Saturday, May 29, 2021

Criminal: France (2019– )

Serial bazat pe aceleasi principii si idee ca si Criminal: UK dar adaptat si localizat in Franta.

Impresionanta misiunea celor ce au produs familia de seriale Criminal (impreuna cu Netflix). Ideea investigatiilor si stilului sunt comune, dar este o adevarata realizare cand se compara scenografia, stilul de filmare si fiecare mic detaliu al fiecarei scene ce folosesc aceleasi instrumente, decoratiuni, camere, holuri si orice alt mic amanunt ce a fost mentinut cu migala. Alegerea subiectelor pentru varianta franceza e usor mai diferita, accentul fiind pus pe diversitate, neobisnuit si sentimentalism, intr-un mod foarte placut.

Regia:  Frédéric Mermoud   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  George Kay, Jim Field Smith   
Durata:  1 sezon de 3 episoade (39 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Margot Bancilhon, Laurent Lucas, Stéphane Jobert, Anne Azoulay

Rating: 8/10

Criminal: France (2019– )

Series based on the same principles and idea as Criminal: UK but adapted to and located in France.

An impressive mission of those who produced the Criminal series family (along with Netflix). The idea of ​​investigation interviews and the style are common, but it is an unbelievable achievement when comparing scenography, filming style and every little detail of each scene using the same tools, decorations, rooms, hallways and any other small feature that has been carefully maintained. The choice of subjects for the French version is slightly different, the emphasis being nicely put on diversity, unusualness and sentimentality, in a very pleasant way.

Director:  Frédéric Mermoud   
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  George Kay, Jim Field Smith   
Duration:  1 season of 3 episodes(39 minutes each)   
With: Margot Bancilhon, Laurent Lucas, Stéphane Jobert, Anne Azoulay

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Reflecting Skin (1990)

Intr-o zona rurala din SUA anilor 50, Seth e un baietel ce gaseste explicatii fantastice pentru orori umane.

The Reflecting Skin este un film cu totul deosebit. E bazat pe realitati crunte ale naturii umane, inocenta copilariei, cruditatea copilariei, puterea empatiei precum si a lipsei empatiei. Are o cinematografie deosebita, extrem de impresionanta vizual, chiar si cand imaginile portretizeaza scene ale unor acte teribile. Personajele copii probabil socheaza cel mai mult, autorul vrand sa evidentieze cat de aproape ii aduce inocenta lor catre sociopatie. In afara de cateva exemple marginale ce simt prea mult, majoritatea personajelor sunt doar carcase ale oamenilor ce ar fi putut sa fie. The Reflecting Skin este frumos, si trist, si nu incearca sa scuze, nici sa acuze.

Regia:  Philip Ridley    
Cu: Viggo Mortensen, Lindsay Duncan, Jeremy Cooper, Sheila Moore

Rating: 8/10

The Reflecting Skin (1990)

In a rural 50's US, Seth is a boy who finds fantastic explanations for human horrors.

The Reflecting Skin is a very special film. It's based on the cruel realities of human nature, the innocence of childhood, the cruelty of childhood, the power of empathy and of the lack of empathy. It has a special cinematography, extremely impressive visually, even when the images it portrays are scenes of terrible acts. The children's characters probably shock the most, the author wanting to highlight how close their innocence brings them to sociopathy. Aside from a few marginal examples that feel too much, most of the characters are just carcasses of the people they could have been. The Reflecting Skin is beautiful, and sad, and it doesn't try to make excuses or to accuse.

Director:  Philip Ridley    
With: Viggo Mortensen, Lindsay Duncan, Jeremy Cooper, Sheila Moore

Rating: 8/10

Monday, May 24, 2021

How to Get Away with Murder (2014–2020)

O profesoara la Drept carismatica isi atrage o echipa de studenti ambitiosi ce se trezesc implicati accidental intr-o crima complicata.

Inca un serial din ampla familie Shondaland (Grey's Anatomy, Bridgerton, Scandal), ceea ce inseamna scandal, senzational, coincidente incredibile, consecinte neasteptate, spontaneitate si entuziasm necaracteristice nimanui din viata reala. Cu alte cuvinte: o telenovela americana cu avocati. Echipa de actori e bine aleasa, Viola Davis e electrica desi poate cam mereu suparata, situatiile sunt interesante, o doza temperata de siropoase si dependenta e usor de inteles, intetita de o scena momeala in fragmente scurte chiar de la primul episod.

Liza Weil e familiara din Gilmore Girls iar Charlie Weber a fost Ben in Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Regia:  Bill D'Elia si altii   
Productie:  ABC   
Creator:  Peter Nowalk   
Durata:  6 sezoane a cate 15 episoade (43 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Viola Davis, Billy Brown, Jack Falahee, Charlie Weber, Liza Weil, Karla Souza, Conrad Ricamora, Amirah Vann, Alfred Enoch, Aja Naomi King, Jimmy Smits, Esai Morales, Luna Lauren Velez, Famke Janssen

Rating: 7/10

How to Get Away with Murder (2014–2020)

A charismatic law professor takes a team of ambitious students under her wing, students who eventually find themselves accidentally involved in a complicated crime.

