Thursday, March 31, 2022

Untitled Horror Movie (2021)

Un grup de preteni actori decid sa profite de generatia Tiktok filmand o productie horror ei insisi dar internetul ii invata accidental un blestem adevarat.

'Untitled Horror Movie' e un film comedie horror. Cu o distributie plina de actori tineri, atragatori, unii cunoscuti, altii mai putin, filmul reuseste sa starneasca interesul si sa functioneze credibil si sarcastic pana la final, dar plin de hohote nu e.

Regia:  Nick Simon   
Cu: Luke Baines, Darren Barnet, Timothy Granaderos, Claire Holt

Rating: 6/10

Untitled Horror Movie (2021)

A group of actor friends decide to take advantage of the Tiktok generation by filming a horror production themselves, but the internet accidentally provides them with a real curse.

'Untitled Horror Movie' is a horror comedy film. With a cast full of young, attractive actors, some well-known, some less so, the film manages to arouse interest and function credibly and sarcastically up to the end, but full of laughter it is not.

Director:  Nick Simon   
With: Luke Baines, Darren Barnet, Timothy Granaderos, Claire Holt

Rating: 6/10

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)

Shang-Chi trebuie sa isi confrunte trecutul patat dupa ce tatal sau incearca prin toate mijloacele sa gaseasca calea catre un teritoriu mistic ascuns ce astfel va deveni vulnerabil.

'Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings' este un film de actiune mistic, cu supereroi, ce are loc in universul Marvel. Ca film de actiune e bine gandit, original, multicultural, impresionant vizual, plin de imaginatie si generator de destula fascinatie. Arta martiala a Kung Fu ca la ea acasa este bine pusa in focus si este binevenita in mult prea prolificul MCU.

Regia:  Destin Daniel Cretton      
Cu: Simu Liu, Awkwafina, Tony Chiu-Wai Leung, Ben Kingsley, Michelle Yeoh

Rating: 9/10

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)

Shang-Chi must face his not-so-perfect past after his father tries by all means to find his way to a hidden mystical territory that will thus become vulnerable.

'Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings' is a mystical, superhero action movie set in the Marvel universe. As an action film, it is well thought out, original, multicultural, visually impressive, imaginative and fascinating enough. The martial art of Kung Fu done as it should be is well put into focus and is welcome in the far too prolific MCU.

Director:  Destin Daniel Cretton      
With: Simu Liu, Awkwafina, Tony Chiu-Wai Leung, Ben Kingsley, Michelle Yeoh

Rating: 9/10

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Saint Maud (2019)

O tanara ce are grija de bolnavi devine obsedata in singuratatea sa de salvarea sufletului celor din grija ei.

'Saint Maud' e o drama puternica, cu accente de horror. Artistic cat se poate, cu o estetica ce sare in evidenta, filmul e complex si subtil, fiind ambiguu in aparenta supranaturala a personajului, abordand o tematica complicata ce include efectele singuratatii, amanarea tratamentului in cazuri de probleme mentale melancolice sau efectul nociv al religiei cand abordata interpretativ, pentru a explica ce e rau in lume. Filmul are parte de o regie de exceptie ce acorda privitorului libertatea interpretarii pana in penultimul moment.

Regia:  Rose Glass    
Cu: Morfydd Clark, Caoilfhionn Dunne, Jennifer Ehle, Marcus Hutton

Rating: 9/10

Saint Maud (2019)

A young woman who takes care of the sick becomes obsessed in her loneliness with saving the soul of those in her care.

'Saint Maud' is a powerful drama with horror accents. Artistical as possible, with an aesthetic that stands out, the film is complex and subtle, being ambiguous in the supernatural appearance of the character, addressing many a theme that include the effects of loneliness, of delaying treatment in cases of melancholic mental problems or the harmful effect of religion when tackled with an interpretive approach to explain what is wrong with the world. The film benefits from an exceptional direction that gives the viewer the freedom to interpret what they see up until the penultimate moment.

Director:  Rose Glass    
With: Morfydd Clark, Caoilfhionn Dunne, Jennifer Ehle, Marcus Hutton

Rating: 9/10

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Pieces of Her (2022– )

O tanara nesigura pe alegerile in viata se trezeste intr-o lume complet necunoscuta in ziua cand mama sa o apara intr-un mod surprinzator de un atacator inarmat.

'Pieces Of Her' e o miniserie gen thriller, cu o intriga puternica si personaje principale mai mult sau mai putin carismatice si reprezentative. Prima jumatate incarca privitorul cu destula tensiune si intriga incat sa tine curiozitatea la un nivel intens si constant, dar pe masura ce detaliile incep sa fie divulgate, misterul nu mai e atat de impresionant, iar efectul general e mult diluat, cu un twist final ce poate fi vazut de la mare distanta.

