Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The Power of the Dog (2021)

Phil este un fermier autoritar si popular ce reactioneaza dur si intimidant cand fratele sau se casatoreste si isi aduce sotia la ferma impreuna cu fiul acesteia.

'The Power Of The Dog' este o drama autentica intr-un cadru western si reprezinta un mult asteptat deliciu - si anume un film regizat de Jane Campion dupa multi ani mai tacuti (Top Of The Lake e singurul titlu din ultimii 12 ani). Ca si alte productii din repertoriul ei, si filmul de fata e plin de originalitate si linii narative neasteptate, precum si un deznodamant ce surprinde. Stilul ei de descoperire inceata, plina de emotii constrastante se pastreaza la fel de incitant, iar finalul nu dezamageste nici in cazul de fata, desi pentru alte motive decat un fan al lui 'The Piano' s-ar astepta. 
Benedict Cumberbatch ar putea fi pomenit pentru jocul sau incredibil, dar ar fi nedrept pus in frunte cand si Kirsten Dunst si Kodi Smit-McPhee sunt foarte remarcabili.

Regia:  Jane Campion    
Cu: Benedict Cumberbatch, Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons, Kodi Smit-McPhee

Rating: 9/10

The Power of the Dog (2021)

Phil is an authoritarian and charismatic farmer who reacts harshly and intimidatingly when his brother marries and brings his wife to the farm with her son.

'The Power Of The Dog' is a true drama in a western context and a long-awaited delight - that is the delight of a film directed by Jane Campion after many quieter years (Top Of The Lake is the only other title from her in the last 12 years). Like other productions in her repertoire, this film is full of originality and unexpected narrative lines, as well as a surprising ending. Her slow style of discovery, full of contrasting emotions, is just as exciting, and the ending is not disappointing in this case either, although for reasons other than a fan of 'The Piano' would expect.
Benedict Cumberbatch might be worth mentioning for his incredible interpretation, but he would be unfairly put ahead when both Kirsten Dunst and Kodi Smit-McPhee are outstanding too.

Director:  Jane Campion    
With: Benedict Cumberbatch, Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons, Kodi Smit-McPhee

Rating: 9/10

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Black Widow (2021)

Natasha Romanoff se intalneste cu apropiati din trecutul ei dupa ce The Avengers iau o pauza obligatorie.

'Black Widow' e filmul dedicat personajului iubit ce pana acum era folosit doar ca decoratiune si alte cele. Actiunea are loc in trecut (toata lumea stie ce s-a intamplat cu Natasha in Endgame) si deschide usile pentru alte personaje de gen sa apara in prim plan (ca Yelena). Actiunea e decenta, povestea nu e total ridicola, dusmanii sunt umani si stilul e mai degraba a unui film cu spioni.

Regia:  Cate Shortland     
Cu: Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh, David Harbour, Rachel Weisz, Ray Winstone, William Hurt, Olga Kurylenko

Rating: 8/10

Black Widow (2021)

Natasha Romanoff meets close poeple from her past after The Avengers have to take a mandatory break.

'Black Widow' is the movie dedicated to the beloved character that until now was used almost only as a decoration amongst other things. The action takes place in the past (everyone knows what happened to Natasha in Endgame) and opens up the door for other characters to appear in the foreground (like Yelena). The action is decent, the story is not totally ridiculous, the enemies are human and the style is more like that of a spy movie.

Director:  Cate Shortland     
With: Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh, David Harbour, Rachel Weisz, Ray Winstone, William Hurt, Olga Kurylenko

Rating: 8/10

Friday, May 27, 2022

Channel Zero Season 1 - "Candle Cove" (2016)

Un psiholog de copii se intoarce in orasul de bastina unde amintiri sinistre din copilarie dezgroapa pericole supranaturale.

'Channel Zero' e un serial horror antologic realizat de Sify, fiecare sezon fiind de sine statator. Candle Cove e primul sezon si e un rezultat amestecat. Incepe promitator si serios, nesigur la inceput de influenta supranaturala ce devine usor usor mai proeminenta. Ritmul e incet de la inceput, lucru ce initial ajuta suspansul si misterul, dar cand devine o caracteristica constanta, da impresia din ce in ce mai mult ca e un defect. Stilul povestii si implicarea copiilor aminteste adesea de genul de storytelling specific lui Stephen King.

Regia:  Craig William Macneill si altii   
Productie:  Sify   
Creator:  Nick Antosca   
Durata:  4 sezoane a cate 6 episoade (44 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Paul Schneider, Fiona Shaw, Luisa d'Oliveirae

Rating: 7/10

Channel Zero Season 1 - "Candle Cove" (2016)

A child psychologist returns to his hometown where sinister childhood memories unearth supernatural dangers.

