Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Ridiculous 6 (2015)

Un tanar crescut de Amerindieni descopera ca are cinci frati si impreuna isi cauta tatal.

'The Ridiculous 6' este o comedie marca Adam Sandler ce probabil isi are un public potrivit undeva. Incearca sa creeze umor parodiind filme celebre ca 'The Magnificent Seven', dar succesul se opreste aici. Cu o distributie bogata, e greu de inteles de ce nu a iesit ceva mai de calitate.

Regia:  Frank Coraci    
Cu: Adam Sandler, Terry Crews, Jorge Garcia, Taylor Lautner, Luke Wilson, Steve Zahn, Nick Nolte, Danny Trejo, David Spade, Harvey Keitel

Rating: 6/10

The Ridiculous 6 (2015)

A young man raised by Native Americans discovers that he has five brothers and together they search for their father.

'The Ridiculous 6' is an Adam Sandler comedy that probably has a suitable audience somewhere. It tries to create humor by parodying famous movies like 'The Magnificent Seven', but the success stops there. With such an amazing cast, it's hard to understand why something of higher quality didn't come out.

Director:  Frank Coraci    
With: Adam Sandler, Terry Crews, Jorge Garcia, Taylor Lautner, Luke Wilson, Steve Zahn, Nick Nolte, Danny Trejo, David Spade, Harvey Keitel

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)

The Lambert family temporarily deceive themselves that the father of the family is who he claims to be.

'Insidious: Chapter 2' continues where the first film left off, with a shocking cliffhanger. And yet it seems that death is not permanent in the Insidious universe. The second part is a much desired follow-up, made with roughly the same style and ideas, and it lacks the stylistic freshness felt with the first. But is still worth seeing.

Director:  James Wan     
With: Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Barbara Hershey,  Lin Shaye, Angus Sampson, Steve Coulter

Rating: 7/10

Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)

Familia Lambert se pacaleste temporar ca tatal familiei este cine pretinde.

'Insidious: Chapter 2' continua de unde primul film s-a oprit, cu un cliffhanger socant. Si totusi se pare ca moartea nu e permanenta in universul Insidious. Partea a doua este o urmare dorita, realizata cam cu acelasi stil si idei, si ii lipseste prospatimea stilistica simtita cu primul. Si totusi merita vazut.

Regia:  James Wan     
Cu: Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Barbara Hershey,  Lin Shaye, Angus Sampson, Steve Coulter

Rating: 7/10

Monday, August 28, 2023

The Gray Man (2022)

Un operativ CIA de valoare, devine tinta unui coleg psihopat dupa ce descopera urmele unei conspiratii.

'The Gray Man' e un film de actiune cu un buget rezonabil, ce ii permite sa puna accent pe efecte si situatii exagerate si nu pe un story credibil si care are sens. Si e ok, ca e fun

Regia:  Anthony Russo, Joe Russo     
Cu: Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Billy Bob Thornton

Rating: 6/10

The Gray Man (2022)

A valuable CIA operative becomes the target of a psychopathic colleague after he comes accross traces of an inside conspiracy.

'The Gray Man' is an action film with a reasonable budget, which allows it to focus on special effects and exaggerated situations and not on a credible, sense-making story. And it's ok, because it's fun

Director:  Anthony Russo, Joe Russo     
With: Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Billy Bob Thornton

Rating: 6/10

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Neverlake (2013)

A young English girl visits her father in Italy, where she discovers painful truths.

'Neverlake' is an atmospheric, low-budget horror film with a not-very-original twist, but one that's well made use of and nicely integrated into the predominant Gothic style.

Director:  Riccardo Paoletti     
With: Daisy Keeping, David Brandon, Joy Tanner, Martin Kashirokov

Rating: 6/10

Neverlake (2013)

O tanara engleza isi viziteaza tatal in Italia, unde descopera adevaruri dureroase.

'Neverlake' este un film de groaza atmosferic, de buget redus si cu un twist, nu foarte original, dar bine utilizat si integrat in stilul gotic predominant.

Regia:  Riccardo Paoletti     
Cu: Daisy Keeping, David Brandon, Joy Tanner, Martin Kashirokov

Rating: 6/10

Friday, August 25, 2023

Babylon (2022)

Inceputul vietii de la Holywood, prin prisma unui tanar fascinat de cinema, o actrita ce vrea sa devina star si un star trecut.

