Saturday, October 28, 2023

Talk To Me (2022)

A group of teenagers use a mummified hand to communicate with spirits recreationally.

'Talk To Me' is a horror film from the 'elevated horror' category that has become popular in recent years through the prism of A24 productions. While really technically and practically, everything looks perfect and of high quality, the story in this case was not treated with the same care and many of the actions of the characters are more invasive than they should be when it is clear what direction things will take and all that could change anything for the viewer is a twist ... that never comes.

Director:  Danny Philippou, Michael Philippou  
With: Ari McCarthy, Hamish Phillips, Kit Erhart-Bruce, Sarah Brokensha

Rating: 7/10

Talk To Me (2022)

Un grup de adolescenti folosesc o mana mumificata pentru a comunicqa cu spiritele in mod recreational.

'Talk To Me' e un film horror din categoria 'elevated horror' ce a devenit popular in ultimii ani prin prisma productiilor A24. In timp ce intr-adevar tehnic si practic, totul arata perfect si de calitate, povestea in cazul de fata nu a fost tratata cu aceeasi migala si multe din actiunile personajelor sunt mai invazive decat ar trebui cand e clar ce directie o vor lua lucrurile si tot ce ar putea schimba ceva pentru vizionator este un nu mai vine.

Regia:  Danny Philippou, Michael Philippou  
Cu: Ari McCarthy, Hamish Phillips, Kit Erhart-Bruce, Sarah Brokensha

Rating: 7/10

Friday, October 27, 2023

Ten Minutes to Midnight (2020)

Un crainic radio sufera efectele ageismului in aceeasi zi dupa ce este muscata de un liliac turbat.

'Ten Minutes to Midnight' e un film horror independent, incet si cu mesaje relevante. Personajul principal e interesant si va atrage multa simpatie, iar finalul va satisface nevoile fanilor genului.

Regia:  Erik Bloomquist     
Cu: Caroline Williams, Nicole Kang, Nicholas Tucci, William Youmans

Rating: 8/10

Ten Minutes to Midnight (2020)

A radio host suffers the effects of ageism the same day after being bitten by a rabid bat.

'Ten Minutes to Midnight' is an independent horror film, slow and with relevant messages. The main character is interesting and will attract a lot of sympathy, and the ending will satisfy the needs of fans of the genre.

Director:  Erik Bloomquist     
With: Caroline Williams, Nicole Kang, Nicholas Tucci, William Youmans

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015)

Trei cercetasi isi regasesc prietenia in lupta impotriva unei epidemii de zombie.

'Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse' e o comedie horror cu zombies, asa cum multe au aparut in ultimii ani. Dragut, cu un mesaj decent, nu foarte amuzant, dar ok pentru o seara relaxanta.

Regia:  Christopher Landon      
Cu: Tye Sheridan, Logan Miller, Joey Morgan, Sarah Dumont

Rating: 7/10

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015)

Three scouts renew their friendship in their fight against a zombie outbreak.

'Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse' is a horror comedy with zombies, similar to many others that have appeared in recent years. Cute, with a decent message, not very funny, but ok for a relaxing evening.

Director:  Christopher Landon      
With: Tye Sheridan, Logan Miller, Joey Morgan, Sarah Dumont

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Green Room (2015)

O formatie rock se lupta pentru supravietuire dupa ce sunt martori la o crima.

'Green Room' e un thriller violent cu un cast impresionant. Ambitios, bine facut, bina jucat, dar fara prea multe straturi. Satisfacator pentru fanii genului. 

Regia:  Jeremy Saulnier    
Cu: Anton Yelchin, Imogen Poots, Alia Shawkat, Patrick Stewart, Joe Cole

Rating: 7/10

Green Room (2015)

A rock band fights for survival after witnessing a murder.

'Green Room' is a violent thriller with an impressive cast. Ambitious, well made, well acted, but without too many layers. Satisfying for fans of the genre.

Director:  Jeremy Saulnier    
With: Anton Yelchin, Imogen Poots, Alia Shawkat, Patrick Stewart, Joe Cole

Rating: 7/10

Friday, October 20, 2023

Gatlopp (2022)

Un grup de prieteni vechi se aduna la o reuniune, unde aleg sa joace un joc ce pare sa ascunda adevaruri despre ei.

