Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Triple Frontier (2019)

Five friends who are former special forces soldiers, reunite for a dangerous independent mission.

An action film based on a story about camaraderie, loyalty and recognition of value. The five actors have an obvious chemistry and their friendship is convincing and that interaction makes the first half of the film quite interesting. The cruel realities of life that affected the characters are plausible and easy to use in justifying the actions of the second half of the film. A satisfying film for action lovers, a tad deeper than the average for the genre.

Director:  J.C. Chandor   
With: Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund, Pedro Pascal

Rating: 7/10

Triple Frontier (2019)

Cinci prieteni, fosti militari ai fortelor speciale, se reunesc pentru o misiune periculoasa independenta.

Un film de actiune bazat pe o poveste despre camaraderie, loialitate si recunoastere a valorii. Cei cinci actori au o chimie palpabila si prietenia lor este convingatoare si fac prima jumatate a filmului destul de interesanta. Realitatile crude ale vietii ce au afectat personajele sunt plauzibile si usor de a utiliza in justificarea actiunilor din a doua jumatate a filmului. Un film satisfacator pentru amatorii de actiune, ceva mai adanc decat majoritatea genului.

Regia:  J.C. Chandor   
Cu: Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund, Pedro Pascal

Rating: 7/10

Also read in English

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Open Grave (2013)

Un barbat se trezeste intr-o groapa comuna fara a-si aminti cine este si cum a ajuns acolo.

Open Grave este un thriller horror cu un twist proaspat al genului, asigurat de unghiul nou al pierderii memoriei. Cu un joc actoricesc de prima mana (Sharlto Copley e in rol principal - familiar din District 9), stil minimalist si natural si un progress al actiunii oarecum incet, Open Grave asigura satisfactie pentru amatorii de gen.

Regia:  Gonzalo López-Gallego   
Cu: Sharlto Copley, Thomas Kretschmann, Josie Ho, Joseph Morgan, Erin Richards

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

Open Grave (2013)

A man wakes up in a mass grave without remembering who he is and how he got there.

Open Grave is a horror thriller with a fresh twist of the genre, provided by the new angle of memory loss. With high quality acting (Sharlto Copley is in the lead role - he's familiar from District 9 among other things), in a minimalist and natural style and with a somewhat slow progression, Open Grave ensures satisfaction for the fans of the genre.

Director:  Gonzalo López-Gallego   
With: Sharlto Copley, Thomas Kretschmann, Josie Ho, Joseph Morgan, Erin Richards

Rating: 8/10

Friday, June 26, 2020

La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928)

Ultimele zile din viata lui Ioana d'Arc.

Un film clasic, printre primele capodopere ale celei de-a 7-a arte, mut si alb-negru. Datorita unui efort in a-l restaura in 1985, filmul poate fi inca vazut si astazi. Bazat pe transcrierile reale ale procesului si impartit in 3 etape: procesul, argumentele/indoielile si arderea pe rug, filmul prezinta abil suferinta unei simple Ioana, cu credinta de neclintit si reactii complet naturale si aproape naive la incercarile de manipulare ale fortelor politice ce sprijineau atacatorii englezi. Carl Dreyer era abil in a folosi uneltele vremii, astfel se concentreaza pe intensitatea figurilor personajelor (mai ales pe cea a lui Maria Falconetti), cu restul actiunii amplificate prin interpuneri de scene abil filmate si unghiuri inteligente, cu un stil usor de rezumat ca "eficienta prin minimalism".

Regia:  Carl Theodor Dreyer    
Cu: Maria Falconetti, Eugene Silvain, André Berley, Maurice Schutz

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928)

The last days of Joan of Arc's life.

A classic film, that's among the first masterpieces of the 7th art, a black and white silent film. Thanks to an effort to restore it in 1985, the film can still be watched today. Based on the real transcripts of the trial and divided into 3 stages: the trial, the arguments/doubts and the burning at the stake, the film skillfully presents the suffering of a simple Joan, with her unwavering faith and her completely natural and almost naive reactions to the attempts at manipulating her by the political forces that supported the English invaders. Carl Dreyer was great at managing with the tools of the time, so he focused on the intensity of the characters' faces (especially Maria Falconetti's), with the rest of the action amplified by skillfully interposed scenes and clever angles, with a style that is easy to just summarize as " efficiency through minimalism".

