Saturday, October 30, 2021

The Guilty (2021)

Un politist decazut temporar se implica intens dupa ce este sunat de o femeie rapita in timpul cand este receptioner la serviciul de politie.

'The Guilty' este inca un thriller politist sub semnatura lui Antoine Fuqua. Intens ca de obicei, dar diferit ca stil, in principal datorita lipsei de prezenta vizuala a personajelor cu exceptia lui Jake Gyllenhaal, ce pe alocuri aminteste de 'Locke' (cu Tom Hardy). Ideea povestii are merite, dar e previzibila pe alocuri, cu toate acestea nu scade din suspans sau intensitatea privirii si jocului actoricesc al lui Jake Gyllenhaal care ca de obicei da tot ce poate intr-un rol un pic neobisnuit.

Regia:  Antoine Fuqua   
Cu: Jake Gyllenhaal, Riley Keough, Peter Sarsgaard, Christina Vidal

Rating: 8/10

The Guilty (2021)

A demoted policeman becomes intensely involved after getting a call from a kidnapped woman while he works on the 911 call service.

'The Guilty' is another cop thriller by Antoine Fuqua. Intense as usual, but different in style, mainly due to the lack of visual presence of all the characters except for Jake Gyllenhaal's, which sometimes reminds the viewer of 'Locke' (with Tom Hardy). The idea of ​​the story has its merits, but it is predictable at times, however that does not decrease the suspense or the intensity of the eyes and the acting of Jake Gyllenhaal who as usual gives everything he has in another somewhat unusual role.

Director:  Antoine Fuqua   
With: Jake Gyllenhaal, Riley Keough, Peter Sarsgaard, Christina Vidal, Paul Dano

Rating: 8/10

Friday, October 29, 2021

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)

Intr-o realitate in care exista oameni augmentati artificial, Hobbs si Shaw sunt nevoiti sa lucreze impreuna pentru a opri un astfel de raufacator ce vrea sa puna mana pe o arma biologica periculoasa.

'Hobbs & Shaw' e din familia numeroasa a 'Fast & Furious'. Mai putin ridicol ca filmul mama, si ceva mai diverisificat ca actiune si personaje, filmul de fata are success in ceea ce isi propune si anume a fi un film de actiune modern si entertaining. Numele actorilor nu sunt numai ale unor actori cunoscuti pentru roluri de actiune (ca Idris Elba si Vanessa Kirby - recent nominalizata la premiile Oscar si Bafta) si asta ajuta mult, mai ales ca nu li se dau doar niste partituri monocromatice.

Regia:  David Leitch   
Cu: Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, Idris Elba, Vanessa Kirby

Rating: 7/10

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)

In a reality where artificially augmented humans exist, Hobbs and Shaw are forced to work together to stop such a villain who wants to seize a dangerous biological weapon.

'Hobbs & Shaw' is part of the now very large 'Fast & Furious' family. Less ridiculous than the original film series, and somewhat more diversified in terms of plot and characters, this film is successful in what it aims to be, namely a modern and entertaining action film. The names of the cast do not include only actors known for action roles (like Idris Elba and Vanessa Kirby - recently nominated for Oscars and Bafta) and that helps a lot, especially since they are not only given just some monochrome roles.

Director:  David Leitch   
With: Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, Idris Elba, Vanessa Kirby

Rating: 7/10

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Promising Young Woman (2020)

O tanara ce ziua lucreaza la o cafenea, isi petrece timpul liber imbiind barbati ce profita de prada usoara pentru a-i invata o lectie.

'Promising Young Woman' e un thriller. Isi schimba macazul si tonul des, intorcand asteptarile privitorului pe toate fetele. Dupa experienta intregului produs final, toate piesele se leaga perfect si isi gasesc rostul si intelesul dublu. Viata e nedreapta si asa o arata si filmul de fata. Finalul sau mai bine zis finele dinaintea scenei finale este finalul spiritual, scena adaugata dupa (no spoilers) fiind prezenta doar pentru a evita proteste legate de logica (ce nu sunt neaparat justificabile). Carey Mulligan este ca de obicei excelenta, talentul ei multifatetat nemaisurprizand pe nimeni. 

