Friday, July 31, 2020

The Meg (2018)

Un proiect impresionant de explorare a gropii Marianelor descopera aproape accidental prezenta unui rechin preistoric conservat in conditii nemaipomenite.

Un film de exploatare a trendurilor cu monstri cu Jason Statham plasat abil in fruntea echipei de actori. Clar vizand doar castiguri financiare, filmul este slab la categoria dialog si portretizare a personajelor, tintind direct la ce e recunoscut ca popular si atragator pentru masele amatoare de blockbustere. Povestea nu e rea, dar cartea pe care e bazata pare mai interesanta si ceva mai credibila (de exemplu supravietuirea la fundul marii a unei specii izolate ar implica o sensibilitate severa la lumina si lipsa de pigmenti). In materie de entertainment, se poate mult mai rau, deoarece filmul de fata e vizual placut si contine actori carismatici.

Regia:  Jon Turteltaub    
Cu: Jason Statham, Bingbing Li, Rainn Wilson, Cliff Curtis

Rating: 7/10

The Meg (2018)

An impressive project meant to explore the Marianas Trench almost accidentally discovers the presence of a prehistoric shark preserved in incredible conditions.

An exploitation film with Jason Statham skillfully placed at the front of the cast. Filled with genre tropes and clearly aiming for big financial gains, the film is weak in the category of dialogue and character development, going straight for what is popular and attractive to the masses, who are big blockbuster fans. The story is not bad, but the book on which it is based seems more interesting and somewhat more credible (for example, the survival of an isolated species at the bottom of the sea would imply a severe sensitivity to light and lack of pigments which the book uses). In terms of entertainment, it could get much worse, because this film is actually visually pleasing and has a bunch of charismatic actors.

Director:  Jon Turteltaub    
With: Jason Statham, Bingbing Li, Rainn Wilson, Cliff Curtis

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Dolor y gloria / Pain And Glory (2019)

Un regizor cu multe probleme de sanatate se izoleaza in amintiri si in lucrarile sale vechi.

Un film de Pedro Almodóvar ce contine stilul sau tipic (viata reala dar plina de activitate, culori si interactiune a multor personaje bine creionate) amestecat cu mai multa drama, nostalgie si note personale. Cu un Antonio Banderas foarte diferit dar in perfecta concordanta cu personalitatea obosita, obturata emotional, usor excentrica, melodramatica si tipicara a lui Salvador, filmul reuseste sa mentina interesul prin stil, oda placerilor mici ale vietii si prin portretizarile detaliate ale personajelor implicate.

Regia:  Pedro Almodóvar   
Cu: Antonio Banderas, Asier Etxeandia, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Nora Navas, Penélope Cruz

Rating: 9/10

Dolor y gloria / Pain And Glory (2019)

A director with many health issues isolates himself in his memories and in his old works.

A film by Pedro Almodóvar that presents the traits of his typical style (real life but full of activity, colors and interaction of many well-written and detailed characters) mixed with even more drama, nostalgia and personal notes. With a very different Antonio Banderas who is in perfect harmony with the tired, emotionally blocked, slightly eccentric, melodramatic and fastidious personality of Salvador, the film manages to maintain the viewer's interest with its style, an ode to the small pleasures of life and with the intriguing detailed portraits of all the characters involved.

Director:  Pedro Almodóvar   
With: Antonio Banderas, Asier Etxeandia, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Nora Navas, Penélope Cruz

Rating: 9/10

Monday, July 27, 2020

Tully (2018)

O mama noua epuizata primeste un ajutor neasteptat in forma unei dadaci de noapte.

Un film dramatic intr-un mod nu foarte evident. Imbibat cu comedie sub forma de replici scurte si inteligente, Tully lasa o amprenta puternica, mai ales pentru cele care se recunosc in portretizarea unei femei post-partum, coplesite de anxietate, responsabilitati, un corp ce nu ii mai apartine si amintirea libertatii. Charlize Theron e excelenta in rolul lui Marlo si Mackenzie Davis ii tine isonul cu succes ca Tully.

Regia:  Jason Reitman   
Cu: Charlize Theron, Mackenzie Davis, Ron Livingston, Asher Miles Fallica, Mark Duplass, Elaine Tan

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

Tully (2018)

An exhausted new mother receives unexpected help in the shape of a night nanny.

