Sunday, February 27, 2022

Wrath of Man (2021)

Un tata gangster infiltreaza o echipa de securitate privata pentru a da de urma celor vinovati de o tragedie personala.

'Wrath Of Man' e un film de Guy Ritchie, dar fara stilul sau personal de dialog plin de umor si ironie, jargon londonez si caractere colorate ale lumii interlope englezesti. Filmul de fata are un singur englez, care nu vorbeste foarte mult, dar este eficient, determinat, placut de vizionat (aminteste uneori de soferul din primul film al seriei the Transporter) si cateva personaje interesante apartinand mediului american, dar punctul forte al peliculei de fata este actiunea curata, dezvelirea treptata a misterului intentiilor protagonistului principal, si validarea finala a dorintelor audientei. Ce pastreaza inca amprenta calitatii stilului lui Ritchie este abilitatea sa minunata de a spune o poveste intr-un ritm si o cadenta perfect mulata pe tensiunea si implicarea emotionala a vizionatorului.

Regia:  Guy Ritchie 
Cu: Jason Statham, Holt McCallany, Josh Hartnett, Rocci Williams, Scott Eastwood, Andy Garcia, Laz Alonso, Eddie Marsan, Jeffrey Donovan

Rating: 9/10

Wrath of Man (2021)

A gangster father infiltrates a private security team to track down those guilty of a personal tragedy.

'Wrath Of Man' is a Guy Ritchie film, but without his personal style using humorous and ironic dialogue, London slang and colorful characters from the English underworld. This film has only one Englishman, who doesn't speak much, but is efficient, determined, enjoyable to watch (he sometimes reminds us of the driver from the first film of the Transporter series) and some interesting American characters, but the strength of the film lies in the pure, raw action, in the the gradual unveiling of the mystery of the main protagonist's intentions, and the final validation of the audience's wishes. What still preserves the high quality of Ritchie's style is his wonderful ability to tell a story in a rhythm and a cadence perfectly molded to the tension and emotional involvement of the viewer.

Director:  Guy Ritchie 
With: Jason Statham, Holt McCallany, Josh Hartnett, Rocci Williams, Scott Eastwood, Andy Garcia, Laz Alonso, Eddie Marsan, Jeffrey Donovan

Rating: 9/10

Friday, February 25, 2022

Henjel gwa Geuretel/Hansel and Gretel (2007)

Un tanar are un accident in mijlocul padurii, unde intalneste o fata misterioasa ce il duce intr-o casa de vis, unde restul familiei ii intampina, dar fara cale de intoarcere.

'Henjel gwa Geuretel' e un film horror fantasy, cu accent pe fantasy. Titlul este folosit cu intentii ironice, deoarece filmul de fata nu este inca o ecranizare dupa o poveste de fratii Grimm, ci o poveste originala despre supravietuire, razbunare si maturizare fortata fara modele de comportament pozitiv. Dezvaluirea explicatiilor se doreste a fi un twist neasteptat, dar filmul pana atunci este frumos filmat, plin de linii narative intrigante, enigme pe jumatate explicate si nici un moment de plictis.

Regia:  Pil-sung Yim    
Cu: Jeong-myeong Cheon, Eun Won-jae, Shim Eun-kyung, Ji-hee Jin

Rating: 8/10

Henjel gwa Geuretel/Hansel and Gretel (2007)

A young man has an accident deep in the forest, where he meets a mysterious girl who takes him to a dream house, where the rest of the family greets him, but he finds that there is no way back.

'Henjel gwa Geuretel' is a fantasy horror film with a focus on its fantasy aspect. The title is used with ironic intentions, because this film is not yet another adaptation of a story by the Brothers Grimm, but an original story about survival, revenge and rushed growing up without any positive role models. The final revelation of all the explanations is intended to be an unexpected twist, but the film up to that point is beautifully filmed, full of intriguing narrative lines, half-explained riddles and no boring moments.

Director:  Pil-sung Yim    
With: Jeong-myeong Cheon, Eun Won-jae, Shim Eun-kyung, Ji-hee Jin

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Oscar and Lucinda (1997)

In secolul 19, un preot anglican dependent de jocuri de noroc intalneste o mostenitoare australiana cu acelasi viciu.

'Oscar and Lucinda' e o drama romantica cu un aer jucaus, dialog inteligent, personaje fascinante si un final neobisnuit. Cei doi protagonisti principali sunt minunati ca de obicei, iar chimia lor este incredibila si incredibil de stangace in acelasi timp. Filmul abunda de un umor subtil si totusi efectul dramatic este de netagaduit.