'Gatlopp' e un film comedie de goaza, bazat pe o idee similara lui Jumanji. Interesant ca executie, nu incearca sa minta despre originalitatea ideii, ci doar sa o transforme intr-un alt gen, si culmea, ambele aspecte functioneaza, si comice si de groaza.

Regia:  Alberto Belli     
Cu: Emmy Raver-Lampman, Jim Mahoney, Jon Bass, Sarunas J. Jackson

Rating: 7.6/10

Gatlopp (2022)

A group of old friends gather for a reunion, where they choose to play a board game that seems to hide truths about them.

'Gatlopp' is a horror comedy, based on an idea similar to Jumanji. Interesting in terms of execution, the film doesn't try to lie about its originality, it doesn't take itself too seriously, it only wants to enhance its source idea, evolving it into another balanced and light genre, and surprisingly, both of its aspects work, both the comic and the horror.

Director:  Alberto Belli     
With: Emmy Raver-Lampman, Jim Mahoney, Jon Bass, Sarunas J. Jackson

Rating: 7.6/10

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Haunted Mansion (2023)

O mama singura si fiul ei se muta intr-o casa bantuita si aduna a echipa de specialisti sa ajute cu exorcizari.

'Haunted Mansion' e o comedie horror bazata pe o atractie din parcul Disney, a doua de felul ei. Superficial, cu cateva momente mai lacrimogene si cateva glume, efecte speciale demne de un parc de distractie, Haunted Mansion nu reuseste sa fie prea "pentru copii" (cam de groaza) dar sigur nu pentru adulti.

Regia:  Justin Simien     
Cu: LaKeith Stanfield, Rosario Dawson, Owen Wilson, Tiffany Haddish, Danny DeVito, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jared Leto

Rating: 5.6/10

Haunted Mansion (2023)

A single mother and her son move into a haunted house and gather a team of specialists to help with some exorcisms.

'Haunted Mansion' is a horror comedy based on a Disneyland attraction, the second of its kind. Superficial, with a few nice tear-jerking moments and a few jokes, and some special effects worthy of an amusement park, Haunted Mansion does not manage to be much "for children" (kind of too scary) but certainly not for adults.

Director:  Justin Simien     
With: LaKeith Stanfield, Rosario Dawson, Owen Wilson, Tiffany Haddish, Danny DeVito, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jared Leto

Rating: 5.6/10

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Pledge (2018)

Un grup de boboci de colegiu incearca sa se integreze intr-o fratie exclusiva dar descopera obiceiuri misterioase.

'Pledge' e un film de groaza in stilul slasher in mare. Plin de personaje slab creionate si stereotipuri americane, Pledge nu are prea mult de oferit pana la finele final.

Regia:  Daniel Robbins    
Cu: Zachery Byrd, Phillip Andre Botello, Zack Weiner, Aaron Dalla Villa

Rating: 6/10

Pledge (2018)

A group of college freshmen try to pledge an exclusive fraternity but discover mysterious practices.

'Pledge' is a horror movie in the slasher style mostly. Full of poorly drawn characters and American stereotypes, Pledge doesn't have much to offer right up until the end.

Director:  Daniel Robbins    
With: Zachery Byrd, Phillip Andre Botello, Zack Weiner, Aaron Dalla Villa

Rating: 6/10

Monday, October 16, 2023

The Fall Of The House Of Usher (2023)

Roderick Usher talks to Auggie Dupin in his mother's house, telling him how he is guilty of the death of each of his children.

'The Fall Of The House Of Usher' is Mike Flanagan's latest (and last) miniseries adaptation in collaboration with Netflix. Based on the writings of Edgar Allan Poe, the series majestically combines several of his stories into a modern homage to the original Gothic style. Reimagined in a very original way, TFOTHOU will easily satisfy the need for the gothic in the life of the viewer and will turn the direction of their thoughts towards analysis and search for real "wealth". Visually it is grandiose, the deaths and their associated parallel stories are never rushed or treated superficially, and without ever forgetting the main narrative thread, the audience is treated satisfactorily with parallel development and an appropriate ending even when it is expected.

