Friday, January 29, 2021

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018 - 2020)

Ca rezultat al dragostei dintre o vrajitoare si o fiinta umana, Sabrina este atrasa de ambele lumi si incearca sa se pastreze conectata de tot ceea ce iubeste.

Un serial plin de imaginatie, bazat pe o serie de benzi desenate ce a generat un alt serial cult in anii 90, cu un ton complet diferit ca sitcom. Serialul de fata pastreaza tonul intunecat al seriei de pe hartie si conexiunile cu mitologia oculta, dar si impresia jucausa si usor caricaturistica, rezultand intr-un mix ce nu poate fi condamnat de a insufla idei negative cand este atat de ingenios si placut, chiar si cand personajele se lupta cu lucruri complet neplacute. Face uz adesea de cliseele foarte comune genului, cand elementul lipsa perfect pica (a se citi "este inventat") in poalele eroilor exact in momentul cel mai oportun, dar povestea in cazul de fata este secundara spectacolului si vitezei vizuale, incat aceste scapari sunt usor iertate. 
Din pacate serialul a fost anulat de Netflix, si s-a terminat la finele sezonului 4 intr-o situatie nefericita ce ar fi avut o solutie deja planuita intr-un viitor sezon, dar  nu vom vedea ce ar fi fost, asa ca gustul finalui a ramas un pic amar.

Regia:  Rob Seidenglanz si altii   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa   
Durata:  4 sezoane a cate 8-11 episoade (~1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Kiernan Shipka, Ross Lynch, Lucy Davis, Chance Perdomo, Richard Coyle, Miranda Otto, Abigail Cowen, Alessandro Juliani

Rating: 8/10

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018 - 2020)

As the result of the love between a witch and a human, Sabrina is attracted to both worlds and tries to stay connected to everything she loves.

An imaginative tv show, based on a comic book series that generated another cult tv series in the 90s, with a completely different tone as a sitcom. 'Chilling Adventures of Sabrina' retains the dark tone of the paper version and its deep connections to occult mythology, but also the playful and slightly caricaturistic feel, resulting in a mix that cannot be accused of inspiring negative ideas in any way when it's so ingenious and pleasant to watch, even as the characters deal with completely unpleasant things. It often makes use of the clichés that are very common to the genre, which usually involve having the one missing perfect element falling (read that as "being invented") in the heroes' lap at exactly the right time, but the story in this case is secondary to the visual show and speed of events, so these small missteps are easily forgiven.
Unfortunately the series was canceled by Netflix, and it ended in season 4 in an unfortunate situation that would have had a solution in an already planned future season, but the fans will not get to see what that was, so the series finale remains a little bitter.

Director:  Rob Seidenglanz and others   
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa   
Duration:  4 seasons of 8-11 episodes (~1 hour each)   
With: Kiernan Shipka, Ross Lynch, Lucy Davis, Chance Perdomo, Richard Coyle, Miranda Otto, Abigail Cowen, Alessandro Juliani

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

O calatoare din viitor cu imbunatatiri artificiale incearca sa apere o tanara cu importanta pentru viitorul deja cunoscut de ea.

O continuare a mitului Terminator ce urmeaza aproape imediat Terminator 2 Judgement Day, fara a anula filmele lansate intre ele, ce devin acte ale unui viitor anulat. Povestea e inchegata ok, jucata cum trebuie, tandemul Linda Hamilton si Arnold Schwarzenegger este binevenit pentru fani, dar povestea e spusa si respusa si de fapt nu prea multe s-au schimbat in naratiunea curenta decat poate efectele speciale, desi primele doua Terminator sunt si vor ramane mult timp impresionante vizual si tehnic.

Regia:  Tim Miller     
Cu: Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mackenzie Davis, Natalia Reyes

Rating: 7/10

Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

An augmented time traveler from the future tries to defend a young woman who's important for the future she already knows.

A continuation of the Terminator myth that follows almost immediately after Terminator 2 Judgment Day, without actually canceling the movies released between them, but merely turning them into acts of a canceled future. The story is cohesive enough, the performances are adequate, the Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger tandem is welcome by the fans, but the story has been told and retold and in fact not much has changed with the current narrative other than maybe the special effects, although the first two Terminator are and will remain visually and technically impressive for a long time.