Regia:  Gillian Armstrong   
Cu: Ralph Fiennes, Cate Blanchett, Ciarán Hinds, Tom Wilkinson, Richard Roxburgh, Geoffrey Rush

Rating: 9/10

Oscar and Lucinda (1997)

In the 19th century, an Anglican gambling addict meets an Australian heiress with the same vice.

'Oscar and Lucinda' is a romantic drama with a playful air, clever dialogue, fascinating characters and an unusual ending. The two main protagonists are wonderful as usual, and their chemistry is incredible and incredibly awkward at the same time. The film abounds in subtle humor and yet the dramatic overall effect is undeniable.

Director:  Gillian Armstrong   
With: Ralph Fiennes, Cate Blanchett, Ciarán Hinds, Tom Wilkinson, Richard Roxburgh, Geoffrey Rush

Rating: 9/10

Monday, February 21, 2022

The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (2022)

Anna sufera dupa o tragedie personala si traieste retrasa, dar fascinata de vecinii sai noi, pana cand este martora unei crime.

'The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window' e un serial scurt ce parodiaza genul de carte/film ce a inundat ecranele ultimilor ani si anume thriller investigativ in care personajul principal e o femeie cu o viata personala departe de perfecta. Umorul e usor, nu prea aglomerat, intriga exista si ea cat de subtire, si eficienta episoadelor scurte este foarte atragatoare.

Regia:  Michael Lehmann   
Productie:  Netflix  
Creator:  Hugh Davidson, Larry Dorf, Rachel Ramras   
Durata:  1 sezon a cate 8 episoade (30 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Kristen Bell, Tom Riley, Mary Holland, Cameron Britton

Rating: 8/10

The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (2022)

Anna has been affected by personal tragedy and lives secluded, but fascinated by her new neighbors, until she witnesses a crime.

'The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window' is a short series that parodies the kind of book / movie that has flooded the screens of recent years, namely investigative thrillers in which the main character is a woman with a personal life that's far from perfect. The humor is light, not overflowing, there's an actual plot however thin, and the efficiency of the short episodes is very attractive.

Director:  Michael Lehmann   
Production:  Netflix  
Creator:  Hugh Davidson, Larry Dorf, Rachel Ramras   
Duration:  1 sezon a cate 8 episoade (30 minute fiecare)   
With: Kristen Bell, Tom Riley, Mary Holland, Cameron Britton

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Freaks of Nature (2015)

In Dillford, the population is almost evenly divided into vampires, zombies and humans, and every day is full of conflict, but an alien threat calls for change.

'Freaks Of Nature' is a horror comedy with satirical influences that explores the human trait that seeks and finds reasons for conflict and separation. The idea is not necessarily original but it is developed in a rather original, funny and effective way. The main characters are well written, likeable and with their own back-story and development that blends naturally and pleasantly with the overall action.

Director:  Robbie Pickering   
With: Nicholas Braun, Mackenzie Davis, Josh Fadem, Denis Leary

Rating: 8/10

Freaks of Nature (2015)

In orasul Dillford, populatia este impartita aproape egal in vampiri, zombi si oameni si fiecare zi e plina de conflicte, dar o amenintare extraterestra cere o schimbare.

'Freaks Of Nature' e o comedie horror cu esente satirice ce exploreaza trasatura umana ce cauta si gaseste motive pentru conflict si separare. Ideea nu este neaparat originala dar este dezvoltata intr-un mod destul de original, amuzant si de efect. Personajele principale sunt bine scrise, placute si cu o propria istorie si dezvoltare ce se imbina natural si placut cu actiunea principala.

Regia:  Robbie Pickering   
Cu: Nicholas Braun, Mackenzie Davis, Josh Fadem, Denis Leary

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Chestnut Man (2021– )

Un criminal in serie ataca victime femei si lasa un om facut din castane la locul faptei.

'The Chestnut Man' e un serial nordic de investigatii de crime, cu un sezon scurt, dar eficient. Intriga e bine construita pentru primele episoade, dar spre final incepe sa scartaie in ceea ce priveste vinovatul surpriza si plauzibilitatea coincidentelor. Insistenta pentru antipatia initiala a celor doi investigatori e si ea un pic fortata, dar in mare, serialul e bine facut si merita vizionat.

Regia:  Kasper Barfoed, Mikkel Serup 
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Dorte Warnøe Høgh, David Sandreuter, Mikkel Serup    
Durata:  1 sezon de 6 episoade (50 de minute fiecare)   
Cu: David Dencik, Danica Curcic, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard, Iben Dorner

Rating: 7/10

The Chestnut Man (2021– )

A serial killer attacks female victims and leaves a man made of chestnuts at the crime scene.

