Friday, February 28, 2020

Preacher (2016-2019)

An unusual pastor with a bleak past turns his life upside down when his old love returns to his life and starts a long adventure to find God who seems to have left his post.

Filled with crazy and absurd ideas, Preacher will provide plenty of uninterrupted fun for fans, whether they want comedy, action or ridiculous situations. Expecting everything to have a deeper meaning, the entire series will unfold in front of the eyes without such satisfaction. Nothing remains holy, nothing is left without offence, all the characters are victims of weaknesses and defects, be they negative or positive characters. Just as colourful as the comic book it's based on, Preacher is visually pleasing and filled with gore-like horrors and gratuitous violence, which is only  a negative for the audience who chose this series by mistake.

Creators: Sam Catlin, Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen
Production: AMC
Featuring: Dominic Cooper, Joseph Gilgun, Ruth Negga, Graham McTavish, Pip Torrens, Noah Taylor, Julie Ann Emery, Ian Colletti

Rating: 9/10

Preacher (2016-2019)

Un pastor neobisnuit si cu un trecut patat isi da viata peste cap cand iubiri vechi revin in viata sa si ajunge sa porneasca un drum lung pentru a-L gasi pe Dumnezeu care se pare Si-A Parasit postul.

Plin de idei nebune si absurdism, Preacher va oferi multa distractie neintrerupta fanilor, fie ca acestia vor comedie, actiune sau situatii ridicole. Asteptand ca totul sa aiba un sens mai adanc, intreaga serie se va derula in fata ochilor fara un rezultat. Nimic nu e sfant, nimic nu e lasat fara ofensa, toate personajele sunt victimele slabiciunilor si defectelor, fie ele personaje negative sau pozitive. Colorat ca si comics-ul pe care e bazat, Preacher este placut vizual dar plin de orori de tip gore si violenta gratuita, ceea ce este ceva negativ doar pentru audienta ce a ales acest serial din greseala.

Creatori: Sam Catlin, Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen
Productie: AMC
Cu: Dominic Cooper, Joseph Gilgun, Ruth Negga, Graham McTavish, Pip Torrens, Noah Taylor, Julie Ann Emery, Ian Colletti

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Midnight Special (2016)

Un tata disperat si acolitii sai putini la numar lupta sa isi ascunda si apere fiul de insi cu intentii prost gandite.

Un film SF in principiu, in care drama de parinte in stare de orice pentru copilul sau este puternic simtita la fiecare pas. Cu o echipa de actori de prima mana, filmul reuseste sa tina atentia si suspansul dar treptat incepe sa dezvaluie ca telul misterios ce pare sa lege toate personajele nu este asa de interesant sau important.
Daca am reusi sa ne legam de semnificatie intr-o oarecare incercare de a valoriza efortul acestui film, singura metafora ce vine in minte este ceea a parintilor ce trebuie sa isi calce pe inima si sa isi lase copilul liber in lume sa isi caute telul in viata indiferent de cat de lipsit de importanta si de inteles pare pentru acestia, dar filmul este pur si simplu prea elaborat pentru aceasta idee.

Regie/scenariu: Jeff Nichols
Cu: Michael Shannon, Joel Edgerton, Adam Driver, Kirsten Dunst, Sam Shepard, Bill Camp, Jaeden Martell

Rating: 6/10

Midnight Special (2016)

A desperate father and his few acolytes struggle to hide and defend his son from parties with ill-thought intentions.

A Sci-Fi movie in principle, in which the parent drama capable of anything for their child is strongly felt at every step. With a team of first-hand actors, the film manages to hold the attention and suspense but gradually begins to reveal that the mysterious goal that seems to bind all the characters is not so interesting or important after all.
If we could manage to relate to some significance in some attempt to stretch some value for the effort of this film, the only metaphor that comes to mind is that of the parents who have to bypass their feelings and resign into letting their child go free in the world to seek their purpose in life no matter how unimportant and incomprehensible it seems to parents, but this film is simply too elaborate for that idea.

Director / screenplay: Jeff Nichols
Featuring: Michael Shannon, Joel Edgerton, Adam Driver, Kirsten Dunst, Sam Shepard, Bill Camp, Jaeden Martell

Rating: 6/10

Monday, February 24, 2020

Gisaengchung / Parasite (2019)

A poor family sets in motion an elaborate plan to employ each family member in more or less necessary jobs for a wealthy and gullible family.

