Friday, December 31, 2021

Freaky (2020)

Millie si un criminal in serie local fac schimb de corpuri dupa ce un pumnal mitic este folosit in atacul acesteia.

'Freaky' e o versiune de groaza a clasicei comedii pe tema schimbului de corpuri. Vince Vaughn e credibil in rolul criminalului dar si al adolescentei blocate intr-un corp incompatibil si inadecvat. Filmul e entertaining si amuzant, cu o masura decenta de violenta ironica, dar la final, vizionatorul nu se va putea opri din a simti ca exista o neplacut de mare portiune de potential nedescoperit al subiectului.

Regia:  Christopher Landon   
Cu: Vince Vaughn, Kathryn Newton, Celeste O'Connor, Misha Osherovich

Rating: 8/10

Freaky (2020)

Millie and the local serial killer exchange bodies after a mythical dagger is used in her attack.

'Freaky' is a horror version on the classic body-changing comedy theme. Vince Vaughn is believable in the role of the killer but also in the one of the teenager who's trapped in an incompatible and inadequate body. The film is entertaining and funny, with a decent measure of ironic violence, but in the end, the viewer will not be able to stop feeling that there is an unpleasantly large portion of undiscovered potential for the subject matter.

Director:  Christopher Landon   
With: Vince Vaughn, Kathryn Newton, Celeste O'Connor, Misha Osherovich

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Punisher (2017-2019)

Punisher e un veteran al carui familie a fost ucisa si ca urmare a devenit un justitiar eficient.

'The Punisher' e probabil cel mai bine facut serial TV al Universului Marvel. E mai sangeros, mai dark, si cu o linie dintre bine si rau mult mai nesigura si schimbatoare. Ofera o serie de personaje complexe si fascinante (Castle si Madani pe putin), si intrigi umane ce au sens si in conceptie si in reactie. Se intersecteaza cu restul serialelor MCU facute de Netflix, dar poate fi savurat de sine statator fara probleme.

Regia:  Jim O'Hanlon si altii   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Steve Lightfoot   
Durata:  2 sezoane a cate 13 episoade (53 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Jon Bernthal, Amber Rose Revah, Ben Barnes, Jason R. Moore, Josh Stewart, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Giorgia Whigham

Rating: 9/10

The Punisher (2017-2019)

The Punisher is a veteran whose family's killing turned him into an effective vigilante.

'The Punisher' is arguably the best TV series in the Marvel Universe. It is bloodier, darker, and with a much more cloudy and ever-changing line between good and evil. It offers a series of complex and fascinating characters (Castle and Madani at least), and human intrigues that make sense in both conception and reaction. It overlaps with the rest of the MCU series made by Netflix, but it can definitely be enjoyed on its own without any concern.

Director:  Jim O'Hanlon and others   
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Steve Lightfoot   
Duration:  2 seasons of 13 episodes (53 minute s each)   
Cu: Jon Bernthal, Amber Rose Revah, Ben Barnes, Jason R. Moore, Josh Stewart, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Giorgia Whigham

Rating: 9/10

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Don't Look Up (2021)

Doi astronomi fara renume descopera ca o cometa va lovi Pamantul in 6 luni si isi petrec tot timpul incercand sa convinga lumea ca e ceva serios.

'Don't Look Up' e o satira socialo-politica ce e din pacat un pic prea familiara pentru a fi entertaining. Umorul absurdului este inca prezent, echipa de actori e de vis, dar momentele de frustrare si indoiala sunt prea dese si atitudinile celor cu putere de judecata sunt prea daramatoare.

Regia:  Adam McKay     
Cu: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Jonah Hill, Mark Rylance, Timothée Chalamet, Ron Perlman, Rob Morgan

Rating: 7/10

Don't Look Up (2021)

Two obscure astronomers discover that a comet will hit Earth in 6 months and spend all their time trying to convince the world that it is something to take seriously.

'Don't Look Up' is a socio-political satire that is unfortunately a little too familiar to be entertaining. The humor of the absurd is still present, the team of actors is a dream, but the moments of frustration and doubt are too frequent and the attitudes of those with power of decision way too devastating.

Director:  Adam McKay     
With: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Jonah Hill, Mark Rylance, Timothée Chalamet, Ron Perlman, Rob Morgan

Rating: 7/10

Monday, December 27, 2021

Mayhem (2017)

Derek este tratat nedrept la firma de avocati unde lucreaza, in aceeasi zi cand un virus ce anuleaza orice inhibitii este eliberat in cladire.