'Channel Zero' is an anthological horror series made by Sify, each season having its own independent story. Candle Cove is the first season and it's a mixed result. It starts promisingly and seriously, unsure at first of the supernatural influence that becomes more and more prominent with each episode. The rhythm is slow from the beginning, a fact that initially helps the suspense and the mystery, but when it becomes a constant feature, it gives the more and more obvious impression of a flaw. The style of the story and the involvement of the children are often reminiscent of the kind of storytelling specific to Stephen King.

Director:  Craig William Macneill and others   
Production:  Sify   
Creator:  Nick Antosca   
Duration:  4 seasons of 6 episodes (44 minutes each)   
With: Paul Schneider, Fiona Shaw, Luisa d'Oliveirae

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, May 19, 2022

The Other Guys (2010)

Doi politisti de categorie medie primesc ocazia sa isi arate potentialul cand partenerii politisti cei mai populari sunt ucisi intr-un accident stupid.

'The Other Guys' e o comedie politista atipica in care Will Ferrell nu e insuportabil ca de obicei. Glumele sunt bune, stereotipurile de care isi bat joc sunt reale si cunoscute iar partenerii principali reusesc sa atraga inimile publicului. Mark Wahlberg e adorabil.

Regia:  Adam McKay    
Cu: Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Michael Keaton, Eva Mendes, Ray Stevenson, Dwayne Johnson, Samuel L. Jackson, Damon Wayans Jr., Rob Riggle

Rating: 8/10

The Other Guys (2010)

Two middle-level police officers are given the opportunity to show their potential when the most popular cop partners are killed in a stupid accident.

'The Other Guys' is an atypical police comedy in which Will Ferrell is not as unbearable as usual. The jokes are good, the stereotypes they make fun of are real and recognisable and the main partners manage to attract the hearts of the public. Mark Wahlberg is adorable.

Director:  Adam McKay    
With: Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Michael Keaton, Eva Mendes, Ray Stevenson, Dwayne Johnson, Samuel L. Jackson, Damon Wayans Jr., Rob Riggle

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Come True (2020)

O adolescenta ce doarme pe strazi se inscrie la un studiu de somn din cauza cosmarurilor si a lipsei de somn sanatos, numai pentru a afla adevaruri nelinistitoare despre stiinta somnului.

'Come True' e un film de groaza misterios, cu o dezvoltare inceata, un asa zis "slowburn". Si totusi fiecare moment este bine gandit, abil filmat si fiecare idee misterioasa isi explica existenta si atractia pentru vizionator. Finalul va putea fi etichetat drept cliché, dar cu tot adevarul ce insoteste acest fapt, nu reuseste sa scada din farmecul si calitatea unui film sublim.

Regia:  Anthony Scott Burns      
Cu: Julia Sarah Stone, Landon Liboiron, Carlee Ryski, Christopher Heatherington

Rating: 10/10

Come True (2020)

A teenage runaway girl enrolls in a sleep study due to nightmares and a lack of healthy sleep, only to find disturbing truths about the science of sleep.

'Come True' is a mysterious horror film with a slow development, a so-called "slowburn". And yet every moment is well thought out, skillfully filmed and every mysterious idea justifies its existence and attraction to the viewer well. The ending might get labeled as cliché by many, but even with all the truth that accompanies that fact, it fails to detract from the charm and quality of a sublime film.

Director:  Anthony Scott Burns      
With: Julia Sarah Stone, Landon Liboiron, Carlee Ryski, Christopher Heatherington

Rating: 10/10

Friday, May 13, 2022

The Matrix Resurrections (2021)

Neo este cumva iar blocat in lumea artificiala a Matrix-ului dar un grup de adepti depun efortul necesar pentru a-l ajuta sa scape iar si sa redevina forta ce a fost in trecut.

'The Matrix Resurrections' este un sequel pentru un film preaiubit ce impaca aventurile din iteratiile trecute si satisfac nevoia fanilor pentru o continuare si pentru o poveste ceva mai romantica dar si mai inpamantata intr-un viitor mai aproape de realitatea curenta. Efortul e de admirat si pe jumatate de succes dar nu era necesar. Fanii vor fi fericiti totusi.
De asemenea, fanii vor recunoaste poate toti sau aproape toti actorii din Sense8.

Regia:  Lana Wachowski      
Cu: Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jonathan Groff, Jessica Henwick, Jada Pinkett Smith, Neil Patrick Harris, Priyanka Chopra Jonas

Rating: 7/10

The Matrix Resurrections (2021)

Neo is somehow trapped in the artificial world of the Matrix again, but a group of followers make the necessary effort to help him escape again and regain the powers he once had.

