Sunday, November 28, 2021

The Invisible Man (2020)

Cecilia reuseste sa fuga de sotul abuziv dar, dupa sinuciderea suspecta a acestuia, evenimente stranii au loc ce sugereaza ca o hartuieste intr-o forma invizibila.

'The Invisible Man' e cea mai recenta si moderna incercare de a revitaliza personajul de mit contemporan. Elisabeth Moss e incredibila in rolul de victima nu tocmai fara aparare, suspansul este palpabil, efectele speciale si impactul vizual transforma remake-ul intr-un succes, si comercial si ca realizare. Finalul are cateva neconcordante ce dilueaza efectul general intr-o anume masura, dar filmul ca intreg merita vazut.

Regia:  Leigh Whannell      
Cu: Elisabeth Moss, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Harriet Dyer, Aldis Hodge

Rating: 8/10

The Invisible Man (2020)

Cecilia manages to escape her abusive husband but, after his suspicious suicide, strange events start to take place that suggest that he is stalking and harassing her in an invisible form.

'The Invisible Man' is the latest and most modern attempt to revitalize the character of contemporary myth. Elisabeth Moss is incredible in the role of the not-so-helpless victim, the suspense is palpable, the special effects and the visual impact on the viewer transform this remake into a real success, both commercially and as an artistic achievement. The ending has some inconsistencies that dilute the overall effect to some extent, but the film as a whole is still worth seeing.

Director:  Leigh Whannell      
With: Elisabeth Moss, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Harriet Dyer, Aldis Hodge

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Night House (2020)

Beth e o proaspata vaduva ce cauta raspunsuri legate de moartea partenerului, o experienta plina de trairi neobisnuite si descoperiri ingrijoratoare.

'The Night House' e un film horror cu accente de drama si film de investigatii. Rebecca Hall si misterul halucinant al imprejurarilor reusesc sa ridice calitatea unui simplu horror la cea a unui film bine facut ce merita toata atentia. Actrita principala (cu ceva interventie regizorala desigur) reuseste sa ne ameteasca cu trairi ce umplu vizionatorul de indoieli asupra adevarului actiunilor si informatiei dezvaluite, intr-un mod ce fascineaza, mentine in suspans perpetuu si in fine socheaza cu bruschetea adevarului.

Regia:  David Bruckner      
Cu: Rebecca Hall, Sarah Goldberg, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Evan Jonigkeit

Rating: 9/10

The Night House (2020)

Beth is a recent widow looking for answers about her partner's death, an experience full of unusual experiences and worrying discoveries.

'The Night House' is a horror film with accents of drama and investigative film. Rebecca Hall and the hallucinatory mystery of the circumstances manage to raise the quality from a simple horror to that of a well-made film that deserves all the attention. The main actress (with some directorial intervention of course) manages to dazzle us with feelings that fill the viewer with doubts about the truth of the actions and information that's revealed, in a way that fascinates, keeps the audience in perpetual suspense and finally shocks them with the truths's suddenness.

Director:  David Bruckner      
With: Rebecca Hall, Sarah Goldberg, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Evan Jonigkeit

Rating: 9/10

Friday, November 26, 2021

Prospect (2018)

O fiica si tatal sau calatoresc unde angajatorii ii trimit cu contract pentru a colecta pietre pretioase extraterestre ce necesita un proces de extragere delicat si periculos.

'Prospect' este un film SF deosebit, concentrat pe realismul vietii in viitor si schimbarile economice si sociale ce au sens ca evolutie in contextul calatoriilor in spatiu. Cu un pic de conflict cvasi prietenos, camaraderie neasteptata, si evenimente si obstacole cu adevarat periculoase, 'Prospect' este un experiment cinematografic de succes, cu o cinematografie pitoreasca si ireal de credibila.

Regia:  Christopher Caldwell, Zeek Earl      
Cu: Sophie Thatcher, Jay Duplass, Pedro Pascal, Luke Pitzrick

Rating: 8/10

Prospect (2018)

A daughter and her father travel where their contracters send them in order to collect high value alien gems that require a delicate and dangerous extraction process.

'Prospect' is a special Sci-Fi film, focused on the realism of life in the future and the economic and social changes that make sense in the evolutionary scale, in the context of extensive space travel. With a bit of a quasi-friendly conflict, unexpected camaraderie, and truly dangerous events and obstacles, 'Prospect' is a successful cinematic experiment, with a picturesque and unrealistically believable cinematography.

Director:  Christopher Caldwell, Zeek Earl      
With: Sophie Thatcher, Jay Duplass, Pedro Pascal, Luke Pitzrick

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Tenet (2020)

Protagonistul, un agent CIA, este recrutat intr-o misiune de spionaj cu telul de a evita un conflict mondial, si nu ii este deslusit decat un singur cuvant - Tenet.