Director:  Tim Miller     
With: Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mackenzie Davis, Natalia Reyes

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Lucifer (2016– )

Lucifer se razvrateste impotriva numelui rau si paraseste Iadul in favoarea Los Angeles-ului, unde investigheaza crime.

Un serial plin de aventuri nonsalante. Cu o premisa simpla, Lucifer asculta cu adevarat ceea ce publicul fidel vrea. Ideea de investigatii criminalistice astfel a aparut, precum si prelungirea vietii serialului prin adoptarea de catre Netflix in 2019. 
Foloseste abil mitologia biblica si nu numai, dar fara a intra prea adanc in semnificatii prea complicate, foloseste clisee care functioneaza (bad boy, dragoste ispasitoare), actori carismatici si umor obraznic. In ciuda momentelor destul de dese in care eroul principal cam calca pe nervi, serialul e placut si usor de digerat. In plus, mutatul pe Netflix a oferit cateva ocazii fericite in care povestea si-a asumat niste riscuri interesante.

Regia:  Nathan Hope si altii   
Productie:  Warner Bros, Fox (<2018), Netflix (>2019)   
Creator:  Tom Kapinos   
Durata:  6 sezoane a cate 10-26 episoade (40-50+ minute fiecare, partea a 2-a a sezonului 5 si ultimul sezon fiind programate pentru 2021)  
Cu: Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Kevin Alejandro, D.B. Woodside, Rachael Harris, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Aimee Garcia, Tricia Helfer

Rating: 7/10

Lucifer (2016– )

Lucifer rebels against his bad name and leaves Hell for Los Angeles, where he helps investigate murders.

A series full of nonchalant adventures. With a simple premise, Lucifer truly listens to what its faithful audience wants. The idea of ​​forensic investigations thus appeared, as well as the extension of the series' life by being adopted into the Netflix family in 2019.
The series skillfully uses biblical mythology and more, but without going too deep into unnecessarily complicated meanings; it uses clichés that are known to work (bad boy, atoning love and so on), charismatic actors and naughty humor. Despite the rather frequent moments when the main hero gets a little annoying, the series is pleasant to watch and easy to digest. In addition, the move to Netflix offered several happy occasions when the story took some interesting risks.

Director:  Nathan Hope and others   
Production:  Warner Bros, Fox (<2018), Netflix (>2019)   
Creator:  Tom Kapinos   
Duration:  6 seasons of 10-26 episodes (40-50+ minutes each; part 2 of season 5 and the last season are scheduled for 2021)  
With: Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Kevin Alejandro, D.B. Woodside, Rachael Harris, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Aimee Garcia, Tricia Helfer

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Vampire Academy (2014)

Dhampir, Moroi si Strigoi sunt trei versiuni diferite de vampiri. Rose si Lissa apartin primelor doua si arata o legatura prieteneasca ce depasteste masurile normalului. 

Un film horror cu vampiri adolescenti. Mitul vampirilor este dezvoltat ceva mai mult cu o tripla versiune a fiintelor ce au fascinat de secole intr-un mod destul de interesant. Pacat ca viteza productiei si lipsa de interes real a producatorilor fac risipa din dialogul ce nu e rau si povestea diluata pentru un public subapreciat.

Regia:  Mark Waters     
Cu: Zoey Deutch, Lucy Fry, Danila Kozlovsky, Gabriel Byrne, Olga Kurylenko, Claire Foy, Joely Richardson, Sarah Hyland

Rating: 6/10

Vampire Academy (2014)

Dhampir, Moroi and Strigoi are three different types of vampires. Rose and Lissa belong to the first two and show a friendship that goes beyond what's normal. 

A horror movie with vampire teenagers. The myth of the vampire is enriched a little more here with a triple version of the beings that have fascinated for centuries in quite an interesting way. A shame that a rushed production and the lack of real interest of the makers waste the dialogue that isn't half bad and the diluted story meant for an underrated audience.

Director:  Mark Waters     
With: Zoey Deutch, Lucy Fry, Danila Kozlovsky, Gabriel Byrne, Olga Kurylenko, Claire Foy, Joely Richardson, Sarah Hyland

Rating: 6/10

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Fantasia (1940)

O serie de animatii scurte pe un fundal de piese de muzica clasa celebre.

