Tuesday, March 30, 2021

w Delta z (2007)

Un detectiv incepator colaboreaza cu unul veteran in incercarea de a prinde un criminal in serie ce isi alege victime ce merita pedepsire.

w Delta z este un thriller politist ce se vrea mai inteligent decat altele dar nu e. Se foloseste de referinte matematice ce ar trebui sa creeze un pic de ceata si mister dar logica folosirii lor nu e prea verificata in practic. E filmat cu o camera libera ce ar trebui sa ii dea un aer original si indie, dar nu reuseste decat sa enerveze privitorul. Filmul nu e rau dar multe aspecte ar putea fi imbunatatite sau scoase complet.

Regia:  Tom Shankland   
Cu: Stellan Skarsgård, Melissa George, Ashley Walters, Tom Hardy, Selma Blair, Sally Hawkins

Rating: 6/10

w Delta z (2007)

A rookie detective is working with a veteran one in trying to catch a serial killer who chooses victims who deserve to be punished.

w Delta z is a cop thriller that wants to seem more clever than others but it is not. The film uses some mathematical references that should create a bit of fog and mystery but the logic of their use is not very well verified in practice. It's also filmed with a free hand camera which is meant to give it an original and indie vibe, but all it manages is to annoy the viewer. The film is not bad but many of its aspects could be improved or removed completely.

Director:  Tom Shankland   
With: Stellan Skarsgård, Melissa George, Ashley Walters, Tom Hardy, Selma Blair, Sally Hawkins

Rating: 6/10

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Bullet Head (2017)

Trei fugari se retrag intr-un depozit abandonat in cautare de adapost dupa un jaf ce a mers prost.

Bullet Head e un film in aparenta thriller, dar de fapt e un pretext abil pentru a insirui o serie de povestiri tip antologie, fiecare in alt mod legata de actiunea prezenta, si fiecare in alt stil. In mare, filmul e pentru iubitorii de animale, mai ales caini, desi spectatorul este nevoit a tolera trairi ce inspira opusul pana a ajunge la aceeasi concluzie. Bine jucat, bine scris, dar prost prezentat, deoarece multe din criticile negative vin din asteptarile dezamagite (thriller care a devenit altceva odata inceput).

Regia:  Paul Solet     
Cu: Adrien Brody, Antonio Banderas, John Malkovich, Rory Culkin

Rating: 8/10

Bullet Head (2017)

Three fugitives get trapped in an abandoned warehouse in search of shelter after a robbery gone wrong.

Bullet Head is seemingly a thriller, but in fact, it's a clever pretext for displaying a series of anthology-like stories, each in a different way related to the present action, and each with a different storytelling style. In essence, the film is meant for animal lovers, especially dogs, although the viewer has to tolerate feelings that inspire the opposite before finally reaching that same conclusion. Well acted, well written, but poorly presented, because many of the negative reviews come from disappointed expectations (a thriller that became something else once started).

Director:  Paul Solet     
With: Adrien Brody, Antonio Banderas, John Malkovich, Rory Culkin

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, March 21, 2021

A Discovery of Witches (2018– )

Diana este doctor in istorie de succes, dar are radacini supranaturale, si viata ei se schimba cand devine evident ca este singura persoana ce poate accesa un anume volum de istorie de interes pentru lumea supranaturala.

Un serial romantic despre o realitate moderna amestecata cu istorii supranaturale, ce intriga in mod original in perioada de inceput, pentru ca apoi sa continuie intr-un mod ce aminteste de un Twilight de nivel superior. Cu cliseele romantice de rigoare, A Discovery of Witches este interesant de ajuns pentru a nu suferi din cauza renumelui negativ al unor povesti similare in acelasi gen. Actorii isi duc rolul in spate cu multa abilitate, fara a da in ridicol, si intriga este interesanta si serioasa.

Regia:  Farren Blackburn si altii   
Productie:  Sky   
Creator:  Deborah Harkness   
Durata:  2 sezoane a cate 10 episoade (42 minute fiecare)   cu un al 3-lea in productie
Cu: Matthew Goode, Teresa Palmer, Valarie Pettiford, Alex Kingston, Lindsay Duncan, Owen Teale, Sophia Myles

Rating: 8/10

A Discovery of Witches (2018– )

Diana is a successful historian, but she has supernatural roots, and her life changes when it becomes obvious that she is the only person who can access a certain volume of history of interest to the supernatural world.