A dramatic film but not in a very obvious way. Imbued with comedy in the form of short and intelligent remarks, Tully leaves a strong impression, especially for those who recognize themselves in the portrayal of a postpartum woman that's overwhelmed by anxiety, responsibilities, a body that no longer belongs to her and the memory of freedom. Charlize Theron is excellent as Marlo and Mackenzie Davis holds her own as Tully, complementing her successfully.

Director:  Jason Reitman   
With: Charlize Theron, Mackenzie Davis, Ron Livingston, Asher Miles Fallica, Mark Duplass, Elaine Tan

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Warrior Nun (2020 - )

O adolescenta orfana si paralizata primeste o a doua sansa la o viata normala cand devine aproape accidental purtatoarea aureolei ingeresti ce marcheaza Calugarita Razboinica (Warrior Nun).

Un serial cu multe elemente mediocrii dar care reuseste sa razbeasca prin alegerea unei actrite principale carismatice ce duce rolul in spate cu success si replici inteligente. Personajul principal este creionat cel mai bine si are parte de cel mai bun material scenaristic si aminteste pe alocuri de personajul lui Buffy. Mitologia inventata pentru serial are puncte pozitive si imaginative ce mentin atentia si interesul si serialul in mare are potential, inca nevalorificat in intregime, dar care promite de ajuns pentru a continua si cu sezonul 2, acum planificat pentru jumatatea a doua a lui 2021 cel mai devreme.

Creator:  Simon Barry   
Productie:  Netflix
Durata:  1 sezon (10 episoade de 50 minute)
Cu: Alba Baptista, Toya Turner, Kristina Tonteri-Young, Lorena Andrea, Thekla Reuten, Joaquim de Almeida

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

Warrior Nun (2020 - )

An orphaned and paralyzed teenager gets a second chance at a normal life when she almost accidentally becomes the bearer of the angelic halo that marks the Warrior Nun.

A series with many mediocre elements but which manages to stay afloat by choosing a charismatic lead actress who carries her role successfully using clever lines. The main character is the best defined one and has the best writing and is reminiscent in places of the Buffy character. The mythology they came up with for the series has positive and imaginative elements that keep the audience's attention and interest and the series in general has potential, not yet fully exploited, but a potential that promises enough to persevere with season 2, now planned for the second half of 2021 at the earliest.

Creator:  Simon Barry   
Production:  Netflix
Duration:  1 season(10 50 minute episodes)
With: Alba Baptista, Toya Turner, Kristina Tonteri-Young, Lorena Andrea, Thekla Reuten, Joaquim de Almeida

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Bacurau (2019)

Undeva in viitor, viata simpla din Bacurau este intrerupta de moartea unei matroane si o serie de evenimente misterioase incluzand disparitia satului de pe harta.

Un film cu o derulare naturala si un cadru neobisnuit pentru genul horror. Impartit in doua parti, in care prima prezinta viata simpla a unui sat izolat unde toti membrii sunt ca o familie ce trebuie sa razbeasca prin realitati geo-politice familiare (coruptie politica, access dificil la resurse naturale). Stiind ca filmul este un horror, audienta nu este deranjata ca nimic asemanator nu are loc in aceasta prima jumatate, insotita de o coloana sonora plina de sunete si ritmuri placute, pur braziliene, si oameni obisnuiti si simpli in situatii firesti. A doua jumatate incepe sa ridice intrebari, odata ce evenimente fara explicatie au loc si personaje straine sunt introduse brusc intr-un ritm mult mai alert si totusi inca firesc. Ceea ce urmeaza tine de realitati umane curente, unde viata simpla si oamenii ce o aleg sunt considerati mai prejos, inclusiv de unii din cei apartinand de acceasi grupare. Instinctul de supravietuire nu trebuie subapreciat, oricare ar fi circumstantele.

Regia: Juliano Dornelles, Kleber Mendonça Filho   
Cu: Bárbara Colen, Thomas Aquino, Silvero Pereira, Thardelly Lima, Udo Kier, Sônia Braga
Productie: Brazilia, Franta
Limba: portugheza, engleza

Rating: 9/10

Also read in English

Bacurau (2019)

Somewhere in the future, the simple life of Bacurau is interrupted by the death of one of its matriarchs and a series of mysterious events including the village disappearing from the map.

A film with a natural unfolding and quite an unusual setting for the horror genre. Divided into two parts, the first presents the simple life of an isolated village where all members are like a family that has to live through familiar geo-political realities (political corruption, difficult access to natural resources). Aware that the film is supposed to be a horror, the audience is not bothered that nothing like it takes place in this first half, which is accompanied by a soundtrack full of pleasant sounds and rhythms, purely Brazilian, and a significantly large group of ordinary and simple people in natural situations. The second half begins with suddenly raising questions, as unexplained events take place quickly and new strange characters are introduced at a much faster pace while the film still keeps its natural tone. What follows is liked to current human realities, where simple life and the people who choose it are considered inferior, including by some of those belonging to that same group. The instinct for survival should never be underestimated, whatever the circumstances.