Bong Joon Ho takes a well-known idea and gives it a new look. It focuses on staging, perfect coordination, vivid colour imagery and perfect orchestration, so that acts that could be part of everyday reality are handled in such a way that they generate convincing comedy or heart-wrenching tragedy, according to the directorial desire. No details are random. 
A very beautiful film, visual, human and about humans.

Directed by: Bong Joon Ho
With: Kang-ho Song, Sun-kyun Lee, Yeo-jeong Jo, Woo-sik Choi, So-dam Park

Rating: 10/10

Gisaengchung / Parasite (2019)

O familie saraca pune in miscare un plan elaborat de a angaja fiecare membru al familiei in slujbe mai mult sau mai putin necesare pentru o familie avuta si naiva.

Bong Joon Ho ia o idee binecunoscuta și ii da un aer nou. Se concentrează pe punere în scena, coordonare perfecta, imagini în culori vii și orchestrare perfecta, astfel ca acte ce ar putea fi parte din realitatea cotidiana sunt manevrate în asa fel încât generează atat comedie credibila cat și tragedie sfâșietoare la comandă, după gustul regizoral. Nici un amănunt nu este întâmplător. Un film foarte frumos, vizual, uman, despre oameni. 

Regia: Bong Joon Ho
Cu: Kang-ho Song, Sun-kyun Lee, Yeo-jeong Jo, Woo-sik Choi, So-dam Park

Rating: 10/10

Also read in English

Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Limehouse Golem (2016)

The investigation of a series of crimes in Victorian London is linked to an isolated case of a wife accused of poisoning her husband.

The Limehouse Goldem is both a social analysis and a police investigation of horrific crimes. Half-romanticised, focused on the innocent and unlucky wife, the film manages to attract the audience through candour, curiosity and sensational elements. The ending is suspected a little earlier than intended but it is a well written and satisfying ending nonetheless.
Bill Nighy has replaced Alan Rickman due to ill health. Douglas Booth is brillian as Dan Leno, a real life character of the theatre-land of the time.

Directed by: Juan Carlos Medina
With: Bill Nighy, Olivia Cooke, Sam Reid, Douglas Booth, Daniel Mays, Eddie Marsan

Rating: 8/10

The Limehouse Golem (2016)

Investigatia unei serii de crime in Londra anilor 1880 are legaturi cu un caz izolat al unei sotii acuzate de otravirea sotului.

The Limehouse Goldem este atat o analiza sociala cat si o investigatie politista a unor crime oribile. Pe jumatate romanticizat, concentrat pe inocenta si ghinionista sotie inchisa, reuseste sa atraga audienta prin candoare, curiozitate si  elemente senzationale. Finalul este banuit ceva mai devreme decat intentionat dar este un final reusit oricum.
Bill Nighy l-a inlocuit pe Alan Rickman din cauza problemelor de sanatate ale acestuia. Douglas Booth este genial in rolul unui personaj real al lumii teatrale - Dan Leno.

Regia: Juan Carlos Medina
Cu: Bill Nighy, Olivia Cooke, Sam Reid, Douglas Booth, Daniel Mays, Eddie Marsan

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Woman (2011)

A family man finds a feral woman and decides to civilise her.

A sequel to another horror about cannibals terrorising families in search of children to join their clan. A tad obvious from the start about what direction it will follow and who the audience will hate, the film develops awkwardly into an intense amalgam of injustices and a whirlwind of shocking revelations that make the ending quite satisfying.
The gory part is well done but the story has elements that do not fit together very well, with a film student video quality (which is excusable because it seems to be part of the film's artistry intentionally), and the performance of some of the actors is substandard. However Polyanna McIntosh (in the role of the woman, a familiar face from The Walking Dead) and Zach Rand (the son of the family) are still very capable and convincing.

Directed by: Lucky McKee
Featuring: Pollyanna McIntosh, Sean Bridgers, Angela Bettis, Lauren Ashley Carter, Zach Rand, Marcia Bennett

Rating: 6/10

The Woman (2011)

Un tata de familie gaseste o femeie salbatica si decide sa o civilizeze.