A romantic series about a modern reality mixed with supernatural stories, which intrigues in an original way in the beginning stages, and then continues its story in a way that makes one think of a superior Twilight. With some of the expected romantic clichés, A Discovery of Witches is interesting enough not to suffer from the bad name that similar stories of the same genre acquired. The actors carry their role with a lot of skill, without allowing the narrative to become ridiculous and the plot is interesting, rich and serious.

Director:  Farren Blackburn and others   
Production:  Bad Wolf (Sky)   
Creator:  Deborah Harkness   
Duration:  2 seasons of 10 episodes (42 minutes each) and a third in production
With: Matthew Goode, Teresa Palmer, Valarie Pettiford, Alex Kingston, Lindsay Duncan, Owen Teale, Sophia Myles

Rating: 8/10

Friday, March 19, 2021

The Babysitter (2017)

Lucrurile iau intorsaturi neasteptate in seara cand Cole decide sa nu adoarma cand e programat pentru a-si spiona babysitter-ul.

The Babysitter e o supriza complet placuta in forma unui film de groaza comedie de nota 10. Elementul horror e bine scris si bogat in idei originale, si prezentat intr-un ritm alert si tensionant exact cat trebuie. Comicul este reprezentat in situatiile incredibile si intorsaturile la tot pasul, personajele foarte colorate si bine creionate si dialogul rapid, bogat si plin de citate si referinte din filme cult. Pentru amatorii genului, e un deliciu fara gres.

Regia:  McG     
Cu: Judah Lewis, Samara Weaving, Robbie Amell, Hana Mae Lee, Bella Thorne, Emily Alyn Lind, Leslie Bibb

Rating: 10/10

The Babysitter (2017)

Things take an unexpected turn in the one evening when Cole decides not to fall asleep when he was meant to, in order to spy on his babysitter.

The Babysitter is a completely pleasant surprise in the form of a top notch horror comedy film. The horror element is well written and very rich in original ideas, and presented in an alert and exactly-the-right-amount-of-tense rhythm. The comedy side is represented by the many incredible situations and twists galore, the very colorful and well-defined characters and the fast dialogue, rich and full of quotes and cult references. The Babysitter is a flawless delight for the fans of the genre.

Director:  McG     
With: Judah Lewis, Samara Weaving, Robbie Amell, Hana Mae Lee, Bella Thorne, Emily Alyn Lind, Leslie Bibb

Rating: 10/10

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Wayward Pines (2015) - season 1

Un agent secret isi cauta colegii disparuti in zona Wayward Pines, dar ramane blocat in oraselul secretos.

Un serial ce promitea multe dupa alaturarea unui nume ca M Night Shyamalan si cu o echipa de actori de prima mana. Prima jumatate a serialului este excelenta, cu un suspans bine masurat si o intriga demna de Hitchcock. Pe la jumatate, cam aflam care e radacina misterului, si cumva cumva, atractia inca exista si misterul inca functioneaza, dar undeva spre final, totul este dat peste cap si povestea da intr-un The Purge cu adolescenti prost scris si prost executat, ce anuleaza usor orice interes pentru potentialul unui sezon secundar ce poate nu ar face aceleasi alegeri. Si totusi, se pare ca este o parere populara, deoarece ratingul scazut al celui de-al doilea sezon a culminat cu anularea lui Wayward Pines.

Regia:  M. Night Shyamalan, Vincenzo Natali (doar cate 1 episod) si multi altii   
Productie:  FOX   
Creator:  Chad Hodge   
Durata:  Sezonul 1 din 2 sezoane a cate 10 episoade (44 de minute fiecare)   
Cu: Matt Dillon, Carla Gugino, Toby Jones, Shannyn Sossamon, Charlie Tahan, Juliette Lewis, Melissa Leo, Terrence Howard, Siobhan Fallon Hogan

Rating: 7/10

Wayward Pines (2015) - season 1

A secret service agent is looking for his missing colleagues in the Wayward Pines area, but he gets stuck in the secretive town.