'Tenet' e cel mai recent film al lui Christopher Nolan, ca de o obicei apartinand unui amalgam de genuri. In principiu, 'Tenet' e un thriller cu spionaj si (cel putin) un paradox temporal. Fanii oricaruia dintre cele 3 aspecte vor fi spectatori satisfacut,i deoarece regizorul jongleaza cu abilitate cerintele fiecaruia. Coregrafia vizuala si temporala este fara gres si impresionanta facand filmul o adevarata reusita artistica si comerciala.

Regia:  Christopher Nolan   
Cu: John David Washington, Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Debicki, Juhan Ulfsak, Clémence Poésy, Josh Stewart, Martin Donovan, Michael Caine, Andrew Howard

Rating: 9/10

Tenet (2020)

The Protagonist, a CIA agent, is recruited in an espionage mission with the aim of avoiding a new world conflict, and only one word is given to him - Tenet.

'Tenet' is Christopher Nolan's latest film, and as usual, a film belonging to a miriad of genres. In short, 'Tenet' is an espionage thriller with (at least) one temporal paradox. Fans of any of the 3 aspects will be satisfied spectators, because the director skillfully juggles the requirements of each and every one. The visual and temporal choreography is flawless and impressive, making the film a real artistic and commercial success.

Director:  Christopher Nolan   
With: John David Washington, Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Debicki, Juhan Ulfsak, Clémence Poésy, Josh Stewart, Martin Donovan, Michael Caine, Andrew Howard

Rating: 9/10

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Vivarium (2019)

A couple looking for a new home gets stuck in a weird suburban neighborhood with identical houses.

'Vivarium' is a mysterious, almost absurdist film with philosophical intentions. The central pieces of the story are the two young people and a child they have to raise as they think best. At some point, the reasons and explanations for anything occuring become redundant and completely irrelevant, the strongest impression left on the viewer being from the memory of the effect of the events on the child and the two young people especially. It all comes down to the human ability to be parents and the quality of the rewards and gratitude for the effort parents make. The overall effect of the film cannot be called anything else but depressive or maybe, in a few cases, a naive one, which generates some form of pride.

Director:  Lorcan Finnegan     
With: Imogen Poots, Danielle Ryan, Molly McCann, Jesse Eisenberg

Rating: 8/10

Vivarium (2019)

Un cuplu ca cauta o casa noua ramane blocat intr-un cartier suburban de case identice.

'Vivarium' e un film misterios, aproape absurdist, cu intentii filozofice. Piesele centrale ale povestii sunt cei doi tineri din cuplu si un copil pe care trebuiesc sa il creasca asa cum cred ei mai bine. Motivele si explicatiile devin redundante si complet irelevante, impresia cea mai puternica fiind de la amintirea efectului evenimentelor asupra copilului si celor doi tineri. Totul se rezuma la abilitatea umana de a fi parinti si calitatea recompenselor  si recunostintei pentru efortul depus. Efectul final al filmului nu se poate chema altfel decat depresiv sau poate, in putine cazuri, unul naiv, generator de o oarecare mandrie.

Regia:  Lorcan Finnegan     
Cu: Imogen Poots, Danielle Ryan, Molly McCann, Jesse Eisenberg

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Deadtectives (2018)

O echipa de investigatori ai supranaturalului ce lucreaza pentru un show TV se gasesc fata in fata cu un caz real de bantuire.

'Deadtectives' e o comedie horror distractiva in traditia lui Ghostbusters dar cu un dialog mai putin cizelat si un umor mai din topor. Pentru fanii genului de groaza, 'Deadtectives' poate genera destula relaxare si distractie fara prea multa implicare emotionala sau intelectuala.

Regia:  Tony West     
Cu: Chris Geere, Tina Ivlev, David Newman, José María de Tavira

Rating: 7/10

Deadtectives (2018)

A team of supernatural investigators working for a TV show find themselves face to face with a real haunting case.

'Deadtectives' is a fun horror comedy in the tradition of Ghostbusters but with a less refined dialogue and a more superficial humor. For fans of the horror genre, 'Deadtectives' can generate enough relaxation and fun without too much emotional or intellectual involvement.

Director:  Tony West     
With: Chris Geere, Tina Ivlev, David Newman, José María de Tavira, Martha Higareda

Rating: 7/10

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Boss Level (2020)

Roy e blocat intr-un ciclu repetitiv unde aceeasi zi are loc exact la fel si se termina cu Roy murind in diverse feluri depinzand de ce face diferit.