'Mayhem' e un film horror-comedie ce incearca o satira usoara pentru a face haz de necaz bazat pe gandurile spontane ascunse ale tuturor fiintelor umane. Realizatorii au avut grija sa fie usor sa iti dai seama cine sunt "the bad guys" si cine sunt cei ce pot fi iertati. Actiunea nu are pauza si niciun personaj nu are o iota de iertare.

Regia:  Joe Lynch    
Cu: Steven Yeun, Samara Weaving, Steven Brand, Caroline Chikezie, Kerry Fox, Dallas Roberts, Mark Frost

Rating: 8/10

Mayhem (2017)

Derek is mistreated at the law firm where he works, on the same day that a virus that cancels any inhibitions is released into the building.

'Mayhem' is a horror-comedy film that tries using a light satire to make fun of troubling human realities based on the hidden thoughts that all human beings have in common but don't act upon. The filmmakers made it easy to figure out who the "bad guys" are supposed to be and who can be forgiven after all their uncontrollable acts. The fast action takes no time-out and no character has an iota of forgiveness left in them.

Director:  Joe Lynch    
With: Steven Yeun, Samara Weaving, Steven Brand, Caroline Chikezie, Kerry Fox, Dallas Roberts, Mark Frost

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Ghost Town (2008)

Pincus e un mizantrop ce se trezeste ca poate vorbi cu mortii dupa un accident medical.

'Ghost Town' e o comedie cu un subiect destul de comun si anume experienta unui personaj plin de defecte ori cu comunicarea cu fantome ori transformarea qvasi permanenta in fantoma, fapt ce are ca tel final capacitatea pentru empatie. Ce e nou in povestea de fata e umorul stil Ricky Gervais si inocenta bataioasa a lui Tea Leoni. Pentru cei ce nu il apreciaza pe Ricky Gervais, filmul probabil ca nu va fi placut.

Regia:  David Koepp    
Cu: Ricky Gervais, Greg Kinnear, Téa Leoni, Jordan Carlos

Rating: 8/10

Ghost Town (2008)

Pincus is a misanthrope who finds himself able to talk to the dead after a medical incident.

'Ghost Town' is a comedy with a fairly common subject, namely the experience of a character who's full of flaws either with communicating with ghosts or the guasi permanent turning into a ghost, an experience which has as its end goal the ability to empathise. What's new in this story is Ricky Gervais' style humor and Tea Leoni's feisty innocence. For those who don't like Ricky Gervais, the movie probably won't be very enjoyable.

Director:  David Koepp    
With: Ricky Gervais, Greg Kinnear, Téa Leoni, Jordan Carlos

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Jessica Jones (2015-2019)

Jessica Jones e un superuman ce alege o cariera in investigatii private.

'Jessica Jones' e inca un success TV al universului Marvel. Ca de obicei, implica povestea inca unui supererou cu puteri speciale, dar e un serial mult mai diferit in stil, mult mai introspectiv si dark, mai ales avand in vedere personalitatea personajului principal, cinismul si problemele sale cu alcoolul. Krysten Ritter e minunata ca protagonista serialului si e insotita de o sora foarte diferita (Rachel Taylor), un avocat ce isi schimba macazul des (Carrie-Anne Moss) si cei cativa ce o ajuta pe ici si colo in investigatii.

Regia:  Stephen Surjik si altii   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Melissa Rosenberg   
Durata: 3 sezoane a cate 13 episoade (56 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Krysten Ritter, Rachael Taylor, Eka Darville, Carrie-Anne Moss, John Ventimiglia, David Tennant, Rebecca De Mornay, Janet McTeer, Mike Colter, Aneesh Sheth

Rating: 9/10

Jessica Jones (2015-2019)

Jessica Jones is a superhuman who chooses a career as a private investigator.

'Jessica Jones' is another Marvel TV hit series. As usual, it involves the story of another superhero with special powers, but it is a much more different series in style, as it's much more introspective and dark, especially when considering the personality of the main character, her cynicism and her alcohol problems. Krysten Ritter is wonderful as the protagonist of the series and is accompanied by her very different sister (Rachel Taylor), a lawyer who changes her tack often (Carrie-Anne Moss) and the few others who help her here and there in  her investigations.

