Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Chaos (2006)

Un politist suspendat este readus in actiune pentru a investiga un jef de banca impreuna cu un partener nou, proaspat de pe bancile scolii.

'Chaos' este un thriller politist de mode veche. Incearca sa sugereze multe idei complexe si inteligente dar fara oferi baza necesara pentru a le face credibile. Are o distributie puternica, dar un scenariu ce nu depaseste eticheta de "de duzina".

Regia:  Tony Giglio     
Cu: Jason Statham, Ryan Phillippe, Wesley Snipes, Justine Waddell, Henry Czerny, Nicholas Lea

Rating: 6.9/10

Chaos (2006)

A suspended policeman is brought back into action to investigate a bank robbery together with a new partner, fresh from the academy.

'Chaos' is an old fashioned police thriller. It tries to suggest many complex and intelligent ideas but without providing the necessary basis to make them believable. The film has a strong cast, but a script that does not help it exceed the label  of "run of the mill".

Director:  Tony Giglio     
With: Jason Statham, Ryan Phillippe, Wesley Snipes, Justine Waddell, Henry Czerny, Nicholas Lea

Rating: 6.9/10

Monday, February 26, 2024

Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)

10 years after he faked his death, his son manages to find him.

'New Blood' is an event (and just a one off) season that continues the story of Dexter after the well-known finale of the series that ended in 2013. Made for the sake of the fans, it tried to fix what displeased many, but unfortunately it seems that the effect of this one was even more negative. The new story is not bad, but the spirit and humor of the original is missing. Dexter is uncharacteristically clumsy and inept just for the sake of creating twists and knife-edge scenes, and the ending... is not worth mentioning.

Director:  Marcos Siega, Sanford Bookstaver  
Production:  Showtime   
Creator:  David Greenwalt, Joss Whedon   
Duration:  1 special season of 10 episodes (8 ore 49 minutes in total)   
Wth: Michael C. Hall, Jack Alcott, Julia Jones, Johnny Sequoyah, Jennifer Carpenter, Clancy Brown, Alano Miller

Rating: 7/10

Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)

La 10 ani dupa ce si-a inscenat moartea, fiul sau il regaseste.

'New Blood' este un sezon eveniment si unic ce continuie povestea lui Dexter dupa finalul bine cunoscut al seriei ce s-a terminat in 2013. Facut de dragul fanilor, a incercat sa repare ce a nemultumit pe multi, dar din pacate se pare ca efectl a fost si mai negativ. Povestea noua nu e rea, dar spiritul si umorul originalului lipseste. Dexter este necaracteristic de stangaci si nepriceput doar de dragul de a crea twisturi si scene pe muchie de cutit, iar finalul... nu merita mentionat.

Regia:  Marcos Siega, Sanford Bookstaver  
Productie:  Showtime   
Creator:  David Greenwalt, Joss Whedon   
Durata:  1 sezon special de 10 episoade (8 ore 49 minute in total)   
Cu: Michael C. Hall, Jack Alcott, Julia Jones, Johnny Sequoyah, Jennifer Carpenter, Clancy Brown, Alano Miller

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Mortdecai (2015)

Un negustor de arta boem si alintat traieste aventuri pline de suspans in recuperarea unui tablou furat, cu un cod ascuns.

'Mordecai' este o comedie aventuroasa si fresh ce ia vizionatorul prin surprindere. Are un cast plin de talent si care nu se teme de a aparea in ipostaze ridicole.

Regia:  David Koepp    
Cu: Johnny Depp, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ewan McGregor, Olivia Munn

Rating: 7.6/10

Mortdecai (2015)

A bohemian and pampered art dealer lives suspenseful adventures in his search for recovering a stolen painting with a hidden code.

"Mordecai" is an adventurous and fresh comedy that takes the viewer by surprise. It has a talented cast that is not afraid to appear in ridiculous circumstances.

Director:  David Koepp    
With: Johnny Depp, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ewan McGregor, Olivia Munn

Rating: 7.6/10

Friday, February 23, 2024

BlackBerry (2023)

The history of the first smartphone.

'BlackBerry' is a satirical history of the events surrounding the creation of the first smartphone. Well acted, with an alert script and intelligent dialogue.

