Thursday, April 30, 2020

Weeds (2005-2012)

A housewife suddenly becomes a widow and starts a marijuana business in the suburbs.

Based on a common idea with Breaking Bad, it precedes it and evolves completely differently, Weeds' style being more satirical, sprinkled with comedy and absurdism, no matter how subtle it sometimes is. With a charismatic main character (who fits Mary-Louise Parker like a glove), Weeds manages to make the audience care about a motley dysfunctional family during 8 seasons of 10-15 short and effective episodes. The comical effect is genuine but sprinkled with drama and sometimes unbelievable elements, but the series keeps a homogeneous content that never disappoints up until the last scene.

Production: Showtime
With: Mary-Louise Parker, Justin Kirk, Hunter Parrish, Alexander Gould, Kevin Nealon, Elizabeth Perkins, Andy Milder, Demián Bichir, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Martin Donovan, Matthew Modine, Pablo Schreiber, Alanis Morissette, Mary-Kate Olsen, Julie Bowen

Rating: 9/10

Weeds (2005-2012)

O mama casnica devine vaduva pe neasteptate si incepe o afacere cu marijuana in suburbii.

Bazat pe o idee comuna cu Breaking Bad, preceda acesta si evolueaza complet diferit, stilul lui Weeds fiind mai mult satiric, presarat cu comedie si absurdism, oricat de subtil ar fi aceasta uneori. Cu un personaj principal carismatic ce i se potriveste ca o manusa lui Mary-Louise Parker, Weeds reuseste sa faca publicul sa ii pese de o familie pestrita si disfunctionala pe parcursul a 8 sezoane a cate 10-15 episoade scurte si eficiente. Efectul comic este veritabil dar presarat cu drama si elemente uneori incredibile, dar isi pastreaza un continut omogen ce nu dezamageste pana in ultima scena.

Productie: Showtime
Cu: Mary-Louise Parker, Justin Kirk, Hunter Parrish, Alexander Gould, Kevin Nealon, Elizabeth Perkins, Andy Milder, Demián Bichir, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Martin Donovan, Matthew Modine, Pablo Schreiber, Alanis Morissette, Mary-Kate Olsen, Julie Bowen

Rating: 9/10 

Monday, April 27, 2020

Los Ojos De Julia (2010)

A woman has to face multiple challenges: the loss of her vision, the mystery of her sister's death who also shared her illness, and the gradual weakening of mutual trust in the people who until recently she considered close.

A thriller of the classic recipe, ridiculous exactly as much as it should be and with a generous amount of intrigue and mystery. Set in motion by convincing actors, some quite talented, with a mysterious atmosphere maintained by a perfectly tuned rhythm and a cinematography rich in autumn colors, Los Ojos De Julia manages to keep the viewer interested up to the end in a constant feeling of curiosity and impatience that are well maintained. Warning: the unspoken rule known by the whole cinephilic community (especially horrorphilic!) that torture applied to the eye never takes place explicitly on the screen (Un Chien Andalou doesn't count) is ostentatiously violated.

Directed by: Guillem Morales
Screenplay: Guillem Morales, Oriol Paulo
With: Belén Rueda, Lluís Homar, Pablo Derqui

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Visitor Q (2001)

Each member of a dysfunctional family interacts differently with a mysterious visitor who seems to inspire solutions to their deep problems.

One of Takashi Miike's first films, filmed in 7 days with a free hand camera, which already bears his famous imprint in terms of the subject he approaches, namely the uncomfortable and repressible truths of human nature.
There are many activities that we could not easily associate with things that really happen in the world unravelling in front of our eyes, although we are all aware that psychology/pathology finds and defines new items after there was a real precedent. The explanation for these acts could be twofold: we first see them as an experiment to find an answer to the question that one of the characters asks - "what should we feel in this case ?!" - and then they could be an exaggeration of the inner effects on man - here symbolically represented by actions with a strong visual effect - caused by a network of factors related to growth and identification in a family, which can harm not only actively but passively or by carelessness.
The ending reinforces these ideas, but due to the clumsiness of the filming (no matter how intentional) and the disgusting elements that are quite difficult to watch, the film is not for everyone. Not even for the so-called comic elements (non-existent here ...).

Directed by: Takashi Miike
With: Ken'ichi Endô, Shungiku Uchida, Kazushi Watanabe

Rating: 6/10

Visitor Q (2001)

Fiecare din membrii unei familii disfunctionale interactioneaza in mod diferit cu un vizitator misterios ce pare sa insufle solutii la problemele lor adanci.

Unul din primele filme ale lui Takashi Miike, filmat in 7 zile cu camera libera, ce deja ii poarta amprenta celebra in ceea ce priveste subiectul abordat si anume adevarurile incomode si reprimabile ale naturii umane.
In fata ochilor ni se desfasoara so sumedenie de activitati pa care nu le-am putea usor asocia cu lucruri care chiar se intampla in lume, desi suntem constienti ca psihologia/patologia gaseste si defineste elemente dupa ce a existat un precedent. Explicatia pentru acestea ar fi dubla: le vedem mai intai ca un experiment pentru a gasi raspuns la intrebarea unuia dintre personaje "ce ar trebui sa simtim in acest caz?!" si mai apoi ar putea fi o exagerare a efectelor interioare asupra omului - aici reprezentate simbolic prin actiuni cu un efect vizual puternic - cauzate printr-o retea de factori legate de cresterea si identificarea intr-o familie, ce poate dauna nu numai activ dar pasiv sau prin nepasare.
Finalul intareste aceste idei, dar din cauza stangaciei filmarii (oricat ar fi ea de intentionala) si elementelor dizgratioase dificil de urmarit, filmul nu e pentru oricine. Nici macar pentru asa-zisele elemente comice (inexistente...).