Drector:  Stephen Surjik and others   
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Melissa Rosenberg   
Duration: 3 seasons of 13 episodes (56 minute each)   
With: Krysten Ritter, Rachael Taylor, Eka Darville, Carrie-Anne Moss, John Ventimiglia, David Tennant, Rebecca De Mornay, Janet McTeer, Mike Colter, Aneesh Sheth

Rating: 9/10

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Society (1989)

Bill Whitney e un adolescent popular ce descopera brusc amanunte alarmante despre familia sa si lumea din jurul sau.

'Society' e un horror cult ce a socat audienta la vremea lansarii. Cele mai importante doua atribute sunt legate de metafora societatii si a naturii umane de a-si pierde individualitatea mediului social si uzul intens de body horror cu efectele speciale traditionale ale vremii, impresionante inca. Povestea are o intriga usor de inteles, dar anumite elemente ale desfasurarii actiunii provoaca cateva ridicari din spranceana.

Regia:  Brian Yuzna     
Cu: Billy Warlock, Concetta D'Agnese, Ben Slack, Evan Richards

Rating: 7/10

Society (1989)

Bill Whitney is a popular teenager who suddenly discovers alarming details about his family and the world around him.

'Society' is a cult horror that shocked its audience when released. Its two most important attributes are related to firstly: the metaphor of society and the human nature's tendency to lose one's individuality to their social environment and secondly to the intense use of body horror with the traditional special effects of the time, still impressive in current times. The story has an easy-to-understand plot, but certain elements of the action cause some well deserved eyebrow raising.

Director:  Brian Yuzna     
With: Billy Warlock, Concetta D'Agnese, Ben Slack, Evan Richards

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Revenge (2017)

O mica greseala de intercalare a vacantei cu amanta si a vacantei de vanatoare cu prietenii se transforma intr-un cosmar pentru toti cei implicati.

'Revenge' e un thriller-horror de razbunare ce are ca protagonista principala o tanara aparent inofensiva. Intriga e simpla si usor de asteptat, vanatoarea ce urmeaza are cateva surprize dar si destule inconsistente. Filmat foarte frumos intr-un mediu neasteptat de desert, filmul nu este plictisitor niciun moment.

Regia:  Coralie Fargeat    
Cu: Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Kevin Janssens, Vincent Colombe, Guillaume Bouchède

Rating: 7/10

Revenge (2017)

A small scheduling mistake makes the mistress vacation overlap the friends hunting getaway and turn it all into a nightmare for everyone involved.

'Revenge' is a (surprise!) revenge thriller-horror who's protagonist is a seemingly harmless young woman. The plot is simple and easy to deduce before it happens, the hunt that follows has quite a few surprises but also some inconsistencies. Filmed beautifully in an unexpected dessert environment, the film is actually never boring and entertaining.

Director:  Coralie Fargeat    
With: Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Kevin Janssens, Vincent Colombe, Guillaume Bouchède

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Last Samurai (2003)

Un soldat american blazat este cucerit de cultura japoneza straveche pe care fusese angajat sa ajute sa distruga.

'The Last Samurai' este un film epic, bazat pe fapte istorice, ce romantizeaza cultura samuraiului. Plin de personaje asiatice interesante, filmul e construit in jurul personajului soldat american jucat de Tom Cruise. Povestea e frumoasa, bine scrisa si eroul lui Ken Watanabe - Katsumoto - este magnetic. Ca orice film epic care se respecta, si filmul de fata este plin de scene de lupta cu cadre largi, bine facute si perfect coordonate pentru o satisfactie cinematica maximizata.

Regia:  Edward Zwick     
Cu: Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe, Billy Connolly, Tony Goldwyn, Timothy Spall, Hiroyuki Sanada

Rating: 9/10

The Last Samurai (2003)

A jaded American soldier is captivated by the ancient Japanese culture he was hired to help destroy.

'The Last Samurai' is an epic, historical-based film that romanticizes samurai culture. Full of interesting Asian characters, the film is built around the American soldier character played by Tom Cruise (for some reason). The story is beautiful, well written and Ken Watanabe's hero - Katsumoto - is magnetic. Like any self-respecting epic film, this film is full of well-crafted, wide-framed and perfectly coordinated fight scenes for a maximised cinematic satisfaction.