'Babylon' e un film artistic, dramatic, greu de descris. Plin de fantezie, fascinatie pentru perioada decadenta ce a condus lumea filmului in inceputurile mute, arata libertatea, expresia fara limite precum si uitarea in usor, dependente si admiratie ieftina. Cu idei asemanatorare lui 'Singing in the Rain', paralela celor doua filme este amintita aproape la fiecare pas. Fascinant, dar si trist.

Regia:  Damien Chazelle      
Cu: Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Jean Smart, Olivia Wilde, Diego Calva, Flea, Eric Roberts, Li Jun Li, Max Minghella, Tobey Maguire, Samara Weaving

Rating: 8/10

Babylon (2022)

The beginning of Hollywood, through the lens of a young man fascinated by cinema, an actress who wants to become a star and a fading star.

"Babylon" is an artistic, dramatic film, that can be difficult to describe. Full of fantasy, and fascination for the decadent period that led the film world in its silent beginnings, it shows freedom, limitless expression as well as the forgetting in easy life, various addictions and cheap admiration. With ideas similar to 'Singing in the Rain', the parallel between the two films is mentioned almost at every step. Fascinating, but also sad.

Director:  Damien Chazelle      
With: Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Jean Smart, Olivia Wilde, Diego Calva, Flea, Eric Roberts, Li Jun Li, Max Minghella, Tobey Maguire, Samara Weaving

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Enchanted (2007)

Giselle este pedepsita de regina cea rea sa treaca din Andalusia, o lume animata, in lumea reala, in New York.

'Enchanted' este un film Disney ce combina magia animatiei si cliseele de rigoare cu realitatea curenta, intr-un mod foarte original, ironic, fara a se opri din a rade de sine si a reusi sa gaseasca o cale de mijloc foarte antrenanta si plina de muzica si voie buna.

Regia:  Kevin Lima  
Cu: Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden, Susan Sarandon, Timothy Spall, Idina Menzel, Julie Andrews

Rating: 9/10

Enchanted (2007)

Giselle is punished by the evil queen and sent away from Andalusia, an animated world, to the real world, New York.

'Enchanted' is a Disney film that combines the magic of animation and the usual clichés with current reality, in a very original, ironic way, not shying away from laughing at itself and manage to find a very engaging and fulfilling middle ground, full of music and a joyous time.

Director:  Kevin Lima  
With: Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden, Susan Sarandon, Timothy Spall, Idina Menzel, Julie Andrews

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Black Mirror Season 1 (2011)

An unimaginable request for a prime minister. Energy and points obtained by people on bicycles. The possibility to review and analyze the memories of the day.

The season that started the Black Mirror mania. With only 3 episodes, all very British, the first season showed the world what Charlie Brooker's mind can do when he wants to antagonize technological evolution in any way he wants. Well thought out, well acted, very diverse in themes and unexpected in development.

Director:  Otto Bathurst and others  
Productiion:  Zeppotron  
Creator:  Charlie Brooker   
Duration: season 1 of 5, with 3 episodes (1 hour each)   
With: Rory Kinnear, Lindsay Duncan, Daniel Kaluuya, Jessica Brown Findlay, Rupert Everett, Toby Kebbell, Jodie Whittaker, Tom Cullen

The National Anthem - 8
Fifteen Million Merits - 9.5
The Entire History of You - 9

Rating: 9/10

Monday, August 21, 2023

Titane (2021)

O tanara cu un gust macabru pentru crima, isi ascunde identitatea pozand ca fiul pierdut al unui pompier trist.

'Titane' este un thriller abstract, ce incearca sa vorbeasca despre puterea compasiunii si a nevoii de apropiere, chiar si in cazuri extreme. Actorii principali duc filmul in spate cu success, si unele momente sunt chiar interesante, dar in mare, filmul este imprastiat, neverosimil (ca idee, nu mod de expresie), si ii ia jumatate de film pana a ajunge la ceva ce lasa o impresie.