Regia: Takashi Miike
Cu: Ken'ichi Endô, Shungiku Uchida, Kazushi Watanabe

Rating: 6/10

Also read in English

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Welcome to the Punch (2013)

A detective who's obsessed with a very skilled villain finds a rare new opportunity to capture him.

I took a short break (from writing not from watching movies!) for lack of time and inspiration, but this movie made me want to tell everyone about how special it is. It's a cop story with a little drama, which manages to inspire sympathy for the good guy (as usual) but also some sympathy/empathy even for the bad one, but anyway, it's a story that keeps you engaged, it does not captivate, but definitely does not fail.
If that didn't sound too special, there's nothing to it, because this production wins infinite brownie points for the spectacularity of the cinematography. The perfect direction and the help of a top-notch cameraman manage to bring to life not only a police film but a genuine piece of cinematic art. Each flawless frame is perfectly thought out and perfectly highlighted. And this happens to such an extent that it almost distracts from the story that's unfolding on the screen.
Nothing is accidental and each scene is a delight for those who have a taste for the art of cinema.
Thumbs up big time!

Directed by: Eran Creevy
Screenplay: Eran Creevy
With: James McAvoy, Mark Strong, Andrea Riseborough, David Morrissey, Peter Mullan, Jason Flemyng

Rating: 9/10

Friday, April 24, 2020

Dalkomhan insaeng/ A Bittersweet Life (2005)

The right hand of a gangster begins to act freely and must face the consequences.

Purely lyrical, simple and enchanting, A Bittersweet Life tells a story exactly as the title says: sweet and bitter. In a very colorful setting: Korean mafia, Russian comedians, young love, old vanity, we meet Kim Sun-woo: right hand, faithful dog, recognized specialist, a character that delights us and leaves us constantly contradicted by his unique ability to be at the same time so good at being bad and so unskilled at being simple.

Director: Jee-woon Kim
Screenplay: Jee-woon Kim
Cu: Byung-hun Lee, Jeong-min Hwang, Yu-mi Jeong, Ku Jin

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Hannibal (2013 - 2015)

The story of investigator Will Graham's interaction with his antagonist Hannibal Lecter and the cases they investigated.

A superb series that incorporates the elements of the stories from Red Dragon, Hannibal and Hannibal Rising (the producers couldn't get the rights to Silence Of The Lambs), mixes them, stylizes them and uses a good amount of poetic license in their reinterpretation and produces an unexpected result, at a great distance from the original films in terms of style, effect, depth, the ambiguity of the delimitation between good and evil. Without overshadowing the original films, most of the effect of the Hannibal series comes from the impression of the unreal, with an almost annoying emphasis on style and hallucinatory and impressive visual effects, used especially to intensify moments of revelation, hallucinations, symbolism or many moments when food is cooked, a ordinary act in everyday life, but raised to an art form here.
The ambiguity of the characters becomes more and more accentuated as the seemingly "good" ones are subjected more and more to Lecter's influence, who is not initially revealed as what we all know him as. Thus Will Graham, who would initially seem to be Clarice Starling's counterpart from Silence Of The Lambs, follows an unusual and full of surprises character developmental path, contrasting wonderfully with Clarice's character (who does not exist in the universe of the series).
Obviously, many of these impressions can only be effected on the audience that's familiar with the aforementioned films, which does not mean that Hannibal cannot be a delight even for the uninitiated. Far from it, the series is possibly even more effective as an introduction to the new audience of the fascinating man that is Hannibal Lecter, a man full of contradictions and unexpected intentions and unnatural tendencies.

Production: NBC
With: Hugh Dancy, Mads Mikkelsen, Laurence Fishburne, Caroline Dhavernas, Gillian Anderson, Katharine Isabelle, Eddie Izzard, Richard Armitage, Gina Torres, Joe Anderson, Michael Pitt, Cynthia Nixon, Tao Okamoto, Anna Chlumsky, Jeremy Davies, Zachary Quinto

Rating: 9/10

Hannibal (2013 - 2015)

Povestea interactiunii investigatorului Will Graham cu antagonistul sau Hannibal Lecter si cazurile investigate de acest(i)a.

Un serial superb ce incorporeaza elementele povestirilor din Red Dragon, Hannibal si Hannibal Rising (producatorii nu au putut obtine drepturile pentru Silence Of The Lambs), le amesteca, le stilizeaza si utilizeaza o buna cantitate de licenta poetica in reinterpretare si produce un rezultat neasteptat, la mare distanta de filmele originale ca stil, efect, profunzime, ambiguitatea delimitarii dintre rau si bine. Fara a eclipsa filmele initiale, majoritatea efectului serialului Hannibal vine de la impresia de ireal, cu un accent aproape enervant pe stil si efecte vizuale halucinante si impresionante, folosite in mod special pentru a intensifica momentele de revelatii, halucinatii, simbolism sau multele momente cand se gateste mancare, un act banal in viata de zi cu zi, dar ridicat la nivel de arta aici. 
Ambiguitatea personajelor devine tot mai accentuata pe masura ce personajele aparent "bune" sunt supuse tot mai mult influentei lui Lecter, ce initial nu este dezvaluit ca ceea ce este in realitate. Astfel Will Graham, ce ar parea initial omologul lui Clarice Starling in Silence Of The Lambs, urmeaza un traseu al dezvoltarii personajului neobisnuit si plin de surprize, cotrastand minunat cu personajul Clarice (care nu exista in universul serialului).
Evident, multe din aceste impresii au loc asupra publicului familiar cu filmele mentionate, ceea ce nu inseamna ca Hannibal nu poate fi un deliciu si pentru neinitiati. Departe de asa ceva, serialul e posibil si mai eficient ca introducere a publicului nou fascinantului Hannibal Lecter, un om plin de contradictii si intentii neasteptate si tendinte nefiresti.