Another series from the large Shondaland family (Grey's Anatomy, Bridgerton, Scandal), which means scandal, sensational, incredible coincidences, unexpected consequences, spontaneity and enthusiasm uncharacteristic to anyone in the real world. In other words: an American soap opera with lawyers. The cast is well chosen, Viola Davis is electric, although maybe too negative too much of the time, the situations are interesting, with a temperate dose of cheesy and the addiction is easy to understand, given the short fragments of the "bait scene" that are fed to us from the first episode each season.

Liza Weil might be familiar from the Gilmore Girls and Charlie Weber was Ben from the Ben&Glory duo in Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Director:  Bill D'Elia and others   
Production:  ABC   
Creator:  Peter Nowalk   
Duration:  6 seasons of 15 episodes (43 minutes each)   
With: Viola Davis, Billy Brown, Jack Falahee, Charlie Weber, Liza Weil, Karla Souza, Conrad Ricamora, Amirah Vann, Alfred Enoch, Aja Naomi King, Jimmy Smits, Esai Morales, Luna Lauren Velez, Famke Janssen

Rating: 7/10

Monday, May 17, 2021

Suburban Gothic (2014)

Raymond se intoarce in casa parinteasca in urma unei serii de esecuri personale, dar descopera ca aceasta e bantuita.

O comedie neagra - de groaza - foarte nuantata. Personajul principal e un adult imatur, fosta victima de bullying din copilarie, dar plin de inteligenta irosita, sursa principala de comedie, laolalta cu dialogurile aprinse cu tatal sau, o personalitate complet incompatibila cu a sa. Kat Dennings e binevenita si foarte colorata ca de obicei, dar personajul ei nu aduce nimic in plus povestii sau dialogului. Efectele speciale sunt foarte inapoiate dar totul este evident intentionat, deoarece elementul horror e aproape doar un subiect de conversatie si instigatorul principal.

Regia:  Richard Bates Jr.    
Cu: Matthew Gray Gubler, Kat Dennings, Ray Wise, Barbara Niven

Rating: 8/10

Suburban Gothic (2014)

Raymond returns to his parents' house after a series of personal failures, but discovers that it is haunted.

Suburban Gothic is a very nuanced black/horror comedy. The main character is an immature adult, a former victim of childhood bullying, but full of wasted intelligence, the main source of comedy, along with his heated arguments to his father, a personality that's completely incompatible with his own. Kat Dennings is welcome and very colorful as usual, but her character does not really bring anything extra to the story or the dialogue. The special effects are very dated but everything is obviously intentional, since the horror element is almost just a conversation starter.

Director:  Richard Bates Jr.    
With: Matthew Gray Gubler, Kat Dennings, Ray Wise, Barbara Niven

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, May 13, 2021

It's Kind of a Funny Story (2010)

Un adolescent depresiv se interneaza la sectia psihiatrica pentru adulti.

O drama-comedie ce prezinta intr-un mod dulce-amar-dulce diferitele stadii posibile ale unei depresii si puterea unui anturaj ce sprijina. Ideea e interesanta, rezultatul este atragator, desi poate doar prin accentul pe tragi-comedie, producatorii lasand elementele mai realiste pentru acele stadii esentiale in anatomia unui film cand tranzitia catre un dramatic accentuat se cere.

Regia:  Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck   
Cu: Keir Gilchrist, Zach Galifianakis, Emma Roberts, Dana DeVesterne

Rating: 8/10

It's Kind of a Funny Story (2010)

A depressed teenager gets himself admitted in the adult psychiatric ward.

A drama-comedy that presents in a sweet-bitter-sweet way all the different possible stages of depression and the power of a supporting entourage. The idea is interesting, the result is appealing, although maybe only due to the emphasis on tragicomedy, the producers leaving the more realistic elements for those essential stages in the anatomy of a film when the transition to an accentuated drama is mandatory.

Director:  Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck   
With: Keir Gilchrist, Zach Galifianakis, Emma Roberts, Dana DeVesterne

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Kadaver (2020)

Intr-un viitor post-apocaliptic, o familie este tentata de o piesa de teatru avangardista ce promite mancare gratuita.

Un film horror de tip "soarecele si pisica" ce aminteste de Cube si Saw pe alocuri. Contextul post-apocaliptic este credibil si compatibil pentru intriga si final, elemente de obiectat in schimb vin de la anumite actiuni ale personajelor ce denota un pic de..stupiditate intentionata. Filmul in genere functioneaza ok dar inspira si speranta si oroare in ceea ce priveste destinul umanitatii.
Thorbjørn Harr va fi familiar din The Vikings.

Regia:  Jarand Herdal   
Cu: Gitte Witt, Thomas Gullestad, Thorbjørn Harr, Maria Grazia Di Meo

Rating: 7/10

Kadaver (2020)

In a post-apocalyptic future, a family gets tempted by an avant-garde play production that also promises free food.