Director:  Edward Zwick     
With: Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe, Billy Connolly, Tony Goldwyn, Timothy Spall, Hiroyuki Sanada

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Walking Dead - Season 9 (2018-2019)

Grupul condus de Rick prospera dupa razboiul cu Saviors, Rick devine o amintire si dupa 6 ani grupul Whisperers devine amenintarea cea mai temuta.

Sezonul 9 al 'The Walking Dead' e un amestec foarte pestrit si fragmentat. Cu aproximativ o treime din sezon dedicata grupului inca sub conducerea lui Rick, urmata de disparitia lui Rick si un salt in timp de 6 ani pana la introducerea amenintarii celei noi, cu o desfasurare as cum publicul a fost obisnuit, si un final socant. Ca de obicei, momentele de actiune si suspans sunt foarte eficiente, episoadele de umplutura sunt enervante iar curiozitatea fanilor die-hard ramane de ajuns de constanta pentru a continua si dupa plecarea lui Rick, favoritul acestora.

Regia:  Greg Nicotero si altii   
Productie:  AMC  
Creator:  Frank Darabont   
Durata:  1 sezon de 16 episoade (~1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, Danai Gurira, Melissa McBride, Lauren Cohan, Alanna Masterson, Christian Serratos, Josh McDermitt, Seth Gilliam, Tom Payne, Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Rating: 8/10

The Walking Dead - Season 9 (2018-2019)

Rick's group thrives after the war with The Saviors, then Rick becomes a memory and 6 years later The Whisperers become their most feared threat.

Season 9 of 'The Walking Dead' is a very fragmented mix. With about a third of the season dedicated to the group still under Rick's leadership, the season is then followed by Rick's disappearance and a time leap of 6 years up to the introduction of the new threat, which is then followed by the usual developmental structure (as the faithful audience was accustomed to), and a shocking ending. As usual, the moments of action and suspense are very effective, the filler episodes are annoying and the curiosity of the die-hard fans remains constant enough to continue even after the departure of Rick, their usual favorite.

Director:  Greg Nicotero and others   
Production:  AMC  
Creator:  Frank Darabont   
Duration:  1 season of 16 episodes (~1 hour each)   
With: Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, Danai Gurira, Melissa McBride, Lauren Cohan, Alanna Masterson, Christian Serratos, Josh McDermitt, Seth Gilliam, Tom Payne, Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Rating: 8/10

Monday, December 13, 2021

The Defenders (2017)

Organizatia The Hand devine inamicul comun al unei echipe formate din Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage si Iron Fist.

'The Defenders' a fost un serial eveniment, de un singur sezon, ce a avut probabil ca tinta familiarizarea fanilor celor 4 seriale sursa cu materialul neincercat. In mare este o continuare a actiunii lui 'Daredevil' si Jessica, Danny si Luke il ajuta in lupta unui inamic comun. Ca stil nu se indeparteaza de serialul mama, ca intriga este iar foarte asemanator. Nu ofera pre multe surprize dar ramane entertaining si este important pentru introducerea sezonului 3 de Daredevil.

Regia:  S.J. Clarkson si altii   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Douglas Petrie, Marco Ramirez   
Durata:  1 sezon de 8 episoade (50 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Charlie Cox, Krysten Ritter, Mike Colter, Finn Jones

Rating: 8/10

The Defenders (2017)

The Hand becomes the common enemy of a team formed of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and The Iron Fist.

'The Defenders' was a one-season-only event series, which probably aimed to familiarize fans of the 4 source series with the untried material. It's basically a sequel to 'Daredevil' and Jessica, Danny and Luke just help him fight a common enemy. In terms of style, it does not deviate from the mother series, and the plot is very similar too. It doesn't offer many surprises but it remains entertaining and is important for the introduction of season 3 of Daredevil.

Director:  S.J. Clarkson and others   
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Douglas Petrie, Marco Ramirez   
Duration:  1 season of 8 episodes (50 minutes each)   
With: Charlie Cox, Krysten Ritter, Mike Colter, Finn Jones

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, December 11, 2021

American Assassin (2017)

Mitch Rapp devine un specialist in infiltrare dupa ce logodnica lui este ucisa intr-un atac terorist.