Impresionant. Muzica este fara cusur, ideile filmuletelor sunt atragatoare atat pentru cei mici cat si pentru cei mari. Fantasia este perfect pentru a atrage gusturile catre clasici si e o realizare impresionanta vizual, mai ales considerand munca din spatele unor animatii de asa marimi in anii 1940.

Regia:  James Algar, Samuel Armstrong, Ford Beebe Jr., Norman Ferguson, David Hand, Jim Handley, T. Hee, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske, Bill Roberts, Paul Satterfield, Ben Sharpsteen    
Cu: Leopold Stokowski, Deems Taylor, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Corey Burton

Rating: 10/10

Fantasia (1940)

A series of short animations paired with a soundtrack of famous classical music pieces.

Impressive. The music is flawless, the ideas of the short films are attractive for both the little ones and adults. Fantasia is perfect for directing young tastes towards the classics and is a visually impressive achievement, especially considering the work behind animations of this size in the 1940s.

Directors:  James Algar, Samuel Armstrong, Ford Beebe Jr., Norman Ferguson, David Hand, Jim Handley, T. Hee, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske, Bill Roberts, Paul Satterfield, Ben Sharpsteen    
With: Leopold Stokowski, Deems Taylor, The Philadelphia Orchestra, Corey Burton

Rating: 10/10

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)

Rey invata despre puterile sale cu ajutorul lui Luke, in acelasi timp descoperind o legatura mentala cu Kylo Ren.

Si saga continua... Episodul numarul 8, penultimul in seria Star Wars, urmeaza povestea de unde a ramas, dupa ce a introdus eroi si antieroi noi. Un film ce pare aproape de umplutura, in care nu mare lucru de importanta are loc. Pentru fanii aprigi ai seriei e probabil o urmare satisfacatoare, pentru restul, e un film ok ce nu impresioneaza prin alergatura continua, dar mentine curiozitatea sau macar interesul telului unui lucru bine terminat.

Regia:  Rian Johnson   
Cu: Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Oscar Isaac, Domhnall Gleeson, Gwendoline Christie, Laura Dern,  Adam Driver

Rating: 7/10

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)

Rey learns about her powers with Luke's help, while discovering a mental connection with Kylo Ren.

And the saga continues ... Episode number 8, the penultimate in the Star Wars series, follows the story where it left off, after introducing a few new heroes and antiheroes. A film that seems closer to a filler film, in which not much of importance takes place. For the avid fans of the series, this is probably a satisfactory sequel, for the rest of the world, it is merely an ok film that does not impress with its continuous running around, but it maintains the curiosity or at least the interest of a goal to see the thing finished.

Director:  Rian Johnson   
With: Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Oscar Isaac, Domhnall Gleeson, Gwendoline Christie, Laura Dern,  Adam Driver

Rating: 7/10

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Master (2012)

Un veteran instabil si cu stress post-traumatic intalneste un suflet cu care rezoneaza in persoana carismatica a liderului Cauzei. 

O drama marca Paul Thomas Anderson, ceea ce inseamna intensitate, personaje cu un caracter chestionabil, interpretari variate, cinematogafie in tonuri reci si contraste tangibile, cu un efect coloristic daramator. Philip Seymour Hoffman este o prezenta care fura scena, dar forta jocului lui Joaquin Phoenix este imposibil de trecut cu vederea (un lucru fals din punctul de vedere al Premiilor Academiei se pare, deoarece nu a primit Oscarul pentru care a fost nominalizat in 2013, acesta mergand la Daniel Day-Lewis). Abilitatea acestuia de a portretiza personaje antipatice, victime a multiple lupte interne si o intensitate a expresiei ce taie este aproape de nedescris. Povestea in sine este interesanta, oferind o bucatica de istorie, usor inflorita, ce se bazeaza pe radacinile Bisericii Scientologice.

Regia:  Paul Thomas Anderson       
Cu: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Jesse Plemons

Rating: 9/10

The Master (2012)

An unstable veteran with post-traumatic stress meets a soul that he resonates with in the shape of the charismatic leader of the Cause. 