Urmare a unui alt horror despre canibali care terorizeaza familii in cautare de copii care sa se alature clanului. Un pic evident de la inceput legat de ce directie va urma si pe cine publicul va uri, filmul se dezvolta stangaci intr-un amalgam intens de nedreptati si un vartej de dezvaluiri socante ce fac finalul satisfacator. 
Partea gory este bine facuta dar povestea are elemente ce nu prea se leaga, cu o calitate a imaginii de nivel de student de film (ce e scuzabil caci pare sa faca parte din artisticul filmului in mod intentionat), iar jocul unora din actori este sub standard. Polyanna McIntosh (in rolul femeii salbatice, familiara din The Walking Dead) si Zach Rand (fiul familiei) sunt totusi foarte capabili si credibili.

Regia: Lucky McKee
Cu: Pollyanna McIntosh, Sean Bridgers, Angela Bettis, Lauren Ashley Carter, Zach Rand, Marcia Bennett

Rating: 6/10

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Deadgirl (2008)

A different and fresh take on zombie horror movies. So different that up to a point, the zombie angle seems to be from a completely different movie and without any connection to what you're watching. 
It is in fact an analysis of human nature, in the most current possible form. The terrifying content this time does not come from the classic trigger - the resurrected dead - nor from its cruel, bestial and thoughtless violence, but from the premeditated actions of the still human and aware characters. 
Being at a point in life when social branding has not happened or become obvious just yet, but somewhat aware of the limited possibilities they'd have access to, the characters take advantage of the current opportunity of pseudo power and control in a small universe created and isolated by themselves, where they have no limit for their acts, imagination or physical manifestation of any perverse thought. Drunk on this control, they "forget" the limits of their real world, allowing for their two universes to overlap with more or less catastrophic effects, of which the most disturbing one is the corruption of the one character that represented the last hope in humanity ... 
The film does not have particularly impressive direction or acting, although it is worth noting Shiloh Fernandez's very natural performance with his small nervous tics, but it's brought to life in a very naturally put together context and with a very well maintained genuine high school atmosphere. Deadgirl receives a big thumps up for an original and unexpected story.

Directed by: Marcel Sarmiento, Gadi Harel
Screenplay: Trent Haaga
Featuring: Shiloh Fernandez, Noah Segan, Candice Accola, Eric Podnar

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Cold Skin (2017)

On the brink of war, a meteorologist takes over his post for a year on an arctic island which reveals evolutionary secrets at night.

Interesting concept for a horror movie. It starts with simple expectations about its negative characters - monsters in this case - and finishes with reversing the roles by turning the analysis onto human nature. Without having to choose despicable human characters, the film demonstrates that the desire and need to feel superior and king and not just one of the many is often hidden even in those who manage to maintain the appearance of scruples.
Well done, often poetic and emotional, the film will pleasantly surprise fans of the genre as well those who just happen to come across it.

Director: Xavier Gens
With: Ray Stevenson, David Oakes, Aura Garrido

Rating: 8/10

Cold Skin (2017)

In prag de razboi, un meteorolog isi preia postul de un an intr-o insula arctica ce dezvaluie secrete evolutioniste noaptea.

Interesant concept pentru un film horror. Incepe cu prejudecati simple in legatura cu personajele negative - monstri in acest caz - si se termina  inversand rolurile intorcand analiza asupra naturii umane. Fara a fi nevoie sa aleaga personaje de joasa speta, filmul demonstreaza ca nevoia de a se simti superior si stapan si nu doar unul din multi este des ascunsa chiar si in cei ce reusesc sa mentina aparente de scrupule.
Bine facut, poetic si emotional adesea, filmul va surprinde placut si pe fanii genului si pe cei ce dau peste el din intamplare.

Regia: Xavier Gens
Cu: Ray Stevenson, David Oakes, Aura Garrido

Rating: 8/10

Also read in English

Monday, February 17, 2020

Unbelievable (2019)

An intense investigation of a series of rapes which gets two female detectives with different attitudes working side by side.