Director:  Matt Johnson    
With: Jay Baruchel, Glenn Howerton, Matt Johnson, Kelly Van der Burg, Martin Donovan, Saul Rubinek, Cary Elwes

Rating: 8/10

BlackBerry (2023)

Istoria primului smartphone.

'BlackBerry' este o istorisire satirizata a evenimentelor din jurul creatiei primului smartphone. Bine jucat, cu un scenariu alert si dialog inteligent.

Regia:  Matt Johnson    
Cu: Jay Baruchel, Glenn Howerton, Matt Johnson, Kelly Van der Burg, Martin Donovan, Saul Rubinek, Cary Elwes

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Chaos Walking (2021)

O colonie umana doar de barbati trece printr-un soc cand o nava cu un pilot femeie se prabuseste in apropiere.

'Chaos Walking' e o ecranizare dupa un roman YA SF preaiubit. Cu o idee ridicola (gandurile barbatilor sunt expuse permanent celor din jurul lor), filmul are ceva de spus in ceea ce priveste entertainmentul dar ca si creatie artistica, lasa mult de dorit.

Regia:  Doug Liman    
Cu: Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley, Demián Bichir, David Oyelowo, Mads Mikkelsen

Rating: 6.3/10

Chaos Walking (2021)

An all-male human colony goes through a shock when a ship with a female pilot crashes nearby.

'Chaos Walking' is an adaptation of a beloved YA Sci-Fi novel. With a ridiculous idea (men's thoughts are constantly exposed to those around them), the film has something to say in terms of entertainment, but as an artistic creation, it leaves a lot to be desired.

Director:  Doug Liman    
With: Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley, Demián Bichir, David Oyelowo, Mads Mikkelsen

Rating: 6.3/10

Monday, February 19, 2024

The New Mutants (2020)

Cinci tineri mutanti incearca sa se acomodeze cu noile puteri si traumele trecute.

'The New Mutants' face parte din lumea X-Men, dar cu personaje copii si o impresie de aventuri YA. Cu un cast ce include nume ce erau sau sunt inca populare, filmul nu e rau dar nici special.

Regia: Josh Boone    
Cu: Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton, Alice Braga

Rating: 7/10

The New Mutants (2020)

Five young mutants try to come to terms with their new powers and past traumas.

'The New Mutants' is part of the X-Men world, but with teenage characters and YA adventures vibes. With a cast that includes names that were hot at the time (or are still popular now), the film is not bad but not special either.

Director: Josh Boone    
With: Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton, Alice Braga

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Primeval (2007)

O echipa de stiri vrea sa faca senzatie cu povestea capturarii unui crocodil de renume, dar conflictul local ofera obstacole noi.

'Primeval' e un thriller horror despre pericolul monstrilor ce exista cu adevarat: crocodili, dictatori militari. Povestea e previzibila, trasaturile personajelor sunt de duzina si clonate, cu putine exceptii iar actiunea este usor de anticipat.

Regia:  Michael Katleman    
Cu: Dominic Purcell, Orlando Jones, Brooke Langton, Jürgen Prochnow

Rating: 6/10

Primeval (2007)

A news team wants to create sensation with the story of the capture of a famous crocodile, but the local war-ish conflict puts new obstacles in their way.

"Primeval" is a horror thriller about the danger of monsters that do really exist: crocodiles, military dictators. The story is predictable, the characters' traits are just cloned from many other familiar similar subjects with very few exceptions, and the action is easy to anticipate at every step. It's all a little too derivative.

Director:  Michael Katleman    
With: Dominic Purcell, Orlando Jones, Brooke Langton, Jürgen Prochnow

Rating: 6/10

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Maniac (2018)

Doi straini sunt atrasi din motive diferite de un medicament experimental ce promite sa le rezolve toate problemele.

'Maniac' este o drama SF cu un continut foarte eclectic si plin de imaginatie. Cei doi protagonisti principali sunt excelenti si foarte bine potriviti pentru o alaturare ce are atat de mult sens. Greu de descris in genere, Maniac trebuie trait.