'The Matrix Resurrections' is a sequel to a beloved film that reconciles the adventures of past iterations and satisfies the fanbase's need for a sequel and a slightly more romantic story but also a story that's more grounded in a world closer to the current reality. The effort is admirable and half successful, but it was not necessary. Fans will be happy though.
Also, fans might recognize all or almost all of the actors of Sense8.

Director:  Lana Wachowski      
With: Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jonathan Groff, Jessica Henwick, Jada Pinkett Smith, Neil Patrick Harris, Priyanka Chopra Jonas

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, May 07, 2022

The Harder They Fall (2021)

Un pistolar celebru isi foloseste gasca pentru a se razbuna pe cel care i-a ucis parintii, dupa ce aude stiri cum ca acesta va fi eliberat din inchisoare.

'The Harder They Fall' e un western plin de actiune si coregrafie si originalitate, care nu vine neaparat de la scenariu dar din felul in care scenariul a fost scris si pus in scena. Muzica a devenit un martor nescris al evenimentelor si mentine foarte eficient armonia si echilibrul coregrafic al scenelor minutios aranjate. Povestea in sine are cateva gauri, dar acest fapt paleste cumva cand este pus in balanta cu efectul artistic si stilistic general.

Regia:  Jeymes Samuel      
Cu: Jonathan Majors, Zazie Beetz, RJ Cyler, Edi Gathegi, Damon Wayans Jr., Regina King, LaKeith Stanfield, Idris Elba

Rating: 8/10

The Harder They Fall (2021)

A famous gunman uses his gang to take revenge on the man who killed his parents, right after hearing news that the man is about to be released from prison.

'The Harder They Fall' is a western that's full of action and melodic choreography and originality, which does not necessarily come from the script but from the way the script was written and enacted. The music has become an undeclared witness to the events and very effectively maintains the harmony and choreographic balance of the meticulously arranged scenes. The story itself has a few plot holes, but this fact somehow fades when it is balanced with the general artistic and stylistic effect.

Director:  Jeymes Samuel      
With: Jonathan Majors, Zazie Beetz, RJ Cyler, Edi Gathegi, Damon Wayans Jr., Regina King, LaKeith Stanfield, Idris Elba

Rating: 8/10

Friday, May 06, 2022

Malignant (2021)

Madison are viziuni ale unor crime sangeroase ce afla cu oroare ca au loc in realitate.

'Malignant' e un amestec neobisnuit si nesigur de genuri ce functioneaza surprinzator de bine in ciuda unor "licente poetice". Misterul este extrem de palpabil, "monstrul" este bine scris si de ajuns de sinistru si nenatural pentru a mentine suspansul iar neasteptatele scene de arte martiale sunt nepotrivite si totusi binevenite pentru elementul surprinza ce-l provoaca.

Regia:  James Wan      
Cu: Annabelle Wallis, Maddie Hasson, George Young, Michole Briana White

Rating: 9/10

Malignant (2021)

Madison has visions of grizzly murders and she is horrified to realize that they're happening in real life.

'Malignant' is an unusual and unsure mix of genres that works surprisingly well despite its several "poetic licenses". The mystery is extremely palpable and well constructed, the "monster" is well written and sinister and unnatural enough to maintain the suspense and curiosity and the unexpected martial arts scenes are seemengly inadequate and yet welcome for the element of surprise they cause.

Director:  James Wan      
With: Annabelle Wallis, Maddie Hasson, George Young, Michole Briana White

Rating: 9/10

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Bridgerton Season 2 (2022)

Este randul lui Anthony, fratele cel mare, de a-si gasi un partener de viata, si il gaseste unde nu se asteapta.

Sezonul doi urmeaza stilul primului spre deliciul fanilor, dar cu mai putina perfectiune a dialogului si actiunii si mai multa stangacie in scene ce se vor subtile, in ciuda farmecului cuplului de focus, chiar si cu Anthony - cel mai nesuferit personaj in primul sezon - ca una din jumatati.

Regia:  Tom Verica si altii   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Chris Van Dusen   
Durata:  sezonul 2 de 8 episoade (~60 de minute fiecare)   
Cu: Simone Ashley, Phoebe Dynevor, Claudia Jessie, Luke Thompson, Ruth Gemmell, Jonathan Bailey, Polly Walker, Adjoa Andoh, Julie Andrews

Rating: 6/10

Bridgerton Season 2 (2022)

It's Anthony's - the eldest brother - turn to find a life partner, and he finds one where he least expects it.