The true story of the investigation is exposed in 8 intense and emotional episodes with two parallel narrative threads, the first with the initial victim who is not believed and the second with the actual investigation that took place independently of her situation. Kaytlin Dever is incredible in the role of the silent Marie, extremely expressive in her goal to highlight the intense inner feelings of the wronged victim, while Toni Collette and Merritt Wever are memorable in different ways in the roles of the detectives. The subtlety and the calm, peaceful and intense attitude of Merrit Wever (Duvall) is superbly balanced by the passion of the impetuous Toni Collette (Rasmussen).

Production: Netflix
Creators: Susannah Grant, Michael Chabon, Ayelet Waldman
With: Kaitlyn Dever, Toni Collette, Merritt Wever, Dale Dickey, Scott Lawrence, Danielle Macdonald, Elizabeth Marvel, Annaleigh Ashford

Rating: 10/10

Unbelievable (2019)

O investigatie intensa a unor violuri in serie ce apropie doua detective cu atitudini diferite.

Povestea adevarata a investigatiei este expusa in 8 episoade intense si emotionale cu doua fire narative paralele, primul cu victima initiala ce nu este crezuta si al doilea cu investigatia efectiva ce a avut loc independent de situatia acesteia. Kaytlin Dever este incredibila in rolul tacutei Marie, extrem de expresiva in incercarea de a evidentia trairile interioare intense ale personajului nedreptatit, in timp ce Toni Collette si Merritt Wever sunt memorabile in stiluri diferite in rolurile detectivilor. Subtilitatea si atitudinea calma, pasnica si intensa a lui Merrit Wever (Duvall) este echilibrata superb de pasiunea impetuasei Toni Collette (Rasmussen).

Productie: Netflix
Creatori: Susannah Grant, Michael Chabon, Ayelet Waldman
Cu: Kaitlyn Dever, Toni Collette, Merritt Wever, Dale Dickey, Scott Lawrence, Danielle Macdonald, Elizabeth Marvel, Annaleigh Ashford

Rating: 10/10

Also read in English

Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Hustle (2019)

Two professional hustlers, of different calibre, are starting a bet over a fragile millionaire for territorial rights.

A weak remake of a classic comedy (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - 9/10), with Rebel Wilson replacing Steve Martin and Anne Hathaway Michael Caine, in an only half-succeeded attempt at modernising the story with a new feminine angle. The two actresses are adorable but they exaggerate their character without having a fit dialogue, but only cheap jokes and a lot of big noise.

Directed by: Chris Addison
With: Anne Hathaway, Rebel Wilson, Alex Sharp

Rating: 6/10

The Hustle (2019)

Doua sarlatane de profesie, de calibru diferit, pun la cale un pariu pe seama unui milionar firav pentru drepturi teritoriale.

Un remake slab al unei comedii clasice (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - 9/10), Rebel Wilson il inlocuieste pe Steve Martin iar Anne Hathaway pe Michael Caine, intr-o incercare numai pe jumatate reusita de a moderniza povestea dintr-un unghi feminin. Cele doua actrite sunt simpatice dar isi exagereaza personajul fara a avea un dialog pe masura, ci doar glume ieftine si mult tam-tam.

Regia: Chris Addison
Cu: Anne Hathaway, Rebel Wilson, Alex Sharp

Rating: 6/10

Friday, February 14, 2020

Mr. Right (2015)

Recently disappointed in love, Martha meets a random guy who seems to be the answer to her lifelong quests, not knowing that he is hiding a surprising double life.

A nice comedy, charming due to the chemistry between the main actors, their versatility and the light and fun dialogue. A superficial analysis of couple compatibility issues that seems to provide an obvious solution.
Fun and suitable for various tastes, particularly for people forced to watch romantic comedies by their partners.

Directed by: Paco Cabezas
With: Sam Rockwell, Anna Kendrick, Tim Roth, Anson Mount, Michael Eklund, James Ransone, RZA

Rating: 7/10

Mr. Right (2015)

Recent dezamagita in dragoste, Martha cunoaste un tip intamplator ce pare sa fie raspunsul la cautarile sale, nebanuind ca acesta ascunde o viata ascunsa.

O comedie draguta, fermecatoare prin chimia dintre actorii principali, versatilitatea acestora si dialogul usor si distractiv. O analiza superficiala a problemelor de compatibilitate in cuplu, pare sa ofere o solutie evidenta.
Distractiv si potrivit pentru gusturi diverse, mai ales pentru cei fortati de parteneri sa urmareasca comedii romantice.