'The Chestnut Man' is a Scandinavian crime investigation series with a short but effective season. The plot is well constructed for the first episodes, but towards the end, the surprise identity of the killer and the plausibility of the coincidences start to crumble. The insistence for the initial antipathy of the two investigators is also a bit forced, but in general, the series is well made and worth watching.

Director:  Kasper Barfoed, Mikkel Serup 
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Dorte Warnøe Høgh, David Sandreuter, Mikkel Serup    
Duration:  1 season of 6 episodes (50 minutes rach)   
With: David Dencik, Danica Curcic, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard, Iben Dorner

Rating: 7/10

Monday, February 14, 2022

La La Land (2016)

Un pianist si o actrita ce isi cauta norocul in Los Angeles se indragostesc si incearca sa isi impace aspiratiile individuale.

'La La Land' e un film drama sub forma de musical. Usoare momente de comedie apar din cand in cand dar ramane la baza drama. E un film frumos ce incarca audienta cu nostalgie pentru clasic, arta, individualitate, dragoste si co-dependenta partiala si renuntare. Si muzica buna, foarte elegant si abil pusa in scena de un regizor tanar dar care deja a facut valuri (cu Whiplash ca regizor/scenarist si cu multe ne-musicals ca scenarist).

Regia:  Damien Chazelle    
Cu: Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Rosemarie DeWitt, J.K. Simmons

Rating: 9/10

La La Land (2016)

A pianist and an actress who are trying their luck in the over-busy workforce of Los Angeles fall in love and try to reconcile their individual aspirations.

'La La Land' is a drama film in the form of a musical. Slight moments of comedy occur from time to time but drama remains its basis. It's a beautiful film that challenges the audience with nostalgia for the classic, art, individuality, love and partial codependency and losing. And good music, very elegantly and skillfully choreographed by a young director who has already made waves (with Whiplash as director/screenwriter and many non-musicals as screenwriter).

Director:  Damien Chazelle    
With: Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Rosemarie DeWitt, J.K. Simmons

Rating: 9/10

Saturday, February 12, 2022

No One Gets Out Alive (2021)

O imigranta din Mexic isi incearca norocul in America, dar este fortata de imprejurari sa aleaga o gazda accesibila, unde evenimente stranii au loc.

'No One Gets Out Alive' e un film horror facut ca la carte. Poate secretul dezvaluit in ultima parte a filmului nu e cel mai entuziasmant dar macar explica motivatia si tentatia ce ar presa oamenii obisnuiti. Pana la dezvaluire, misterul si intriga sunt potentate abil, personaje variate, de origini foarte diverse atrag atentia si suspiciunea in diferite momente si nedreptatea sociala isi lasa amprenta si ea asupra vizionatorului.

Regia:  Santiago Menghini     
Cu: Phil Robertson, Joana Borja, Victoria Alcock, Cristina Rodlo

Rating: 8/10

No One Gets Out Alive (2021)

An immigrant from Mexico tries her luck in the US, but is forced by circumstances to settle for an affordable housing option, where strange events take place.

'No One Gets Out Alive' is a horror movie made by the book. Maybe the secret revealed in the last part of the film is not the most exciting but at least it explains the motivation and temptation that ordinary people would be subjected to. Until that revelation, the mystery and the plot are skillfully calibrated, and various characters, of very different origins attract attention and suspicion at different moments but also the social injustice also leaves its mark on the viewer.

Director:  Santiago Menghini     
With: Phil Robertson, Joana Borja, Victoria Alcock, Cristina Rodlo

Rating: 8/10

Friday, February 11, 2022

A Quiet Place Part II (2020)

Familia Abbott isi continua supravietuirea in post apocalipsul fara sunete, dupa pierderea tatalui familiei.

'A Quiet Place Part II' e continuarea unui thriller horror de mare succes. Nu parea ca prea multe mai pot fi spuse, mai ales ca primul film nu era o versiune superficiala creata doar de dragul horror-ului, ci un film bine facut si bine potentat ce isi respecta audienta, dar filmul de fata reuseste sa mentina interesul in soarta personajelor bine inchegate din dorinta unui deznodamant eliberator. Ce se intampla e credibil, trist dar si cu o farama de speranta.

Regia:  John Krasinski    
Cu: Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds, Cillian Murphy, John Krasinski

Rating: 8/10

A Quiet Place Part II (2020)

The Abbott family continues their no-sound survival in the post-apocalypse, soon after the loss of the father of the family.