A "cat and mouse" horror movie reminiscent of Cube and Saw in some places. The post-apocalyptic context is believable and compatible for the plot and the finale, elements to be objected instead come from certain actions of the characters that denote a bit of ... stupidity, as per the writers' (misguided) design. The film generally works ok and it inspires hope as well as horror with regards to humanity's destiny.
Thorbjørn Harr will be familiar from The Vikings.

Director:  Jarand Herdal   
With: Gitte Witt, Thomas Gullestad, Thorbjørn Harr, Maria Grazia Di Meo

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, May 06, 2021

Ash vs Evil Dead (2015–2018)

Ash devine ultima speranta a omenirii dupa ce redeclanseaza accidental o invazie demonica.

Serialul continua 30 de ani dupa aventurile lui Ash din trilogia The Evil Dead, timp in care acesta a evitat orice tip de responsabilitate sau angajament serios. Evident, acest lucru plus personalitatea incapatanat de aroganta si ignoranta a lui Ash, replicile scurte tip "nuca in perete" duc in spate umorul si farmecul seriei. Efectele speciale demonice sunt evident modernizate si totusi bazate foarte mult pe stilul "old school" al anilor mai de demult ai genului. Ritmul e rapid, dialogul e mai istet decat te-ai astepta si personajele sunt extrem de simpatice si cu o chimie speciala si credibila.

Regia:  Mark Beesley, Rick Jacobson si altii (inclusiv Sam Raimi doar 1 episod)
Productie:  STARZ   
Creatori:  Ivan Raimi, Sam Raimi, Tom Spezialy   
Durata:  3 sezoane a cate 10 episoade (30 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Bruce Campbell, Ray Santiago, Dana DeLorenzo, Lucy Lawless

Rating: 9/10

Ash vs Evil Dead (2015–2018)

Ash becomes mankind's last hope after he accidentally re-triggers a demonic invasion.

The series continues 30 years after Ash's adventures from The Evil Dead trilogy, during which time he managed to avoid any sort of responsibility or serious commitment. Obviously, this plus Ash's stubbornly arrogant and ignorant personality, his short misused and inappropriate quips carry the humor and charm of the series behind it. The demonic special effects are obviously modernized and yet very much based on the "old school" style of the older years of the genre. The pace is fast, the dialogue is more clever than you'd expect and the characters are extremely likeable and bound by a special and believable chemistry.

Director:  Mark Beesley, Rick Jacobson and others (including Sam Raimi for just 1 episode)
Production:  STARZ   
Creators:  Ivan Raimi, Sam Raimi, Tom Spezialy   
Duration:  3 seasons of 10 episodes (30 minutes each)   
With: Bruce Campbell, Ray Santiago, Dana DeLorenzo, Lucy Lawless

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Ava (2020)

Ava e un asasin foarte priceput dar dupa o slujba ratata banuieste ca sefii vor sa o elimine.

Ava e un film cu spioni si asasini ce arata foarte bine pe hartie, mai ales cu cast-ul foarte reusit. Scenele de lupta sunt bine facute dar putine, caci din pacate filmul incearca prea multe, uitand sa lege fiecare fir narativ cumva mai fluid si interesant de ideea principala si anume ca: Ava este un film cu asasini. Desi fragmentat, unele fragmente individuale isi au farmecul si calitatea lor, problema apare cand toate se intampla in cadrul aceluiasi film.

Regia:  Tate Taylor    
Cu: Jessica Chastain, John Malkovich, Common, Geena Davis, Colin Farrell

Rating: 6/10

Ava (2020)

Ava is a very skilled assassin, but after a failed job, she suspects that her bosses want to eliminate her.

Ava is a spy and assassins movie that looks very good on paper, especially with the very impressive cast. The fight scenes are quite well done but few, because unfortunately the film tries to do too much, forgetting to link each narrative thread in a more fluid and interesting way to the main idea, namely that: Ava is a movie with assassins. Although fragmented, some individual fragments have their own charm and quality, the problem arises when they all take place in the same film.

Director:  Tate Taylor    
With: Jessica Chastain, John Malkovich, Common, Geena Davis, Colin Farrell

Rating: 6/10

Sunday, May 02, 2021

Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)

Viata la o scoala cu internat Britanica devine ceva neasteptat pentru nou sositul Don cand evenimente sangeroase si disparitii fara explicatie au loc la tot pasul.

O comedie de groaza cu adolescenti britanici si duo-ul obisnuit format de Simon Pegg si Nick Frost. Filmul este interactiv si rapid, cu ceva umor de calitate dar nu in exces. Amuzant dar neremarcabil.

Regia:  Crispian Mills    
Cu: Asa Butterfield, Jamie Blackley, Finn Cole, Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, Jassa Ahluwalia, Michael Sheen

Rating: 7/10

Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)

Life at a British boarding school turns to something unexpected for the newcomer Don when bloody events and unexplained disappearances take place everywhere.

A horror comedy with British teenagers and the usual duo of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. The film is interactive and fast, with some quality humor but not in excess. Funny but unremarkable.

Director:  Crispian Mills    
With: Asa Butterfield, Jamie Blackley, Finn Cole, Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, Jassa Ahluwalia, Michael Sheen

Rating: 7/10