Regia: Paco Cabezas
Cu: Sam Rockwell, Anna Kendrick, Tim Roth, Anson Mount, Michael Eklund, James Ransone, RZA

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Fall (2013-2016)

A cat and mouse chase involving a complicated policewoman caught up in the investigation of a series of crimes and a family man leading a parallel life causing these crimes.

A fascinating series in which we are presented with two very complex personalities in their indirect duel in two opposite roles, criminal and investigator, but both actually just a different type of hunter. Extremely subtle, every detail of each moment is constructed with delicacy and respect for the viewer. Gillian Anderson is fascinating in the role of Stella, an almost cold but extremely calculated personality, passionate about her work, and an almost perfect human analyst. Jamie Dornan is terribly fit for the role, so convincing in his duality that it raises suspicions about his real persona.
It is a perfect police series, but it's not suitable for those looking for speed and fast action.

Production: BBC
Creator: Allan Cubitt
Featuring: Gillian Anderson, Jamie Dornan, Aisling Franciosi, Bronagh Waugh, John Lynch, Valene Kane, Laura Donnelly

Rating: 10/10

The Fall (2013-2016)

O cursa de-a soarecele si pisica implicand o politista complicata in investigatia unei serii de crime si un tata familist ce duce o viata paralela cauzand aceste crime.

Un serial fascinant in care ne sunt prezentate doua personalitati complexe in duelul lor indirect in doua roluri opuse, criminal si investigator, dar ambii un tip aparte de vanator. Extrem de subtil, fiecare detaliu al fiecarui moment este construit cu delicatete si respect pentru spectator. Gillian Anderson este fascinanta in roul Stellei, o personalitate aproape rece, dar extrem de calculata, pasionata de munca sa, si un analist al oamenilor aproape perfect. Jamie Dornan este teribil de potrivit in rol, atat de convingator in dualitatea sa incat cauzeaza suspiciuni asupra persoanei sale reale.
Este un serial politist perfect, dar nu este potrivit pentru cei ce cauta viteza si actiune rapida.

Productie: BBC
Creator: Allan Cubitt
Cu: Gillian Anderson, Jamie Dornan, Aisling Franciosi, Bronagh Waugh, John Lynch, Valene Kane, Laura Donnelly

Rating: 10/10

Transformers - Revenge Of The Fallen (2009)

Sam tries to leave his old Transformers adventures behind and lead a normal life but he is somehow mystically connected to all of it and is targeted for it.

To speak about Transformers ... How does one talk about something they can't define? Really now! It has no beginning, no end, it's not a film, nor animation, or just not enough of any category to be labelled as anything. However, you could actually say the complete opposite - it has a bit of of everything - comedy (yes ... honestly - a few nice scenes/lines - and when when I say a few I actually mean more like ... 2), action (action galore of course, but without any meaning, and without coordination, too much automation, too much agglomeration, too much artificiality), SFX (was I the only one who felt like they were watching a cartoon ?!), romance (apparently some ... but only to somehow excuse Megan Fox's presence on screen particularly in many intense moments with extra attention on the ... essential parts), mistery (Indiana Jones would twist in his grave - or rather on dusty shelves). And before anyone tries to argue that I just don't have the taste for the genre, I would like to point out that I do and I really know the genre. If nothing else, a favourable argument to my claim is precisely the fact that I really enjoyed the first Transformers (and on top of that, I used to play with Transformers when I was little). I really wanted to give this a chance and like it and find something good to say about it, but I just had nothing to work with, the movie is just so ... empty and to top it off it also lasts too long.

Director: Michael Bay
With: Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox,  Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Kevin Dunn

Rating: 4/10

This is a translation of an older post, see it here

Monday, February 10, 2020

Don't Knock Twice (2016)

A former drug addict mother is trying to rebuild her relationship with the daughter who was taken from her care, but has to face unexpected supernatural obstacles.

A small budget and efficient horror. Without  bothering with any too complicated special effects, Don't Know Twice manages to bring a convincing monster to life, sufficiently sordid and macabre, linked to an interesting urban legend. Without being too scary, it does contain several well-staged scenes, arguably similar to something like The Conjuring in quality. The few logical faults are balanced out with a sufficiently intriguing plot and an unusual side story and even an almost completely successful attempt at a twist.
For horror and Battlestar Galactica fans.

