Friday, July 28, 2023

Bloodshot (2020)

Ray, a soldier killed along with his wife, is reanimated using nano technologies and embarks on a mission of revenge. 

Bloodshot is an action film based on comic books. The action is decent, Vin Diesel has the usual presence, and a bit of twist is the additional element it needed. Of course, it's a bit predictable, but not to an exaggerated extent. 

Regia:  Dave Wilson   
Cu: Vin Diesel, Eiza González, Sam Heughan, Toby Kebbell

Rating: 7/10

Monday, July 24, 2023

Bloodshot (2020)

Ray, un soldat ucis împreună cu soția sa, este reanimat folosind nano tehnologii și pornește o misiune de răzbunare. 

Bloodshot este un film de acțiune bazat pe benzi desenate. Acțiunea este decentă, Vin Diesel are prezența obișnuită, și un pic de twist este adaosul de care avea nevoie. Desigur, este un pic predictibil, dar nu în măsura exagerată. 

Regia:  Dave Wilson   
Cu: Vin Diesel, Eiza González, Sam Heughan, Toby Kebbell

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

Maverick este oaia neagra a aviatiei marine, dar primeste o ultima misiune greu de realizat pentru oricine altcineva.

'Top Gun: Maverick' este urmarea natura a primului Top Gun. Fara Tony Scott, fara fascinatia generatiei pentru care a fost realizat, evidenta in muzica, feel si prezenta in toate listele cultiste, filmul de fata e facut pentru fani si pentru o incercare de a introduce calitatea vechiului generatiei noi, ce in genere pare sa refuze sa o caute sau sa-i recunoasca existenta altfel.

Regia:  Joseph Kosinski   
Cu: Tom Cruise, Jennifer Connelly, Miles Teller, Val Kilmer

Rating: 7/10

Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

Maverick is the black sheep of naval aviation, but he is assigned one last mission that is near impossible for anyone else to accomplish.

'Top Gun: Maverick' is the natural follow up to the first Top Gun. Without Tony Scott, without the fascination of the generation for which it was made, obvious through the music, the general feel and the film's inclusion in all the cultist lists, the current film is made for the fans and as an attempt to introduce the quality of the old to the new generation, who generally seems to refuse to search for it or to recognize its existence otherwise.

Director:  Joseph Kosinski   
With: Tom Cruise, Jennifer Connelly, Miles Teller, Val Kilmer

Rating: 7/10

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Mississippi Grind (2015)

Un dependent de jocuri de noroc se imprieteneste cu un jucator de poker tanar in incercarea de a-si schimba norocul.

'Mississippi Grind' e un film dramatic ce utilizeaza uneori umor pentru a arata puterea camaraderiei. E un film subtil, nu foarte rapid, ce este construit pe ideea naturii omului ce isi alege soarta, dar cauta companie.

Regia:  Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck    
Cu: Ben Mendelsohn, Ryan Reynolds, Yvonne Landry, Anthony Howard

Rating: 7/10

Mississippi Grind (2015)

A gambling addict befriends a young poker player in an attempt to change his luck.

'Mississippi Grind' is a dramatic film that sometimes uses humor to show the power of camaraderie. It is a subtle film, not very fast, which is built on the idea of ​​the nature of man who chooses his fate, but likes to seek company.

Director:  Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck    
With: Ben Mendelsohn, Ryan Reynolds, Yvonne Landry, Anthony Howard

Rating: 7/10

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Broil (2020)

O familie disfunctionala se aduna pentru o cina cu capul familiei, numai pentru a dezvalui secrete si conspiratii in incearcarea de a fura puterea si averea familiei.

'Broil' e un film horror misterios si prin de drama familiala sinistra. Realizat intentionat criptic, cu o evolutie a povestii inceata si focus pe personaje multiple si cu intentii si motive ascunse diferite, Broil poate fi interpretat gresit si perceput ca neplacut, dar in esenta este inteligent si foarte interesant, dezvaluirile si finalul fiind eficiente in a mentine interesul si a satisface curiozitatea infinit intrigata de la inceput.

Regia:  Edward Drake      
Cu: Jonathan Lipnicki, Avery Konrad, Timothy V. Murphy, Corey Large

Rating: 7/10

Broil (2020)

A dysfunctional family gathers for a dinner with the head of the family, only to uncover secrets and conspiracies in an attempt to steal the family's power and wealth.

'Broil' is a mysterious horror film with sinister family drama. Made intentionally cryptic, with a slow story development and a focus on multiple characters with different intentions and hidden motives, Broil can be misinterpreted and perceived as unpleasant, but in essence it is intelligent and very interesting, the revelations and the ending being effective in keeping one's interest and to satisfy one's infinitely piqued from the beginning curiosity.

Director:  Edward Drake      
With: Jonathan Lipnicki, Avery Konrad, Timothy V. Murphy, Corey Large

Rating: 7/10

Friday, July 14, 2023

Black Box (2020)

Un tata ce si-a pierdut memoria intr-un accident incepe sa se indoiasca de propria identitate.

'Black Box' e un film horror SF ce mentine interesul destul de eficient. Momentul cand cauzele misterului sunt explicate este, ca de obicei, momentul cand filmul apare banal si neinteresant, dar nu anuleaza efectul pozitiv construit pana atunci.

Regia:  Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour      
Cu: Mamoudou Athie, Phylicia Rashad, Amanda Christine, Tosin Morohunfola

Rating: 7/10

Black Box (2020)

A father who lost his memory in an accident begins to doubt his own identity.