Directed by: Juliano Dornelles, Kleber Mendonça Filho   
With: Bárbara Colen, Thomas Aquino, Silvero Pereira, Thardelly Lima, Udo Kier, Sônia Braga
Production: Brasil, France
Limba: Portuguese, English

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)

O mama indurerata inchiriaza 3 panouri publicitare pentru a insufla politia locala cu motivatie in a prinde vinovatul omorului fiicei sale.

O drama semi comica cu accente tragice ce foloseste o echipa de actori de prima mana ce impresioneaza prin jocul lor fara cusur ce nu a ramas neobservat de toate premiile de prestigiu. Cu un scenariu imperfect, ce se axeaza prea mult pe efecte compasionale si prea putin substrat, rezultatul final este imbogatit de ceea ce nu este scris si anume munca de echipa a actorilor implicati ce au reusit sa imbunatateasca mult materia prima cu care au lucrat.

Regia:  Martin McDonagh   
Cu: Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, Caleb Landry Jones, Abbie Cornish, Lucas Hedges, Zeljko Ivanek, Kerry Condon, Peter Dinklage, John Hawkes, Samara Weaving, Clarke Peters

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)

A grieving mother rents 3 billboards she uses to inspire the local police with extra motivation in catching the one guilty of her daughter's murder.

A semi-comic drama with tragic accents that uses a team of first-hand actors who impress with their flawless performances, a fact that has not gone unnoticed by all the prestigious awards. With an imperfect script, which focuses too much on compassionate effects and too little on hidden depths, the end result is enriched by what is not written, namely the teamwork of the involved actors who have managed to greatly improve the raw material they had to work with.

Director:  Martin McDonagh   
With Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, Caleb Landry Jones, Abbie Cornish, Lucas Hedges, Zeljko Ivanek, Kerry Condon, Peter Dinklage, John Hawkes, Samara Weaving, Clarke Peters

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Dracula (2020)

Misteriosul Dracula se pregateste abil pentru a calatori in Anglia si a cuceri inalta societate.

O reinterpretare a binecunoscutei povesti clasice, intr-un context clasic si mai ales modern ce a avut parte de o promotie publicitara memorabila. Elementele originale sunt inca prezente, dar reinterpretate, in unele cazuri intr-un mod foarte dramatic, dar cu un efect minunat asupra audientei, dand povestii un aer foarte original si proaspat si insufland o curiozitate entuziasmata. Stilul vizual este eficient, utilizeaza culori intense si pastreaza misterul si oroarea in masuri decente. In 3 parti, rezultatul final este undeva la mijloc, cu o prima parte excelenta si doua urmari ce scad treptat in calitate, dar in mare isi pastreaza eticheta de 'merita vazut'.

Regia:  Jonny Campbell, Damon Thomas, Paul McGuigan    
Cu: Claes Bang, Dolly Wells, Morfydd Clark, Jonathan Aris, Lydia West, Matthew Beard, Sacha Dhawan
Productie:  BBC
Durata:  miniserie cu 3 episoade de aproximativ 90 minute

Rating: 8/10 (10/8/7)

Also read in English

Dracula (2020)

The mysterious Dracula is skillfully preparing to travel to England and conquer its high society.

A reinterpretation of the well-known classic story, in a classic and especially modern context that had a memorable promotion before its release. The original elements are still present, but reinterpreted, in some cases in a very dramatic way, but with a wonderful effect on the audience, giving the story a very original and fresh air and instilling an enthusiastic curiosity. The visual style is effective, uses intense colors and keeps the mystery and horror in decent measures. In 3 parts, the final result is somewhere in the middle, with an excellent first part and two other parts that gradually decrease in quality, but in general it keeps its label of 'worth watching'.

Directed by:  Jonny Campbell, Damon Thomas, Paul McGuigan    
With: Claes Bang, Dolly Wells, Morfydd Clark, Jonathan Aris, Lydia West, Matthew Beard, Sacha Dhawan
Production:  BBC
Duration:  miniseries of 3 episodes of approximately 90 minutes

Rating: 8/10 (10/8/7)

Monday, July 20, 2020

Vampyr (1932)

Un tanar obsedat de supranatural si ocult nimereste in mijlocul unei familii lovite de tragedie.