Directed by: Caradog James
With: Katee Sackhoff, Lucy Boynton, Nick Moran, Richard Mylan

Rating: 7/10

Don't Knock Twice (2016)

O mama fosta dependenta de droguri incearca sa isi refaca relatia cu fiica ce i-a fost luata din grija, dar se lupta cu obstacole neasteptate de ordin supranatural.

Un horror eficient de buget mic. Fara efecte speciale prea complicate, reuseste sa aduca la viata un monstru credibil, suficient de macabru si sordid, cu o legenda urbana interesanta. Fara a fi prea de speriat, contine cateva episoade bine puse in scena demne de ceva gen The Conjuring. Cele cateva greseli de logica sunt echilibrate cu o intriga suficient de antrenanta si o poveste secundara neobisnuita si chiar si o incercare aproape complet reusita la un twist.
Pentru fani horror si Battlestar Galactica.

Regia: Caradog James
Cu: Katee Sackhoff, Lucy Boynton, Nick Moran, Richard Mylan

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, February 08, 2020

Marriage Story (2019)

The drama of an announced divorce and the snowball effect it causes.

A realistic story that captures a bit of the drama caused by a divorce nowadays, particular to American life, showing how good intentions can be almost unintentionally cancelled by forces independent of the will of the emotionally involved parties. It does not necessarily say anything new about human nature, the most interesting parts being focused in the first and last 15 minutes.
It's a good movie, definitely overrated, but with some good performances.

Director / screenplay: Noah Baumbach
Featuring: Adam Driver, Scarlett Johansson, Laura Dern, Ray Liotta, Alan Alda

Rating: 7/10

Marriage Story (2019)

Drama unui divort anuntat si efectul de avalansa provocat de acesta.

O poveste realista ce prinde un pic din drama cauzata de un divort in ziua de azi, specific mai ales vietii americane, aratand cum intentiile bune pot fi anulate aproape fara voie de forte independente de vointa partilor implicate emotional. Nu aduce neaparat ceva nou despre natura umana, partile cele mai interesante fiind concentrate pe primele si ultimele 15 minute.
E un film bun, cu siguranta supraevaluat, dar cu ceva performate de laudat.

Regie/scenariu: Noah Baumbach
Cu: Adam Driver, Scarlett Johansson, Laura Dern, Ray Liotta

Rating: 7/10

Friday, February 07, 2020

Booksmart (2019)

Two best friends, good nice girls with good academical results, hunt for a party on the last day of high school just to be able to say that they did not spend all their time just studying.

A teenage comedy that's a little different, mainly because it focuses on a couple of girls. It's very original, funny and emotional for just the right amount; it will probably become a cult movie, it will often be quoted because the dialogue contains many lines that are worth the attention. It may seem a bit slow at times but this is in tune with the story and the big mix of adventures in which the two heroines are swept in. It will satisfy all the amateurs of political correctness (female lead characters with a varied sexual orientation and a female director) or at least it should - there are always unexpected ways in which a movie is perceived partially offensive.

Director: Olivia Wilde
Featuring: Kaitlyn Dever, Beanie Feldstein, Jessica Williams, Jason Sudeikis, Lisa Kudrow, Skyler Gisondo, Will Forte

Booksmart (2019)

Doua prietene cele mai bune, cuminti si cu rezultate bune la scoala, vaneaza o petrecere in ultima zi de liceu pentru a putea spune ca nu au petrecut tot timpul doar invatand.

O comedie cu adolescenti un pic diferita, in principal pentru ca se centreaza pe o pereche de fete. Este foarte original, amuzant si emotional exact cat trebuie, va deveni probabil un film cult, va fi citat adesea doarece dialogul contine multe replici ce merita atentie. Poate parea oarecum incet pe alocuri dar asta este in ton cu povestea si amalgamul de aventuri in care se lasa "luate" cele doua eroine. Va multumi pe toti amatorii de political corectness (personaje principale feminine cu gusturi sexuale variate si o regizoare femeie) sau ar trebui sa multumeasca - mereu apar moduri nebanuite prin care un film este partial ofensiv.