A Paul Thomas Anderson drama, which means intensity, characters with a questionable morality, various possible interpretations of everything, a cold toned cinematography with tangible strong contrasts that have an emotionally devastating color effect. 
Philip Seymour Hoffman is as usual a presence that steals the stage, but the strength of Joaquin Phoenix's performance is impossible to overlook (not quite true from the point of view of the Academy Awards it seems though, as he didn't receive the Oscar he was nominated for in 2013, which went to Daniel Day-Lewis instead). His ability to portray unlikable characters, victims of multiple internal struggles with an intense expressivity that could cut is almost indescribable. The story itself is actually interesting, offering up a little piece of history, slightly embellished, based on the beginnings of the Church of Scientology.

Director:  Paul Thomas Anderson       
With: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Jesse Plemons

Rating: 9/10

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Bumblebee (2018)

Charlie il descopera pe Bumblebee in 1987, ranit si deghizat ca un VW Beetle.

Un fel de spin-off de la Transformers, Bumblebee este practic un film de familie, cu actiunea si simpaticimile de rigoare. Bumblebee este un favorit pentru fani, as ca isi merita propriul film. Actiunea e ok, diluata cum te-ai astepta, povestea e simpatica fara prea multa emfaza si aerul anilor 80 functioneaza ok.

Regia:  Travis Knight   
Cu: Hailee Steinfeld, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., John Cena, Jason Drucker

Rating: 6/10

Bumblebee (2018)

Charlie discovers Bumblebee in 1987, wounded and disguised as a VW Beetle.

A sorta spin-off from Transformers, Bumblebee is practically a family movie, with the expected action and cuteness. Bumblebee is a fan favorite, so it was expected he'd eventually get his own movie. The action is ok, diluted as you one would expect, the story is nice without too much stretching and the 80's vibe works ok with it all.

Director:  Travis Knight   
With: Hailee Steinfeld, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., John Cena, Jason Drucker

Rating: 6/10

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Bridgerton (2020– )

Aventurile familiei Bridgerton in vremea nebuniei regelui George.

Un serial din familia Shondaland ce are amprenta lui Shonda Rhimes. Un serial de epoca, dar care promoveaza diversitatea fara a tine cont de realitatea istorica (in mare pentru ca e irelevanta intr-o opera de fictiune ca cea de fata) si care nu se rusineaza in a merge mai departe decat stilul de dialog Austenian (e o exagerare, dialogul nu e chiar asa de bun), rezultand intr-un amestec ce aduce a Grey's Anatomy (fara sectiunile medicale), Gossip Girl si Pride and Prejudice totodata. Incitant dar superficial, Bridgerton e o vizionare usoara si placuta ce nu trebuie privita prea critic dar nici ridicata in slavi.

Regia:  Sheree Folkson si altii   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Chris Van Dusen   
Durata:  1 sezon de 8 episoade (~60 de minute fiecare)   
Cu: Phoebe Dynevor, Regé-Jean Page, Ruth Gemmell, Jonathan Bailey, Polly Walker, Adjoa Andoh, Julie Andrews

Rating: 7/10

Bridgerton (2020– )

The adventures of the Bridgerton Family in the time of King George's Madness.

A series from the Shondaland family that bears the imprint of Shonda Rhimes. A period series, but one which promotes diversity without taking historical accuracy into account (largely because it is irrelevant in a work of fiction like this one) and one which is not ashamed to go beyond the Austenian dialogue (that's an exaggeration, the dialogue is not that good), resulting in a mixture that resembles Grey's Anatomy (minus the medical stuff), Gossip Girl and Pride and Prejudice at the same time. Inciting but superficial, Bridgerton is an easy and pleasant watch that should neither be judged too harshly or praised too much.

Director:  Sheree Folkson si altii   
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Chris Van Dusen   
Duration:  1 season of 8 episodes(~60 minutes each)   
With: Phoebe Dynevor, Regé-Jean Page, Ruth Gemmell, Jonathan Bailey, Polly Walker, Adjoa Andoh, Julie Andrews

Rating: 7/10

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Mortal Engines (2018)

O poveste cu conspiratii descoperite de doi eroi atipici intr-o lume fantezista, postapocaliptica.