Regia:  Cary Joji Fukunaga   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Cary Joji Fukunaga, Patrick Somerville   
Durata:  miniserie de 10 episoade (6 ore 26 minute in total)   
Cu: Emma Stone, Jonah Hill, Sonoya Mizuno, Justin Theroux, Sally Field, Julia Garner, Gabriel Byrne, Jemima Kirke, Trudie Styler

Rating: 9.5/10

Maniac (2018)

Two strangers are drawn for different reasons to an experimental drug that promises to solve all their problems.

'Maniac' is a sci-fi drama with a very eclectic and imaginative content. The two main protagonists are excellent and very well suited for an association that makes so much sense. Hard to describe in general, Maniac must be experienced.

Director:  Cary Joji Fukunaga   
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Cary Joji Fukunaga, Patrick Somerville   
Duration:  miniseries of 10 episodes (6 ore 26 minutes in total)   
With: Emma Stone, Jonah Hill, Sonoya Mizuno, Justin Theroux, Sally Field, Julia Garner, Gabriel Byrne, Jemima Kirke, Trudie Styler

Rating: 9.5/10

Friday, February 16, 2024

Meet Cute (2022)

O tanara are posibilitatea de a calatori in timp si a modifica traumele trecute ale partenerului sau.

'Meet Cute' are premisa unei comedii romantice, dar devine comedie psihologica prin prisma unui twist SF. Nimeni nu poate critica filmul pentru lipsa de originalitate. Comedia e usoara dar prezenta, romantismul este un pic depresiv, iar unghiul SF este interesant si face posibila o denaturare terifianta a lipsei de limite.

Regia:  Alex Lehmann      
Cu: Kaley Cuoco, Pete Davidson, Kevin Corrigan, Deborah S. Craig

Rating: 7.6/10

Meet Cute (2022)

A young woman has the ability to travel in time and change her partner's past traumas.

'Meet Cute' has the premise of a romantic comedy, but becomes a psychological comedy through the prism of a sci-fi twist. No one can accuse the film of lack of originality. The comedy is light but present, the romance is a bit depressing, and the  sci-fi angle is interesting and makes possible a terrifying distortion of not respecting boundaries.

Director:  Alex Lehmann      
With: Kaley Cuoco, Pete Davidson, Kevin Corrigan, Deborah S. Craig

Rating: 7.6/10

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Other Side of the Door (2016)

O mama risca un ritual periculos pentru a-si revedea fiul pierdut.

'The Other Side of the Door' este un film de groaza construit in jurul dramei perderii un copil, ce pare a fi un subgen de sine statator. Actiunile mamei sunt usor de inteles pana la un anume punct, iar originalitatea ritualului si decorul interesant nu sunt de ajuns pentru a ridica nivelul rezultatului. Interesant pentru un horror de duzina.

Regia:  Johannes Roberts   
Cu: Sarah Wayne Callies, Jeremy Sisto, Sofia Rosinsky, Logan Creran

Rating: 6/10

The Other Side of the Door (2016)

A mother risks a dangerous ritual to see her lost son again.

'The Other Side of the Door' is a horror film built around the drama of losing a child, which seems to be a subgenre all of its own. The actions of the mother are easy to understand up to a certain point, but the originality of the ritual and the interesting setting are not enough to raise the level of the result. Interesting for a run of the mill horror.

Director:  Johannes Roberts   
With: Sarah Wayne Callies, Jeremy Sisto, Sofia Rosinsky, Logan Creran

Rating: 6/10

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Baghead (2023)

A young woman inherits her estranged father's pub, in which is imprisoned a being that can bring back the deceased temporarily.

"Baghead" is a horror film that uses the traditional elements of the genre (nightmarish screams, sudden noises, etc.) but brings to life a popular idea ("the wronged witch") with an original reimagining. It has enough flaws (dubious choices of the main character, the unfounded and superficially treated vilification of the extra male character), but it deserves attention for its breath of fresh air and the clever ending.

Director: Alberto Corredor    
With:  Freya Allan, Jeremy Irvine, Ruby Barker, Peter Mullan

Rating: 7.6-ish/10

Baghead (2023)

O tanara mosteneste pubul tatalui sau departat, in care este intemnitata o fiinta ce poate readuce pe cei decedati temporar.