A series that promised a lot once associated with a name like M Night Shyamalan and with a team of first-hand actors. The first half of the series is excellent, with a well-paced suspense and an intrigue worthy of a Hitchcock caliber. Halfway through, we find out what the root of the mystery is, and somehow, the attraction still exists and the mystery still works, but somewhere towards the end, everything is turned upside down and the story goes into a badly written and poorly executed "The Purge with teenagers" direction, a fact that easily cancels out any interest in the potential of a second season that might not have made similar choices. And yet, this one here seems to be the popular opinion, as the low rating of the second season culminated in the cancellation of Wayward Pines.

Director:  M. Night Shyamalan, Vincenzo Natali (just 1 episode each) and many others   
Production:  FOX   
Creator:  Chad Hodge   
Duration:  Season 1 of 2 seasons that are both 10 episodes (44 minutes each)   
With: Matt Dillon, Carla Gugino, Toby Jones, Shannyn Sossamon, Charlie Tahan, Juliette Lewis, Melissa Leo, Terrence Howard, Siobhan Fallon Hogan

Rating: 7/10

Friday, March 12, 2021

The Turning (2020)

O guvernanta are grija de o fetita orfana, de familie bogata, dar are parte de multe intorsaturi neasteptate odata cu aparitia fratelui acesteia.

A doua ecranizare dupa The Turn Of The Screw din 2020, dupa The Haunting Of Bly Manor. Nu a fost primit foarte bine, dar nu e din cauza coincidentei celor doua productii, ci pur si simplu The Turning nu e foarte bine facut. Pe scurt, e un film de groaza cu accente gotice, ce uita sa evite cliseele genului, cu un final ce se indeparteaza de carte si invita la meditatie, dar nu salveaza intregul.

Regia:  Floria Sigismondi    
Cu: Mackenzie Davis, Finn Wolfhard, Brooklynn Prince, Barbara Marten

Rating: 5/10

The Turning (2020)

A governess has to care of an orphaned girl, from a rich family, but things take many unexpected turns with the appearance of her brother.

The second adaptation of The Turn Of The Screw released in 2020, after The Haunting Of Bly Manor. It was not very well received, but it is not due to the bad timing of the two productions, but simply to the fact that The Turning is not very well done. In short, it is a horror film with gothic accents, which forgets to avoid the clichés of the genre, with an ending that moves away from the book and invites deep thought, but does not save the whole result.

Director:  Floria Sigismondi    
With: Mackenzie Davis, Finn Wolfhard, Brooklynn Prince, Barbara Marten

Rating: 5/10

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Maggie (2015)

Un tata petrece ultimele saptamani cu fiica sa, dupa ce aceasta este infectata cu o boala fatala ce transforma victimele in zombie.

O drama neobisnuita cu Arnold Schwarzenegger. Pune intrebari interesante in ceea ce priveste legatura emotionala cu o victima ce este intrerupta de o transformare atipica. Filmul de fata arata opusul ideii din The Mist (nu spun mai multe pe motive de spoilers...) si ideea de fata (si anume ca nu ai privi acea persoana diferit) se simte ca ar fi reactia cea mai naturala. Altfel, filmul nu e prea special, partea horror e undeva ascunsa in fundal, si ritmul este cam incet. Arnold isi duce rolul in spate modest si fara prea nimic de comentat.

Regia:  Henry Hobson     
Cu: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Abigail Breslin, Joely Richardson

Rating: 7/10

Maggie (2015)

A father spends the last weeks with his daughter, after she is infected with a fatal disease that turns its victims into zombies.

An unusual drama with Arnold Schwarzenegger. It asks interesting questions about the emotional connection with a victim which then gets interrupted by an atypical transformation. This film shows the opposite of what The Mist suggested (I won't say more due to spoilers ...), which is mainly that one wouldn't feel differently and they'd still see that person as themselves, and to the viewer, this feels like the most natural reaction. Otherwise, the movie is not very special, the horror aspect is hidden somewhere in the background, and the pace is a bit slow. Arnold plays his role modestly and without much to comment on.

Director:  Henry Hobson     
With: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Abigail Breslin, Joely Richardson

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, March 06, 2021

The Terror (2018)

Povestea expeditiei pierdute a lui Franklin in Arcticul Canadian ce a avut loc folosind cele doua vase celebre: Terror si Erebus.