Regia:  Emerald Fennell   
Cu: Carey Mulligan, Bo Burnham, Alison Brie, Clancy Brown, Adam Brody, Jennifer Coolidge

Rating: 9/10

Promising Young Woman (2020)

A young woman who works at a cafe during the day, spends her free time tempting men who take advantage of weaker prey to teach them a lesson.

'Promising Young Woman' is a thriller. It often changes its tune and tone, twisting the viewer's expectations on all possible faces. After experiencing the entire final product, all the pieces come perfectly  together and find their goal and double meaning. Life is unfair and that's what the movie shows. The finale or rather the end before the final scene is the "spiritual finale", the scene added after (no spoilers) being there only to avoid any eventual protests about logic (which are not necessarily justifiable). Carey Mulligan is, as usual, excellent, her multifaceted talent not surprising anyone anymore. 

Director:  Emerald Fennell   
With: Carey Mulligan, Bo Burnham, Alison Brie, Clancy Brown, Adam Brody, Jennifer Coolidge

Rating: 9/10

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Night Teeth (2021)

Fratele unui vanator de vampiri ii ia locul ca sofer de lux si descopera ca cele doua cliente misterioase sunt vampiri.

'Night Teeth' e un film de actiune superficial, ce incearca sa foloseasca atractia unui subiect ca vampirii si multi actori apreciati pentru aparitia fizica pentru a cota sus la rating. Nu e cel mai rau film pe care l-ai putea alege, dar nici demn de cautat. E mai mult ca un videoclip muzical prelungit; muzica e chiar foarte ok.

Regia:  Adam Randall     
Cu: Jorge Lendeborg Jr., Debby Ryan, Lucy Fry, Raúl Castillo, Alfie Allen

Rating: 6/10

Night Teeth (2021)

The brother of a vampire hunter takes his place as a luxury driver for one night and realises that his two mysterious clients are vampires.

'Night Teeth' is a superficial action horror film, which tries to use the attraction of a subject like vampires and many actors well known for their physical appearance to get high, cheep ratings. It's not the worst movie one could choose, but it's not worth looking for. It's more like an extended music video; the music is actually really ok.

Director:  Adam Randall     
With: Jorge Lendeborg Jr., Debby Ryan, Lucy Fry, Raúl Castillo, Alfie Allen

Rating: 6/10

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Kate (2021)

Kate e asasinul perfect ce cauta razbunare dupa ce a fost otravita cu doar o zi de trait ramasa.

'Kate' e un thriller de actiune pe tema razbunarii, un subiect foarte popular ce are multe filme bine facute in al sau nume. Filmul e aproape perfect, cu tematici stilistice asemanatoare unor jocuri video cinematice ce au crescut in poularitate in ultimii 10 ani. Diferitele straturi stilistice (inclusiv un aer Asiatic) adaugate reusesc sa imbogateasca experienta vizionarii lui 'Kate' intr-un mod foarte satisfacator si cat de cat plin de emotii moderate exact unde trebuie.

Regia:  Cedric Nicolas-Troyan      
Cu: Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Woody Harrelson, Miku Patricia Martineau, Tadanobu Asano

Rating: 9/10

Kate (2021)

Kate is the perfect assassin, seeking revenge after being poisoned with only one day left to live.

'Kate' is a revenge action thriller, revenge being a very popular subject that has many well-made films in its name. The film is almost perfect, with stylistic themes similar to cinematic video games that have grown in popularity in the last 10 years or so. Its various stylistic layers (including an Asian strong vibe) manage to enrich the experience of watching 'Kate' in a very satisfying way and somewhat full of moderate emotions exactly where and when they should come out.

Director:  Cedric Nicolas-Troyan      
With: Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Woody Harrelson, Miku Patricia Martineau, Tadanobu Asano

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Midnight Mass (2021)

A recovering alcoholic returns to his parents' house, on an isolated island, where the community is going through a lot of change with the arrival of a new charismatic priest.