Director:  Carl Theodor Dreyer    
With: Maria Falconetti, Eugene Silvain, André Berley, Maurice Schutz

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Penny Dreadful (2014 - 2016)

Povestile unor personaje familiare ca Frankenstein, Dracula sau Dorian Gray se incalcesc minunat in aventuri noi si vechi in Londra victoriana.

Un serial inspirat de personajele unor romane gotice sau horror celebre. Povestea este in schimb foarte originala si foloseste unele elemente definitorii ale acestor personaje aproape numai in trecere. Jocul actoricesc este de prima mana (unele nume pe nedrept uitate in industrie), in frunte cu o Eva Green de zile mari. Subtil si creativ, incet pe alocuri, Penny Dreadful este plin de surprize si mereu neasteptat chiar si cand crezi ca esti foarte familiar cu povestea unora dintre personaje. Decorurile sunt bogate si armonie perfecta cu actiunea si pozitia istorica iar teama si misterul sunt in fundal la tot pasul iesind la iveala abil oricand regizorii intentioneaza asta.

Productie:  Showtime  
Creator:  John Logan   
Cu:  Josh Hartnett, Timothy Dalton, Eva Green, Rory Kinnear, Billie Piper, Harry Treadaway, Helen McCrory

Rating: 9/10

Also read in English

Penny Dreadful (2014 - 2016)

The stories of familiar characters like Frankenstein, Dracula or Dorian Gray are wonderfully intertwined in new and old adventures in Victorian London.

A series inspired by the characters of some famous Gothic or horror novels. The story is actually very original and does use some defining elements of these characters but almost only in passing. The acting is first-hand (some of these names are unfairly forgotten in the industry), led by an Eva Green for the ages. Subtle and creative, slow in some places, Penny Dreadful is full of surprises and always unexpected even when you think you are familiar with the story of some of the characters. The sets are rich and in perfect harmony with the action and historical placement and the fear and mystery are somewhere in the background at all times, skillfully being brought out whenever the directors intend it.

Production:  Showtime  
Creator:  John Logan   
With:  Josh Hartnett, Timothy Dalton, Eva Green, Rory Kinnear, Billie Piper, Harry Treadaway, Helen McCrory

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Little Evil (2017)

Un proaspat insurat incepe sa aiba indoieli despre provenienta fiului noii sotii.

O comedie aproape parodie a filmelor de genul The Omen, The Shinning cu destule referinte la acestea. Nu are cele mai originale poante dar e destul de distractiv, naiv si condus de intentii transparente.
M-a deranjat in schimb sa recunosc o actrita de calibrul lui Sally Field intr-un rol de nerecunoscut si insipid.

Regia:  Eli Craig   
Cu: Evangeline Lilly, Owen Atlas, Adam Scott, Marcus Terrell Smith, Bridget Everett, Sally Field

Rating: 7/10

Also read in English

Little Evil (2017)

A newlywed begins to have doubts about the origins of his new wife's son.

An almost parody comedy of films like The Omen, The Shinning with quite a few references to these. It does not have the most original jokes but it is quite fun, naive and driven by transparent intentions.
However, it bothered me to see an actress of Sally Field's caliber in an almost unrecognizable and bland role.

Director:  Eli Craig   
With: Evangeline Lilly, Owen Atlas, Adam Scott, Marcus Terrell Smith, Bridget Everett, Sally Field

Rating: 7/10

Monday, June 22, 2020

Locke & Key (2020 - )

The adventures of a family that moves into the house where their deceased father grew up, a house that hides magical keys which make various possibilities real.

A fantasy series similar to the Narnia universe but much darker, which incorporates authentic teenage experiences at least up to a certain point. Its mythology is interesting enough to excuse some of the series weaker points and the big bad villain is well imagined and original. The characters are varied and charismatic, with the expected boldness and curiosity, or at least the right extenuating circumstances appropriate to the situation, making the series easy to follow without it becoming boring.

Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Meredith Averill, Carlton Cuse, Aron Eli Coleite  
With: Darby Stanchfield, Connor Jessup, Emilia Jones, Jackson Robert Scott, Aaron Ashmore, Laysla De Oliveira

Rating: 8/10

Locke & Key (2020 - )

Aventurile unei familii ce se muta in casa in care a copilarit tatal decedat, o casa ce ascunde chei magice ce deschid posibilitati variate.