Director:  Michael Fimognari, Mike Flanagan   
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Mike Flanagan     
Duration:  1 season of 8 episodes (~1 hour each)   
With: Carla Gugino, Bruce Greenwood, Mary McDonnell, Henry Thomas, Rahul Kohli, Samantha Sloyan, T'Nia Miller, Zach Gilford, Willa Fitzgerald, Michael Trucco, Katie Parker, Ruth Codd, Mark Hamill, Kate Siegel, Carl Lumbly

Rating: 8.6/10

The Fall Of The House Of Usher (2023)

Roderick Usher sta de vorba cu Auggie Dupin in casa parinteasca, povestindu-i cum este vinovat de moartea fiecaruia din copiii sai.

'The Fall Of The House Of Usher' este cea mai recenta (si ultima) ecranizare in miniserie a lui Mike Flanagan in colaborare cu Netflix. Bazata pe scrierile lui Edgar Allan Poe, serialul imbina maiestuos mai multe din povestirile sale intr-un omagiu modern pentru stilul gotic original. Regandit intr-un mod foarte original, TFOTHOU va satisface usor nevoia pentru gotic din viata privitorului si-i va intoarce directia gandurilor catre analiza si cautare de "bogatie" reala. Vizual este grandios, mortile si povestile paralele asociate nu sunt niciodata grabite sau tratate superficial, si, fara a uita firul narativ principal, publicul este tratat satisfacator cu derularea in paralel si un final adecvat chiar si cand era asteptat.

Regia:  Michael Fimognari, Mike Flanagan   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Mike Flanagan     
Durata:  1 sezon de 8 episoade (~1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Carla Gugino, Bruce Greenwood, Mary McDonnell, Henry Thomas, Rahul Kohli, Samantha Sloyan, T'Nia Miller, Zach Gilford, Willa Fitzgerald, Michael Trucco, Katie Parker, Ruth Codd, Mark Hamill, Kate Siegel, Carl Lumbly,

Rating: 8.6/10

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Last Shift (2014)

O politista incepatoare trebuie sa pazeasca cladirea veche a politiei in ultima noapte inainte de a folosi locatia noua.

'Last Shift' e un film horror cu buget mic, si se simte. Ideea este destul de originala si plina to intorsaturi inteligente. Din pacate aspectul ieftin si ritmul incet si din cand in cand repetitiv nu ajuta in a crea ceva foarte memorabil.

Regia:  Anthony DiBlasi    
Cu: Juliana Harkavy, Joshua Mikel, Hank Stone, J. LaRose

Rating: 6/10

Last Shift (2014)

A rookie policewoman must guard the old police building on the last night before the new location starts being used.

'Last Shift' is a low-budget horror film, and one can feel it. The idea is quite original and full of clever twists. Unfortunately, the cheap aspect and the slow and occasionally repetitive pace do not help to create something very memorable.

Director:  Anthony DiBlasi    
With: Juliana Harkavy, Joshua Mikel, Hank Stone, J. LaRose

Rating: 6/10

Friday, October 13, 2023

House Of Darkness (2022)

After they met in a bar, Hap brings Mina home, and his wishes seem they're about to come true when she invites him inside, in what appears to be a mansion.

'House Of Darkness' is what they call a textbook slowburn horror. With a theme worthy of the Hammer films of the 70s, the style is completely modernized, and the author takes a few risks when they choose a story progress based solely on dialogue and innuendos. Fresh and welcome in a creative environment that often seems to use only copycats.

Director:  Neil LaBute     
With: Kate Bosworth, Justin Long, Gia Crovatin, Lucy Walters

Rating: 7.6/10

House Of Darkness (2022)

Dupa ce s-au cunoscut intr-un bar, Hap o aduce pe Mina acasa, iar dorintele ii sunt indeplinite cand ea il invita inauntru, in casa ce pare a fi un conac.

