Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Kol (2020)

Seo-Yeon si Young-Sook traiesc in aceeasi casa la douazeci de ani distanta si reusesc sa comunice prin acelasi telefon, dar un balans periculos incepe cand cele doua personalitati se cunosc mai bine.

Un film thriller the origine asiatica ce se joaca frumos cu ideea de paradox temporal. Fara vreo baza stiintifica, Kol e pur si simplu placut si palpitant, bine facut, si cu o tranzitie a senimentului de siguranta emotionala catre..altceva foarte lina.

Regia:  Chung-Hyun Lee   
Cu: Park Shin-Hye, Jong-seo Jun, Sung-ryung Kim, Lee El

Rating: 8/10

Kol (2020)

Seo-Yeon and Young-Sook live in the same house twenty years apart and manage to communicate via the same phone, but a dangerous balance begins when the two personalities get to know each other better.

A thriller film of Asian origins that plays nicely with the notion of ​​temporal paradoxes. Without any scientific basis, Kol is simply pleasant to watch and quite thrilling, well done, and with a transition from the feeling of emotional security to ... something else done very smoothly.

Director:  Chung-Hyun Lee   
With: Park Shin-Hye, Jong-seo Jun, Sung-ryung Kim, Lee El

Rating: 8/10

Monday, June 28, 2021

Code 8 (2019)

Intr-o realitate paralela unde exista oameni cu superputeri si reguli multe pentru a le limita viata, un muncitor de constructie se alatura unui grup de criminal pentru a-si salva mama.

Mutanti cu superputeri si actiune de tip heist. Un subiect popular si prea des folosit incat Code 8 pare doar o reluare diluata a altor filme. Nimic nou de zis decat poate ca e interesat de vazut fratii Amel in acelasi film.

Regia:  Jeff Chan   
Cu: Kari Matchett, Robbie Amell, Penny Eizenga, Lawrence Bayne, Stephen Amell

Rating: 6/10

Code 8 (2019)

In an alternative reality where there are people with superpowers and many rules to limit their lives, a construction worker joins a group of criminals in order to save his mother.

Mutants with superpowers and some heist type action. A popular choice of subject matter and a way too overused one at that, such that Code 8 just seems like a diluted rerun of other similar movies. Nothing new to say about it but maybe the fact that it's interesting to see the two Amel brothers in the same movie.

Director:  Jeff Chan   
With: Kari Matchett, Robbie Amell, Penny Eizenga, Lawrence Bayne, Stephen Amell

Rating: 6/10

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Outside the Wire (2021)

Un pilot de drona sa alatura unui supersoldat ca pedeapsa pentru insubordonare.

Un film de actiune ce amesteca multe genuri intr-un mod destul de echilibrat. Exista elemente de razboi, elemente SF si elemente de filme cu spioni si elemente de pura actiune. Povestea e destul de originala sa creeze interes si face destul uz de imitatie pentru a pastra acel interes.

Regia:  Mikael Håfström      
Cu: Anthony Mackie, Damson Idris, Enzo Cilenti, Emily Beecham, Pilou Asbæk

Rating: 7/10

Outside the Wire (2021)

A drone pilot has to pair up with a supersoldier as punishment for insubordination.

An action film that mixes many genres in a fairly balanced way. There are elements of war films, Sci-Fi and spy movies and also elements of pure action. The story is original enough to create interest and derivative enough to keep that interest alive.

Director:  Mikael Håfström      
With: Anthony Mackie, Damson Idris, Enzo Cilenti, Emily Beecham, Pilou Asbæk

Rating: 7/10

Friday, June 25, 2021

Palm Springs (2020)

Blocat intr-o bucla temporala, Nyles retraieste aceeasi zi la o nunta si reuseste sa o blocheze si pe sora miresei accidental.

O comedie romantica in stilul lui Groundhog Day, modernizata cu umorul lui Andy Samberg si un dialog bogat si bine intretinut. Elementul SF este un pretext bun pentru o caracterizare a personalitatlor celor doi si atractia romantica complexa a acestora dar si pentru o situatie neobisnuita a unei a doua sansa pentru a rectifica nu numai problema de fata dar multe din consecintele deciziilor proaste din viata personajelor, totul scris intr-un mod original si foarte placut de vizionat.