Un filme fantezie plin de culoare numai la propriu. O poveste fada intr-o lume fantezista interesanta dar improbabila, in care nici macar personajele negative nu sunt destul de interesante. Se merita doar pentru fanii cartilor.

Regia:  Christian Rivers      
Cu:  Hera Hilmar, Robert Sheehan, Hugo Weaving, Jihae

Rating: 6/10

Mortal Engines (2018)

A story about a conspiracy uncovered by two atypical heroes in a fantasy, post-apocalyptic world.

A fantasy movie full of color but only literally. A bland tale in an interesting but unlikely fantasy world, in which not even the negative characters are interesting enough. It may be worth it only if your a fan of the book.

Director:  Christian Rivers      
With:  Hera Hilmar, Robert Sheehan, Hugo Weaving, Jihae

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Love Witch (2016)

O vrajitoare din zilele noastre foloseste potiuni si vraji pentru a cuceri barbati, dar cu efecte nefaste.

Un film de groaza in stilul filmelor Hammer din anii 60-70. Stilul vestimentar, gesticular, dialogul si decorul, prejudiciile si stereotipurile sunt toate utilizate in acord perfect cu acei anii. Povestea in sine nu este prea interesanta dar executia este perfecta si demna de multa lauda. Actrita principala e minunata  (lipsa de expresie intentionata trebuie sa fie un exercitiu foarte dificil in actorie) si demna de predecesoarele ei din filmele Hammer (si altele ale anilor).

Regia:  Anna Biller   
Cu: Samantha Robinson, Jeffrey Vincent Parise, Laura Waddell, Gian Keys

Rating: 7/10

The Love Witch (2016)

A modern-day witch uses potions and spells to conquer men, but with unfortunate effects.

A horror movie in the style of the Hammer horror movies from the 60s and 70s. The clothing style, the gestures, the dialogue and scenery, the characters' prejudices and stereotypes are all used in perfect agreement to those years. The story itself is not very interesting but the execution is perfect and worthy of much praise. The lead actress is wonderful (intentional lack of expression must be a very difficult exercise in acting) and worthy of her predecessors of Hammer horror notoriety (and others of those years).

Director:  Anna Biller   
With: Samantha Robinson, Jeffrey Vincent Parise, Laura Waddell, Gian Keys

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, January 09, 2021

The Place Beyond the Pines (2012)

Two linked stories merged into one: a motorcycle stuntman begins a career in bank robberies to take care of his family, an event which has monumental effects on the life of a rookie policeman who finds himself on his trail.

A very interesting dramatic concept that can take the viewer by surprise if they venture into watching while ignorant of the plot. Showcasing some good performances, and quite original, The Place Beyond The Pines is an interesting story about different life situations where the options are not as clear as white and black, although maybe the tendency in this film is more towards a dark grey.

Director:  Derek Cianfrance    
With: Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes, Craig Van Hook

Rating: 8/10

The Place Beyond the Pines (2012)

Doua povesti legate intr-una singura: un cascador pe motocicleta isi incepe o cariera de spargator de banci pentru a avea grija de familie, fapt ce are efecte monumentale asupra vietii unui politist boboc ce ajunge pe urmele sale.

Un concept dramatic foarte interesant ce poate lua spectatorul prin surprindere daca se aventureaza in vizionare in necunostinta de cauza. Bine jucat, original, The Place Beyond The Pines e o poveste interesanta despre diferitele situatii in viata cand optiunile nu sunt un clar alb sau negru, desi poate tendinta e de fapt spre un gri inchis in filmul de fata.

Regia:  Derek Cianfrance    
Cu: Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes, Craig Van Hook

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Find Me Guilty (2006)

O dramatizare cuvant cu cuvant a celui mai lung process din istoria Statelor Unite si anume procesul impotriva familiei mafiote Lucchese unde un individ in particular lasa o amprenta importanta - Jackie DiNorscio ce se hotaraste sa isi fie propriul avocat.