Un serial fantezie in genul seriei Narnia dar mult mai dark, ce incorporeaza experiente adolescentine autentice pana la un anume punct. Mitologia este interesanta de ajuns pentru a inchide ochii la unele din punctele slabe iar monstrul cel rau este bine imaginat si original. Personajele sunt variate si carismatice, cu indrazneala si curiozitatea de rigoare, sau circumstantele atenuante potrivite situatiei, facand serialul usor de digerat fara a fi plictisitor.

Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Meredith Averill, Carlton Cuse, Aron Eli Coleite  
Cu: Darby Stanchfield, Connor Jessup, Emilia Jones, Jackson Robert Scott, Aaron Ashmore, Laysla De Oliveira

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Lady Bird (2017)

In 2002, in Sacramento, Lady Bird este o adolescenta plina de imaginatie si simt artistic ce trebuie sa treaca prin problemele adolescentei si sa invete valoarea lucrurilor practice.

Un film minunat despre obstacolele adolescentei cand emotiile si trairile autentice sau dorinta pentru acestea par sa depaseasca in importanta si posibilitati realitatile practice. Ne prezinta o relatie mama-fiica ce pare atat de autentica si natural portretizata de Saoirse si Laurie Metcalf incat ai crede ca e scrisa si interpretata de persoanele cu experienta directa. Totul legat de povestea lui Lady Bird da impresia de autentic si realist, inclusiv constrastele umorului si visarii cu realitatile crude ale somajului si depresiei. Saoirse Ronan isi pune amprenta unica personajului incat iti poti inchipui ca oricine altcineva in acelasi rol ar fi obtinut un portret diferit.

Regia:  Greta Gerwig   
Cu: Saoirse Ronan, Laurie Metcalf, Tracy Letts, Lucas Hedges, Beanie Feldstein, Timothée Chalamet

Rating: 9/10

Also read in English

Lady Bird (2017)

In 2002, in Sacramento, Lady Bird is a teenager full of imagination and artistic sense that has to face adolescence problems and also learn the value of practical things.

A wonderful film about the obstacles of adolescence when real emotions and feelings or the desire for them seem to exceed practical realities in importance and possibilities. It presents a mother-daughter relationship that seems so authentic and naturally portrayed by Saoirse and Laurie Metcalf that you would think it was written and interpreted by the persons that had the first hand experience. Everything about Lady Bird's story screams authenticity and realism, including the contrasts between the humor and the dreaming and the cruel realities of unemployment and depression. Saoirse Ronan puts her unique imprint on the character so that you would imagine that anyone else in the same role would have obtained a quite different character portrait.

Directed by:  Greta Gerwig   
With: Saoirse Ronan, Laurie Metcalf, Tracy Letts, Lucas Hedges, Beanie Feldstein, Timothée Chalamet

Rating: 9/10

Friday, June 19, 2020

The Professor And The Madman (2019)

Povestea initierii lucrului pentru celebrul Oxford English Dictionary si a prieteniei ce a contribuit enorm la acesta.

Un proiect favorit al lui Mel Gibson ce i-a luat aproape 20 de ani pentru a-l pune la cale, The Professor And The Madman este un film bazat pe o poveste reala impresionanta, ce ar fi putut deveni o potentiala capodopera daca celor doi contribuitori importanti le-ar fi fost permis sa isi manifeste geniul creator in conditiile dorite de acestia. Dar nu vom afla vreodata deoarece procesul ce a avut loc nu a fost favorabil pentru Mel Gibson. Facut in mare in 2016 si lansat in 2019 dupa bataliile legale, filmul este rezultatul colaborarii lui Mel Gibson cu scenaristul cu care a lucrat pentru Apocalypto (adus aici in rol de regizor), cu restrictiile bugetare si creatoare impuse de casa de productie. 
Chiar si in conditiile astea, povestea reala este in schimb de ajuns de fascinanta pentru a ne darui un film captivant iar echipa de actori este minunat aleasa in frunte cu un Mel Gibson, Sean Penn si Jennifer Ehle de zile mari si ne deapana minunat o bucatica de istorie lexicografica imbogatita pe alocuri cu cateva speculatii romantate, intr-adevar posibile dar nu confirmate.