Un clasic al genului de groaza filmat in alb-negru si folosind sunet, primul film de acest fel al lui Carl Dreyer, pentru care acesta a trebui sa ia lectii speciale. Cu un personaj principal foarte asemanator cu fanii genului cinematografic de fata si o echipa de actori fara pregatire cu putine exceptii, filmul impresioneaza prin stilul oniric folosit cu jocuri de umbre si suprapuneri de imagini ce reprezinta efecte speciale eficiente in zilele de inceput ale istoriei acestora. Povestea este un pic amestecata si derutanta in unele momente, dar acest lucru este in ton cu impresia de vis cosmar dorita de regizor.

Regia:  Carl Theodor Dreyer    
Cu: Julian West, Maurice Schutz, Rena Mandel, Sybille Schmitz

Rating: 9/10

Also read in English

Vampyr (1932)

A young man obsessed with the supernatural and the occult finds himself in the midst of events affecting a family hit by tragedy.

A classic of the horror genre filmed in black and white and using sound, the first film of this kind by Carl Dreyer, for which he had to take special lessons. With a main character very similar to the fans of the horror genre and a team of untrained actors with few exceptions, the film impresses with the dreamlike style it uses, playing ably with shadows and image overlays which actually represent very effective special effects in their early days. The story is a bit all over the place and confusing at times, but this is in perfect tune with the director's nightmare-dream intentions.

Director:  Carl Theodor Dreyer    
With: Julian West, Maurice Schutz, Rena Mandel, Sybille Schmitz

Rating: 9/10

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Game Night (2018)

Ziua de jocuri a unui cuplu competitiv ia intorsaturi neasteptate cand fratele sotului preia controlul organizand un joc de mister politist.

O comedie fara mari pretentii, cu personaje carismatice si oarecum reprezentative ale oamenilor obisnuiti ce mentine interesul si distractia audientei eficient, fara ras in hohote si totusi plin de amuzament. Fara momente de plictiseala, Game Night e facut ca la carte si e un prilej perfect de relaxare.

Regia: John Francis Daley, Jonathan Goldstein
Cu: Jason Bateman, Rachel McAdams, Kyle Chandler, Sharon Horgan, Billy Magnussen, Jesse Plemons, Michael C. Hall, Danny Huston, Chelsea Peretti

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

Game Night (2018)

The game night of a competitive couple takes unexpected turns when the husband's brother takes control by organizing a murder mystery night.

An unpretentious comedy, with charismatic and somewhat relatable characters that manages to keep the interest and fun for the audience efficiently, without loud bursts of laughter and yet full of amusement and humour. Without any moments of boredom, Game Night is properly done and is a perfect opportunity for relaxation.

Directed by: John Francis Daley, Jonathan Goldstein
With: Jason Bateman, Rachel McAdams, Kyle Chandler, Sharon Horgan, Billy Magnussen, Jesse Plemons, Michael C. Hall, Danny Huston, Chelsea Peretti

Rating: 8/10

Friday, July 17, 2020

Death Note (2017)

Un adolescent solitar gaseste un caiet ce ucide persoanele ale caror nume sunt scrise in el si incepe o cruciada impotriva criminalilor ce scapa nepedepsiti.

Un remake al unei populare serii manga si film cu acelasi nume. Acuzat de whitewashing, Death Note pare a avea o soarta nedreapta deoarece nu face altceva decat sa schimbe locatia din Japonia si sa adapteze contextul. Cu o idee originala reusita insotita de o grafica memorabila (designul lui Ryuk este foarte creativ), un tel nobil si o dezvoltare a actiunii decent de isteata, Death Note functioneaza si ca remake si de sine statator, dar si mai eficient in a inspira audienta sa incerce originalul japonez.

Regia:  Adam Wingard    
Cu: Nat Wolff, LaKeith Stanfield, Margaret Qualley, Shea Whigham, Willem Dafoe

Rating: 7/10

Also read in English

Death Note (2017)

A lone teenager finds a notebook that kills people whose names are written in it and begins a crusade against criminals who escaped the law.

A remake of a popular manga series and movie of the same name. Accused of whitewashing, Death Note seems to have an unfair fate because it does nothing but change the location from Japan and then adapt the context. With a successful original idea accompanied by memorable graphics (Ryuk's design is very creative), a noble goal and a decently clever development, Death Note works as a remake but also by itself, but it's also even more effective in inspiring the audience to give the Japanese original a try.

