael Cruz Cordova, DJ Qualls, Nia Vardalos
Rating: 7/10

E7: The Viewing: The echo of the 80s is present at every moment, visually but also, and especially in the audio. Even in the choice of the subject and the mystery revealed at the end. Well made, but it loses its audience due to arrogance, the main cause of the dragged-out story.
Director:  Panos Cosmatos  
WithPeter Weller, Steve Agee, Eric André, Sofia Boutella
Rating: 6/10

E8: The Murmuring: A dramatic story that hits all the right spots, with a nice gothic horror athmosphere and melodramatic ghosts.
Director:  Jennifer Kent 
WithEssie Davis, Andrew Lincoln, Greg Ellwand, Daxton William Lund
Rating: 8/10

Director:  Various   (see above)
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Guillermo del Toro   
Duration:  1 season of 8 episodes (1 hour each)  
With: Various   (see above)

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Knock Knock (2015)

Un barbat de familie este agresat de doua tinere in weekendul in care sta acasa departe de familie.

'Knock Knock' e un thriller de tip home invasion cu o aroma aparte, fara fond, dar aparte. E un remake se pare al unui film numit Death Game (1977). Eli Roth isi pune propria sotie la dispozitie si ea este insotita de draga de Ana de Armas, in rest filmul e destul de gol si fara rost. Keanu e adorabil dar asta sigur e departe de a fi un rol pentru el.

Regia:  Eli Roth    
Cu: Keanu Reeves, Lorenza Izzo, Ana de Armas, Aaron Burns

Rating: 5/10

Knock Knock (2015)

A family man is assaulted by two young women during the weekend when he stays at home to work, away from his family.

"Knock Knock" is a home invasion type thriller with a special flavor, without any substance, but special. It's apparently a remake of a movie called Death Game (1977). Eli Roth makes his own wife available for it and she is accompanied by dear Ana de Armas, otherwise the film is quite empty and pointless. Keanu is adorable but this is certainly far from a role for him.

Director:  Eli Roth    
With: Keanu Reeves, Lorenza Izzo, Ana de Armas, Aaron Burns

Rating: 5/10