Regia:  Max Barbakow    
Cu: Andy Samberg, Cristin Milioti, J.K. Simmons, Peter Gallagher

Rating: 9/10

Palm Springs (2020)

Stuck in a time loop, Nyles relives the same day at a wedding and manages to accidentally get the bride's sister also stuck.

A romantic comedy in the style of Groundhog Day, modernized with Andy Samberg's humor and a rich and well-maintained dialogue. The Sci-Fi element is a good pretext for the characterization of the two personalities and their complex romantic attraction but also for an unusual situation of a second chance to rectify not only the current problem but many of the consequences of many a bad decisions in the characters' lives, all written in an original and very pleasant to watch way.

Director:  Max Barbakow    
With: Andy Samberg, Cristin Milioti, J.K. Simmons, Peter Gallagher

Rating: 9/10

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Harvest (2013)

Un baiat bolnav este tinut in izolare de parintii sai, iar cand o vecina adolescenta se imprieteneste cu acesta, echilibrul familiei este dat peste cap dezvaluind adevaruri neasteptate.

Un film thriller ce promitea multe, cel putin bazat pe alegerile de casting. Nimic mai fals. Povestea nu are sare si piper, credibilitate si mai putin iar personajele negative sunt exagerate fara sens si logica. De evitat!

Regia:  John McNaughton   
Cu: Samantha Morton, Michael Shannon, Natasha Calis, Charlie Tahan

Rating: 4/10

The Harvest (2013)

A sick boy is kept in isolation by his parents, and when a teenage neighbor befriends him, the balance of the family is turned upside down revealing unexpected truths.

A thriller that promised a lot, at least based on the casting choices. Nothing could be more false. The story has no spice, even less credibility and the villains are exaggerated in a way that makes no sense. This is one to avoid!

Director:  John McNaughton   
With: Samantha Morton, Michael Shannon, Natasha Calis, Charlie Tahan

Rating: 4/10

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Criminal Minds (2005–2020)

Investigatii de crime in serie mai ales, asa cum se desfasoara in cadrul echipei BAU a FBI-ului (Departamentul de Analiza Comportamentala).

Criminal Minds este un serial ce se descrie singur, unde ce primesti este exact ceea ce te astepti. Cazurile sunt multe, complexe sau simple, interesante sau banale, dar toate au elemente de analiza ce respecta ceea ce stim despre profiling (din multitudinea de seriale de gen ca CSI, Mindhunter, Profiler, Dexter si multe altele). Echipa are sens in ceea ce priveste varietatea de personalitati si abilitatea de a vedea unghiuri noi pentru un caz, iar actorii sunt in mare bine alesi (cu ceva exceptii in primele sezoane, corectate mai apoi ca personajul lui Elle). Calitativ, episoadele variaza mult, cu imbunatatiri cu trecerea timpului, dar momentele cu reactii si schimburi penibile de vorbe nu lipsesc. Doua elemente comune tuturor episoadelor, ce ridica stacheta consistent, sunt introducerea si incheierea cu un citat extrem de relevant ce are un efect meditativ de netagaduit.

Regia: Glenn Kershaw si altii   
Productie:  CBS   
Creator:  Jeff Davis   
Durata:  15 sezoane a cate 10/24 episoade (42 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Matthew Gray Gubler, Kirsten Vangsness, A.J. Cook, Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Shemar Moore, Paget Brewster,  Mandy Patinkin,  Jeanne Tripplehorn

Rating: 8/10

Criminal Minds (2005–2020)

Serial crime investigations, as they take place within the BAU team of the FBI (the Behavioral Analysis Unit).

Criminal Minds is a self-described TV show, where what you get is exactly what you expect. The cases are many, complex or simple, interesting or trivial, but they all have elements of analysis that follow what we all know about profiling (from the multitude of genre series like CSI, Mindhunter, Profiler, Dexter and many others). The team makes sense in terms of the variety of personalities and their ability to see new angles for a case, and the actors are mostly well chosen (with a few exceptions in the early seasons, later corrected as is with Elle's character). In terms of quality, the episodes vary a lot, with improvements over time, but it's not lacking moments with cringy reactions and exchanges of words. Two elements common to all episodes, which raise the bar consistently, are the introduction and conclusion using an extremely relevant quote that has an undeniable meditative effect.