Regie: Olivia Wilde
Cu: Kaitlyn Dever, Beanie Feldstein, Jessica Williams, Jason Sudeikis, Lisa Kudrow, Skyler Gisondo, Will Forte

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Altered Carbon (2018-)

An inmate with special abilities is revived in order to investigate a crime in a future where minds can be digitally stored.

A wonderful mix of genres that should satisfy all tastes: Sci-Fi, police investigation, drama. The reality and mythology of this future is fascinating and opens up unexpected possibilities for building a political-social context that actually makes sense, with its own versions of religious conflicts and conflicts caused by social status. The investigation and the crime itself are unusual and offer a main reason become addicted to this series. When you add some pseudo time travel, virtual reality, sentimental confusion, Blade Runner-like action, changing bodies like they're clothes, the recipe becomes irresistible.
It is unbelievably unfair that this series is not more talked about.

Production: Netflix
Creator: Laeta Kalogridis
Featuring: Joel Kinnaman, James Purefoy, Martha Higareda, Kristin Lehman, Renée Elise Goldsberry

Altered Carbon (2018-)

Un detinut cu abilitati speciale este readus la viata pentru a investiga o crima intr-un viitor in care mintile pot fi stocate digital.

Un amestec minunat de genuri ce ar trebui sa satisfaca toate gusturile: SF, politist, drama. Realitatea si mitologia acestui viitor este fascinanta si deschide posibilitati nebanuite pentru a construi un context politico-social ce are sens, cu propriile versiuni de conflicte religioase si legate de statut social. Investigatia si crima in sine sunt neobisnuite si ofera un motiv principal pentru a crea o dependenta pentru acest serial. Cand adaugi pseudo calatorii in timp, realitate virtuala, confuzie sentimentala, actiune gen Blade Runner, schimbare de corpuri ca si cum ar fi haine, reteta devine irezistibila.
Este incredibil de nedrept ca nu se vorbeste mai mult despre acest serial.

Productie: Netflix
Creator: Laeta Kalogridis
Cu:  Joel Kinnaman, James Purefoy, Martha Higareda, Kristin Lehman, Renée Elise Goldsberry

Rating: 8/10

Monday, February 03, 2020

Hellboy (2019)

Hellboy has to confront an ancient witch at the same time having to face various unexpected obstacles and secrets that concern him.

Just 11 years after the last installation of an adventure featuring Hellboy under the guide of Guillermo del Toro, the current Hellboy wants to be a fresh approach for the new generation of fans (a generation that eats Stranger Things for breakfast ...). Trying to follow a recipe that should work currently, the makers are borrowing David Harbor from the aforementioned ST to take over from Ron Perlman, they use Ian McShane as a ... lucky coin (Deadwood, American Gods, Jon Wick, GoT), they task Neil Marshall (a master of horror: The Descent, Dog Soldiers) with the direction and they throw in an overfilled mixture of mythological figures to only half succeed in their goal. The horror elements are well done, the special effects too, the proportion of gore and fantasy versus humor are reversed compared to the film's predecessors, but the story suffers from overloading, probably to overcompensate the main narrative's slowness and lack of engagement.
Better than it's being given credit for in most of the box office ranks, Hellboy tried to do too much.

Director: Neill Marshall
Featuring: David Harbor, Milla Jovovich, Ian McShane, Sophie Okonedo, Thomas Haden Church, Daniel Dae Kim

P.S.: Lost fans will be pleased to see Jin (Daniel Dae Kim) amongst the cast.

Hellboy (2019)

Hellboy trebuie sa confrunte o vrajitoare din vechime totodata avand de infruntat diferite obstacole neasteptate si secrete ce il privesc.

La doar 11 ani dupa ultima ecranizare a unei aventuri cu Hellboy sub bagheta lui Guillermo del Toro, prezentul Hellboy se vrea o viziune proaspata pentru noua generatie de fani (generatie ce mananca Stranger Things pe paine...). Incercand sa urmeze o reteta ce ar trebui sa functioneze acum, il imprumuta pe David Harbour din sus-mentionatul ST pentru a prelua stafeta de la Ron Perlman, il foloseste pe Ian McShane ca...moneda norocoasa (Deadwood, American Gods, Jon Wick, GoT), il insarcineaza pe Neil Marshall (master of horror: The Descent, Dog Soldiers) cu regia si arunca la nimereala un amestec satios de figuri mitologice pentru a reusi numai pe jumatate. Elementele horror sunt bine facute, efectele speciale la fel, proportia de gore si fantezie versus umor se balanseaza invers fata de predecesori, dar povestea sufera de supraincarcare, probabil pentru a completa firul narativ principal ce altfel ar fi cam gol si incet.
Mai bun decat este clasat in topurile de box-office, Hellboy a incercat sa faca prea mult.