O bucatica de istorie interesanta intr-un film antrenant si usor de vizionat. O drama semi-comedie ce transforma mafiotii in tipi simpatici ce din cand in cand mai comit cate o omucidere. Nu transforma anti-eroii in eroi dar arata cate ceva despre lucrurile importante in viata ce ar trebui sa includa onoare si dragoste nelimitate pentru familie.
Bonus: Vin Diesel este de nerecunoscut si impresionant.

Regia:  Sidney Lumet      
Cu: Vin Diesel, Peter Dinklage, Ron Silver, Alex Rocco, Linus Roache

Rating: 8/10

Find Me Guilty (2006)

A word by word dramatization of the longest trial in the history of the United States, namely the trial against the Lucchese family where an individual in particular leaves an important mark - Jackie DiNorscio who decides to be his own defence lawyer.

An interesting piece of history in an engaging and enjoyable movie. A semi-comedy drama that turns mobsters into nice guys who from time to time commit a bit of homicide. It doesn't really paint anti-heroes into heroes, but it does show something about things that are important in life, things that should include honor and unbounded love for one's family.
Bonus: Vin Diesel is unrecognizable and quite impressive.

Director:  Sidney Lumet      
With: Vin Diesel, Peter Dinklage, Ron Silver, Alex Rocco, Linus Roache

Rating: 8/10

Monday, January 04, 2021

Battleship (2012)

O flota navala trebuie sa confrunte pe neasteptate o flota extraterestra.

Blockbuster de actiune ce urmeaza retetele infailibile ale trecutului, fara acelasi succes. Explicatia vine probabil de la lungimea inutila a expozitiunii, lipsa de personaje interesante bine definite, dialogul si contextul pueril. In ceea ce priveste actiunea si efectele speciale, nu e asa de rau.

Interesant: Tadanobu Asano l-a jucat pe Kakihara (antagonistul principal) in Ichi The Killer.

Regia:  Peter Berg    
Cu: Alexander Skarsgård, Taylor Kitsch, Brooklyn Decker, Liam Neeson, Rihanna, Hamish Linklater, Jesse Plemons, Tadanobu Asano

Rating: 6/10

Battleship (2012)

A naval fleet must unexpectedly face an alien fleet.

An action blockbuster that follows the infallible genre recipes of the past, without the same success. The failure can probably be explained by the unnecessarily lengthy introduction, the lack of well-defined interesting characters, the poor and childish dialogue and context. In terms of action and special effects, it's not that bad.

Interesting fact: Tadanobu Asano played Kakihara (the main antagonist) in Ichi The Killer.

Director:  Peter Berg    
With: Alexander Skarsgård, Taylor Kitsch, Brooklyn Decker, Liam Neeson, Rihanna, Hamish Linklater, Jesse Plemons, Tadanobu Asano

Rating: 6/10

Sunday, January 03, 2021

He Never Died (2015)

Jack este un individ izolat dar rutina lui bine stabilita este intrerupta cand trecutul il ajunge din urma.

Un thriller supranatural cu elemente horror si de actiune, presarat usor cu umor subtil si ironie. Henry Rollins este foarte convingator in rolul lui Jack, un Cain modern si blazat, ce fuge de contactul uman si relatii ce cauzeaza slabiciuni. Fortat de imprejurari sa ajute pe cei direct afectati prin faptul ca il cunosc, personajul lui Jack genereaza un film ce ofera satisfactie audientei printr-o actiune masurata bine si un dialog bine scris si inteligent.

Regia:  Jason Krawczyk    
Cu: Henry Rollins, Booboo Stewart, Kate Greenhouse, Jordan Todosey

Rating: 8/10

He Never Died (2015)

Jack is a self isolated individual but his well-established routine is abruptly interrupted when his past catches up to him.

A supernatural thriller with action horror elements, lightly sprinkled with subtle humor and irony. Henry Rollins is very convincing in the role of Jack, a modern and jaded Cain, who runs away from human contact and relationships that can cause weaknesses. Forced by circumstances to help those directly affected by the fact that they know him, Jack's character generates a film that offers satisfaction to the audience through a well-measured action and a well-written and intelligent dialogue.

Director:  Jason Krawczyk    
With: Henry Rollins, Booboo Stewart, Kate Greenhouse, Jordan Todosey

Rating: 8/10