Director: Glenn Kershaw and others   
Production:  CBS   
Creator:  Jeff Davis   
Duration:  15 seasons of 10/24 episodes(42 minutes each)   
With: Matthew Gray Gubler, Kirsten Vangsness, A.J. Cook, Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson, Shemar Moore, Paget Brewster,  Mandy Patinkin,  Jeanne Tripplehorn

Rating: 8/10

Monday, June 14, 2021

Fighting with My Family (2019)

O familie intreaga traieste de pe urma spectacolelor mici de wrestling pe care le organizeaza, dar fiica familiei primeste o sansa in plus de deveni celebra in domeniu.

Fighting With My Family e un film de familie, pe jumatate comedie, pe cealalta drama biografica. Amprenta regizorului neasteptat in persoana lui Stephen Merchant se simte in dialog si comicul de situatie din prima jumatate de film, accentul fiind pus pe biografia adevaratei Paige, ignorand suisurile si coborasurile carierei sale, asa cum au urmat dupa actiunea din film.

Regia:  Stephen Merchant     
Cu: Dwayne Johnson, Lena Headey, Vince Vaughn, Florence Pugh, Nick Frost

Rating: 7/10

Fighting with My Family (2019)

An entire family lives off the small wrestling shows they organize, but the daughter of the family gets an extra chance to become famous in the same field.

Fighting With My Family is a family film, half of it a comedy, and the other half a biographical drama. The mark of the unexpected director in the person of Stephen Merchant is felt thouroughly in the dialogue and the situation comedy from the first half of the film, in the second half the attention being directed  at the story of the real Paige, ignoring the ups and downs from her career that followed what we see here.

Director:  Stephen Merchant     
With: Dwayne Johnson, Lena Headey, Vince Vaughn, Florence Pugh, Nick Frost

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Fargo (2014– ) : Season 1

Un vanzator de asigurari fara noroc in viata il intalneste pe un asasin platit - amator de a manipula vietile oamenilor - in cea mai proasta zi a sa si este de acord involuntar cu acte neortodoxe.

Un serial creat ca omagiu filmului original, in care fiecare sezon este o poveste noua de intriga si crima, manipulare si stupiditate extrem de originala si creativa. Locatia geografica se pastreaza ca element comun in toate sezoanele, cu tipicul cultural bine descris printr-o reproducere fidela a elementelor meteorologice, a vorbirii localnicilor, gesticulatiei si tipului gandirii. Si asta e o buna bucata din munca migaloasa a echipelor de productie. 
Actorii sunt bine alesi, de prima mana, multi veterani in ale genului indie sau gansgster. Dintre ei, Billy Bob Thornton este exceptional si continua sursa de mirare la lipsa de premii de renume. Martin Freeman este aproape neschimbat dsr potrivit in rol, iar Bob Odenkirk si Colin Hanks sunt excelenti in a parea lipsiti de excelenta, cu un Keith Carradine insotindu-i aproape uitat si putin utilizat.
Actiunea este originala, plina de suprize atat neasteptate cat si cat de cat anuntate, iar firele narative se leaga intr-un mod amuzant si stupid si plin de ocazii de a folosi personaje stereotipice intr-un mod placut vizionatorilor.

Regia:  Randall Einhorn, Adam Bernstein si altii
Productie:  FX   
Creator:  Noah Hawley   
Durata:  primul sezon din 4, a cate 10 episoade (53 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Billy Bob Thornton, Martin Freeman, Allison Tolman, Colin Hanks, Bob Odenkirk, Keith Carradine, Joey King

Rating: 9/10

Fargo (2014– ) : Season 1

An unlucky insurance salesman meets an assassin - who loves manipulating people's lives - on his worst day and involuntarily agrees to unorthodox acts.