Regia:  Minkie Spiro   
Productie:  Netflix  
Creator:  Charlotte Stoudt   
Durata:  1 sezon de 8 episoade (52 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Toni Collette, Bella Heathcote, Jessica Barden, Joe Dempsie, David Wenham, Terry O'Quinn

Rating: 7/10

Pieces of Her (2022– )

A young woman, uncertain about her life choices, suddenly finds herself in a completely unknown world on the day her mother defends her from an armed assailant in a surprising manner.

'Pieces Of Her' is a thriller miniseries, with a strong plot and more or less charismatic and relatable main characters. The first 4 episodes fills the viewer with enough tension and intrigue to keep curiosity at an intense and constant level, but as the details begin to be revealed, the mystery is less impressive and the overall effect is much diluted, with a final twist that can be seen from a great distance.

Director:  Minkie Spiro   
Production:  Netflix  
Creator:  Charlotte Stoudt   
Duration:  1 season of 8 episodes (52 minutes each)   
With: Toni Collette, Bella Heathcote, Jessica Barden, Joe Dempsie, David Wenham, Terry O'Quinn

Rating: 7/10

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Luca (2021)

Luca este un monstru marin mitic ce ia forma umana pe uscat si este atras de lumea umana si posibilitatile sale.

'Luca' e un film de animatie marca Disney ce atinge sufletul privitorului printr-o poveste distractiva despre toleranta si diferentele intre oameni, rase, personalitati si alte caracteristici de gen.

Regia:  Enrico Casarosa      
Cu: Jacob Tremblay, Jack Dylan Grazer, Emma Berman, Saverio Raimondo

Rating: 8/10

Luca (2021)

Luke is a mythical sea monster that takes human form on land and is attracted to the human world and its possibilities.

'Luca' is a Disney animated film that touches the viewer's soul through a fun story about tolerance and differences between people, races, personalities and other similar human traits.

Director:  Enrico Casarosa      
With: Jacob Tremblay, Jack Dylan Grazer, Emma Berman, Saverio Raimondo

Rating: 8/10

Friday, March 18, 2022

It Chapter Two (2019)

Clubul Ratatilor se reintalnesc dupa 27 de ani si amintirile din copilarie pierdute incep sa reapara si semne ca Pennywise ar fi inca in viata devin evenimente la ordinea zilei.

'It Chapter Two' urmeaza povestea primului film in acelasi stil de povestire si regie, cu actorii mai in varsta de data aceasta, ce includ cateva nume celebre. Povestea iarasi satisface, poate intriga devine un pic mai consistenta, dar nu reuseste sa se transforme in ceva foarte special, ceea ce totusi e OK.

Regia:  Andy Muschietti     
Cu: Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy, Bill Hader, Isaiah Mustafa, Jay Ryan, James Ransone, Bill SkarsgÃ¥rd, Andy Bean

Rating: 8/10

It Chapter Two (2019)

The Losers Club reunites after 27 years and lost childhood memories begin to reappear and signs that Pennywise is still alive are becoming more regular.

'It Chapter Two' follows the story of the first film in the same style of storytelling and directing, with older actors this time, including some qute famous names. The story is satisfying again, maybe the plot becomes a little meatier, but it fails to turn into something very special, which is still OK.

Director:  Andy Muschietti     
With: Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy, Bill Hader, Isaiah Mustafa, Jay Ryan, James Ransone, Bill SkarsgÃ¥rd, Andy Bean

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Labyrinth (1986)

Sarah, o tanara de 16 ani, porneste intr-o aventura de povesti incercand sa isi recupereze fratele dupa ce regele goblin i-a ascultat cerinta de a-l face sa dispara.

'Labyrinth' e un film fantezie clasic, potrivit pentru copii dar si copii mai mari. In frunte cu Jennifer Connely si David Bowie, filmul e plin de magie, muzica originala, efecte speciale de scoala veche, si stangaciile de asteptat pentru un film facut pentru copii.

Regia:  Jim Henson      
Cu: David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly, Toby Froud, Shelley Thompson

Rating: 8/10

Labyrinth (1986)

Sarah, a 16-year-old girl, embarks on a fairytale adventure trying to get her brother back after the Goblin king listens to her request to take him away.

'Labyrinth' is a classic fantasy film, suitable for children but also for "older children". With a leading cast which includes Jennifer Connely and David Bowie, the film is full of magic, original music, old-school special effects, and the special imperfections one would expect from a film meant for children.