'House Of Darkness' e ceea ce se cheama un horror slowburn ca la carte. Cu o tematica demna de filmele Hammer ale anilor 70, stilul este complet modernizat, si autorul isi asuma cateva riscuri cand alege o dezvoltare a actiunii bazate pe dialog si innuendo. Proaspat si binevenit intr-un mediu creativ ce adesea pare a folosi doar copycats.

Regia:  Neil LaBute     
Cu: Kate Bosworth, Justin Long, Gia Crovatin, Lucy Walters

Rating: 7.6/10

Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Devil's Candy (2015)

O familie non-conformista se muta intr-o casa bantuita si viziuni stranii incep sa le afecteze armonia.

'The Devil's Candy' e un film horror ca la carte, bazat pe personaje multidimensionale, experiente metafizice traduse vizual intr-un limbaj artistic eficient si forte negative foarte convingatoare. Intens si greu de uitat.

Regia:  Sean Byrne      
Cu: Ethan Embry, Shiri Appleby, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Kiara Glasco, Tony Amendola, Leland Orser

Rating: 9/10

The Devil's Candy (2015)

A non-conformist family moves into a haunted house and strange visions begin to affect their harmony.

'The Devil's Candy' is a textbook horror film, based on multidimensional characters, metaphysical experiences visually translated into an effective artistic language and very convincing negative forces. Intense and hard to forget.

Director:  Sean Byrne      
With: Ethan Embry, Shiri Appleby, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Kiara Glasco, Tony Amendola, Leland Orser

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Totally Killer (2023)

After the serial "Sweet 16" Killer murders her mother, Jamie goes back in time 35 years earlier to stop him before he starts.

'Totally Killer' is a horror comedy that uses the tropes of Back To The Future to deliver a piece of genuine and relaxed entertainment.

Director:  Nahnatchka Khan    
With: Kiernan Shipka, Olivia Holt, Charlie Gillespie, Lochlyn Munro, Julie Bowen

Rating: 7/10

Totally Killer (2023)

Dupa ce criminalul in serie "Sweet 16" ii ucide mama, Jamie se intoarce in timp 35 de ani inainte pentru a-l opri inainte de a incepe.

'Totally Killer' e o comedie horror ce utilizeaza reteta des utilizata a lui Back To The Future pentru a livra o bucatica de entertainment veritabil si relaxat.

Regia:  Nahnatchka Khan    
Cu: Kiernan Shipka, Olivia Holt, Charlie Gillespie, Lochlyn Munro, Julie Bowen

Rating: 7/10

Monday, October 09, 2023

Cowboy Bebop (2021)

Un grup de vanatori de recompense devin adesea eroi accidental, intr-o lume a calatoriilor in spatiu.

'Cowboy Bebop' e o adaptare live-action a unui serial anime mult iubit. Plin de aventuri ce cumva readuc personajul principal in preajma aceluiasi antagonist tipic si evident, Cowboy Bebop ar fi putut evolua in ceva special cu o viata ceva mai lunga decat i-a fost permis. Nefiind primit de fani asa cum se dorea, serialul sufera de o subapreciere nedreapta.

Regia: Alex Garcia Lopez, Michael Katleman  
Productie:  The WB   
Creator:  Christopher L. Yost   
Durata:  1 sezon de 10 episoade (58 minute fiecare)   
Cu: John Cho, Mustafa Shakir, Daniella Pineda, Elena Satine, Alex Hassell, Geoff Stults, Mason Alexander Park, John Noble

Rating: 8/10

Cowboy Bebop (2021)

A group of bounty hunters often become accidental heroes in a world of space travel.

'Cowboy Bebop' is a live-action adaptation of a much-loved anime series. Full of adventures that somehow bring the main character back around the same typical and obvious antagonist, Cowboy Bebop could have evolved into something special with a slightly longer life than it's been allowed. Not being received by the fans as desired, the series suffers from an unfair underappreciation.

Director: Alex Garcia Lopez, Michael Katleman  
Production:  The WB   
Creator:  Christopher L. Yost   
Duration:  1 season of 10 episodes (58 minutes each)  
With: John Cho, Mustafa Shakir, Daniella Pineda, Elena Satine, Alex Hassell, Geoff Stults, Mason Alexander Park, John Noble

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, October 08, 2023

Under the Shadow (2016)

In Teheran, anii 80, o mama si fiica sa se confrunta cu ororile razboiului, mai aproape decat ar dori, dar si cu orori supranaturale.