'Boss Level' este versiunea SF si de actiune a lui 'Groundhog Day'. L-as asemana alocuri si cu 'Crank' daca nu ar fi contradictia ca personajul principal de fata pierde de mai mult de o suta de ori pentru a ajunge sa schimbe ceva. E modern, amuzant unde umorul isi are locul, actiunea este bine tratata si entertainment-ul este de calitate. 
Bonus: Mel Gibson, Michelle Yeoh si Naomi Watts apar in roluri relativ superficiale.

Regia:  Joe Carnahan    
Cu: Frank Grillo, Mel Gibson, Naomi Watts, Michelle Yeoh

Rating: 7/10

Boss Level (2020)

Roy is stuck in a time loop where the same day takes place in exactly the same way and ends with Roy dying in various ways depending on what he does differently.

'Boss Level' is the sci-fi and action version of 'Groundhog Day'. I would sometimes liken it to 'Crank' if it weren't for the contradiction where the main character of this one loses more than a hundred times in order to get to change anything. It's modern, funny where humor has a place, the action is well done and the entertainment is of high quality.
Bonus: Mel Gibson, Michelle Yeoh and Naomi Watts appear in relatively unimportant roles.

Director:  Joe Carnahan    
With: Frank Grillo, Mel Gibson, Naomi Watts, Michelle Yeoh

Rating: 7/10

Friday, November 12, 2021

Guns Akimbo (2019)

Un internet troll supara persoana gresita si este involuntar inscris intr-o cursa pe viata si pe moarte dupa ce doua pistoale ii sunt atasate permanent mainilor sale in mod chirurgical.

'Guns Akimbo' e un film de actiune aproape absurdist. Intriga e un pic ridicola si probabil nu foarte posibila, iar actiunea este rapida, cu schimbari bruste, inamici surprinzatori si aliati neasteptati. Pentru cei ce nu desfac firul in patru, filmul poate fi foarte entertaining.

Regia:  Jason Howden       
Cu: Daniel Radcliffe, Samara Weaving, Ned Dennehy, Natasha Liu Bordizzo

Rating: 7/10

Guns Akimbo (2019)

An internet troll upsets the wrong person and is forcefully entered in a life and death race after two guns are permanently attached to his hands surgically.

'Guns Akimbo' is an almost absurdist action film. The plot is a bit ridiculous and probably not very possible, and the action is fast paced, with sudden changes, surprising enemies and unexpected allies. For those who aren't too much of a nitpicker, the film can be very entertaining.

Director:  Jason Howden       
With: Daniel Radcliffe, Samara Weaving, Ned Dennehy, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Grant Bowler

Rating: 7/10

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)

O intreaga mitologie antica iese la suprafata dupa ce o armata de monstri uriasi revin la viata si pun planeta intreaga in pericol, telul lui Godzilla fiind unul neasteptat.

'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' este continuarea filmului din 2014, avand loc in acelasi univers ca si 'Kong: Skull Island'. Filmul e spectaculos vizual, cu un ritm alert si constant ce nu lasa loc de plictiseala. Ca poveste e probabil mai slab decat filmul precedent, actiunile personajelor umane sunt adesea curioase, un pretext pentru a adanci dramatismul anumitor scene probabil. Desfasurarea scenelor ce implica multe efecte speciale este inca impresionanta, dar parca mai putin artistica decat in filmul precedent ce a ales o cale mult mai subtila (similar filmului Cloverfield).

Regia:  Michael Dougherty      
Cu: Kyle Chandler, Vera Farmiga, Millie Bobby Brown, Ken Watanabe

Rating: 8/10

Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)

An whole ancient mythology comes to the surface when an army of giant monsters come back to life and endanger the entire planet, Godzilla's goal in the matter being an unexpected one.

'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' is the sequel to the 2014 film, taking place in the same universe as 'Kong: Skull Island'. The film is visually spectacular, with an alert and constant rhythm that leaves no room for boredom. In terms of story, that's probably not as good as the previous film's, the actions of the human characters are often curious, a pretext to deepen the dramatic effect at times probably. The unfolding of the scenes that involve many special effects is still impressive, but they all seem maybe less artistic than in the previous film which chose a much more subtle approach (more similar to Cloverfield).

Director:  Michael Dougherty      
With: Kyle Chandler, Vera Farmiga, Millie Bobby Brown, Ken Watanabe

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, November 07, 2021

Infinite (2021)

Un tip plin de cunostinte fara explicatie si suferind de schizofrenie, afla ca aparentele inseala si este de fapt o reincarnare repetata a aceleiasi personalitati.