Productie: NBC
Cu: Hugh Dancy, Mads Mikkelsen, Laurence Fishburne, Caroline Dhavernas, Gillian Anderson, Katharine Isabelle, Eddie Izzard, Richard Armitage, Gina Torres, Joe Anderson, Michael Pitt, Cynthia Nixon, Tao Okamoto, Anna Chlumsky, Jeremy Davies, Zachary Quinto

Rating: 9/10

Also read in English

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Silk (2007)

A newly married young man chooses the silk road to escape the burden of military service imposed by his family.

A poetic film up to the last drop, either through the character interaction, its historical placement or the fraction of Japanese civilization - always the source of fascination and mystery for the western world - which is only shown with stinginess. With a lazy rhythm, Silk illustrates the deconstruction of all romantic myths and their rehabilitation at the same time. In a plot brought about by the idea of ​​the human reaction to anything new which can create sentimental confusion and with a devastating finale in its simplicity, the story shows us that nothing is safe, nothing is eternal and yet it is, and that loss restores security.

Directed by: François Girard
Screenplay: Alessandro Baricco (novel), François Girard (screenplay)
With: Michael Pitt, Keira Knightley, Alfred Molina, Sei Ashina

Rating: 10/10

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

All The Money In The World (2017)

The true story of the abduction of JP Getty's grandson and his famous refusal to pay the ransom money.

A story worthy of the saying "life beats the movie" exposed through the undeniable mastery of Ridley Scott as a storyteller. With a team of first-hand actors who amaze their audiences with their perfect performances, the director uses an alert rhythm - at exactly the right time - and slow rhythm - at exactly the right time - to effectively manipulate the tension and beats of the viewer's heart, maximizing the pleasing effect of watching, even if details of the real story are actually already known to him.
Recommendation: If you are not yet familiar with the details of the actual event, avoid Wikipedia until after watching the movie.
Although Christopher Plummer is brilliant in the role of Getty, it would have been interesting to see Kevin Spacey's version before he was replaced.

Directed by: Ridley Scott
Featuring: Michelle Williams, Christopher Plummer, Mark Wahlberg, Romain Duris, Timothy Hutton, Charlie Plummer

Rating: 9/10

All The Money In The World (2017)

Povestea adevarata a rapirii nepotului lui JP Getty si refuzul faimos al acestuia de a plati recompensa.

O poveste demna de zicala "viata bate filmul" expusa prin maiestria de netagaduit de povestitor al lui Ridley Scott. Cu o echipa de actori de prima mana ce isi uimesc publicul prin jocul lor perfect, regizorul foloseste un ritm alert - exact cand trebuie - si incet - exact cand trebuie - pentru a manipula eficient tensiunea si bataile inimii privitorului, maximizand efectul placut al vizionarii, chiar si in cazul cand detalii ale povestii reale sunt deja cunoscute acestuia.
De recomandat: daca nu esti inca familiar cu detaliile evenimentului real, evita Wikipedia pana dupa vizionarea filmului.
Desi Christopher Plummer este briliant in rolul lui Getty, ar fi fost interesant sa fi vazut si versiunea lui Kevin Spacey dinainte de a fi inlocuit.

Regia: Ridley Scott
Cu: Michelle Williams, Christopher Plummer, Mark Wahlberg, Romain Duris, Timothy Hutton, Charlie Plummer

Rating: 9/10

Monday, April 20, 2020

I, Frankenstein (2014)

Frankenstein lives in the modern world, caught in the battle between two species of mythological beings.

I thought that my personal fascination (read that as subjective) for the story of Victor Frankenstein and the presence of Aaron Eckhart are a good sign and I had quite a few high expectations about this new modernized vision. Unfortunately, the film doesn't even rise to the level and elegant style of an Underworld film in which the usual suspects have become ... gargoyles (?!) and demons. Aaron Eckhart is usually the victim of intense internal struggles and permanent pain that can be read on the stitched up (and not at all plausible) face of the monster, a completely wasted and useless effort in this farce called 'I, Frankenstein'.
To be avoided except for fans of unlimited video game and CGI type fights.

Directed by: Stuart Beattie
Screenplay: Stuart Beattie (screenplay), Kevin Grevioux (screenplay and graphic novel), Mary Shelley (borrowed characters from Frankenstein's novel)
Featuring: Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy, Yvonne Strahovski, Miranda Otto, Jai Courtney

Rating: 5/10

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Robocop (2014)

Alex Murphy, a career cop dearly loved by his family, is seriously injured and OmniCorp uses his body to create a hybrid robot.