Regia:  Farhad Safinia (sub pseudonimul  P. B. Shemran)
Cu: Mel Gibson, Sean Penn, Eddie Marsan, Natalie Dormer, Steve Coogan, Stephen Dillane, Jennifer Ehle, Ioan Gruffudd, Laurence Fox, David O'Hara

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

The Professor And The Madman (2019)

The story of the beginning of the work for the famous Oxford English Dictionary and the friendship that contributed enormously to it.

A pet project of Mel Gibson that took almost 20 years to make happen, The Professor And The Madman is a film based on an impressive true story, which could have become a real masterpiece if the two main creative contributors would have been allowed to manifest their genius in the conditions they required. But we will never know because the trial that took place did not end favourably for Mel Gibson. 
Made mostly in 2016 and released in 2019 post the legal battles, the film is the result of Mel Gibson's collaboration with the screenwriter he worked with on Apocalypto (brought here as a director), with the budgetary and creative restrictions imposed by the production company.
Even in these conditions, the film's real story is still fascinating enough to give us a captivating film and the cast is well chosen, led wonderfully by a Mel Gibson, Sean Penn and Jennifer Ehle for the ages and it beautifully unfolds a piece of lexicographical history embellished here and there with some romanticized speculations (possible ones but not backed by known facts).

Directed by:  Farhad Safinia (sub pseudonimul  P. B. Shemran)
With: Mel Gibson, Sean Penn, Eddie Marsan, Natalie Dormer, Steve Coogan, Stephen Dillane, Jennifer Ehle, Ioan Gruffudd, Laurence Fox, David O'Hara

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

October Faction (2020)

A family with somewhat common problems tries to reconcile everyday family life with their hidden life as agents of a secret military organization that fights supernatural beings.

An approachable and actually quite short series (it seems that it will not get more than just the first season) for supernatural fans. It does not stand still at all and it tries to satisfy all ages and tastes by addressing various topics such as mixed families, fertility, adolescent problems, sexual orientation or fitting in, racism and intolerance, but it does not focus enough on anything in particular and it takes itself too seriously and fails to reach the quality level of other genre series (Supernatural comes to mind). Interesting, however, is the authors' vision of the warlock race.

Creator:  Damian Kindler   
With: Tamara Taylor, J.C. MacKenzie, Aurora Burghart, Gabriel Darku, Maxim Roy, Stephen McHattie, Megan Follows, Robin Dunne

Rating: 6/10

October Faction (2020)

O familie cu probleme oarecum obisnuite incearca sa impace viata de zi cu zi cu viata ascunsa ca operatori ai unei organizatii militare secrete ce lupta impotriva fiintelor supranaturale.

Un serial abordabil si destul de scurt (se pare ca nu va fi mai mult decat doar primul sezon) pentru amatorii de supranatural. Nu sta mai deloc pe loc si incearca sa impace toate varstele abordand subiecte variate ca familii mixte, fertilitate, probleme de adolescenti, orientare sexuala sau probleme de adaptare, rasism si intoleranta, dar nu se concentreaza de ajuns pe nimic in special si se ia mult prea in serios si nu reuseste sa ajunga la nivelul altor seriale de gen (Supranatural vine in minte). Interesanta insa este viziunea autorilor asupra rasei warlock.

Creator:  Damian Kindler   
Cu: Tamara Taylor, J.C. MacKenzie, Aurora Burghart, Gabriel Darku, Maxim Roy, Stephen McHattie, Megan Follows, Robin Dunne

Rating: 6/10

Also read in English

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Assignment/Tomboy (2016)

Frank e un asasin platit eficient si una din victimele sale colaterale se razbuna supunandu-l la o operatie de schimbare de sex.

Un film cu o intriga un pic ridicola, indirect si probabil neintentionat confirmata de monoloagele megalomane ale personajului lui Sigourney Weaver, chirurgul ce efectueaza operatia in cauza. Din pacate filmul se ia mult prea in serios si in loc sa profite de potentialul de tip Hardcore Henry, rezulta intr-un amestec de drama ridicola, actiune inceata si public nesatisfacut.