Director:  Jim Henson      
With: David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly, Toby Froud, Shelley Thompson

Rating: 8/10

Monday, March 14, 2022

The Other Lamb (2019)

Selah s-a nascut intr-un cult de femei conduse de un singur "pastor" barbat si incepe sa simta indoieli tot mai puternice despre tot ce a fost invatata.

'The Other Lamb' este o drama artistica ce da viata unei metafore puternice despre opresiunile provocate de societatea patriarhala asupra spiritului feminin. Filmul e bine facut, impresionant vizual, cu cadre fotografice largi, dar si foarte provocator si nu pentru ochi sensibili, iar eroina principala e jucata cu migala si arta de tanara Raffey Cassidy. Cu toate acestea si asemanarile cu mai vechiul The Witch, filmul de fata ar fi functionat mai bine si eficient ca un short.

Regia:  Malgorzata Szumowska    
Cu: Raffey Cassidy, Michiel Huisman, Denise Gough, Ailbhe Cowley

Rating: 7/10

The Other Lamb (2019)

Selah was born into a cult of women led by a single male "sheperd" and is beginning to feel growing doubts about everything she has known her whole life.

'The Other Lamb' is an artistic drama that gives life to a powerful metaphor about the oppression caused by patriarchal society on the female spirit. The film is well made, visually impressive, with wide photographic frames, but also very challenging and not for sensitive eyes, and the main heroine is played with care and much art by the young Raffey Cassidy. However, in spite of all that and its similarities to the older The Witch, this film would have worked better and more efficiently as a short.

Director:  Malgorzata Szumowska    
With: Raffey Cassidy, Michiel Huisman, Denise Gough, Ailbhe Cowley

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Death Becomes Her (1992)

O actrita ce vrea sa isi redobandeasca tineretea gaseste o solutie nemuritoare, dar nu e prima care a folosit metoda.

'Death Becomes Her' e o comedie neagra de success, ce nu si-a pierdut farmecul cu trecerea anilor, functionand perfect si vizionata in zilele curente. Meryl Streep mai ales dar si Goldie Hawn portretizeaza personaje ce sunt in afara zonei lor de confort, iar Bruce Willis e minunat in rolul depresivului nevrotic Ernest. Filmul abunda de umor negru si situatii neasteptate, abil potentate, procurand un deliciu perfect pentru amatorii genului si nu numai.

Regia:  Robert Zemeckis      
Cu: Meryl Streep, Goldie Hawn, Bruce Willis, Isabella Rossellini, Sydney Pollack

Rating: 9/10

Death Becomes Her (1992)

An actress who wants to regain her youth finds an immortality solution, but she is not the first to use the method.

'Death Becomes Her' is a successful dark comedy, which has not lost its charm over the years, working perfectly even when watched these days. Meryl Streep in particular but also Goldie Hawn portray characters who are out of their comfort zone brilliantly, and Bruce Willis is wonderful in the role of the neurotic depressive Ernest. The film abounds in black humor and unexpected, skillfully potentiated situations, providing a perfect gem for  the fans of the genre and beyond.

Director:  Robert Zemeckis      
With: Meryl Streep, Goldie Hawn, Bruce Willis, Isabella Rossellini, Sydney Pollack

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Aftermath (2021)

Un cuplu in recuperare, incearca sa isi repare relatia intr-o casa noua, cumparata sub pretul pietei datorita unei tragedii.

'Aftermath' e un thriller-horror cu doi protagonisti populari, pe o tematica folosita prea des, chiar prea des. Filmul a primit multa critica negativa, dar sincer nu e chiar asa de rau ca realizare.

Regia:  Peter Winther    
Cu: Ashley Greene, Shawn Ashmore, Jason Liles, Britt Baron

Rating: 6/10

Aftermath (2021)

A recovering couple is trying to repair their relationship in a new house, bought way below market price due to a tragedy that occured inside it.

'Aftermath' is a horror-thriller with two popular faces as the protagonists, using a theme used too often, way too often. The film received a lot of negative reviews, but honestly it's not that bad in terms of execution.

Director:  Peter Winther    
With: Ashley Greene, Shawn Ashmore, Jason Liles, Britt Baron

Rating: 6/10

Sunday, March 06, 2022

The Addams Family (2019)

Familia Addams se muta in suburbii unde apropierea de oamenii obisnuiti si conformisti din zonea creeaza un conflict ce tot creste.