'Midnight Mass' is a new miniseries made by Mike Flanagan, with no connection to 'The Haunting of Hill House' or 'The Haunting of Bly Manor'. It is again inspired by the supernatural, but it is merely a pretext to enrich a faithful and rich depiction of human nature when it's under the control of religious fanaticism and in a desperate need of new chances from life. Some stylistic but perfectly understandable choices (such as choosing young actors in older roles) will (probably) cause some accidental spoilers.

Director:  Mike Flanagan   
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Mike Flanagan   
Duration:  1 miniseries of 7 episodes (7 hours and a half in total)   
With: Kate Siegel, Zach Gilford, Kristin Lehman, Samantha Sloyan, Rahul Kohli, Annabeth Gish, Henry Thomas, Hamish Linklater

Rating: 8/10

Midnight Mass (2021)

Un alcoolic in recuperare se intoarce in casa parinteasca, pe o insula izolata, unde comunitatea este revolutionata prin sosirea unui nou preot carismatic.

'Midnight Mass' e o noua miniserie realizata de Mike Flanagan, fara nici o legatura cu 'The Haunting of Hill House' sau 'The Haunting of Bly Manor'. Se inspira iar din supranatural, dar acest fapt este doar un pretext pentru a imbogati o demonstratie fidela a naturii umane sub controlul unui fanatism religios si in cautare disperata de sanse noi de la o viata grea. Unele alegeri stilistice dar perfect de inteles (cum ar fi alegerea unor actori tineri in roluri in varsta) vor cauza (probabil) niste spoilers accidentali.

Regia:  Mike Flanagan   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Mike Flanagan   
Durata:  1 miniserie de 7 episoade (7 ore jumatate in total)   
Cu: Kate Siegel, Zach Gilford, Kristin Lehman, Samantha Sloyan, Rahul Kohli, Annabeth Gish, Henry Thomas, Hamish Linklater

Rating: 8/10

Monday, October 18, 2021

Creepshow (2019– )

Antologie ce prezinta istorioare de groaza ca articole dintr-o revista numita Creepshow, prezentata de un cadavru animat.

Serialul Creepshow e o reanimare a seriei de filme din anii '80, cu scenarii noi, efecte moderne, si umorul negru de neinlocuit. Fiecare episod are 2 parti componente, fiecare efectiv un film short de groaza. Subiectele sunt variate, originale si cu sange nou si modern, guest star-urile sunt surprinzatoare, calitatea variaza, dar divertismentul e garantat.

Regia:  Greg Nicotero si altii   
Productie:  Shudder      
Durata:  3 sezoane a cate 5-6 episoade (44 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Justin Long, Ryan Kwanten, Ali Larter, Ethan Embry, Bruce Davison, Anna Camp, Adrienne Barbeau, Hannah Fierman

Rating: 8/10

Creepshow (2019– )

An anthology series that tells horror stories as if they were articles in a magazine called Creepshow, all introduced by the Creepshow ghoul.

The Creepshow TV show is a revival of the 80's movie series, with new scripts, way more modern special effects, and the irreplaceable dark humor. Each episode has 2 separate halfs, each a horror short film on effect. The subjects are varied, original and imbibed with new and modern blood, the guest stars are surprising, the quality varies, but the entertainment is guaranteed.

Director:  Greg Nicotero and others   
Production:  Shudder      
Duration:  3 seasons of 5-6 episodes (44 minutes each)   
With: Justin Long, Ryan Kwanten, Ali Larter, Ethan Embry, Bruce Davison, Anna Camp, Adrienne Barbeau, Hannah Fierman

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Post Mortem: No One Dies in Skarnes (2021– )

Live e o tanara dintr-o familie ce detine o casa de pompe funebre si se trezeste cu o sete de sange dupa ce mai intai este declarata decedata.

'Post Mortem' e un serial norvegian ce imprumuta elemente horror din cultura pop, adauga putina comedie de situatie si putina cultura sociala locala si obtine un serial ce merita vazut pentru amestecul atragator a tuturor elementelor neasteptat de potrivite impreuna. Actorii sunt de admirat, fie pentru scenele comice, fie pentru cele cu violenta si oroare si actiunea e credibila si perfect coregrafiata.