'Infinite' e (inca) un film de actiune sub bagheta lui Antoine Fuqua din 2021, fara politisti de data aceasta. Mark Wahlberg are darul de a fi popular si placut in aproape orice si desi subiectul este in mare inspirat de alte proiecte (de cinema - vezi Wanted, Divergent, Boss Level - si TV - vezi Altered Carbon sau The OA), 'Infinite' reuseste sa fie entertaining si ne-plictisitor.

Regia:  Antoine Fuqua     
Cu: Mark Wahlberg, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Sophie Cookson, Dylan O'Brien

Rating: 7/10

Infinite (2021)

A guy full of unexplained knowledge and suffering from schizophrenia, finds out that appearances are definitely deceiving and he is in fact a multi-reincarnation of the same man.

'Infinite' is (yet another/)an action movie by Antoine Fuqua from 2021, without cops this time. Mark Wahlberg has the gift of being popular and likeable in pretty much anything, and although the subject is largely derivative (see similar other projects in cinema - like Wanted, Divergent, Boss Level - and in TV - like Altered Carbon or The OA), 'Infinite' manages to still be entertaining and non-boring.

Director:  Antoine Fuqua     
With: Mark Wahlberg, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Sophie Cookson, Dylan O'Brien

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, November 06, 2021

The Wind (2018)

In tinutul vestic, salbatic al Americii secolului 19, Lizzy munceste din greu si in izolare pentru a stabili radacinile familiei sale.

'The Wind' este un film horror cu radacini psihologice dramatice. Efectele vizuale si regia abila reusesc sa ne transporte mental in paranoia, drama si confuzia personajelor. Caitlin Gerard e minunat de credibila in rolul lui Lizzy si duce in spate un film intreg ce aproape ca are doar un personaj. E un pic diferit de alte filme de gen, si poate mai lent in desfasurare, dar e fascinant de vizionat.

Regia:  Emma Tammi    
Cu: Caitlin Gerard, Julia Goldani Telles, Ashley Zukerman, Dylan McTee

Rating: 8/10

The Wind (2018)

In the wild and isolated western land of 19th century America, Lizzy works hard to establish her family's roots.

'The Wind' is a horror film with dramatic psychological roots. The visual effects and the skillful direction manage to transport us mentally in the paranoia, drama and confusion that the characters experience. Caitlin Gerard is wonderfully convincing in the role of Lizzy and carries the entire film that almost has only one character. 'The Wind' is a little different from other movies of of the same genre, and maybe slower in progress, but it's mesmerising to watch.

Director:  Emma Tammi    
With: Caitlin Gerard, Julia Goldani Telles, Ashley Zukerman, Dylan McTee

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Slasher season IV - "Flesh & Blood" (2021)

O familie bogata dar disfunctionala se aduna regulat pe insula unde tatal familiei locuieste pentru a participa in diverse competitii pentru mostenirea familiei.

'Flesh & Blood' este sezonul cel mai recent al seriei Slasher, cu o popularitate si un buget mariti prin preluarea de catre Shudder. Cu David Cronenberg ca unul din actori (!), sezonul 4 nu este prea special ca realizare, ba chiar e cel mai slabut din toate, dar reuseste sa atraga si sa distreze vizionatorii prin acelasi efect de 'guilty pleasure'. Jocul actoricesc sufera in acest sezon, dar povestea inca atrage si curiozitatea este mentinuta pana la final, iar finalul este satisfacator, desi poate nu neasteptat.

Regia:  Adam MacDonald   
Productie:  Shudder, Chiller  
Creator:  Aaron Martin   
Durata:  Sezonul 4 din 4, fiecare a cate 8 episoade (1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Christopher Jacot, Paula Brancati, David Cronenberg, Jeananne Goossen, Sabrina Grdevich, A.J. Simmons

Rating: 8/10

Slasher season IV - "Flesh & Blood" (2021)

A rich but dysfunctional family gathers regularly on the island where the father of the family lives, to participate in various competitions for the family inheritance.

'Flesh & Blood' is the most recent season of the Slasher TV series, with an increased popularity and budget since taken over by Shudder. With David Cronenberg as one of the actors (!), Season 4 is not very special in terms of achievements, in fact it is the weakest of all 4 so far, but it still manages to attract and entertain the viewers through the same effect of 'guilty pleasure' as before. The acting suffers this season, but the story still attracts and the curiosity is maintained until the end, and the finale is satisfactory, although maybe not fully unexpected.

Director:  Adam MacDonald   
Production:  Shudder, Chiller  
Creator:  Aaron Martin   
Duration:  Season 4 of 4, 8 episodes each (1 hour each)   
Cu: Christopher Jacot, Paula Brancati, David Cronenberg, Jeananne Goossen, Sabrina Grdevich, A.J. Simmons

Rating: 8/10