Regia: Neill Marshall
Cu: David Harbour, Milla Jovovich, Ian McShane, Sophie Okonedo, Thomas Haden Church, Daniel Dae Kim

P.S.: Fanii Lost vor fi multumiti sa il regaseasca pe Jin (Daniel Dae Kim).

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, February 01, 2020

Glass (2019)

Glass, Overseer and the Beast are brought together by external circumstances to be convinced that the impression of having special powers is a mental disorder.

The third film of an announced trilogy, Glass finally links the events of Unbreakable and Split. With a weak premise (the belief that special abilities are just human and not mystical should disable the power of the three ...) which contradicts the first film (David was "special" without being aware of it), the film unfolds somewhat quickly and it finishes like a deflated balloon revealing the involvement of a third type of player.
Entertainment wise the movie is OK, as a continuation for the fans of a masterpiece (Unbreakable) it is disappointing.

Director / screenplay: M. Night Shyamalan
With: James McAvoy, Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, Sarah Paulson, Anya Taylor-Joy, Spencer Treat Clark

Glass (2019)

Glass, Overseer si Beast sunt adusi impreuna de circumstante externe pentru a putea fi convinsi ca impresia de a avea puteri speciale este o dereglare psihica.

Al treilea film dintr-o trilogie anuntata, Glass in sfarsit leaga intamplarile din Unbreakable si Split. Cu o premisa slabuta (convingerea ca abilitatile speciale sunt doar umane si nu mistice ar trebui sa distruga puterea celor trei...) ce contrazice primul film (David era "special" fara sa fie constient de asta), filmul se desfasoara oarecum rapid si se termina ca un balon dezumflat dezvaluind implicarea unui al treilea tip de jucator. 
Ca entertainment filmul functioneaza ok, ca o continuare pentru fanii unei capodopere (Unbreakable) este dezamagitor.

Regie/scenariu: M. Night Shyamalan
Cu: James McAvoy, Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, Sarah Paulson, Anya Taylor-Joy, Spencer Treat Clark

Rating: 7/10

Paterson (2016)

A bus driver named Paterson - from the city of the same name - lives and observes his days in his special book of poems.

A beautiful, slow and captivating film about the simplicity of life. A true ode to the classical Greek philosophers, the film shows that you do not have to be simple to lead a simple life, you do not need all the latest modern things so that you become the slave of the times you live in, you don't always need witnesses and approvers to validate your special talents. The film presents the character during a marked whole week, where we see him satisfied, sufficient, only a tad disturbed when life almost forces him to give up his ideas, but immediately regaining his balance, an ability only made possible by his life philosophy.

Director/screenplay: Jim Jarmusch
With: Adam Driver, Golshifteh Farahani

Paterson (2016)

Un sofer de autobuz numit Paterson, in orasul cu acelasi nume, isi traieste si observa zilele in caietul sau special de poezii.

Un film frumos, incet si captivant despre simplitatea vietii. O adevarata oda clasicilor filozofi greci, filmul demonstreaza ca nu trebuie sa fii simplu ca sa te multumeasca o viata simpla, nu iti trebuie toate modernismele de ultima ora ca sa fii sclavul vremii in care traiesti, nu trebuie sa ai mereu martori si aprobatori pentru a-ti valida talentele speciale. Filmul ne prezinta personajul pe parcursul unei saptamani, unde il vedem multumit, suficient, doar un pic tulburat cand viata aproape ca il forteaza sa renunte la ideile sale, dar imediat regasindu-si echilibrul, abilitate posibila tocmai datorita atitudinii sale in viata.

Regie/scenariu: Jim Jarmusch
Cu: Adam Driver, Golshifteh Farahani

Rating: 9/10