'American Assassin' este un thriller cu teroristi si razbunare. Personajul principal este interesant construit, chiar intreg contextul e destul de bine gandit si bine realizat si atrag audienta cu usurime. Problemele filmului apar de la lipsa de logica in unele elemente ale intrigii. Ca intreg, filmul este totusi entertaining si merita vazut.

Regia:  Michael Cuesta   
Cu: Dylan O'Brien, Michael Keaton, Sanaa Lathan, Taylor Kitsch

Rating: 7/10

American Assassin (2017)

Mitch Rapp becomes an undercover specialist after his fiancée is killed in a terrorist attack.

'American Assassin' is a thriller with terrorists and lots of revenge. The main character is interestingly built, the whole context is quite well thought out and well done and easily attracts its audience. The problems of the film arise from the lack of logic in some elements of the plot. As a whole however, the film is still entertaining and worth seeing.

Director:  Michael Cuesta   
With: Dylan O'Brien, Michael Keaton, Sanaa Lathan, Taylor Kitsch

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, December 09, 2021

Sex/Life (2021– )

O mamica din suburbii duce dorul vietii sale salbatice dinainte de casatorie, dar in special din perioada unui anume fost ce reapare in viata ei.

'Sex/Life' este exact ceea ce pare, si anume un serial superficial, cu o poveste fara fond pentru un public ce ar trebui sa se simta ofensat. Ca realizare este bine facut, doar ca nu merita facut. Sarah Shahi e in mod normal o dulceata dar personajul ei de fata o transforma intr-unul din cele mai iritante personaje din istoria televiziunii.

Regia:  Jessika Borsiczky   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Stacy Rukeyser   
Durata:  1 sezon de 8 episoade (45-50 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Sarah Shahi, Mike Vogel, Adam Demos, Margaret Odette

Rating: 5/10

Sex/Life (2021– )

A mother from the suburbs misses the wild life she led before marriage, but especially the time with an ex who suddenly reappears in her life.

'Sex / Life' is exactly what it seems, namely a superficial series, with a meaningless and unrelatable story for an audience that should feel offended. It is well made, but it was not worth making. Sarah Shahi is normally a sweetheart, but her character has got to be one of the most irritating characters in television history.

Director:  Jessika Borsiczky  and others 
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Stacy Rukeyser   
Duration:  1 season of 8 episodes (45-50 minutes each)   
With: Sarah Shahi, Mike Vogel, Adam Demos, Margaret Odette

Rating: 5/10

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Re-Animator (1985)

Viata unui student la medicina si a prietenei sale este afectata de sosirea unui student paria ce experimenteaza cu reinvierea de tesuturi moarte.

'Re-Animator' este un film horror cult ce isi mentine efectul surprinzator de bine in era moderna, mai fericita a genului. Jocul actorilor este exagerat ca in multe filme de gen de la finalui anilor 70 si inceputul anilor 80, efectele speciale sunt bine facute, iar povestea imprastiata. Cateva figuri isi retin o impresie mai indelungata, cum ar fi David Gale ca Dr. Hill sau Jeffrey Combs in rolul studentului mai diferit.

Regia:  Stuart Gordon      
Cu: Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott, Barbara Crampton, David Gale

Rating: 7/10

Re-Animator (1985)

The life of a medical student and his girlfriend is affected by the arrival of another student - a pariah who moves in with him and who is also experimenting with the resurrection of dead tissues.

'Re-Animator' is a cult horror film that maintains its effect surprisingly well in this modern, happier era of the genre. The acting is exaggerated as in many horror films from the late 70's and early 80's, the special effects are well done and the story is just scattered. Some figures will hold a longer impression, such as David Gale as Dr. Hill or Jeffrey Combs as a the odd student.

Director:  Stuart Gordon      
With: Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott, Barbara Crampton, David Gale

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, December 05, 2021

The Suicide Squad (2021)

Insula Corto Maltese este locatia celei mai recente misiuni a echipei Task Force X, compusa din supervillains sub controlul guvernului American.

'The Suicide Squad' este urmarea filmului cu o receptie cvasi negativa din 2016. Cu puteri proaspete ce includ numai doi din pseudo-eroii din primul film (Harley Quinn si colonelul Flag), filmul de fata rescrie istoria primului intr-un mod foarte asemanator si anume cu un stil exagerat, o realitate absurdista, personaje ce isi pastreaza esenta originii din benzile desenate si intentia de a arata ca lipsa de realism a primului film a fost cu totul intentionata si nu un accident ignorant.