Regia: Walter Hill    
Cu: Michelle Rodriguez, Tony Shalhoub, Anthony LaPaglia, Caitlin Gerard, Sigourney Weaver

Rating: 6/10

Also read in English

The Assignment/Tomboy (2016)

Frank is an efficient hitman and one of his collateral victims takes revenge by subjecting him to a sex change operation.

A film with a somewhat ridiculous plot, indirectly and probably unintentionally confirmed by the megalomaniacal monologues of Sigourney Weaver's character, the surgeon who performs the operation in question. Unfortunately, the film takes itself too seriously and instead of taking advantage of its Hardcore Henry sort of potential, it results in a mixture of ridiculous drama, slow action and unsatisfied audiences.

Regia: Walter Hill    
Cu: Michelle Rodriguez, Tony Shalhoub, Anthony LaPaglia, Caitlin Gerard, Sigourney Weaver

Rating: 6/10

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)

Patru prieteni pasionati de povesti horror gasesc o carte misterioasa ai carei povesti se scriu singure si chiar se intampla in acelasi timp.

Un film horror produs (si scris, printre altii) de Guillermo del Toro bazat pe o serie de carti scrise de Alvin Schwartz. Undeva intre horror si fantezie de fapt, este oarecum blocat intre genuri, fiind prea de groaza pentru copii si nu indeajuns de groaza pentru un public mai matur. Bine facut, interesant vizual, foloseste talentul unor obisnuiti ai genului ca Javier Botet (It, [Rec], Mama, The Strain, Don't Knock Twice, Crimson Peak si multe altele) sau Troy James (Hellboy, The Strain, October Faction) in rolurile monstrilor/fantomelor dar nu reuseste sa treaga pragul catre remarcabil.

Regia:  André Øvredal   
Cu: Zoe Margaret Colletti, Michael Garza, Gabriel Rush, Austin Abrams

Rating: 7/10

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)

Four friends passionate about horror stories find a mysterious book whose stories write themselves and also occur at the same time.

A horror film produced (and written, among others) by Guillermo del Toro based on a series of books written by Alvin Schwartz. Somewhere between horror and fantasy in fact, it is somewhat stuck between genres, being too scary for children and not scary enough for a more mature audience. Well done, visually interesting, it uses the talent of regulars like Javier Botet (It, [Rec], Mom, The Strain, Don't Knock Twice, Crimson Peak and many more) or Troy James (Hellboy, The Strain, October Faction) in the roles of the monsters/ghosts but fails to cross the threshold towards remarkable.

Directed by:  André Øvredal   
With: Zoe Margaret Colletti, Michael Garza, Gabriel Rush, Austin Abrams

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, June 13, 2020

6 Underground (2019)

An independent task force is planning and executing unauthorized military missions after officially abandoning their personal lives.

A typical Michael Bay film, adapted to the latest technology in both content and execution. Entertaining and fast, it has a fluid and often incoherent action, but it manages to maintain its audience's attention and curiosity despite the ridiculous elements. It does not lack humor or good music that effectively punctuates the most intense or intense-wannabe moments. The first 10 minutes are very well done.

Directed by:  Michael Bay    
With: Ryan Reynolds, Mélanie Laurent, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Ben Hardy, Dave Franco, Adria Arjona

Rating: 7/10

6 Underground (2019)

O echipa speciala independenta pune la cale misiuni militare neautorizate dupa ce si-au abandonat oficial vietile personale.

Un film de Michael Bay tipic, adaptat la tehnologia de ultima ora atat in continut cat si executare. Antrenant si rapid, are o actiune fluida si adesea incoerenta, dar reuseste sa isi pastreze publicul atent si curios in ciuda elementelor ridicole. Nu duce lipsa de umor sau de muzica buna ce puncteaza eficient momentele mai intense sau dorite intense. Primele 10 minute sunt foarte bine facute.

Regia:  Michael Bay    
Cu: Ryan Reynolds, Mélanie Laurent, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Ben Hardy, Dave Franco, Adria Arjona

Rating: 7/10

Also read in English

Friday, June 12, 2020

Gerald's Game (2017)

A couple spends a weekend at their holiday home, where an intimate game takes an unexpected turn when the husband has a heart attack while the wife is tied to the bed.