'The Addams Family' e un film de animatie ce readuce familia tragi-comica pe ecrane. Formatul nou e surprinzator de potrivit, umorul negru apare cum ar fi fost de asteptat, povestea nu e doar de suprafata si atinge probleme sociale curente legate de identitatea reala si cea asumata, iar muzica e minunata.

Regia:  Greg Tiernan, Conrad Vernon   
Cu: Oscar Isaac, Charlize Theron, Chloë Grace Moretz, Finn Wolfhard, Bette Midler, Martin Short, Allison Janney, Aimee Garcia, Catherine O'Hara, Nick Kroll

Rating: 9/10

The Addams Family (2019)

The Addams family moves to the suburbs where the closeness to ordinary and conformists people in the area creates a growing conflict.

'The Addams Family' is an animated film that brings the tragi-comic family back to the screen. The new format is surprisingly appropriate, the black humor makes an appearance as expected, the story is not just superficial and touches on current social issues related to genuine and assumed identity, and the soundtrack is wonderful.

Director:  Greg Tiernan, Conrad Vernon   
With: Oscar Isaac, Charlize Theron, Chloë Grace Moretz, Finn Wolfhard, Bette Midler, Martin Short, Allison Janney, Aimee Garcia, Catherine O'Hara, Nick Kroll

Rating: 9/10

Friday, March 04, 2022

The Old Ways (2020)

Christina e o jurnalista americana, dar cand isi viziteaza locul de origine pentru un subiect supranatural, devine victima unei rapiri.

'The Old Ways' e un film horror foarte bine facut, ce ne arata o portiune mica din cultura superstitioasa si traditiile mexicane. Abilitatea povestitorului reuseste sa mentina tensiuna audientei, jucandu-se cu aparentele, si mentinand balansul dintre incredulitate si evidentul supranatural aproape numai sugerat. 

Regia:  Christopher Alender       
Cu: Brigitte Kali Canales, Andrea Cortés, Julia Vera, Sal Lopez

Rating: 8/10

The Old Ways (2020)

Christina is an American journalist, but when she visits her hometown for a supernatural story, she ends up being kidnapped.

'The Old Ways' is a very well made horror film that showcases a small portion of Mexico's superstitious culture and traditions. The skillful storyteller (be them the screen writer, director, cameraman, editor and so on) manages to maintain the tension of the audience, playing with appearances, and balancing disbelief and the obvious supernatural which most of the time is almost only suggested. 

Director:  Christopher Alender       
With: Brigitte Kali Canales, Andrea Cortés, Julia Vera, Sal Lopez

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Ojing-eo geim / Squid Game (2021– )

Cateva sute de oameni cu datorii mari accepta sa participe intr-o competitie secreta, unde concurentii joaca jocuri ale copilariei, iar cei ce pierd isi pierd viata.

'Squid Game' a fost un mare success al Netflix al lui 2021. Este un serial dur, unde realitatile si greutatile sociale ale Coreii de Sud sunt un mare factor care explica intriga si motivul pentru care atatea personaje ar accepta ceva atat de riscant. Filmul nu iarta nimic, lasand loc pentru prietenii, oameni marsavi ce nu tin cont de alte vieti, norocul incepatorului, dar mai ales supravietuirea celui mai puternic. Definitia lui "puternic" trece prin cateva tranzitii pe timpul celor 10 episoade si unele suprize apar, dar serialul nu trece pragul spre capodopera, desi ca entertainment este satisfacator.

Regia:  Hwang Dong-hyuk   
Productie:  Netflix  
Creator:  Hwang Dong-hyuk   
Durata:  1 sezon de 10 episoade (55 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Lee Jung-jae, Park Hae-soo, Masoud Sepahi, Kamran Kiani

Rating: 8/10

Ojing-eo geim / Squid Game (2021– )

Hundreds of people with considerable debt agree to participate in a secret competition, where competitors play childhood games, but those who lose will lose their lives.

'Squid Game' was a big hit for Netflix in 2021. It's a tough series, where the realities and social hardships of South Korea are a big factor in the intrigue and the reason behind why so many characters would accept such a risk. The film does not forgive anything, leaving room for friendships, low characters who do not take into care about the lives of others, the beginner's luck, and especially the survival of the fittest. The definition of "fittest" goes through several transitions during the 10 episodes and some surprises do appear, but the series does not cross the threshold to masterpiece, however its entertainment is satisfactory.

Director:  Hwang Dong-hyuk   
Production:  Netflix  
Creator:  Hwang Dong-hyuk   
Duration:  1 season of 10 episodes (55 minutes each)   
With: Lee Jung-jae, Park Hae-soo, Masoud Sepahi, Kamran Kiani

Rating: 8/10