A series created as a tribute to the original film, in which each season is a new story of intrigue and crime, manipulation and extremely original and crative stupidity. The geographical position is kept as a common element in all seasons, with its typical  culture and whatnot, well described so to say by a faithful reproduction of the meteorological elements, the speech of the locals, their gestures and their type of thinking. And that's a good part of the meticulous work of the production teams.
The actors are well chosen, all first hand, many of them veterans in the indie or gansgster genre. Among them, Billy Bob Thornton is exceptional and continues to be a source of wonder at the lack of renowned awards to his name. Martin Freeman is almost unchanged but s perfect fit in the role, and Bob Odenkirk and Colin Hanks are excellent at looking excellent-less, with a Keith Carradine accompanying them almost forgotten and very little used.
The action is original, full of surprises both of the unexpected and somewhat announced kinds, and the narrative threads are connected in a funny and stupid way giving way to a lot of opportunities to use stereotypical characters in a viewer-pleasing manner.

Director:  Randall Einhorn, Adam Bernstein and others
Production:  FX   
Creator:  Noah Hawley   
Duration:  the first season of 4, lasting 10 episodes (53 minutes each)   
With: Billy Bob Thornton, Martin Freeman, Allison Tolman, Colin Hanks, Bob Odenkirk, Keith Carradine, Joey King

Rating: 9/10

Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Ana, mon amour (2017)

Povestea lui Ana si Toma, cu suisurile si coborasurile ei, Ana suferind de anxietate si atacuri de panica.

'Ana, mon amour' e o drama bine facuta, cu o poveste de dragoste alimentata de o codependenta foarte credibila si bine scrisa. Cei doi actori isi duc rolul in spate minunat, fie ca joaca studenti tineri si naivi sau adulti plini de frustrari. Adesea, povestea si executia seamana cu Blue Valentine. 
E interesant de observat cateva din caracteristicile culturale romanesti odata cu povestea celor doi, fie evidentiate de interactiunea cu familiile celor doi sau de factorul religios.

Regia:  Cãlin Peter Netzer   
Cu: Mircea Postelnicu, Diana Cavallioti, Tania Popa, Igor Caras-Romanov

Rating: 8/10

Ana, mon amour (2017)

The story of Ana and Toma, with its many ups and downs, with Ana suffering from anxiety and panic attacks.

'Ana, mon amour' is a well-made drama, with a love story fueled by a very believable and well-written codependency. The two actors play their parts wonderfully, whether they need to act young and naive students or deeply frustrated adults. Quite often, the story and its execution resemble Blue Valentine (2010).
It is also interesting to observe some of the Romanian cultural characteristics along with the story of the two, either highlighted by the characters' interaction with their families or by the religious element.

Director:  Cãlin Peter Netzer   
With: Mircea Postelnicu, Diana Cavallioti, Tania Popa, Igor Caras-Romanov

Rating: 8/10

Monday, June 07, 2021

Bright (2017)

Intr-o realitate moderna alternativa, fiinte de fantezie traiesc laolalta cu oamenii, creand un context favorabil rasismului. Un politist uman trebuie sa lucreze cu un partener orca in demascarea unor cazuri de coruptie complicate.

Un film de actiune politist cu o aroma fantezista destul de originala. Vine de la un veteran al dramelor politiste (David Ayer - Harsh Times, End of Watch, Street Kings) ce incearca sa lege genuri prin tematici umane des folosite care isi au meritul lor destul de evident. Filmul a primit tot felul de palme si, desi  e imperfect si lasa de dorit, nu isi merita titlul de cel mai prost film al anului 2017. Tandemul celor doi eroi e placut, povestea nu duce lipsa de un miez credibil si satisfacator si portia de entertainment e de ajuns de bogata.

Regia:  David Ayer      
Cu: Will Smith, Joel Edgerton, Noomi Rapace, Edgar Ramírez, Happy Anderson,  Jay Hernandez

Rating: 6/10

Bright (2017)

In an alternative modern reality, fantasy beings live amongst the humans, creating a favorable context for deep racism. A human police officer has to work with an orca partner to expose complicated corruption cases.