A sort of a horror film, but more likely a psychological analysis, based on a novel by Stephen King. Probably more effective than an ordinary horror due to the very palpable paranoid frenzy, caused by such natural human feelings in an unusual but quite possible context which forces the main character to initiate a series of introspective stages. These take place either as natural reactions to being stuck in one place, or are consequences of the activity of the character's subconscious that's now animated by a survival instinct. Carla Gugino is wonderful in this role.

Directed by:  Mike Flanagan   
With: Carla Gugino, Bruce Greenwood, Chiara Aurelia, Carel Struycken, Henry Thomas, Kate Siegel

Rating: 8/10

Gerald's Game (2017)

Un cuplu petrece un weekend la casa de vacanta, unde un joc intim ia o intorsatura neasteptata cand sotul are un atac de cord in timp ce sotia este legata de pat.

Un film oarecum horror, dar mai mult analiza psihologica, bazat pe un roman de Stephen King. Posibil mai eficient decat un film de groaza obisnuit datorita freneziei paranoice atat de palpabila, cauzate de sentimente umane atat de naturale intr-un context neobisnuit dar posibil ce forteaza personajul principal sa initieze o serie de etape introspective. Acestea au loc fie ca reactii naturale a statului in loc, fie sunt consecinte ale activitatii subconstientului animat de instinctul de supravietuire. Carla Gugino este minunata in rol.

Regia:  Mike Flanagan   
Cu: Carla Gugino, Bruce Greenwood, Chiara Aurelia, Carel Struycken, Henry Thomas, Kate Siegel

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Ema (2019)

Ema este o tanara dansatoare, jumatatea unui cuplu ce a pierdut custodia fiului lor adoptat, pasionata de viata si dedicata reintoarcerii fiului sau.

Un film complex in care nu stii la ce sa te astepti. Plin de personaje ce iubesc viata,  esenta feminina, dansul si controlul sortii proprii, devine trist prin prezenta personajelor ce sunt opusul acestora si sunt la randul lor manipulate de personajul principal. Fluid si surprinzator, Ema are o coloana sonora ce te bantuie si un mini monolog ce prezinta cea mai nimerita definitie a dansului.

Regia:  Pablo Larraín  
Cu: Mariana Di Girolamo, Gael García Bernal, Santiago Cabrera, Paola Giannini

Rating: 8/10

Ema (2019)

Ema is a young dancer, one half of a couple that lost the custody of their adopted son, passionate about life and dedicated to the return of her son.

A complex film in which you do not know what to expect. Full of characters who love life, the female essence, dance and having control of their own destiny, the film becomes sad due to the presence of the characters who are their opposite and are in turn manipulated by the main character. Fluid and surprising, Ema has a haunting soundtrack and a mini monologue that contains the most accurate definition for dance.

Regia:  Pablo Larraín  
Cu: Mariana Di Girolamo, Gael García Bernal, Santiago Cabrera, Paola Giannini

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

T2 Trainspotting (2017)

The reunion of the four friends 20 years after the events of Trainspotting.

A clever sequel to a cult film. It will probably not stand the test of time as its predecessor did, but as a 20 years later sequel, the story makes sense, is consistent, the character development feels natural, the nostalgia is well placed, the incomplete maturity of the characters and their lack of control over their own fate is perfectly plausible and justifiable. The humor is ever so present, even through the filter of the quasi sadness caused the passage of time and the loss of the youth years and possibilities. Fair and completely lacking any dull moments, T2 is a worthy follow up.

Directed by:  Danny Boyle  
With: Ewan McGregor, Ewen Bremner, Jonny Lee Miller, Robert Carlyle, Shirley Henderson, Kelly Macdonald, James Cosmo, Anjela Nedyalkova

Rating: 8/10

T2 Trainspotting (2017)

Reuniunea celor patru prieteni la 20 de ani dupa intamplarile din Trainspotting.

O urmare abila a unui film cult. Probabil nu va rezista testului timpului ca predecesorul, dar ca urmare dupa 20 de ani, povestea are sens, este consistenta, dezvoltarea personajelor este fireasca, nostalgia este bine plasata, maturizarea incompleta a personajelor si lipsa de control asupra sortii proprii este perfect plauzibila si explicabila. Umorul este nelipsit, chiar si prin prisma tristetii trecerii timpului si pierderii anilor tineretii si posibilitatilor. Firesc si lipsit de plictiseala, T2 este o urmare merituoasa.