'A Quiet Place Part II' is the sequel to a hit horror thriller. It didn't seem like much more could be said, especially since the first film wasn't just a superficial version of events, created just for the sake of cheap thrills, but a well-made and well-calibrated film that respects its audience, however its sequel manages to keep the interest in the fate of the well-written characters maybe just from the desire for a liberating outcome. What happens in it is credible, sad but also with a glimmer of hope.

Director:  John Krasinski    
With: Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds, Cillian Murphy, John Krasinski

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Mitchells vs the Machines (2021)

O familie disfunctionala devine singura sansa a umanitatii in fata cotropirii complete de catre inteligenta artificiala.

'The Mitchells vs The Machines' e un film de animatie distractiv pentru intreaga familie. Umorul este inspirat din actualitate si consistent, dragostea de familie si apropiere isi face aparitia si ea, iar personajele sunt simpatice si credibile, in limitele in care un personaj de animatie e posibil sa fie credibil.

Regia:  Michael Rianda, Jeff Rowe   
Cu: Abbi Jacobson, Danny McBride, Maya Rudolph, Michael Rianda

Rating: 8/10

The Mitchells vs the Machines (2021)

A dysfunctional family becomes humanity's last chance in the face of complete takeover by artificial intelligence.

'The Mitchells vs The Machines' is a fun animated film for the whole family. The humour is inspired by the current generic lifestyle and consistent, the love of family and closeness also makes an appearance, and the characters are likeable and credible, within the limits in which one can call an animated character credible.

Director:  Michael Rianda, Jeff Rowe   
With: Abbi Jacobson, Danny McBride, Maya Rudolph, Michael Rianda

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Homefront (2013)

Un fost agent antidrog traieste o viata retrasa alaturi de fiica sa, dar reuseste sa starneasca gasca locala de traficanti de metamfetamina.

'Homefront' este un film de actiune cu Jason Statham. Mai simplu si mai generic nu se poate. Ce e surprinzator insa e cantitatea de actori de proiecte mai atipice atasate productiei. Poate un producator neinspirat le-a promis profituri nemaipomenite, sau poate au avut asteptari mari de la un scenariu scris the Sylvester Stallone.

Regia:  Gary Fleder    
Cu: Jason Statham, James Franco, Winona Ryder, Kate Bosworth, Clancy Brown

Rating: 6/10

Homefront (2013)

A former DEA agent lives a secluded life with his daughter, but manages to raise the attention of the local meth traffickers.

'Homefront' is an action movie starring Jason Statham. It can't get simpler or more generic. What is surprising, however, is the number of more atypical project actors attached to the production. Maybe an uninspired producer promised them great profits, or maybe they had high expectations from a screenplay written by Sylvester Stallone.

Director:  Gary Fleder    
With: Jason Statham, James Franco, Winona Ryder, Kate Bosworth, Clancy Brown

Rating: 6/10

Saturday, February 05, 2022

The Edge of Seventeen (2016)

Nadine trece printr-o criza de identitate cand prietena sa cea mai buna incepe sa iasa cu fratele sau popular.

'The Edge Of Seventeen' e o drama-comedie cu adolescenti si nu numai. Personajul principal e un fel de introvertit hiperactiv ce traieste cu impresia ca toti ceilalti stiu cine sunt, ce fac, ce vor si ce trebuie sa se intample si maturizarea personajului vine de la constientizarea faptului ca nimeni nu e perfect si nimeni nu se naste cu o incredere in sine naturala. Aroganta personajului este adesea un element de enervare (cati pot sa spuna ca au asa multi oameni benevoli gata sa sara in ajutor??), dar filmul e in mare un success si poate va ajuta cativa insi mai "diferiti" sa isi dea seama ca suntem toti niste copii ce incearca apa.

Regia:  Kelly Fremon Craig   
Cu: Hailee Steinfeld, Haley Lu Richardson, Blake Jenner, Kyra Sedgwick, Woody Harrelson

Rating: 8/10

The Edge of Seventeen (2016)

Nadine goes through an identity crisis when her best friend starts dating her popular brother.

'The Edge Of Seventeen' is a pseudo-teen comedy-drama. The main character is a kind of hyperactive introvert who lives with the impression that everyone else knows who they are, what they're doing, what they want and what needs to happen and the coming-of-age of the character comes from the aquiring the awareness that no one is perfect and no one is born with a natural self-confidence. The arrogance of the character is often an element of annoyance (how many can say that they have so many benevolent people ready to jump to the rescue ??), but the film is a great success and may help some of us more "different" people to realize that we are all children just testing the waters.