It's been a while since the premiere (when I actually saw this) but I feel like it's a shame that this one went unnoticed amongst so many popular blockbusters (which are... more or less worthless) .
It revisits a theme (too) well known to many of our childhoods, already portrayed wonderfully at the hands of a master (Paul Verhoeven) and  it turns it very convincingly into a hyper stylized and modern tragic and much more human than we expected story. It makes use of Joel Kinnaman's fresh, multi-faceted persona (known to some from the excellent The Killing), it sprinkles a bit of the everyday Gary Oldman (read that as: not that great Gary Oldman from Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy or The Fifth Element, he seems to use two versions of hist acting self) and voilà: a satisfying and engaging film, the perfect image of a successful blockbuster, even if it wasn't exactly that popular at the box office.

Directed by: José Padilha
Scenario: Joshua Zetumer, Edward Neumeier, etc
Featuring: Joel Kinnaman, Michael Keaton, Gary Oldman, Abbie Cornish, Jackie Earl Haley, Samuel L. Jackson

Rating: 9/10

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Macbeth (2015)

Macbeth, a Scottish Thane, begins to have unorthodox ambitions after hearing prophecies from three witches about his becoming king of Scotland.

A wonderful adaptation of the famous Shakespearean tragedy. Although everyone speaks in rhyme, authenticity strikes you in every scene, whether it's a fight scene or a depressing monologue one. Spoken in the English of the Middle Ages, it's preferable to watch Macbeth with English subtitles, because Shakespeare's language - although it was the everyday English at the time - includes many archaic words and word abbreviations meant to keep the lyrical rhythm.
The main characters commit inexcusable acts, but the producers decided to give them a context that could explain their mental state when they chose the negative path: Macbeth and his wife bury a child in the first scene of the film. But then it continues with the mental evolution prescribed by Shakespeare: the paranoia and boundless guilt which are palpable and manage to cross the screen barrier.

Directed by: Justin Kurzel
Featuring: Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Paddy Considine, David Thewlis, Sean Harris, David Hayman, Elizabeth Debicki

Rating: 9/10

Macbeth (2015)

Macbeth, o capetenie locala scotiana, incepe sa aiba ambitii neortodoxe dupa ce primeste prevestiri de la trei vrajitoare legate de devenirea sa ca rege al Scotiei.

O ecranizare minunata a celebrei tragedii Shakesperiene. Desi toata lumea vorbeste in rima, autenticitatea te loveste la fiecare scena, fie ea de lupta fie de monolog depresiv. Vorbit in engleza Evului Mediu, e recomandata vizionarea cu subtitrare in engleza, deoarece limba lui Shakespeare - ceea de zi cu zi la vremea ei - include multe cuvinte arhaice si prescurtari de cuvinte pentru a pastra ritmul liric. 
Personajele principale comit fapte fara scuza, dar producatorii au decis sa le creeze un context ce ar putea explica starea mentala a acestora cand au ales calea negativa: Macbeth si sotia sa isi ingroapa un copil in prima scena din film. Dar apoi continuie cu evolutia mentala prescrisa de Shakespeare: paranoia si vinovatie fara limita ce sunt palpabile si reusesc sa traverseze bariera ecranului.

Regia: Justin Kurzel
Cu: Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Paddy Considine, David Thewlis, Sean Harris, David Hayman, Elizabeth Debicki

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Hunters (2020-)

A young Jew joins a group of extremists who hunt down Nazis in America that hide under new identities.

An entertaining series that uses the style of comic books - so very popular these days - to maintain interest, to insert humor and to build colorful characters. The result is perfectly functional although not evenly uniform and includes an old but not tired Al Pacino who manages to keep himself interesting with a convincing accent, semi-funny lines and a perfectly timed relaxed attitude. And Jerrika Hinton is wonderful in the role of the FBI agent who aims to temper the team.
With antagonists sometimes equally intriguing, the series is far from being boring even if it has not been well received due to the fabrications added to historical events that were meant to reinforce the impression that the actions of the  so-called heroes are perfectly justified.
The end of the first season is quite interesting.

Production: Amazon Studios
With: Al Pacino, Logan Lerman, Lena Olin, Jerrika Hinton, Saul Rubinek, Carol Kane, Josh Radnor, Greg Austin, Tiffany Boone, Louis Ozawa, Kate Mulvany, Dylan Baker

Rating: 8/10

Hunters (2020-)

Un tanar evreu se alatura unui grup de extremisti ce vaneaza nazisti ascunsi in America sub identitati noi.

Un serial antrenant ce foloseste stilul benzilor desenate - atat de popular zilele astea - pentru a mentine interesul, pentru a insera umor si pentru a construi personaje cat mai colorate. Rezultatul e perfect functional desi nu chiar uniform si include un Al Pacino batran dar nu obosit ce reuseste sa se mentina interesant printr-un accent convingator, replici semi amuzante si o atitudine relaxata extact cand trebuie. Iar Jerrika Hinton este minunata in rolul agentei FBI ce are telul de a tempera echipa.
Cu antagonisti uneori la fel de intriganti, serialul este departe de a fi plictisitor chiar daca nu a fost prea bine primit din cauza infloriturilor adaugate evenimentelor istorice pentru a intari impresia ca actiunile asa-zisilor eroi sunt justificate. 
Finalul primului sezon este interesant.