Regia:  Julia Ducournau      
Cu: Vincent Lindon, Agathe Rousselle, Garance Marillier, Laïs Salameh

Rating: 7/10

Titane (2021)

A young woman, with a macabre taste for murder, hides her identity by posing as the lost son of a sad fireman.

"Titane" is an abstract thriller that tries to talk about the power of compassion and the need for closeness, even in extreme cases. The main actors carry the film admirably, and some moments are really interesting, but overall, the film is all over the place, implausible (as an idea, not its means of expression), and it takes half a film to reach something that leaves an impression.

Director:  Julia Ducournau      
With: Vincent Lindon, Agathe Rousselle, Garance Marillier, Laïs Salameh

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Black Mirror Season 1 (2011)

O cerinta de neimaginat pentru un prim-ministru. Energie si puncte obtinute prin oameni cu biciclete. Posibilitatea de a-ti revedea si analiza amintirile zilei.

Sezonul care a inceput mania Black Mirror. Doar cu 3 episoade, total britanice, primul sezon a aratat lumii ce poate mintea lui Charlie Brooker cand vrea sa antagonizeze evolutia tehnologica in ce mod vrea. Bine gandit, bine jucat, foarte divers in tematica si neasteptat in dezvoltare.

Regia:  Otto Bathurst si altii  
Productie:  Zeppotron  
Creator:  Charlie Brooker   
Durata:  sezonul 1 din 5, cu 3 episoade (1 ora fiecare)   
Cu: Rory Kinnear, Lindsay Duncan, Daniel Kaluuya, Jessica Brown Findlay, Rupert Everett, Toby Kebbell, Jodie Whittaker, Tom Cullen

The National Anthem - 8
Fifteen Million Merits - 9.5
The Entire History of You - 9

Rating: 9/10

Friday, August 18, 2023

Nobody (2021)

Un tata de familie, aparent docil si plictisitor, este fortat sa readuca la suprafata talentele sale violente, dupa ce isi face dusmani noi in mafia ruseasca, dupa un jaf ratat in casa familiei.

Nobody este un thriller bine facut, ce arata o fata noua pentru Bob Odenkirk. Bine jucat, credibil in interpretare (cel putin), Nobody prezinta o alternativa interesanta pentru cei ce asteapta o noua iteratie a lui John Wick, cu o nuanta emotionala ceva mai bine dezvoltata.

Regia:  Ilya Naishuller      
Cu: Bob Odenkirk, Aleksey Serebryakov, Connie Nielsen, Christopher Lloyd, RZA, Michael Ironside

Rating: 8/10

Nobody (2021)

A family man, docile and boring in appearance, is forced to bring his violent skills back in use, after he makes an enemy of the Russian mafia, triggered by a failed robbery in his family home.

'Nobody' is a well-made thriller that shows a new face for Bob Odenkirk. Well acted, convincing, Nobody presents an interesting alternative for those who are waiting for a new iteration of John Wick, with a somewhat better developed emotional side.

Director:  Ilya Naishuller      
With: Bob Odenkirk, Aleksey Serebryakov, Connie Nielsen, Christopher Lloyd, RZA, Michael Ironside

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Sinner - Sezonul 4 (2021)

Ambrose reuseste sa descopere un mister de dezgalcit chiar si cand merge in vacanta.

Sezonul 4 il gaseste pe Ambrose la pensie, incercand cu greu sa stea departe de mistere care ii dau echilibrul mental peste cap, desi lipsa misterelor il afecteaza negativ si mai mult. Misterul sezonului ultim este foarte melancolic si emotional, iar Bill Pullman este minunat ca de obicei.

Regia:  Derek Simmonds, Adam Bernstein si altii
Productie:  USA Network, Netflix   
Creator:  Derek Simonds  
Durata: sezonul 4 de 8 episoade (45 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Bill Pullman, Frances Fisher, Alice Kremelberg, Jessica Hecht, Michael Mosley

Rating: 8/10

The Sinner - Season 4 (2021)

Ambrose manages to stumble unto a mystery to unravel even when he goes on a getaway.

Season 4 finds Ambrose in retirement, trying hard to stay away from mysteries that throw his mental balance upside down, although the lack of mysteries negatively affects him even more. The case of the last season is very melancholic and emotional, and Bill Pullman is wonderful as usual.