Semi-istoric, The Terror incepe un serial tip antologie, cu primul sezon dedicat unei tragedii istorice reale si anume expeditia lui John Franklin in incercarea de a gasi un pasaj nordic catre India si China via Arcticul Canadian. Elementul supranatural este folosit aici doar ca un pretext pentru a pune in scena o dramatizare intensa, cu personaje bine definite si fascinante din lipsa unui cuvant mai putin banal, ce tine spectatorul in priza pe intreaga durata a celore zece episoade, chiar si in prezenta unui final anuntat tragic, inca din primele minute. Te Terror este un deliciu pentru fanii de horror, dar mai ales pentru amatorii de drama si aventuri, si curiozitati psihologice.

Regia:  Tim Mielants si altii   
Productie:  AMC   
Creator: David Kajganich, Max Borenstein, Alexander Woo   
Durata:  primul sezon de 10 episoade (42 de minute fiecare); al 2lea sezon a aparut in 2019
Cu: Jared Harris, Tobias Menzies, Paul Ready, Ciarán Hinds, Paul Ready, Adam Nagaitis, Ian Hart, Greta Scacchi, Edward Ashley, John Lynch

Rating: 10/10

The Terror (2018)

The story of Franklin's lost expedition to the Canadian Arctic which took place using the two famous ships: Terror and Erebus.

Semi-historical, The Terror starts an anthology series, with the first season dedicated to a real historical tragedy, namely John Franklin's expedition through the ice, in an attempt to find a northern passage to India and China via the Canadian Arctic. The supernatural element is used here only as a pretext to put together an intense dramatization, with well-defined and fascinating (in lack of a less cliché word) characters, which keeps the viewer engaged throughout all the ten episodes, even in the presence of a tragically announced end, known already from the first few minutes. The Terror is a delight for horror fans, but even more so for lovers of drama and adventure, and psychological curiosities.

Director:  Tim Mielants and others   
Production:  AMC   
Creators: David Kajganich, Max Borenstein, Alexander Woo   
Duration:  this is the first season with 10 episodes (42 minutes each); the second season came out in 2019
With: Jared Harris, Tobias Menzies, Paul Ready, Ciarán Hinds, Paul Ready, Adam Nagaitis, Ian Hart, Greta Scacchi, Edward Ashley, John Lynch

Rating: 10/10

Thursday, March 04, 2021

Doctor Sleep (2019)

Danny Torrance a crescut si devenit un aparator al copiilor asemanatori lui ce sunt in pericol de a deveni victimele unor supranaturali ce ii consuma pentru a-si prelungi existenta.

Un film de groaza bazat pe un roman de Stephen King ce e diferit de restul. Se indeparteaza frumos de The Shining dar ofera un context global pentru acest mit al stralucirii supranaturale. Elementele fanteziste arata darul lui Stephen King pentru a infiripa povesti fascinante si originale dar, ca de obicei, sunt insotite de suferinta inocentilor in diverse forme, adesea cea mai intensa sursa de asa-zisa oroare a genului de groaza. Multe idei sunt prezentate, multe actiuni au loc, si personaje dezvoltate ca la carte se perinda pe ecran, dar ceva ceva ii lipseste pentru a atinge un nivel cult de capodopera, poate atentia/obsesia pentru detalii este propriul obstacol. Foarte entertaining de altfel.

Regia:  Mike Flanagan    
Cu: Ewan McGregor, Rebecca Ferguson, Kyliegh Curran, Cliff Curtis

Rating: 8/10

Doctor Sleep (2019)

Danny Torrance grows up to become a protector for children like him who are in danger of becoming victims of supernatural beings who consume them in order to prolong their lives.

A horror film based on a novel by Stephen King that is quite different from others. It moves away nicely from The Shining but at the same time, it provides a global context for this myth of the supernatural "shining". The fantasy elements show Stephen King's gift for coming up with intricate and fascinating original stories, but, as usual, they are accompanied by the suffering of the innocent in various forms, often the most intense source of the so-called horror of the genre. Many ideas are presented, many actions take place, and many well developed characters fill up the screen, but the film is just lacking something to get it to a cult level of masterpiece, maybe the attention/obsession for details is its own downfall on that front. Very enjoyable otherwise.

Director:  Mike Flanagan    
With: Ewan McGregor, Rebecca Ferguson, Kyliegh Curran, Cliff Curtis

Rating: 8/10