Productie: Amazon Studios
Cu: Al Pacino, Logan Lerman, Lena Olin, Jerrika Hinton, Saul Rubinek, Carol Kane, Josh Radnor, Greg Austin, Tiffany Boone, Louis Ozawa, Kate Mulvany, Dylan Baker

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

High Life (2018)

A father and daughter lead their life in isolation in space while the father's memories play out without any particular chronological order.

A very different SciFi movie. I think it wanted itself to be an experiment that speculates what reality would be like if humanity with all its emotional features, the more or less extreme ones, would need to adapt to life in space, which is not something that was explored very often in films of this genre. Human weaknesses such as violence and passion and self-centeredness can only survive up to a certain point, the limit being the moment when they begin to have a sustained negative impact on the isolated community while hope and tenderness and regained innocence will thrive long after their disappearance.

Directed by: Claire Denis
Featuring: Robert Pattinson, Juliette Binoche, André Benjamin, Mia Goth

Rating: 9/10

High Life (2018)

Un tata si fiica sa isi duc viata in izolare in spatiu in timp ce amintiri ale tatalui se deapana fara o ordine cronologica exacta.

Un film SF foarte diferit. Cred ca se doreste un experiment ce speculeaza cum ar fi realitatea daca umanitatea cu toate trasaturile sale emotionale, mai mult sau mai putin extreme, ar trebui sa se adapteze la viata in spatiu, lucru ce nu este explorat prea des in filme din acest gen. Slabiciunile umane ca violenta si pasiunea si egocentrismul pot supravietui numai pana la un anumit punct, limita fiind momentul in care incep sa aiba un impact negativ sustinut asupra comunitatii izolate in timp ce speranta si gingasia si nevinovatia recastigata se vor regasi si la mult timp dupa disparitia acestora.

Regia: Claire Denis
Cu: Robert Pattinson, Juliette Binoche, André Benjamin, Mia Goth

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

You (2018-)

The extreme measures used by a romantic and charming individual to become part of the life of his obsessions.

An interesting series, quite intense at times, and a real tribute to Dexter (2006-2013) by reusing many of its original elements. The character with psychopathic traits is more romanticized, the  individual with cold blood features who sees only black and white is replaced with a neurotic character who distinguishes good and evil only when it suits them and uses self-manipulation to prove themselves that a certain intention is justified. Noteworthy, however, is also the ability of the series to manipulate the audience by making them believe from time to time that the main character's acts are nobler than they seem only to suddenly bring them back to reality through attitude changes that highlight the superficiality of the character.

Production: Netflix
With: Penn Padgley, Ambyr Childers, Victoria Pedretti, Elizabeth Lail

Rating: 8/10

You (2018-)

Masurile extreme utilizate de un tip romantic si sarmant pentru a deveni parte din viata obsesiilor sale.

Un serial interesant, intens pe alocuri, dar un adevarat omagiu adus lui Dexter (2006-2013) prin reutilizarea multor elemente originare acestuia. Personajul cu trasaturi de psihopat este mai romanticizat, trasaturile reci ce vad doar alb si negru sunt inlocuite cu un caracter nevrotic ce distinge binele si raul doar cand ii convine si foloseste automanipularea pentru a-si dovedi sie insusi ca un fapt este justificat. De remarcat insa este si abilitatea serialului de a manipula publicul facandu-l sa creada din cand in cand ca actele personajului principal sunt mai nobile decat par numai pentru a-l trezi la realitate brusc prin schimbari de atitudine ce evidentiaza superficialitatea personajului.

Productie: Netflix
Cu: Penn Padgley, Ambyr Childers, Victoria Pedretti, Elizabeth Lail

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Safe (1995)

A privileged homemaker begins to have adverse reactions to the chemicals in her close environment.

An almost cold and clinical film with a story that would seem trivial if it were not enriched by Julianne Moore's infinite expressiveness and the gravity she manages to inspire to the viewer almost unintentionally. Seen as a double warning related to the danger of environmental pollution but also regarding the risks of living a consumerist meaningless life, the message reaches its target and has remained current until today.

Directed by: Todd Haynes
With: Julianne Moore, Xander Berkeley

Rating: 8/10

Safe (1995)

O casnica privilegiata incepe sa aiba brusc reactii adverse la chimicale din mediul sau inconjurator.

Un film aproape rece si clinic cu o poveste ce ar parea banala daca nu ar fi imbogatita de expresivitatea infinita a lui Julianne Moore si gravitatea pe care reuseste sa o inspire privitorului aproape fara voie. Vazut ca un avertisment dublu legat de pericolul poluarii mediului inconjurator dar si de riscurile trairii unei vieti consumeriste, fara sens, mesajul atinge tinta si a ramas actual pana in zilele de azi.

Regia: Todd Haynes
Cu: Julianne Moore, Xander Berkeley

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Rite/ Riten (1969)

Three artists are interrogated by a judge under the accusation that their latest piece would have elements that escaped censorship.

An intense but short film, showing the conflict between authority and free spirit, highlighting the shortcomings of each through the hysteria and identity crises  of the individuals belonging to the two camps. Authority represents the rules followed without question by people who do not fully understand them, people who have their own weaknesses and temptations. The freedom of the spirit represents the human tendency towards liberation and spiritual evolution that alone can lead to savagery and lack of individual identity but under the control of the rules creates a necessary balance, something evidenced by the fear and vulnerability of the characters towards their judge. The final victory could be explained by the need for this balance where the human spirit is not canceled but controlled and the rules will not become the driving force.

Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
With: Ingrid Thulin, Anders Ek, Gunnar Björnstrand, Erik Hell

Rating: 8/10

The Rite/ Riten (1969)

Trei artisti sunt interogati de un judecator sub acuza ca ultima lor piesa ar avea elemente ce au scapat cenzura.

Un film intens desi scurt, care arata conflictul dintre autoritate si spiritul liber, evidentiind neajunsurile fiecaruia prin crizele de isterie si identitate ale insilor apartinand celor doua tabere. Autoritatea reprezinta reguli urmate fara gres de oameni ce nu le inteleg pe deplin, cu propriile slabiciuni si tentatii dinspre libertatea spiritului. Libertatea spiritului reprezinta tendinta umana spre eliberare si evolutie spirituala ce singura poate duce la salbaticie si lipsa de identitate individuala dar sub controlul regulilor creeaza un echilibru necesar, lucru evidentiat oarecum prin teama si vulnerabilitatea personajelor fata de judecatorul lor. Victoria finala ar putea reprezenta nevoia acestui echilibru unde spiritul uman nu este anulat dar controlat iar regulile nu vor deveni forta conducatoare.

Regia: Ingmar Bergman
Cu: Ingrid Thulin, Anders Ek, Gunnar Björnstrand, Erik Hell

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

Friday, April 10, 2020

Truth Or Dare (2018)

A group of friends start a Truth or Dare game not knowing that they will have to continue playing endlessly if they want to live.

A dime a dozen horror that tries to bank on the success of some patterns of films generated by the likes of Final Destination or It Follows, without offering any of their predecessors strengths. With some interesting choices from time to time for the demon's questions and dares, the film manages to somewhat hold the viewer's attention, and the ending is interesting, I could even say cleverly so, but it still fails to raise the level of the film's quality enough to make it recommendable.

Directed by: Jeff Wadlow
Featuring: Lucy Hale, Tyler Posey, Violett Beane, Hayden Szeto, Sophia Ali, Nolan Gerard Funk, Landon Liboiron

Rating: 5/10

Truth Or Dare (2018)

Un grup de prieteni incep un joc de Adevar sau Provocare nestiind ca vor fi nevoiti sa continue sa joace la nesfarsit daca vor sa traiasca.

Un horror de duzina ce incearca sa rafaca succesul unor tipologii de filme generate de Final Destination sau It Follows, fara a oferi nici unul dintre atu-urile acelora. Cu niste alegeri interesante din cand in cand pentru intrebarile si pedepsele demonului, filmul reuseste sa tina cat de cat atentia, iar finalul este interesant, as putea chiar spune istet, dar nu reuseste sa ridice nivelul filmului de ajuns pentru a fi recomandabil.

Regia: Jeff Wadlow
Cu: Lucy Hale, Tyler Posey, Violett Beane, Hayden Szeto, Sophia Ali, Nolan Gerard Funk, Landon Liboiron

Rating: 5/10

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Mustang (2015)

Five orphan girls in contemporary Turkey are enjoying their lively childhood, causing anxiety to the family that raise them through innocent games with boys of the same age. The scandal causes the family to resort to extreme measures to guard them and start arranging marriages.

A beautiful and painful film about childhood and its interruption in a bad context for women. Childhood is revealed in all its purity and complete lack of adult negativity. The sudden imprisonment provokes different reactions from the 5 types of child-women, all perfectly adequate and credible, very well suited to the actual human typologies of everyday life. The story is heartbreaking and possibly even more heartbreaking when the thought stops at those women who have accepted their fate as normality and duty towards family, tradition and society and have given up what defines them as their own persona.
The direction is very fluid, with the attention wonderfully  focused on the five extremely natural girls who were very well suited for their roles, and it sometimes reminds the viewer of Sofia Coppola's The Virgin Suicides.

Directed by: Deniz Gamze Ergüven
Featuring: Günes Sensoy, Doga Zeynep Doguslu, Tugba Sunguroglu, Elit Iscan, Ilayda Akdogan, Nihal G. Koldas, Ayberk Pekcan

Rating: 8/10

Mustang (2015)

Cinci fete orfane in Turcia contemporana isi traiesc copilaria vioi, cauzand neliniste familiei care le creste prin jocuri inocente cu baieti de acceasi varsta. Scandalul da nastere unor masuri extreme pentru a le pazi si a le aranja casatorii.

Un film frumos si dureros despre copilarie si intreruperea ei intr-un context nefast pentru femei. Copilaria este evidentiata in toata puritatea ei si lipsa completa de negativitatile adulte. Inchisoarea brusca provoaca reactii diverse de la cele 5 tipuri de copile-femei, toate perfect adecvate si credibile, potrivite cu tipologii umane veridice din viata de zi cu zi. Povestea e sfasietoare si posibil si mai sfasietoare cand gandul se opreste la acele femei care si-au acceptat soarta ca normalitate si datorie fata de familie, traditie si societate si au renuntat la ceea ce le defineste ca propria persoana. 
Regia este foarte fluida, cu atentia minunat fixata pe cele cinci fete extrem de naturale si potrivite pentru rol si aminteste pe alocuri de The Virgin Suicides al lui Sofia Coppola.