Directed by:  Adam Wingard    
With: Nat Wolff, LaKeith Stanfield, Margaret Qualley, Shea Whigham, Willem Dafoe

Rating: 7/10

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Fleabag (2016–2019)

Fleabag e o tanara ce traieste in Londra, are o relatie ciudata cu familia si este afectata de o moarte a unui apropiat.

Un serial comedie mai serios si tragic decat pare la o prima vedere. Scris si jucat minunat de Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Fleabag are ceva de oferit si amatorilor de comedie superficiala si celor ce adora substraturi tragice fara a lucra in detrimentul niciuneia dintre componente. Cu replici scurte si un personaj principal ce vorbeste direct audientei, serialul reuseste sa fie pe intelesul (si placul) oricui fara a sacrifica nimic din adancimea intentionata.

Creator:  Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Durata: 2 sezoane (a cate 6 episoade scurte fiecare)
Productie:  BBC  
Cu: Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Sian Clifford, Olivia Colman, Jenny Rainsford, Bill Paterson, Hugh Skinner, Andrew Scott

Rating: 9/10

Also read in English

Fleabag (2016–2019)

Fleabag is a young woman who lives in London, has a strange relationship with her family and is affected by the death of a close friend.

A comedy series that's more serious and tragic than it would seem at a first glance. Written by and played wonderfully by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Fleabag has something to offer to lovers of superficial comedy but also to those who love tragic under-layers without it working against any of the components. With short dialogue lines and a main character who speaks directly at the audience, the series manages to be easily accessible (and likeable) to anyone without sacrificing any of the intended depth.

Creator:  Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Duration:  2 seasons (6 short episodes each)
Production:  BBC  
With: Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Sian Clifford, Olivia Colman, Jenny Rainsford, Bill Paterson, Hugh Skinner, Andrew Scott

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Old Guard (2020)

O echipa de mercenari nemuritori intampina un nou membru si infrunta dusmani ce vor sa le studieze anatomia.

Un film de actiune amestecat cu putina fantezie, bazat pe o serie de romane grafice. Facut ca la carte, cu scene de actiune bine coregrafiate, The Old Guard face uz de o coloana sonora demna de filme dramatice cu adolescenti si scene melodramatice prelungite inutil, dar in mare functioneaza mai ales datorita carismaticei Charlize.

Regia:  Gina Prince-Bythewood    
Cu: Charlize Theron, KiKi Layne, Matthias Schoenaerts, Marwan Kenzari

Rating: 7/10

Also read in English

The Old Guard (2020)

A team of immortal mercenaries discover a new member and face enemies who want to study their anatomy.

An action film mixed with a little fantasy, based on a series of graphic novels. Made by the book, with well-choreographed action scenes, The Old Guard makes use of a weak soundtrack worthy of teenage drama films and lots of unnecessarily prolonged melodramatic scenes, but it somehow still work overall largely due to the charismatic Charlize.

Director:  Gina Prince-Bythewood    
With: Charlize Theron, KiKi Layne, Matthias Schoenaerts, Marwan Kenzari

Rating: 7/10

Monday, July 13, 2020

Doctor Who - Season 11 (2018)

Aventurile celui de-al 13-lea doctor dupa prima regenerare in trup de femeie.

Primul sezon experiment al iubitului serial, cu o femeie in rolul Doctorului si fara imaginatia lui Stephen Moffat. Rezultatul e un Doctor Who mediocru, concentrat pe corectitudine politica, eroi istorici reali si dusmani prea evidenti. Situatia e rareori gri, raul e usor de dibuit si eroii sunt imaculati, facand sezonul 11 unul dintre cele mai plictisitoare pana acum. Jodie Whittaker e simpatica de ajuns dar are nevoie de scenarii mai puternice.

Productie:  BBC   
Creator:  Sydney Newman  
Cu: Jodie Whittaker, Bradley Walsh, Tosin Cole, Mandip Gill, Samuel Oatley, Sharon D. Clarke

Rating: 7/10

Also read in English

Doctor Who - Season 11 (2018)

The adventures of the 13th doctor after the first  time regeneration in a woman's body.

The first experiment season of the beloved TV series, with a woman in the role of the Doctor and without the imagination of Stephen Moffat. The result is a mediocre Doctor Who, focused on political correctness, real historical heroes and too obvious enemies. The situation is rarely gray, the evil is easily distinguished and the heroes are immaculate, making season 11 one of the most boring so far. Jodie Whittaker is likeable enough but she needs stronger writing.