Regia:  James Gunn    
Cu: Margot Robbie, Idris Elba, John Cena, Joel Kinnaman

Rating: 8/10

The Suicide Squad (2021)

The Corto Maltese Island is the location of the latest mission of Task Force X, composed of supervillains under the control of the American government.

'The Suicide Squad' is the sequel to film with a very similar name that had quite a negative reception in 2016. With fresh energy that includes only two of the pseudo-heroes from the first film (Harley Quinn and Colonel Flag), this film rewrites the story of the first one in a very similar way, namely with an over-the-top style, an absurdist context, characters who keep their comic-based essence and the in-your-face intention to show that the lack of realism of the first film was entirely intentional and not just an ignorant accident.

Director:  James Gunn    
With: Margot Robbie, Idris Elba, John Cena, Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis, Nathan Fillion

Rating: 8/10

Friday, December 03, 2021

Creepshow 2 (1987)

Trei povestiri scurte de groaza: razbunarea unei sculpturi, o prezenta sinistra pe un lac si un accident rutier ce se transforma intr-un cosmar fara sfarsit.

'Creepshow' e cunoscut ca o serie de filme antologice, filmul de fata fiind cel de-al doilea si cuprinde trei short-uri horror. Inegale si totusi bine facute, intentia pare sa fi fost doar de o tentativa in graba de a satisface un public neinteles. Episodul cu lacul este foarte bun, cel cu sculptura e plictisitor. Dupa experienta serialului modern, filmele ce stau la baza acestuia nu mai par sa isi mentina statutul de cult in acelasi mod.

Regia:  Michael Gornick   
Cu: George Kennedy, Lois Chiles, Domenick John, Tom Savini

Rating: 7/10

Creepshow 2 (1987)

Three short horror stories: the revenge of a sculpture, a sinister presence on a lake and a car accident that turns into an endless nightmare.

'Creepshow' is known as a series of anthological films, this film being the second one and it includes three horror shorts. Uneven and yet well made, the intention seems to have been only for a hasty attempt to satisfy a misunderstood audience. The episode with the lake is very good, the one with the sculpture is boring. After the experience of the modern series, the films that precede it no longer seem to manage to maintain their cult status in the same way.

Director:  Michael Gornick   
With: George Kennedy, Lois Chiles, Domenick John, Tom Savini

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Daredevil (2015–2018)

Matt Murdock e Daredevil, un avocat orb ce se transforma intr-un justitiar noaptea.

'Daredevil' este serialul bazat pe universul Marvel ce a ajutat sa dea nastere miscarii MCU TV, acum cu propriul serviciu de streaming. Cu multe intersectari de actiune si personaje cu celelalte seriale din aceeasi familie, 'Daredevil' functioneaza bine de sine statator, are intrigi interesante, un villain demn de atentie si scene de lupta foarte bine coregrafiate. Singurele neajunsuri sunt ocazionalele taraganeli de la inceputul fiecarui sezon, cand intriga noua inca isi stabileste contextul.

Regia:  Phil Abraham si altii   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Drew Goddard   
Durata:  3 sezoane a cate 13 episoade (54 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Charlie Cox, Vincent D'Onofrio, Deborah Ann Woll, Elden Henson, Rosario Dawson, Jon Bernthal, Ayelet Zurer, Wilson Bethel, Elodie Yung

Rating: 8/10

Daredevil (2015–2018)

Matt Murdock is Daredevil, a blind lawyer who turns into a vigilante at night.

'Daredevil' is the series based on the Marvel universe that helped give birth to the MCU TV movement, now with its own streaming service. With many action and characters' crossovers with the other series in the same family, 'Daredevil' works well on its own, has interesting intrigues, a worthy villain and very well choreographed fight scenes. The only downsides are the occasional dragged and filler episodes at the beginning of each season, just until the viewers get a full feel of the new plot setup.

Director:  Phil Abraham and others
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Drew Goddard   
Duration:  3 seasons of 13 episodes (54 minutes each)   
With: Charlie Cox, Vincent D'Onofrio, Deborah Ann Woll, Elden Henson, Rosario Dawson, Jon Bernthal, Ayelet Zurer, Wilson Bethel, Elodie Yung

Rating: 8/10