Regia: Deniz Gamze Ergüven
Cu: Günes Sensoy, Doga Zeynep Doguslu, Tugba Sunguroglu, Elit Iscan, Ilayda Akdogan, Nihal G. Koldas, Ayberk Pekcan

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Winter's Tale (2014)

A young man falls in love with a dying girl, but their dreams are interrupted by a demon who wants him gone. One hundred years later, the same young man struggles trying to explain memories of another life.

A fantasy film that presents a beautiful dream, namely a magical story built on the idea that everything happens with a purpose and no evil is committed without it actually being necessary to allow the good to triumph in other surroundings. The film's context is built to satisfy this idea, using fairy tale elements where the logic of reality is not satisfactory. The film is somewhat simple, which is possibly the opposite of what the writer of the novel on which it is based actually intended, a novel that Martin Scorsese himself is said to have declared impossible to adapt.

Directed by: Akiva Goldsman
Novel: Mark Helprin
Featuring: Colin Farrell, Jessica Brown Findlay, Russell Crowe, William Hurt, Jennifer Connelly, Matt Bomer, Lucy Griffiths, Kevin Corrigan, Kevin Durand

Rating: 7/10

Winter's Tale (2014)

Un tanar se indragosteste de o fata pe moarte dar visele le sunt intrerupte de un demon ce ii vrea raul. O suta de ani mai tarziu, acelasi tanar se chinuie sa isi explice amintiri dintr-o alta viata.

Un film fantezie ce expune un vis frumos si anume o poveste magica contruita pe ideea ca toate se intampla cu un rost si nici un rau nu se intampla fara a fi de fapt necesar pentru a permite binelui sa triumfe in alte imprejurimi. Contextul filmului este construit pentru a satisface aceasta idee, folosind elemente de poveste unde logica realitatii nu e satisfacatoare. Filmul e oarecum simplu, ceea ce e posibil opusul intentiei scriitorului romanului pe care este bazat, roman despre care Martin Scorsese se spune ca ar fi declarat ca este imposibil de adaptat pentru ecran. 

Regia: Akiva Goldsman
Novel: Mark Helprin
Cu: Colin Farrell, Jessica Brown Findlay, Russell Crowe, William Hurt, Jennifer Connelly, Matt Bomer, Lucy Griffiths, Kevin Corrigan, Kevin Durand

Rating: 7/10

Monday, April 06, 2020

Santa Clarita Diet (2017-2019)

A wife becomes a zombie and the whole family changes their lives in order to control and defend their new lifestyle.

A very effective black comedy series, well written and with characters that the viewer automatically likes. The chemistry of the whole family is indubitable, and the horror elements serve only to enhance the comic effect. Timothy Olyphant and Skyler Gisondo are the glue that support the whole team and also the sources of the best humor.
Unfortunately Netflix has decided that it will not continue with a fourth season, but the series will offer enough half hours of delight.

Production: Netflix
With: Drew Barrymore, Timothy Olyphant, Liv Hewson, Skyler Gisondo, Mary Elizabeth Ellis, Natalie Morales, Alan Tudyk, Nathan Fillion, Ricardo Chavira

Rating: 9/10

Santa Clarita Diet (2017-2019)

O sotie devine zombie si intreaga familie isi schimba viata pentru a isi controla si apara noul stil de viata.

Un serial de comedie neagra foarte eficient, bine scris si cu personaje ce plac automat. Chimia familiei intregi este de netagaduit, iar elementele horror nu servesc decat pentru a intari efectul comic. Timothy Olyphant si Skyler Gisondo sunt lipiciul ce sustin intreaga echipa si sursele umorului celui mai bine pus la punct.
Din pacate Netflix a decis ca nu va continua cu un al patrulea sezon, dar serialul va oferi destule jumatati de ora de delicii.

Productie: Netflix
Cu: Drew Barrymore, Timothy Olyphant, Liv Hewson, Skyler Gisondo, Mary Elizabeth Ellis, Natalie Morales, Alan Tudyk, Nathan Fillion, Ricardo Chavira

Rating: 9/10

Sunday, April 05, 2020

Mercy Black (2019)

A group of three girls commits horrible acts on behalf of an entity. 15 years later, one of them is released from a psychiatric institution and discovers that their idea has gone viral, when even her nephew has become obsessed with the phenomenon.

A small caliber horror / thriller, but effective with its ideas (elements from Phenomena are  borrowed unexpectedly). It mixes the realism of thrillers convincingly with horror mysticism, making the result a bit uneven and uncertain of the direction it wants to approach. The end manages to somewhat redeem it from the amount of imperfections committed up to that point. 

Directed/written by: Owen Egerton
With: Daniella Pineda, Austin Amelio, Elle LaMont, Janeane Garofalo

Rating: 7/10

Mercy Black (2019)

Un grup de trei fete comit acte oribile in numele unei entitati. 15 ani mai tarziu, una din ele este eliberata dintr-o institutie de psihiatrie si descopera ca ideea lor a devenit virala, cu inclusiv nepotul ei obsedat de fenomen.

Un horror/thriller de calibru mic, dar eficient in ideile sale preluate (elemente din Phenomena sunt imprumutate in mod neasteptat). Amesteca realismul thriller-elor in mod convingator cu misticisme horror, facand rezultatul un pic inegal si nesigur de directia abordata. Finalul reuseste sa repare din stangaciile acumulate pana atunci.