Season two follows on with the style of the first one to the delight of the fans, but with less perfection of dialogue and action and more awkwardness and cringiness in scenes that are deemed subtle, despite the charm of the main focus couple, even with Anthony - the most unbearable character in the first season - as one of its halves.

Director:  Tom Verica and others 
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Chris Van Dusen   
Duration:  season 2 of 8 episodes (~60 minutes each) 
With: Simone Ashley, Phoebe Dynevor, Claudia Jessie, Luke Thompson, Ruth Gemmell, Jonathan Bailey, Polly Walker, Adjoa Andoh, Julie Andrews

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, May 03, 2022

The Cleansing Hour (2019)

Intr-o emisiune live televizata, un preot insetat de success performeaza exorcizari regizate pana cand un demon adevarat isi gaseste culcusul intr-unul din invitati.

'The Cleansing Hour' e un horror ce atinge in treacat subiectul societatii consumeriste si obsedate de social media si ratinguri. Are lectii de invatat pentru toti cei implicati, gore si oroare cat incape, si un ritm alert si lipsit de monotonie.

Regia:  Damien LeVeck   
Cu: Ryan Guzman, Kyle Gallner, Alix Angelis, Chris Lew Kum Hoi

Rating: 8/10

The Cleansing Hour (2019)

In a live TV show, a success hungry quasi priest performs scripted exorcisms up until a real demon finds its way into one of the guests.

'The Cleansing Hour' is a horror that touches on the subject of our consumerist society that's obsessed with social media and ratings. It has lessons to learn for everyone involved, gore and horror galore, and an alert rhythm that's completely lacking in monotony.

Director:  Damien LeVeck   
With: Ryan Guzman, Kyle Gallner, Alix Angelis, Chris Lew Kum Hoi

Rating: 8/10

Monday, May 02, 2022

Monster Hunter (2020)

O echipa de operativi militari este transportata accidental intr-o lume paralela in timpul unei misiuni in desert.

'Monster Hunter' este exact ceea ce te astepti, un film de actiune alert bazat pe un joc video unde telul este sa invingi in luptele contra unor monstri uriasi. Actiunea este cat incape, efectele speciale sunt decente si Mila Jovovich isi reia un rol de acum tipar cu brio si satisfactia de entertainment este suficienta.

Regia:  Paul W.S. Anderson    
Cu: Milla Jovovich, Tony Jaa, Ron Perlman, T.I.

Rating: 8/10

Monster Hunter (2020)

A team of military operatives is accidentally transported to a parallel world during a mission in the desert.

'Monster Hunter' is exactly what you expect, an alert action movie based on a video game where the goal is to win battles against some giant monsters. The action is as good as it gets, the special effects are decent and Mila Jovovich is resuming her now typecast role with no problem and the entertainment satisfaction is sufficient.

Director:  Paul W.S. Anderson    
With: Milla Jovovich, Tony Jaa, Ron Perlman, T.I.

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Pyewacket (2017)

O adolescenta plina de razvratire se lasa condusa de pasiune si foloseste un ritual pentru a insarcina un spirit demonic cu uciderea mamei sale.

'Pyewacket' e un film drama cu accente puternice de horror, linia dintre cele doua genuri fiind subtire si subiect al interpretarii privitorului. Sentimenetele personajului principal sunt poate justificabile in ceea ce priveste realitatea adolescentilor rebeli, dar limita peste care adolescenta in cauza trece atat de usor e poate mai greu de inteles, sau poate nu - doar pentru ca alti tineri care au incercat acelasi lucru nu au trezit nici un spirit. Filmul e bine facut, indoiala realitatii vs halucinatie este bine plasata iar aspectul de groaza este bine pus in valoare.

Regia:  Adam MacDonald    
Cu: Laurie Holden, Nicole Muñoz, Chloe Rose, Eric Osborne

Rating: 8/10

Pyewacket (2017)

An angsty teenager is driven by passion and uses a ritual to task a demonic spirit with the murder of her mother.

'Pyewacket' is a drama film with strong horror accents, the line between the two genres being thin and subject to the viewer's interpretation. The main character's feelings may be justifiable in terms of the reality of rebellious teenagers everywhere, but the limit the teenager in question goes over so easily is perhaps harder to understand, or maybe not - just because other young people who tried the same thing in real life didn't actually raise a spirit. The film is well made, the doubt of reality vs hallucination is well placed and the aspect of horror is well represented.

Director:  Adam MacDonald    
With: Laurie Holden, Nicole Muñoz, Chloe Rose, Eric Osborne

Rating: 8/10