Regia:  Danny Boyle  
Cu: Ewan McGregor, Ewen Bremner, Jonny Lee Miller, Robert Carlyle, Shirley Henderson, Kelly Macdonald, James Cosmo, Anjela Nedyalkova

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

Sunday, June 07, 2020

Only God Forgives (2013)

A son belonging to the criminal underworld in Bangkok is charged by his mother with the mission to avenge his brother's death.

An unusual film from a director who makes unusual films. With flawless cinematography in obsessive neon colors, Only God Forgives is a more complicated film than the subject matter suggests, tackling themes as old as life like Old Testament revenge and Oedipal complexes, all in an extremely fatalistic tone. Despite this fact, the film's execution does not make sense, the subject does not justify its approach, the characters are not at all relatable other than maybe at their symbolic level, with the only character that has somewhat positive traits being aware of his fate, powerless in claiming back his lost innocence. 

Directed by:  Nicolas Winding Refn  
With: Ryan Gosling, Kristin Scott Thomas, Vithaya Pansringarm, Gordon Brown

Rating: 5/10

Only God Forgives (2013)

Un fiu apartinand lumii interlope din Bangkok este insarcinat de mama sa cu razbunarea mortii fratelui sau.

Un film neobisnuit de la un regizor ce face filme neobisnuite. Cu o cinematografie fara gres, in culori neon obsesive, Only God Forgives este un film mai complicat decat subiectul o sugereaza, manevrand teme vechi cat lumea ca razbunarea conform principiului "ochi pentru ochi" al Vechiului Testament si complexe Oedipiene pe un ton extrem de fatalist. In ciuda acestui fapt, executia nu are sens, subiectul nu isi justifica abordarea, personajele nu au tangenta cu realitatea inconjuratoare decat la nivel simbolic, cu singurul personaj cat de cat pozitiv fiind inca de la inceput constient de soarta sa, impotent in a-si revendica inocenta. 

Regia:  Nicolas Winding Refn  
Cu: Ryan Gosling, Kristin Scott Thomas, Vithaya Pansringarm, Gordon Brown

Rating: 5/10

Saturday, June 06, 2020

Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003)

In a world where monsters are real, a typical teenager adapts to her destiny of being the chosen one meant to destroy the vampire species.

A cult series that defined an entire generation. Filled with adventures, in a wonderful combination of horror and comedy elements, it has everything it needs to attract all tastes.
The atypical heroine is part of a group of teenage friends who together go through all the age-specific problems in between the fights with the more or less ferocious monsters, under the watchful eye of the wise British librarian. Full of imagination, with a dialogue that's filled with quotable content, the series helped and fascinated the generation in the late '90s by tackling popular topics such as fitting in issues, taking on early responsibilities, self-knowledge, sexual orientation and humor as a defense mechanism without taking itself too seriously.

Creator: Joss Whedon   
With:  Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brendon, Alyson Hannigan, Anthony Head, James Marsters, David Boreanaz, Eliza Dushku, Michelle Trachtenberg, Emma Caulfield Ford, Charisma Carpenter, Amber Benson, Seth Green, Marc Blucas

Rating: 9/10

Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003)

Intr-o lume in care monstrii sunt reali, o adolescenta tipica se adapteaza destinului de a fi cea aleasa pentru a distruge specia vampirica.

Un serial cult ce a definit o intreaga generatie. Plin de aventuri, intr-o combinatie minunata de elemente horror si comedie, are tot ce ii trebuie pentru a atrage toate gusturile.
Eroina atipica face parte dintr-un grup de prieteni adolescenti ce impreuna trec prin toate problemele specifice varstei intre luptele cu monstrii mai mult sau mai putin feroce, sub veghea bibliotecarului britanic plin de intelepciune. Plin de imaginatie, cu un dialog plin de potentiale citate, serialul a ajutat si fascinat generatia de la finele anilor '90 prin manevrarea unor subiecte populare ca probleme de adaptare, recunoasterea de responsabilitati precoce, cunoastere de sine, orientare sexuala si umorul ca forma de aparare fara a se lua prea in serios.