Regia/scenariu: Owen Egerton
Cu: Daniella Pineda, Austin Amelio, Elle LaMont, Janeane Garofalo

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Le Doulos (1962)

A professional thief organizes a robbery for which he is forced by circumstances to rely on the help of a so-called friend who gives him reason for suspicion.

A film noir by the book, made by the "father" of  French gangster films, namely Jean-Pierre Melville. The noir nuance is easy to observe, with the dubious characters that unravel on the screen and the beautiful "dolls" that know how to sound profound without saying much, but the story itself is complicated only for the sake of complication and is accompanied by an ending in which a character explains the twists like for primary school children. The characters who have any stains are punished and it feels like the intention was for the viewer to feel compassion for some of them, but that was done without providing a strong enough positive substrate that could help generate such compassion.

Directed by: Jean-Pierre Melville
With: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Michel Piccoli, Serge Reggiani, Jean Desailly

Rating: 7/10

Le Doulos (1962)

Un hot de profesie organizeaza un jaf pentru care este fortat de imprejurari sa aiba incredere in ajutorul unui asa-zis prieten care ii da motive de suspiciune.

Un film noir facut ca la carte, de "tatal" filmelor cu gangsteri frantuzesti si anume Jean-Pierre Melville. Amprenta noir este usor de notat, cu caracterele dubioase ce impanzesc ecranul si "papusile" frumoase ce stiu sa sune profunde fara a spune nimic, dar povestea in sine aici e complicata doar de dragul complicarii si e insotita de un final in care un personaj explica twisturile ca la scoala primara. Personajele care au pete de caracter sunt pedepsite si simt ca intentia era ca privitorul sa simta compasiune fata de unele din ele, dar fara a oferi un substrat pozitiv de ajuns de puternic pentru a genera o asa compasiune.

Regia: Jean-Pierre Melville
Cu: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Michel Piccoli, Serge Reggiani, Jean Desailly

Rating: 7/10

Friday, April 03, 2020

Bodyguard (2018)

A volatile secret service agent is tasked to defend the Home Secretary.

Unequal, but satisfying, Bodyguard can cause a slight addiction, but without serious consequences since it is a typical British series with only 6 episodes per season, with only 1 season so far.
The first half is intensely dramatic, the political aspect being intriguingly long, with the sensual undertones unexpectedly convincing for a British production.
The second half focuses on speed and conspiracy, it loses a bit of its charm, but it keeps you curious  up until the end.
Worth watching.

Directed by: John Stickland, Thomas Vincent
With: Richard Madden, Gina McKee, Keeley Hawes, Sophie Rundle

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Autumn Sonata / Höstsonaten (1978)

A shy wife invites her famous pianist mother for an extended visit after many years without seeing each other.

An intense film about the relationship between a woman and their mother that contains many realities applicable to other types of relationships. It starts slowly, banal, with characters who seem cut out from everyday life, who chat a lot without saying anything. Then the discussion changes and evolves at the same time as the awkwardness, timidity and formality of ones who have not seen each other for a long time evaporates, revealing Ingmar Bergman's amazing understanding for the human psyche. The two characters alternate throughout the film between the roles of victim and oppressor in a heartbreaking way, both having an authentic arsenal, for one of them an arsenal that was gathered and planned for an entire life almost unconsciously, and for the other, an almost accidental one, one that is merely a consequence of their own injuries and previous oppression. A true lesson about the need for balance when it comes to the human ego.

Directed by: Ingmar Bergman
Cu: Liv Ullmann, Ingrid Bergman, Lena Nyman, Halvar Björk

Rating: 9/10

Autumn Sonata / Höstsonaten (1978)

O sotie retrasa isi invita mama pianista celebra pentru o vizita prelungita dupa multi ani fara a se vedea.

Un film intens despre relatia femeie-mama ce contine multe realitati aplicabile si altor tipuri de relatii. Incepe incet, banal, cu personaje ce par decupate din viata de zi cu zi, ce discuta mult fara a spune nimic. Apoi discutia se schimba si evolueaza in acelasi timp in care stangacia, timiditatea si formalitatea ochilor care nu s-au vazut de mult se evaporeaza, dezvaluind uluitoarea intelegere a lui Ingmar Bergman pentru psihicul uman. Cele doua personaje alterneaza pe parcursul filmului intre rolurile de victima si opresor intr-un mod sfasietor, ambele avand la dispozitie un arsenal autentic, unul adunat si planuit o viata intreaga aproape inconstient, celalalt aproape accidental dar consecinta a propriilor raniri si oprimari. O adevarata lectie despre nevoia de echilibru in ceea ce priveste ego-ul uman.

Regia: Ingmar Bergman
Cu: Liv Ullmann, Ingrid Bergman, Lena Nyman, Halvar Björk

Rating: 9/10

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

I Am Mother (2019)

The human race has become extinct but has given itself another chance by creating and activating a storage facility full of embryos that will become children raised by specialized droids. Such a child is the main character, the first and temporarily the only one of her kind, who is raised and educated by Mother, a robot with artificial intelligence dedicated to raising children by the book.

A Sci-Fi movie following the traditional recipe (a slow and lengthy exposition, convincing technology, efficient people versus imperfect people, philosophical themes as old as life itself regarding existence by merit). Some elements remind me of Terminator and Skynet but with surprising motivations and intentions, which can make the viewer doubt their own ideas about good and bad.

Directed by: Grant Sputore
With: Rose Byrne, Hilary Swank, Clara Rugaard

Rating: 9/10