Director: Andrew McCarthy, Adam Bernstein  and others
Production:  USA Network, Netflix   
Creator:  Derek Simonds   
Duration: season 4 with 8 episodes (45 minutes each)
With: Bill Pullman, Frances Fisher, Alice Kremelberg, Jessica Hecht, Michael Mosley

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Possum (2018)

Un papusar ratat se intoarce in casa parinteasca unde reintalnirea cu tatal vitreg aduce amintiri neasteptate.

'Possum' este un film psihologic, in mare masura artistic, aproape abstract. Extrem de bine jucat de Sean Harris, filmul este adanc, dar apasator, inteligent, dar taraganat si repetitiv, arta investita parand mult mai potrivita pentru un film scurt.

Regia:  Matthew Holness     
Cu: Sean Harris, Alun Armstrong, Andy Blithe, Ryan Enever

Rating: 7/10

Possum (2018)

A disgraced puppeteer returns to his parental home where the reunion with his stepfather brings unexpected memories.

'Possum' is a psychological film, largely artistic, almost abstract. Extremely well acted by Sean Harris, the film is deep, but haunting, intelligent, but rambling and repetitive, the invested art seeming much more suitable for a short.

Director:  Matthew Holness     
With: Sean Harris, Alun Armstrong, Andy Blithe, Ryan Enever

Rating: 7/10

Friday, August 11, 2023

Evil Dead Rise (2023)

The mother of 3 children comes under the influence of a demonic power through an unfortunate accident.

'Evil Dead Rise' is an original horror film in the universe created by Sam Raimi, which preserves the style and concepts of the original films. Well made, it has good pacing, and the special effects are well executed, even with the exaggerated visual style Raimi came up with.

Director:  Lee Cronin    
With: Alyssa Sutherland, Mirabai Pease, Richard Crouchley, Anna-Maree Thomas, Lily Sullivan, Gabrielle Echols

Rating: 8/10

Evil Dead Rise (2023)

Mama a 3 copii ajunge sub influenta unei puteri demonice printr-un accident nefericit.

'Evil Dead Rise' e un film original de groaza in universul creat de Sam Raimi, ce pastreaza stilul si conceptele filmelor originale. Bine facut, are o cadenta bine gandita, iar efectele speciale sunt bine realizate, chiar si cu stilul exagerat inventat de Raimi.

Regia:  Lee Cronin    
Cu: Alyssa Sutherland, Mirabai Pease, Richard Crouchley, Anna-Maree Thomas, Lily Sullivan, Gabrielle Echols

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Barbie (2023)

Barbie has an existential crisis that sends her into the real world.

"Barbie" is a comedy film with absurdist roots. True to the ideological principles in the first half, Barbie manages to be witty, funny and sarcastic (thank you, Dame Helen!). In the first half. In the second, there's a u-turn and the film falls into the trap typical of comedies in which all the characters "learn a lesson" in a cliche and cringey way. It's ok and the world likes it, but Greta Gerwig could do more.

Director:  Greta Gerwig     
With: Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, Issa Rae, Kate McKinnon, Helen Mirren

Rating: 7.8/10

Barbie (2023)

Barbie are o criza existentiala ce o trimite in lumea reala.

'Barbie' e un film comedie cu radacini absurdiste. Fidel principiilor ideologice in prima jumatate, Barbie reuseste sa fie inteligent, amuzant si sarcastic (multumim, Dame Helen!). In prima jumatate. In a doua, stafeta se schimba si filmul intra in capcana tipica comediilor in care toate personajele "invata o lectie" intr-un mod cliseic si cringey. E ok si lumii ii place, dar Greta Gerwig putea mai mult.

Regia:  Greta Gerwig     
Cu: Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, Issa Rae, Kate McKinnon, Helen Mirren

Rating: 7.8/10

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

What's Your Number? (2011)

O femeie decide ca unul din fostii sai trebuie sa fie jumatatea sa.

'What's Your Number?' e o comedie romantica cu o premisa superficiala. Cu o distributie simpatica si chimie intre personaje, filmul reuseste sa se ridice din mediocritatea asteptata si sa ofere distractie genuina.

