Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness (2020)

Sara Howard si-a gasit menirea si 1 an mai tarziu dupa primul sezon, conduce o investigatie a unor crime si rapiri socante.

Sezonul doi al lui The Alienist, in care echipa nu isi schimba membrii, dar isi schimba felul in care lucreaza, acum Sara, candva secretara pentru politie, fiind investigatoarea principala dupa ce si-a deschis agentia proprie. Stilul ei este meticulos si foarte analitic, consistent cu caracterul ei din primul sezon, si cere ajutorul celorlalti membrii exact cand si cum trebuie. Serialul isi pastreaza farmecul si misterul, intriga este imbogatita de o paralela romantica, poate un pic prea romantata, dar pastreaza privitorul interesat pana in ultima clipa. Naratiunea investigatiei este originala si ofera o fascinanta analiza a realitatii medicale si sociale a sectiunii istorice prezentate aici. Finalul este bogat, cel putin din punctul de vedere al intrigii ciminalistice.

Regia:  David Caffrey,  Clare Kilner  
Productie:  TNT    
Durata:  cel de-al doilea sezon a cate 8 episoade (45-50 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Daniel Bruhl, Luke Evans, Dakota Fanning, Ted Levine, Rosy McEwen, Alice Krige, Michael McElhatton, Matt Letscher

Rating: 9/10

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness (2020)

Sara Howard found her calling and 1 year later after the first season, she leads an investigation of some shocking kidnappings and crimes.

The second season of The Alienist, in which the team does not change its members, but changes the way it works, now Sara, once a secretary for the police, being the main investigator after starting her own agency. Her style is meticulous and very analytical, consistent with her character from the first season, and she asks for the help of other members exactly appropriately. The series keeps its charm and mystery, the plot is enriched by a romantic parallel, one that's maybe a little too romanticized, but it keeps the viewer interested until the last moment. The narrative of the investigation is original and offers a fascinating analysis of the medical and social reality of the historical section presented here. The ending is rich, at least with regards to the criminalistic intrigue.

Director:  David Caffrey,  Clare Kilner  
Production:  TNT    
Duration:  the second season of 8 episodes(45-50 minutes each)   
With: Daniel Bruhl, Luke Evans, Dakota Fanning, Ted Levine, Rosy McEwen, Alice Krige, Michael McElhatton, Matt Letscher

Rating: 9/10

Monday, November 23, 2020

Jojo Rabbit (2019)

Jojo este un baiat dedicat doctrinei naziste ce afla ca mama sa ascunde o fata evreica in peretii casei.

O drama-comedie-tragedie mascata de multe aparente voit superficiale ce face uz de ridiculizarea realitatii urate. Intr-un mod foarte placut vizual, complet nou pentru subiectul de fata, unii ar spune chiat foarte usor digerabil,  Jojo Rabbit prezinta mai multe fatete ale aceleiasi foarte familiare probleme, de nenumarate ori prezentata publicului in foarte multe medii. Istoria unei intolerante vast studiate este folosita pentru a predica toleranta. Nazistii sunt explorati placut si prezentati in varietatea lor de multe culori: tinerii indoctrinati prin scoala de mici, prin idealuri false si minciuni imbracate in povesti de speriat copiii, patriotii care au devenit nazisti involuntar, printr-o evolutie nenaturala a conceptului, falsii nazisti care trebuie sa se prefaca zi de zi ca si-au pierdut umanitatea, nerozii care nu stiu mai bine si nazistii veridici. Placut si trist exact cat trebuie.

Regia:  Taika Waititi   
Cu: Roman Griffin Davis, Thomasin McKenzie, Scarlett Johansson, Taika Waititi, Sam Rockwell, Rebel Wilson, Alfie Allen, Stephen Merchant

Rating: 8/10

Jojo Rabbit (2019)

Jojo is a boy that's very dedicated to the Nazi doctrine who finds out that his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in the walls of the house.

A drama-comedy-tragedy masked by many seemingly superficial appearances that makes good use of ridiculing the ugly truth. In a very visually pleasing way, wholly new to this subject, some would say very easily digestible, Jojo Rabbit presents several facets of the same very familiar problem, countlessly presented to the public in many forms before. The history of a widely studied intolerance is thus used to preach tolerance. The Nazis are pleasantly explored and presented in their very colorful variety: the young adepts who get indoctrinated when very young through school, using false ideals and lies dressed as scary fantasy stories, patriots who became Nazis involuntarily, through an unnatural evolution of the concept, pseudo Nazis who have to pretend and act every day as if they have lost their humanity, airheads who truly just don't know better and the genuine Nazis. Pleasant and sad to watch in perfect balance.

Director:  Taika Waititi   
With: Roman Griffin Davis, Thomasin McKenzie, Scarlett Johansson, Taika Waititi, Sam Rockwell, Rebel Wilson, Alfie Allen, Stephen Merchant

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Monster (2016)

O mama si fiica cu o relatie tumultuoasa sunt fortate de imprejurari sa petrece noaptea pe un drum parasit in mijlocul padurii, incercand sa se apere de un monstru misterios.