'Under the Shadow' e un film horror metaforic. Razboiul este prezent in fiece clipa atat metaforic cat si explicit, si filmul este o expresie a terorii inocentei in fata nedreptatii razboiului. Din punct de vedere al elementului horror, filmul este bine realizat, supranaturalul avand radacini in traditiile culturale locale.

Regia:  Babak Anvari   
Cu: Narges Rashidi, Avin Manshadi, Bobby Naderi, Arash Marandi

Rating: 8/10

Under the Shadow (2016)

In Tehran, in the 80s, a mother and daughter are faced with the horrors of war, closer than they would like, but also with supernatural horrors.

'Under the Shadow' is a metaphorical horror film. The war is present at every moment both metaphorically and explicitly, and the film is an expression of the terror of innocence in the face of the injustice of war. In terms of the horror film aspect, the film is well made, the supernatural having roots in local cultural traditions.

Director:  Babak Anvari   
With: Narges Rashidi, Avin Manshadi, Bobby Naderi, Arash Marandi

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Worst Person In The World / Verdens verste menneske (2021)

Julie is a young woman who has her whole life ahead of her and she lives it as if her options are never limited.

'Worst Person In The World' is a Norwegian dramatic film with comedic accents. A simple production, which is based on the talent of the actors, excellent framing and camera work, and the recognition of some human characteristics well known to those hit by the reality of adulthood. It doesn't end in a preachy way, with Julie learning a lesson, but basically with what looks like just acceptance of the fact that the pursuit of one's own happiness should not be forgotten or regretted.

Director:  Joachim Trier    
With: Renate Reinsve, Anders Danielsen Lie, Herbert Nordrum, Hans Olav Brenner

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Worst Person In The World / Verdens verste menneske (2021)

Julie e o tanara ce are toata viata inainte si o traieste ca si cum optiunile nu se restrang vreodata.

'Worst Person In The World' e un film dramatic norvegian cu accente comedice. O productie simpla, ce se bazeaza pe talentul actorilor, excelenta in incadrare si joc de camera, si recunoasterea unor caracteristici umane bine cunoscute de cei loviti de realitatea adulthood-ului. Nu se termina intr-un mod preachy, cu Julie invatand o lectie, ci probabil doar acceptare a faptului ca vanarea fericirii proprii nu trebuie uitata sau regretata.

Regia:  Joachim Trier    
Cu: Renate Reinsve, Anders Danielsen Lie, Herbert Nordrum, Hans Olav Brenner

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, October 01, 2023

Those Who Wish Me Dead (2021)

A child witness to a crime becomes the protégé of a specialist in survival and containment of forest fires.

"Those Who Wish Me Dead" is a thriller of a classic formula: the bad guys are very bad and obvious, even if slightly interesting, and the good guys are spotless and aren't aware of it. Despite the overused stereotypes, the film also has original ideas, an unusual context rooted in real life facts and warms the heart exactly as much as it should.

Director:  Taylor Sheridan   
With: Angelina Jolie, Nicholas Hoult, Finn Little, Jon Bernthal, Aidan Gillen, Jake Weber, Tyler Perry

Rating: 8/10

Those Who Wish Me Dead (2021)

Un copil martor unei crime devine protejatul unei specialiste in supravietuire si limitare a focurilor forestiere.

'Those Who Wish Me Dead' e un thriller de reteta clasica: tipii cei rai sunt foarte rai si evidenti, chiar daca interesanti, iar tipii cei buni sunt fara pata si nu-si dau seama. In ciuda tiparelor suprautilizate, filmul are si idei originale, un context neobisnuit cu radacini in evenimente reale si incalzeste inima exact cat trebuie.

Regia:  Taylor Sheridan   
Cu:  Angelina Jolie, Nicholas Hoult, Finn Little, Jon Bernthal, Aidan Gillen, Jake Weber, Tyler Perry

Rating: 8/10