Regia:  Mark Mylod   
Cu: Anna Faris, Chris Evans, Ari Graynor, Blythe Danner

Rating: 8/10

What's Your Number? (2011)

A woman decides that one of her exes must be her other half.

'What's Your Number?' is a romantic comedy with a superficial premise. With a very likeable cast and real chemistry between the characters, the film manages to rise from its prognosed mediocrity and offer genuine entertainment.

Director:  Mark Mylod   
With: Anna Faris, Chris Evans, Ari Graynor, Blythe Danner

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, August 06, 2023

Enola Holmes (2020)

Enola Holmes, sora lui Sherlock, incepe o investigatie foarte personala cand mama sa dispare.

'Enola Holmes' e un film de aventuri si crima, diluat pentru un public mai tanar si inocent. Fara a fi ceva special, filmul este dragut dar cel mai impresionant atu al sau este distributia.

Regia:  Harry Bradbeer  
Cu: Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, Sam Claflin, Helena Bonham Carter

Rating: 7/10

Enola Holmes (2020)

Enola Holmes, Sherlock's sister, begins a very personal investigation when her mother disappears.

"Enola Holmes" is an adventure and crime film, watered down for a younger and innocent audience. Without being anything special, the film is cute but its most impressive asset is the cast.

Director:  Harry Bradbeer  
With: Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, Sam Claflin, Helena Bonham Carter

Rating: 7/10

Friday, August 04, 2023

The Vast of Night (2019)

A telephone operator and a radio operator begin to investigate local events after they manage to catch a series of strange noises through an unusual radio frequency.

'The Vast of Night' is a sci-fi film temporally set in the 50s, in a context that appears very authentic, in a culture obsessed with a third world war, alien invasions and government conspiracies. With a mini-homage to Orson Welles' 'War Of The Worlds' radio show (the radio station is called WOTW), this film is adept at subtly highlighting the panic, suspense and mystery needed to keep the viewer tensing.

Director:  Andrew Patterson   
With: Sierra McCormick, Jake Horowitz, Gail Cronauer, Bruce Davis

Rating: 8/10

The Vast of Night (2019)

Un operator telefonic si un operator de radio incep sa investigheze evenimente locale dupa ce reusesc sa suprinda o serie de zgomote ciudate printr-o frecventa radio neobisnuita.

'The Vast of Night' e un film SF situat temporal in anii 50, intr-un context ce apare foarte autentic, intr-o cultura obsedata de un al treilea razboi mondial, atacuri extraterestre si conspiratii guvernamentale. Cu un mini-omagiu pentru showul radiofonic al lui Orson Welles 'War Of The Worlds' (postul radio se cheama WOTW), filmul de fata este abil in a evidentia subtil panica, suspiciunea si misterul necesare pentru a mentine privitorul in  suspans.

Regia:  Andrew Patterson   
Cu: Sierra McCormick, Jake Horowitz, Gail Cronauer, Bruce Davis

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Table 19 (2017)

Eloise still attends the wedding at which she was supposed to be the maid of honour, even though she was dumped by the bride's brother, but gets seated at the losers' table.

"Table 19" is a romantic comedy, although it's not obvious until near the end, acting like a regular comedy until then. The presence of several comedy veterans (Stephen Merchant, Lisa Kudrow, Craig Robinson) is felt and welcomed, and the film has an undeniable beneficial effect. 

Director:  Jeffrey Blitz      
With: Anna Kendrick, Lisa Kudrow, Craig Robinson, Stephen Merchant

Rating: 8/10

Table 19 (2017)

Eloise participa la nunta la care trebuia să fie domnișoara de onoare, deși a fost părăsită de fratele miresei, dar este așezată la masa rataților.

"Table 19" e o comedie romantică, deÈ™i nu e evident până aproape de final, comportându-se ca o comedie obiÈ™nuită pana atunci. PrezenÈ›a câtorva veterani de comedie (Stephen Merchant, Lisa Kudrow, Craig Robinson) este simÈ›ită È™i binevenită, iar filmul are un efect benefic de netăgăduit. 

Regia:  Jeffrey Blitz      
Cu: Anna Kendrick, Lisa Kudrow, Craig Robinson, Stephen Merchant

Rating: 8/10