Un film de groaza ce pune accent pe drama si relatiile interumane prezentate. Drama este credibila si palpabila, personajele actioneaza in genere intr-un mod ce are sens si e consistent cu mintea umana, chiar si in greseli. Singurul punct slab e finalul, dramatizat peste masura pe baza unei idei ce de fapt nu e chiar logica, dar nu strica complet impresia unui film bun construita pana atunci.

Regia:  Bryan Bertino     
Cu: Zoe Kazan, Ella Ballentine, Aaron Douglas, Christine Ebadi

Rating: 8/10

The Monster (2016)

A mother and daughter with a tumultuous relationship are forced by circumstances to spend the night on an abandoned road in the middle of the forest, trying to defend themselves from a mysterious monster.

A horror film that emphasizes the drama and interpersonal relationships it builds up. The drama is believable and palpable, the characters generally act in a way that makes sense and is consistent with the way the human mind works, even in mistakes. The only weak point is the ending, dramatized excessively and based on an idea that is not entirely logical, but does not completely spoil the impression of a good movie built up to that point.

Director:  Bryan Bertino     
With: Zoe Kazan, Ella Ballentine, Aaron Douglas, Christine Ebadi

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Watchmen (2019)

Intr-o realitate alternativa, politistii poarta masti pentru a evita crime de ura, iar justitiarii mascati sunt scosi in afara legii.

Un serial de scurta durata (doar 1 sezon) bazat pe romanul grafic original Watchmen, ce prezinta o alternativa la realitatea curenta, cu o creanga a istoriei determinata de evenimente intense cauzate de rasism si intoleranta, in care personajele cunoscute din Watchmen sunt gradual adaugate si conectate de povestea principala desfasurata pe ecran, ce o implica in primul rand pe Angela Abar, o politista fortata sa poarte masca pentru a-si continua munca pentru care a fost nascuta. Intriga este prezentata in primul episod dar conexiunile cu restul personajelor nu sunt evidente pana spre final, cand de fapt publicul afla si telul neasteptat al fortelor inamice. Inteligent, bine scris, concentrat pe portretizari de personaje interesante, Watchmen este usor de vizionat fara frustrare cu atentia satisfacuta cu usurinta de distractiile momentului curent.

Regia:  Nicole Kassell, Stephen Williams si altii
Productie:  The WB   
Creator:  Damon Lindelof   
Durata: 1 sezon de 9 episoade (>60 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Regina King, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Tom Mison, Sara Vickers, Jeremy Irons, Jean Smart, Louis Gossett Jr., Don Johnson, Tim Blake Nelson

Rating: 8/10

Watchmen (2019)

In an alternative history universe, the police wear masks to avoid hate crimes, and the masked vigilantes are outlawed.

A short series (only 1 season) based on the original Watchmen graphic novel, which presents an alternative to the current reality, with a branch of history triggered by intense events caused by racism and intolerance, in which the known characters from Watchmen are gradually mixed in and connected to the main story that's unfolding on the screen, which primarily involves Angela Abar, a policewoman forced to wear a mask to continue doing the work she was made for. The plot is dutifully presented in the first episode but the connections with the rest of the characters are not obvious until far towards the end, when in fact the audience also finds out what the unexpected purpose of the enemy forces is. Intelligent, well written, focused on portraying interesting characters, Watchmen is easy to watch without any frustration with the viewer's attention easily satisfied by the fun of whatever the current scene involves.

Directors:  Nicole Kassell, Stephen Williams and others
Production:  The WB   
Creator:  Damon Lindelof   
Duration: 1 season of 9 episodes(>60 minutes each)   
With: Regina King, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Tom Mison, Sara Vickers, Jeremy Irons, Jean Smart, Louis Gossett Jr., Don Johnson, Tim Blake Nelson

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Una (2016)

Una decide sa caute si sa infrunte pe fostul vecin  mult mai in varsta cu care a avut o relatie cand avea 13 ani.

O drama neobisnuita despre o situatie neobisnuita. Decide in a folosi un subiect tabu pe care reuseste sa il exploateze fara a emite pareri sau judecati legate de vina sau condamnare a vreunui fapt, reusind sa prinda privitorul prin drama autentica si sentimentele contradictorii si demne de mila pe care ambii protagonisti le genereaza. Bine jucat si intens, subiectul ramane tabu dar oroarea ideii devine usor atenuata prin imbinarea cu o compatimire fara totusi, iertare. 

Regia:  Benedict Andrews     
Cu: Ruby Stokes, Rooney Mara, David Shields, Ben Mendelsohn

Rating: 9/10

Una (2016)

Una decides to find and confront her much older ex-neighbor with whom she had a relationship when she was 13 years old.