Creator: Joss Whedon   
Cu:  Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brendon, Alyson Hannigan, Anthony Head, James Marsters, David Boreanaz, Eliza Dushku, Michelle Trachtenberg, Emma Caulfield Ford, Charisma Carpenter, Amber Benson, Seth Green, Marc Blucas

Rating: 9/10

Also read in English

Friday, June 05, 2020

Girl on the Third Floor (2019)

Un sot cu un trecut pestrit se rascumpara renovand singur casa nou achizitionata.

Un film de groaza destul de lent, cu accent pe body horror si mister cat de cat bine intretinut. Inegal si de buget redus, nu implica cea mai talentata echipa de actori, dar cumva functioneaza destul de bine. Coloana sonora este bine aleasa si in ton cu ororile amestecate.

Regia: Travis Stevens   
Cu:  C.M. Punk, Trieste Kelly Dunn, Sarah Brooks, Elissa Dowling

Rating: 6/10

Girl on the Third Floor (2019)

A husband with a dodgy past redeems himself by renovating the newly purchased house all by himself.

A rather slow burn horror film, with an emphasis on body horror and mystery that is somewhat well maintained. Uneven and low budget, it does not use the most talented team of actors, but somehow it works quite well in spite of its shortcomings. The soundtrack is well chosen and in tune with the mixed horrors.

Directed by: Travis Stevens   
With:  C.M. Punk, Trieste Kelly Dunn, Sarah Brooks, Elissa Dowling

Rating: 6/10

Thursday, June 04, 2020

Enemy At The Gates (2001)

Povestea unui duel simbolic in timpul luptelor pentru Stalingrad dintre doi cei mai buni lunetisti ale partilor implicate.

Un film de razboi un pic mai diferit. Amesteca abil realitate si fictiune (luptele pentru Stalingrad sunt reale, Vassili chiar a existat si a fost eroul descris) creand o poveste intriganta si tensionata. Un pic cam romantat si melodramatic pe alocuri, umanitatea celor doi oponenti este palpabila si credibila, regizorul incercand cu succes sa caracterizeze cele doua tabere oarecum egal, fara a hotari un inamic de netagaduit pentru publicul manevrat emotional.

Regia: Jean-Jacques Annaud  
Cu: Jude Law, Ed Harris, Joseph Fiennes, Rachel Weisz, Ron Perlman

Rating: 8/10

Enemy At The Gates (2001)

The story of a symbolic duel during the fight for Stalingrad between two of the best snipers of the involved parties. 

A slightly different war movie. It skillfully mixes reality and fiction (the battle for Stalingrad was real, Vassili actually existed and was the hero this describes) creating an intriguing and tense story. A bit too romanticized and melodramatic at times, the humanity of the two opponents is palpable and credible, the director successfully trying to characterize the two camps somewhat equally, without deciding on an irrefutable bad guy for the emotionally manipulated audience to definitely hate.

Directed by: Jean-Jacques Annaud  
With: Jude Law, Ed Harris, Joseph Fiennes, Rachel Weisz, Ron Perlman

Rating: 8/10

Monday, June 01, 2020

13 Sins (2014)

Stramtorat financiar, Elliot Brindle accepta sa participe la un joc ce ii ofera premii financiare dupa fiecare din 13 provocari, fiecare mai periculoasa decat antecedenta.

Bazat pe o idee interesanta, 13 Sins avea potential si chiar are elemente ingenioase ce functioneaza destul de bine, dar din pacate nu reuseste sa creeze o conexiune cu audienta pana poate spre final.

Regia: Daniel Stamm  
Cu: Mark Webber, Devon Graye, Tom Bower, Rutina Wesley, Ron Perlman

Rating: 6/10

13 Sins (2014)

Troubled financially, Elliot Brindle agrees to take part in a game that offers him financial rewards after each one of 13 challenges, each more dangerous than the previous one.

Based on an interesting idea, 13 Sins had potential and even has ingenious elements that work quite well, but unfortunately it fails to create a connection with the audience until maybe towards the end.

Directed by: Daniel Stamm  
With: Mark Webber, Devon Graye, Tom Bower, Rutina Wesley, Ron Perlman

Rating: 6/10