Production:  BBC   
Creator:  Sydney Newman  
With: Jodie Whittaker, Bradley Walsh, Tosin Cole, Mandip Gill, Samuel Oatley, Sharon D. Clarke

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)

Aventurile generatiei ce a crescut cu robotii Jaeger la 10 ani dupa inchiderea portalului Kaiju.

Un SF de actiune foarte asemanator cu predecesorul, dar concentrat pe generatia urmatoare, cu asteptarile de rigoare, gen abilitati superioare in a controla tehnologia folosita. Poate un pic si mai ridicol, cu o intriga interesanta ce isi pastreaza logica aproape intacta, Pacific Rim: Uprising e un urmas destul de bun, cu actiune si divertisment in masuri decente.

Regia:  Steven S. DeKnight    
Cu: John Boyega, Scott Eastwood, Cailee Spaeny, Burn Gorman, Charlie Day, Adria Arjona,  Rinko Kikuchi

Rating: 7/10

Also read in English

Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)

The adventures of the generation that grew up with Jaeger robots, 10 years after the closing of the Kaiju portal.

A Sci-Fi action film that's very similar to its predecessor, but focused on the next generation, with the implied expectations, such as superior skills in controlling the technology used. Maybe a little more ridiculous, with an interesting plot that keeps its logic almost intact, Pacific Rim: Uprising is a pretty good sequel, with decent amounts of action and entertainment.

Directed by:  Steven S. DeKnight    
With: John Boyega, Scott Eastwood, Cailee Spaeny, Burn Gorman, Charlie Day, Adria Arjona, Rinko Kikuchi

Rating: 7/10

Friday, July 10, 2020

El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019)

Activitatile lui Jesse Pinkman imediat dupa eliberarea sa de catre Walter.

Un film thriller facut pentru si la cererea fanilor serialului Breaking Bad. Nu era deloc necesar si nu aduce nimic nou la iveala decat o prelungire a sfarsitului cunoscut de toata lumea. Destul de bine facut, cu un suspans credibil si lent, El Camino pune accent pe amintirile lui Jesse din captivitate si cateva amintiri ale celor apropiati, o ocazie pentru ceva cameo a favoritilor fanilor.

Regia:  Vince Gilligan   
Cu: Aaron Paul, Jonathan Banks, Matt Jones, Charles Baker, Jesse Plemons, Robert Foster, Bryan Cranston, Krysten Ritter

Rating: 7/10

Also read in English

El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019)

Jesse Pinkman's activities immediately after being released by Walter.

A thriller film made for and at the request of the fans of the Breaking Bad TV show. It was not necessary at all and it brings nothing new to the table other than an extension of the finale already well known to everyone. Well done, with a believable and slow suspense, El Camino focuses on Jesse's memories either from captivity or older ones involving some of his closest people, a good opportunity for a few cameos of some fan favorites.

Director:  Vince Gilligan   
With: Aaron Paul, Jonathan Banks, Matt Jones, Charles Baker, Jesse Plemons, Robert Foster, Bryan Cranston, Krysten Ritter

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, July 09, 2020

In The Tall Grass (2019)

Atrasi de strigate de ajutor, o sora insarcinata si fratele sau patrund intr-un camp vast de iarba inalta fara vreun semn ca s-ar mai putea intoarce.

Un film in stilul de groaza al lui Stephen King bazat pe o nuvela scrisa de el si fiul acestuia - Joe Hill. Regizat de Vincenzo Natali ce este un maestru al genului (Splice, episoade variate din Hannibal, Locke & Key, Cube, Cypher si multe altele), prezinta toate amprentele acestuia, de la scenele foarte stilate de cosmar, finetea miscarilor ierbii si fluiditatea scenelor ce se pierd unele in altele pe nesimtite. Cu un final oarecum deschis, ce poate fi interpretat in functie de preferintele proprii legate de definitia paradoxurilor temporale, In The Tall Grass este cel putin interesant.

Regia:  Vincenzo Natali   
Cu: Laysla De Oliveira, Avery Whitted, Patrick Wilson, Will Buie Jr.

Rating: 7/10

Also read in English

In The Tall Grass (2019)

Drawn by a boy's cries for help, a pregnant woman and her brother enter a vast field of tall grass without any sign that they can actually return.