An unusual drama about an unusual situation. The makers decide to use a taboo subject that they then manage to exploit without issuing any clear opinions or passing judgments related to any sort of guilt or condemnation of any of the described facts, managing to capture the viewer's full attention through authentic and gripping drama and contrasting and pity-filled feelings that both protagonists generate. Showcasing great and intense performances, the film's subject remains taboo but the outrage provoked by it becomes ever so slightly attenuated by being combined with an unforgiving pity. 

Director:  Benedict Andrews     
With: Ruby Stokes, Rooney Mara, David Shields, Ben Mendelsohn

Rating: 9/10

Monday, November 09, 2020

Slender Man (2018)

Slender Man e un mit urban ce a inceput sa circule in comunitatea online si un grup de prietene decid sa se implice ca o distractie.

Un film de groaza bazat pe o isterie adolescentina online reala, ce a avut deja victime reale (foarte similar povestii din Mercy Black, copii au ranit alti copii in numele lui Slender Man). Filmul sufera in popularitate tocmai datorita acestei legaturi reale, fiind acuzat ca incearca sa profite material de pe urma unor suferinte reale ce inca erau elucidate la data filmului. Ca film functioneaza ok, banal si intrigant indeajuns pentru a servi drept distractie de la cotidian, cu siguranta nu atat de slab cum ar sugera-o ratingul global.

Regia:  Sylvain White   
Cu: Joey King, Julia Goldani Telles, Jaz Sinclair, Annalise Basso

Rating: 6/10

Slender Man (2018)

Slender Man is an urban myth that has started circulating in the online community and a group of girlfriends decide to get involved just for fun.

A horror film based on a real online teen hysteria, which already has had real victims (very similar to the story in Mercy Black, children injured other children in the name of Slender Man). The film suffers in popularity precisely because of this real connection, being accused of trying to make profits from real sufferings that were still being clarified at the time of the film. As a film, it works ok, with a sufficient balance of banal and intriguing in order to still distract the viewer's mind from everyday worry, certainly not as bad as its general rating would suggest.

Director:  Sylvain White   
With: Joey King, Julia Goldani Telles, Jaz Sinclair, Annalise Basso

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Look Away (2018)

O adolescenta introvertita schimba locul cu opusul sau din oglinda.

Un film horror mai mult sau mai putin filozofic. Sub pretextul ideii cum ca fiecare om ascunde o varianta negativa a sa, Look Away se leaga de si de alti factori negativi si anume influenta parintilor si a relatiei dintre ei, asteptarile inalte  ale acestora in detrimentul elementului afectiv precum si contextul scolii si prezenta unor insi neplacuti. Frumos filmat, Look Away contine cateva scene puternice, dar ca intreg sufera de un ritm incet nenecesar si o proportie de stil peste continut nesanatoasa.

Regia:  Assaf Bernstein     
Cu: India Eisley, Jason Isaacs, Mira Sorvino, Penelope Mitchell

Rating: 6/10

Look Away (2018)

An introverted teenager changes places with her mirror opposite.

A more or less philosophical horror film. Using the idea that each person hides a negative version/side of themselves, Look Away also links to other negative factors, namely the influence of one's parents and their own relationship and interaction with each other, their high expectations that overrules the emotional element and the school context and the effect of bullies. Beautifully filmed, Look Away contains some powerful scenes, but as a whole it suffers from an unnecessarily slow rhythm and an unhealthy proportion of style over content.

Director:  Assaf Bernstein     
With: India Eisley, Jason Isaacs, Mira Sorvino, Penelope Mitchell

Rating: 6/10

Monday, November 02, 2020

Misfits (2009–2013)

Un grup de tineri certati cu legea descopera ca au puteri noi dupa ce au fost fulgerati in timpul unei furtuni misterioase.

Un serial ce refoloseste tema mutantilor sub forma unor tineri adolescenti ce se trezesc cu supraputeri peste noapte si gasesc moduri inedite de a se gasi in situatii periculoase sau cel putin ciudate. Serialul reuseste sa fie foarte original, punand accent pe umor si interactiunea personajelor si gaseste mereu moduri noi de a surprinde publicul. 

Regia:  mai multi   
Productie:  E4 
Creator:  Howard Overman   
Durata:  5 sezoane a cate 6-8 episoade (in jur de 50 de minute fiecare)   
Cu: Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Joseph Gilgun, Iwan Rheon, Lauren Socha

Rating: 9/10

Misfits (2009–2013)

A group of in-and-out-of-trouble-with-the-law youths discover they have new powers after being struck by lightning during a mysterious storm.

A series that reuses the mutant theme in the shape of young teenagers who wake up with superpowers overnight and keep finding unique ways of getting themselves in dangerous or at least weird situations. The series manages to be very original, with emphasis on humor and character interaction and always finds new ways to surprise the audience. 

Director:  several   
Production:  E4 
Creator:  Howard Overman   
Duration:  5 seasons of 6-8 episodes (of around 50 de minutes each)   
With: Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Joseph Gilgun, Iwan Rheon, Lauren Socha

Rating: 9/10