'Baghead' este un film de groaza ce foloseste elementele traditionale ale genului (urlete de cosmar, zgomote bruste etc) dar aduce la viata o idee populara cu o reimaginare originala. Are destule defecte (alegeri indoielnice ale personajului principal, vilificarea nefondata si tratata superficia a personajului tertiar masculin), dar merita atentie pentru aerul proaspat si finalul istet.

Regia: Alberto Corredor    
Cu:  Freya Allan, Jeremy Irvine, Ruby Barker, Peter Mullan

Rating: 7.6/10

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Men (2022)

Harper inchiriaza o casa la tara pentru a-si reveni dupa trauma mortii fostului sot.

'Men' este aparent o poveste dramatica, plina de trauma si amintiri dureroase si plimbari monotone pe carari de padure si campii. Pana cand se transforma in altceva, un fel de horor (care era asteptat) si analiza poetica morbida a efectului nociv al personalitatilor masculine toxice. Desi e o lectie des auzita, filmul ramane interesant si hipnotic prin coeficientul sau de creepiness si originalitate in executie.

Regia:  Alex Garland     
Cu: Jessie Buckley, Rory Kinnear, Paapa Essiedu, Gayle Rankin

Rating: 9/10

Men (2022)

Harper rents a house in the country side to recover from the trauma of her ex-husband's death.

'Men' is at a first glance a dramatic story, full of trauma and painful memories and monotonous walks on forest paths and fields. Until it turns into something else, a kind of horror (which was expected) mixed in with morbid poetic analysis of the harmful effect of toxic male personalities. Although it is an often heard lesson, the film remains interesting and hypnotic through its quota of creepiness and its originality in execution.

Director:  Alex Garland     
With: Jessie Buckley, Rory Kinnear, Paapa Essiedu, Gayle Rankin

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, February 08, 2024

Saltburn (2023)

Un student la Oxford este atras de lumea fascinanta a aristocratilor moderni prin prisma familiei colegului sau.

'Saltburn' este o drama usor satirizata despre dorinta umana foarte favorizata pentru mai mult: mai multi bani, mai mult appeal, mai multa popularitate. Pare inspirat de povestea lui Tom Ripley, dar cu mai multa comedie/satira, mai putina adancime si mai mult continut scandalizator. Filmul are multe momente inteligente, in genere imbogatite prin personajele secundare, dar regula pare sa fie lene in scenariu ce incearca sa compenseze prin scene soc.

Regia:  Emerald Fennell   
Cu: Barry Keoghan, Jacob Elordi, Rosamund Pike, Richard E. Grant

Rating: 7/10

Saltburn (2023)

An Oxford student is drawn to the fascinating world of modern aristocrats through the lens of his colleague's family.

'Saltburn' is a slightly satirized drama about the highly favored human desire for more: more money, more appeal, more popularity. It seems inspired by the story of Tom Ripley, but with more comedy/satire, less depth and more scandalous content. The film has many intelligent moments, generally enriched by the secondary characters, but the rule seems to be script laziness which tries to overcompensate with shock scenes.

Director:  Emerald Fennell   
With: Barry Keoghan, Jacob Elordi, Rosamund Pike, Richard E. Grant

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, February 03, 2024

Tau (2018)

A young woman is kidnapped by a scientist who keeps her in an intelligent house to perform experiments on her.

'Tau' is a sci-fi thriller that involves the favorite topic of recent years: artificial intelligence. With few characters, the film manages to be intelligent, coherent and full of meaningful dialogue. Satisfying for fans of the genre.

Director:  Federico D'Alessandro     
With: Maika Monroe, Ed Skrein, Gary Oldman, Fiston Barek

Rating: 8/10

Friday, February 02, 2024

Tau (2018)

O tanara este rapita de un om de stiinta ce o pastreaza intr-o casa inteligenta pentru experimente.

'Tau' este un thriller SF ce include subiectul preferat al ultimilor ani: inteligenta artificiala. Cu putine personaje, filmul reuseste sa fie inteligent, coerent si plin de dialog cu inteles. Satisfacator pentru fanii genului.

Regia:  Federico D'Alessandro     
Cu: Maika Monroe, Ed Skrein, Gary Oldman, Fiston Barek

Rating: 8/10