Regia:  Harald Zwart, Petter Holmsen
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Petter Holmsen   
Durata:  1 sezon a cate 6 episoade (44 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Kathrine Thorborg Johansen, Elias Holmen Sørensen, André Sørum, Kim Fairchild

Rating: 8/10

Post Mortem: No One Dies in Skarnes (2021– )

Live is a young woman from a family who owns a funeral home and wakes up with a thirst for blood after she is at first pronounced dead.

'Post Mortem' is a Norwegian series that borrows horror elements from pop culture, adds a little situation comedy and a little local social culture and ends up being a series worth watching for the appealing mix of all these unexpectedly well suited elements. The actors are doing a great job, either in the comic scenes or in the ones with violence and horror and the action is credible and perfectly choreographed.

Director:  Harald Zwart, Petter Holmsen
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Petter Holmsen   
Duration:  1 season of 6 episodes (44 minutes each)   
With: Kathrine Thorborg Johansen, Elias Holmen Sørensen, André Sørum, Kim Fairchild

Rating: 8/10

Monday, October 11, 2021

The Dark and the Wicked (2020)

Copiii unui tata pe moarte revin la casa parinteasca, izolata, pentru a-l vedea ultima oara.

'The Dark and The Wicked' e un film de groaza complet bazat pe atmosfera si abilitatea regizorala. Jocul actoricesc, ritmul bine controlat si coregrafiat, efectele speciale bine plasate si efectele vizuale, toate contribuiesc negresit la construirea unui film (sau promisiunea unui film) cum fanii horror doar viseaza. Pacat ca totul este pentru o poveste aproape goala si fara sens care nu se ridica la asteptarile cauzate de un suspans ce creste treptat si controlat.

Regia:  Bryan Bertino      
Cu: Marin Ireland, Michael Abbott Jr., Julie Oliver-Touchstone, Lynn Andrews

Rating: 7/10

The Dark and the Wicked (2020)

The children of a dying father return to the isolated parental home to see him on his last days.

'The Dark and The Wicked' is a horror film that's completely based on atmosphere and directing ability. The acting, the well-controlled and well-choreographed rhythm, the well-placed special effects and the visual effects all contribute without a doubt to the construction of a film (or the promise of a film) as horror fans only dream of. Too bad it's all for an almost empty and meaningless story that does not rise up to expectations born out of the ever growing and gradual suspense.

Director:  Bryan Bertino      
With: Marin Ireland, Michael Abbott Jr., Julie Oliver-Touchstone, Lynn Andrews

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Brand New Cherry Flavour (2021)

Povestea lui Lisa Nova, o regizoare si autoare proaspata in anii '90, intr-o poveste de razbunare dupa ce incercarile de a-si gasi producatori pentru short-ul sau intens ia intorsaturi neasteptate.

'Brand New Cherry Flavour' e o miniserie neasteptata de la Netflix. O poveste originala si neobisnuita, cum numai de la David Cronenberg ai astepta. Imprevizibil si foarte carnal, serialul are toate componentele unei povesti de razbunare satisfacatoare, precum si surprize de origine naturala si supranaturala, oglindind fidel dar simbolic dualitatea umana omniprezenta, personajele principale nefacand exceptie.

Regia:  Gandja Monteiro si altii   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Nick Antosca, Lenore Zion   
Durata:  miniserie de 8 episoade (40-50 de minute fiecare)  
Cu: Rosa Salazar, Catherine Keener, Eric Lange, Jeff Ward

Rating: 9/10

Brand New Cherry Flavour (2021)

The story of Lisa Nova, a fresh faced director and author in the 90's, in a revenge story after the attempts to find producers for her intense short film takes unexpected turns.

'Brand New Cherry Flavor' is an unexpected miniseries from Netflix. An original and unusual story, as you would expect only from David Cronenberg. Unpredictable and very carnal, the series has all the components of a satisfying revenge story, as well as surprises of a natural and supernatural origin, faithfully but symbolically mirroring the ubiquitous human duality, the main characters being no exception to it.

Director:  Gandja Monteiro and others 
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Nick Antosca, Lenore Zion   
Duration:  miniseries of 8 episodes (40-50 minutes each)  
With: Rosa Salazar, Catherine Keener, Eric Lange, Jeff Ward

Rating: 9/10

Monday, October 04, 2021

Wag The Dog (1997)

Un consilier media aduna o echipa ce include un producator de la Hollywood pentru a pune la cale stiri false care sa distraga atentia publicului de la un scandal ce il implica pe presedinte la scurt timp inainte de alegeri.