A horror film in the unmistakable style of Stephen King based on a short novella written by him and his son - Joe Hill. Directed by Vincenzo Natali who is a master of the genre (Splice, various episodes of Hannibal, Locke & Key, Cube, Cypher and many more), it showcases all its trademark traits, from the very stylish nightmarish scenes, the finesse of the grass movements and the fluidity of the scenes that are linked into each other seamlessly. With a somewhat open ending, which can be interpreted according to one's own prefferred definition of a temporal paradox, In The Tall Grass is at the very least interesting.

Directed by:  Vincenzo Natali   
With: Laysla De Oliveira, Avery Whitted, Patrick Wilson, Will Buie Jr.

Rating: 7/10

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Southland Tales (2006)

Un actor cu legaturi politice ce sufera de amnezie scrie un scenariu de film ce coincide cu o conspiratie reala.

Un film satiric ce aminteste de The Fifth Element, Brazil sau Mars Attacks! Lipsa de popularitate s-ar putea explica prin lipsa de "lipici" al povestii inchegate pentru a lega toate elementele incompatibile sau prin dezamagirea fanilor unor fete indragite in a-si vedea idolii in roluri complet diferite de sablonul lor obisnuit. In ciuda acestora, filmul cumva functioneaza si are sens, mai ales daca devii familiar cu intentiile initiale ale regizorului. Acesta si-a dorit a scrie si regiza o satira ce critica contextul politic al vremii (cu accent pe specificul Americii): libertati civile, securitatea statului, obsesia pentru celebritati, salvarea ecosistemului. Povestea este complexa, adesea incoerenta si totusi consistenta, si atrage tocmai prin originalitate si lipsa completa de predictibil precum si prin multele contraste oferite de rolurile atipice acordate multimii de fete cunoscute.
Se pare ca este si primul film in care The Rock este prezentat cu numele sau real.

Regia:  Richard Kelly   
Cu:  Dwayne Johnson, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Seann William Scott, Nora Dunn, Beth Grant, Bai Ling, Jon Lovitz, Mandy Moore, Lou Taylor Pucci, Justin Timberlake, Miranda Richardson, Amy Poehler, Christopher Lambert

Rating: 7/10

Also read in English

Southland Tales (2006)

An actor with political ties who suffers from amnesia writes a film script that actually matches a real conspiracy.

A satirical film reminiscent of The Fifth Element, Brazil or Mars Attacks! The lack of popularity could be explained by the lack of appeal of the story told by the writers that's supposed to link all the incompatible elements or by the disappointment of the fans of some of the famous faces in seeing their idols in roles completely different from their usual typecast. In spite of these, the film somehow works and makes sense, especially if you become a little familiar with the director's initial intentions. He wanted to write and direct a satire that criticizes the political context of the time (with an emphasis on the specifics for USA) and the real issues that needed tackling: civil liberties, state security, obsession with celebrity, saving the ecosystem and so on. The story is complex, often incoherent and yet consistent, and attracts precisely due to its originality and complete lack of predictability as well as the many contrasts the audience is hit with thanks to the many atypical roles given to a multitude of very well-known actors.
It seems that it is also the first film in which The Rock is credited with his real name.

Directed/Written by:  Richard Kelly   
With:  Dwayne Johnson, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Seann William Scott, Nora Dunn, Beth Grant, Bai Ling, Jon Lovitz, Mandy Moore, Lou Taylor Pucci, Justin Timberlake, Miranda Richardson, Amy Poehler, Christopher Lambert

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, July 05, 2020

Hemlock Grove (2013 - 2015)

Viata in Hemlock Grove cu misterele stiintifice, supranaturale si violente asa cum sunt traite de personajele neobisnuite ce traiesc aici.

Un serial mister/horror ce nu a primit atentia meritata. Incet, atmosferic, adesea cu aerul unei povesti cu zane, Hemlock Grove are de toate, de la oameni de stiinta dezaxati pana la fiinte supranaturale de poveste (de groaza). Cu o atmosfera misterioasa intretinuta abil si convingator, cu intrigi de fundal ce nu isi pierd misterul si atractia pana la final, Hemlock Grove are avantajul unei miniserii ce dureaza indeajuns pentru a satisface nevoia de mai mult si se termina satisfacator inainte de a da in ridicol sau plictis.

Productie:  Netflix
Creator: Brian McGreevy, Lee Shipman
Cu:  Famke Janssen, Bill Skarsgård, Landon Liboiron, Dougray Scott, Kaniehtiio Horn, Madeleine Martin, Penelope Mitchell, Joel de la Fuente, Lili Taylor, Kandyse McClure

Rating: 9/10

Also read in English

Hemlock Grove (2013 - 2015)

Life in Hemlock Grove with its scientific, supernatural and violent mysteries as lived by the unusual characters who live here.