Director:  Kelly Fremon Craig   
With: Hailee Steinfeld, Haley Lu Richardson, Blake Jenner, Kyra Sedgwick, Woody Harrelson

Rating: 8/10

Friday, February 04, 2022

Archive 81 (2022)

Un restaurator de inregistrari video este angajat intr-un mod misterios sa lucreze la o serie the casete video recuperate de la o cladire distrusa cu mai bine de 20 de ani in urma.

'Archive 81' e un regal pentru fanii de mistere incet elucidate. E o miniserie ce atrage prin intriga vaga, stilul minimalist, amestecul abil de "found-footage", personajele principale complexe si bine inchegate, aparenta unei conspiratii si lipsa completa de monotonie. 
Ce la inceput e o usoara sugestie de amestec de ocult si SF, devine ingredientul principal spre final, si probabil dauneaza oarecum calitatii, dar in total, serialul nu va cauza nici cel mai mic regret.

Regia:  Rebecca Thomas si altii   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Rebecca Sonnenshine   
Durata:  1 sezon de 8 episoade (1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Mamoudou Athie, Dina Shihabi, Evan Jonigkeit, Julia Chan, Matt McGorry, Martin Donovan

Rating: 9/10

Archive 81 (2022)

A video restorer is mysteriously hired to work on a series of videotapes recovered from a building destroyed in a fire more than 20 years before.

'Archive 81' is a gem for fans of slowly unravelled mysteries. It's a miniseries that draws in with its vague intrigue, minimalist style, the clever use of "found-footage" style, the complex and well-defined main characters, the appearance of a conspiracy and the complete lack of monotony.
What at first is a slight suggestion of a mixture of occult and Sci-Fi, becomes the main ingredient towards the end, and probably damages the quality somewhat, but overall, the series will not cause even the slightest regret.

Director:  Rebecca Thomas and others
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Rebecca Sonnenshine   
Duration:  1 season of 8 episodes (1 hour each)   
With: Mamoudou Athie, Dina Shihabi, Evan Jonigkeit, Julia Chan, Matt McGorry, Martin Donovan

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, February 03, 2022

Blind Fury (1989)

Un veteran din Vietnam, orb dar expert in arte martiale ce implica luptele cu sabia, isi cauta prietenul cel mai bun dar este fortat de circumstante sa apere fiul acestuia.

'Blind Fury' e un film de actiune de categoria B tipic anilor '80. Cu Rutger Hauer in rolul principal, filmul de fata a fost un favorit subiectiv al copilariilor dinainte de a avea filme de actiune facute cu clasa si scenaristi ce stiu ce fac. 

Regia:  Phillip Noyce   
Cu: Rutger Hauer, Terry O'Quinn, Brandon Call, Noble Willingham, Lisa Blount, Nick Cassavettes, Meg Foster

Rating: 8/10

Blind Fury (1989)

A Vietnam veteran, blind but an expert in martial arts involving sword fighting, is looking for his best friend but is forced by circumstances to protect his son in his absence.

'Blind Fury' is a typical B action movie from the 80's. With Rutger Hauer in the lead role, this film was a subjective favorite for many a childhood before the times invented action movies made with class and  written by screenwriters who know what they're doing. 

Director:  Phillip Noyce   
With: Rutger Hauer, Terry O'Quinn, Brandon Call, Noble Willingham, Lisa Blount, Nick Cassavettes, Meg Foster

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Noroi (2005)

Un producator de filme documentare isi urmeaza subiectul curent oriunde il duce, subiectul fiind mitologia si incidentele legate de demonul Kagutaba.

'Noroi' e un film horror, filmat in stil documentar. Subiectul filmului isi are meritele lui, dar realizarea si evenimentele derulate sunt adesea copilaresti, fara sens si taraganate. 
Primeste ceva puncte pentru putinele scene ce sunt cat de cat de groaza si de ajuns de misterioase.

Regia:  Kôji Shiraishi       
Cu: Jin Muraki, Rio Kanno, Tomono Kuga, Marika Matsumoto

Rating: 6/10

Noroi (2005)

A documentary filmmaker follows his current subject wherever it takes him, the subject being the mythology and incidents related to the demon Kagutaba.

'Noroi' is a horror film, filmed in a documentary style. The subject of the film has its merits, but the execution and the events unfolded on screen are often childish, senseless and feel dragged-out.
Gets some points for the few scenes that are somewhat terrifying and mysterious enough.

Director:  Kôji Shiraishi       
With: Jin Muraki, Rio Kanno, Tomono Kuga, Marika Matsumoto

Rating: 6/10