A police action movie with a rather original fantasy flavor. It comes from a veteran of police dramas (David Ayer - Harsh Times, End of Watch, Street Kings) who tries to link genres through well used human themes that have their own merits. The film received all kinds of slaps and, although it is imperfect and leaves much to be desired, it does not deserve the title of 'the worst film of 2017'. The tandem of the two heroes is fun, the story does not lack a credible and satisfying core and the resulted portion of entertainment is rich enough.

Director:  David Ayer      
With: Will Smith, Joel Edgerton, Noomi Rapace, Edgar Ramírez, Happy Anderson,  Jay Hernandez

Rating: 6/10

Saturday, June 05, 2021

Turistas (2006)

Un grup de tineri amatori de calatorii ramane blocat pe o plaja ce promite prea multe dupa un accident de autobuz in Brazilia.

Un film thriller/horror cu un pic de slasher. Partea dramatica e atat de bine facuta si serioasa, incat eticheta de horror nu este complet potrivita (asemanator cu Silence of The Lambs care este considerat horror de prea multi). Povestea e credibila, actorii fac treaba buna, cantitatea de gore nu este peste masura dar de ajuns ca sa aiba efectul scontat iar suspansul este bine masurat.

Regia:  John Stockwell   
Cu: Josh Duhamel, Melissa George, Olivia Wilde, Desmond Askew

Rating: 7/10

Turistas (2006)

A group of young travel enthusiasts gets stuck on a beach that promises too much after a bus accident in Brazil.

A thriller / horror movie with a bit of slasher elements. The dramatic part is so well done and serious that the horror label is not completely appropriate (similar to Silence of The Lambs which is considered a horror by way too many). The story is convincing enough, the actors do a good job, the amount of gore is not excessive but just enough to have the expected effect and the suspense is well paced.

Director:  John Stockwell   
With: Josh Duhamel, Melissa George, Olivia Wilde, Desmond Askew

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, June 03, 2021

Inheritance (2020)

Tatal unei famili instarite moare neasteptat si lasa o mostenire surpriza fiicei, de altfel ignorata la impartirea financiara.

Un film drama/thriller ce e destinat pentru umplut timpul. Ideea centrala este originala si interesanta pana la un punct, dezvoltarea actiunii si alegerile personajelor pe parcurs lasand de dorit.
O alegere de rol interesanta si neasteptata pentru Simon Pegg, ceea ce reprezinta de fapt un plus.

Regia:  Vaughn Stein       
Cu: Lily Collins, Simon Pegg, Connie Nielsen, Chace Crawford, Patrick Warburton

Rating: 6/10

Inheritance (2020)

The father of a wealthy family dies unexpectedly and leaves a surprise legacy to his daughter, otherwise ignored in the financial division of assets.

A drama / thriller film that is meant to just fill the time really. The central idea is original and interesting up to a point, the development of the action and the choices the characters make along the way leaving much to be desired.
An interesting and unusual choice of role for Simon Pegg, which can only be a plus.

Director:  Vaughn Stein       
With: Lily Collins, Simon Pegg, Connie Nielsen, Chace Crawford, Patrick Warburton

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020)

Killer Queen il gaseste pe Cole doi ani mai tarziu dupa atacul cultului satanic, intr-un context in care povestea lui nu este acceptata de nimeni.

O urmare a filmului The Babysitter ce poarta aceeasi semnatura (McG) si regaseste aceeasi echipa de productie si actori. Povestea e de umplutura cum era de asteptat dar dialogul, actiunea ironica si tragi-comica nu se ridica la nivelul primului film. De vazut numai ca omagiu aceluia.

Regia:  McG    
Cu: Judah Lewis, Samara Weaving, Jenna Ortega, Emily Alyn Lind

Rating: 6/10

The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020)

Killer Queen finds Cole two years later after the attack of the satanic cult, in a context in which his story is not accepted by anyone.

A sequel to The Babysitter horror that bears the same signature (McG) and finds the same production team and actors. The story is as much of a filler as expected, but the dialogue, the ironic and tragi-comic action do not rise to the level of the first film. To be seen only as a tribute to that one.

Director:  McG    
With: Judah Lewis, Samara Weaving, Jenna Ortega, Emily Alyn Lind

Rating: 6/10