A mystery / horror series that did not receive the attention it deserved. A slow burn, atmospheric, often with the vibes of a fairy tale, Hemlock Grove has everything from unbalanced scientists to (horror) fantasy creatures. With a mysterious atmosphere that's skillfully and convincingly maintained, with background intrigues that never lose their mystery and attraction, Hemlock Grove has the advantage of a miniseries type that lasts long enough to satisfy the need for more but ends satisfactorily before becoming ridiculous or boring.

Production:  Netflix
Creator: Brian McGreevy, Lee Shipman
With:  Famke Janssen, Bill Skarsgård, Landon Liboiron, Dougray Scott, Kaniehtiio Horn, Madeleine Martin, Penelope Mitchell, Joel de la Fuente, Lili Taylor, Kandyse McClure

Rating: 9/10

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Rampage (2018)

A pathogen that edits the genomes of animals giving them dangerous new features is accidentally released near a wildlife sanctuary.

A film with a ridiculous plot from which you know well in advance what to expect, which is exactly what the producers intended. Fans of fun blockbusters based on exaggerated scientific facts and individuals different from everyday people got what they wanted and turned the film into a success.

Directed by:  Brad Peyton   
With: Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris, Malin Akerman, Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Rating: 6/10

Rampage (2018)

Un patogen ce editeaza genomul animalelor dandu-le trasaturi periculoase este eliberat in apropierea unui sanctuar pentru animale salbatice.

Un film cu o intriga ridicola de la care stii bine dinainte la ce sa te astepti, ceea ce este si ceea ce producatorii au intentionat. Amatorii de blockbustere distractive bazate pe fapte stiintifice exagerate si indivizi diferiti de oamenii de zi cu zi au avut parte de ce au dorit si au transformat filmul intr-unul de succes.

Regia:  Brad Peyton   
Cu: Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris, Malin Akerman, Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Rating: 6/10

Also read in English

Friday, July 03, 2020

InSight (2011)

O asistenta medicala incepe sa aiba viziuni despre circumstantele mortii uneia din pacientele sale.

Un horror thriller psihologic cu multe ascunzisuri. Ideea si finalul sunt de ajuns de originale dar ceva ii lipseste si impedica InSight a fi perceput ca fiind deosebit. Ritmul incet si poate bugetul redus contribuie la acest fapt. Durerea pierderii cuiva apropiat este puternica si filmul merita atentie macar pentru modul in care dezvolta aceasta idee.

Regia:  Richard Gabai   
Cu: Sean Patrick Flanery, Natalie Zea, Angeline-Rose Troy, Adam Baldwin

Rating: 6/10

Also read in English

InSight (2011)

A nurse begins to have visions about the circumstances in which of one of her patients died.

A psychological horror thriller with many hidden aspects. The idea and the ending are quite original but something is just missing and that prevents InSight from being perceived as special. The slow pace and perhaps the low budget contribute to this. The pain of losing someone close is strong and the film deserves attention at least for the way it develops this idea.

Director:  Richard Gabai   
With: Sean Patrick Flanery, Natalie Zea, Angeline-Rose Troy, Adam Baldwin

Rating: 6/10

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Deep Blue Sea (1999)

Under the guise of a noble medical cause, some researchers manage to create more intelligent sharks that turn against their creators.

A horror thriller that's as effective  today as in its early days, despite the outdated special effects and the multitude of cheap clones that have come out in the last 20 years. It doesn't take itself too seriously, the plot and the science behind it are a bit ridiculous, but the entertaining effect is maximized by a team of charismatic actors and the well-coordinated action.

Director:  Renny Harlin   
With: Thomas Jane, Saffron Burrows, Samuel L. Jackson, LL Cool J

Rating: 8/10

Deep Blue Sea (1999)

In numele unei cauze medicale nobile, niste cercetatori reusesc sa creeze rechini mai inteligenti ce se intorc impotriva creatorilor lor.

Un thriller horror eficient azi ca si in zilele de inceput, in ciuda efectelor speciale invechite si a multimii copiilor ieftine ce au iesit in ultimii 20 de ani. Nu se ia prea in serios, intriga si explicatiile stiintifice sunt un pic ridicole, dar efectul distractiv este maximizat de o echipa de actori carismatici si o actiune bine coordonata.

Regia:  Renny Harlin   
Cu: Thomas Jane, Saffron Burrows, Samuel L. Jackson, LL Cool J

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English