'Wag The Dog' e un deliciu de la inceput la final. Cu actori de prima mana ce isi tin isonul reciproc minunat, filmul e o satira politica ce ramane relevanta chiar si la mai bine de 20 de ani de la lansare. Manipularea pusa la cale este bine gandita si, pe cat este de evidenta si ridicola, pe atat este mai subtila si eficienta in a evidentia slabiciunile umane ce se ascund istet sub exagerarile de rigoare.

Regia:  Barry Levinson   
Cu: Robert de Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Anne heche, Woody Harrelson, Denis Leary, Willie Nelson, Kirsten Dunst

Rating: 9/10

Wag The Dog (1997)

A spin doctor is assembling a team that includes a Hollywood producer in order to set up fake news meant to distract the public from a scandal involving the president shortly before the election.

'Wag The Dog' is a delight from start to finish. With first-hand actors working as a great team, the film is a political satire that still remains relevant more than 20 years after its release. The manipulation the characters put in place is well thought out and, the more obvious and ridiculous it is, the more subtle and efficient it actually is in highlighting the human weaknesses that are cleverly hidden under the necessary exaggerations.

Director:  Barry Levinson   
With: Robert de Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Anne heche, Woody Harrelson, Denis Leary, Willie Nelson, Kirsten Dunst

Rating: 9/10

Saturday, October 02, 2021

El cadáver de Anna Fritz (2015)

Anna Fritz este o actrita celebra, si la moartea sa, trei prieteni reusesc sa se strecoare in morga unde ii este pastrat corpul.

"Anna Fritz" este un thriller spaniol ce arata natura umana in cea mai simplista forma (poate prea simplista..). Intriga e oarecum predictibila, deznodamantul cam la fel. E bine facut ca actiune si suspans dar autorii fac prea usoara misiunea vizionatorului de a uri personajele negative.

Regia:  Hèctor Hernández Vicens     
Cu: Alba Ribas, Cristian Valencia, Albert Carbó, Bernat Saumell

Rating: 7/10

El cadáver de Anna Fritz (2015)

Anna Fritz is a famous actress, and with the news of her death, three friends manage to sneak into the morgue where her body is kept.

"Anna Fritz" is a Spanish thriller that shows human nature in its simplest form (maybe a bit too simple..). The plot is somewhat predictable, the outcome pretty much the same. It is well done in terms of action and palpable suspense but the authors make the viewer's mission of hating the bad guys a bit too easy.

Director:  Hèctor Hernández Vicens     
With: Alba Ribas, Cristian Valencia, Albert Carbó, Bernat Saumell

Rating: 7/10

Friday, October 01, 2021

X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)

Jean Grey fuzioneaza cu o putere strala si devine un pericol pentru cei din jur, provocand un conflict intre mutantii care o protejeaza si cei ce o vor eliminata.

Dark Phoenix e o continuare a seriei incepute cu First Class si incearca sa spuna povestea dualitatii lui Jean Grey iar, dupa incercarea ratata (dupa unii) din X-Men: The Last Stand (2006). Filmul de fata e in schimb si mai slabut, plin de dialog fad, de umplutura si actiuni si decizii dubioase.

Regia:  Simon kinberg   
Cu: James McAvoy, Sophie Turner, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Tye Sheridan, Nicholas Hoult, Evan Peters

Rating: 6/10

X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)

Jean Grey merges with a powerful astral force and becomes a danger to those around her, causing a conflict between the mutants that try to protect her and those who want her gone.

Dark Phoenix is ​​a continuation of the series started with First Class and tries to tell the story of Jean Grey's duality again, after the failed attempt (according to some) in X-Men: The Last Stand (2006). The current film is instead even weaker, full of bland and ridiculous dialogue, and dubious character actions and decisions.

Director:  Simon kinberg   
With: James McAvoy, Sophie Turner, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Tye Sheridan, Nicholas Hoult, Evan Peters

Rating: 6/10