'Black Box' is a sci-fi horror film that maintains interest quite effectively. The moment when the causes of the mystery are explained is, as usual, the moment when the film appears banal and uninteresting, but it does not cancel the positive effect built up until then.

Director:  Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour      
With: Mamoudou Athie, Phylicia Rashad, Amanda Christine, Tosin Morohunfola

Rating: 7/10

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Gaia (2021)

O padurareasa este ajutata de doi pustnici ce au un cult misterios pentru zana padurii.

'Gaia' este un thriller horror misterios, uneori abstract, ce prezinta nevoia unei intoarceri la radacini si importanta echilibrului natural. Mesajul este subtil si nu prea, dar realizarea este impresionanta si ceva de admirat.

Regia:  Jaco Bouwer      
Cu: Monique Rockman, Carel Nel, Alex van Dyk, Anthony Oseyemi

Rating: 8/10

Gaia (2021)

A hurt forest ranger is helped by two survivalists who have a mysterious cult for the forest spirits.

"Gaia" is a mysterious, sometimes abstract horror thriller that presents the need for a return to our roots and the importance of natural balance. The message is subtle but also not, and the execution is impressive and something to admire.

Director:  Jaco Bouwer      
With: Monique Rockman, Carel Nel, Alex van Dyk, Anthony Oseyemi

Rating: 8/10

Friday, July 07, 2023

The Green Knight (2021)

Sir Gawain este provocat de Cavalerul Verde in a-i taia capul pentru a-l cauta in schimb un an mai tarziu pentru a primi aceeasi lovitura.

'The Green Knight' este o poveste fantasy bazata pe un poem din secolul XIV. Filmul nu incearca sa interpreteze sau sa inspire o anume directie de interpretare, ci doar adauga artei native poemului maiestrie vizuala si talentul unei distributii foarte abile. Foarte placut vizual, chiar si cu scenele ce pot usor fi numite incete.

Regia:  David Lowery    
Cu: Dev Patel, Alicia Vikander, Joel Edgerton, Sarita Choudhury

Rating: 8/10

The Green Knight (2021)

Sir Gawain is challenged by the Green Knight to cut off his head with the promise that he will seek him out a year later to receive the same blow.

'The Green Knight' is a fantasy story based on a poem from the 14th century. The film does not try to interpret or inspire a certain direction of interpretation, but only adds to the native art of the poem some visual mastery and the talent of a very skilled cast. Very visually pleasing, even with the scenes that can easily be called slow.

Director:  David Lowery    
With: Dev Patel, Alicia Vikander, Joel Edgerton, Sarita Choudhury

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Do Revenge (2022)

Doua fete forarte diferite se apropie una de alta din dorinta de a-si razbuna inamicii.

'Do Revenge' este un film comedie cu adolescenti din generatia noua. Dragut dar nu impresionant, se vrea o copie diluata a lui Cruel Intentions cu multe elemente imprumutate din Heathers si Strangers On A Train. 

Regia:  Jennifer Kaytin Robinson   
Cu: Camila Mendes, Maya Hawke, Austin Abrams, Rish Shah, Sophie Turner, Sarah Michelle Gellar

Rating: 6/10

Do Revenge (2022)

Two very different girls get close to each other out of a desire to avenge their enemies.

'Do Revenge' is a teenage comedy film from the new generation. Cute but not impressive, it thinks itself a diluted copy of Cruel Intentions with many elements borrowed from Heathers and Strangers On A Train.

Director:  Jennifer Kaytin Robinson   
With: Camila Mendes, Maya Hawke, Austin Abrams, Rish Shah, Sophie Turner, Sarah Michelle Gellar

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)

Doctor Strange si o fata ce poate calatori intre lumi, lupta impreuna impotriva amenintarilor din alte dimensiuni, inclusiv versiuni ale lui Strange.

'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' este urmarea logica a incurcaturilor cauzate de Spiderman si jucatul cu schimbatul evenimentelor deja intamplate. Plin de notiuni ridicole ca de obicei, mult mai putin special decat primul film dedicat eroului de fata, cea mai recenta productie castiga mult de la influenta horror a regizorului Sam Raimi, dar nu incredibil de mult.

Regia:  Sam Raimi     
Cu: Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Benedict Wong

Rating: 8/10

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)

Doctor Strange and a girl who can travel between worlds fight together against threats from other dimensions, including other versions of the doctor.

'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' is the logical follow-up of the entanglements caused by Spiderman and the playing around with changing events that have already happened. Full of ridiculous notions as usual, much less special than the first film dedicated to the main hero, the latest production gains a lot from the horror influence from director Sam Raimi, but not incredibly much.

Director:  Sam Raimi     
With: Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Benedict Wong

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, July 02, 2023

Bad Samaritan (2018)

Two burglars target a house where they discover a woman is being held captive.

'Bad Samaritan' is a non mainstream thriller. The idea is not original, but interesting, and the cast quite appealing. And yet it loses a lot of value due to plot holes and inconsistencies that are hard to overlook.

Director:  Dean Devlin    
With: David Tennant, Robert Sheehan, Kerry Condon, Carlito Olivero

Rating: 6/10

Bad Samaritan (2018)

Doi hoti nimeresc o casa in care o femeie este tinuta captiva.

'Bad Samaritan' este un thriller de calibru mic. Ideea nu este originala, dar interesanta, iar distributia simpatica. Si totusi pierde destul din valoare din cauza unor plot holes si inconsistente greu de trecut cu vederea.

Regia:  Dean Devlin    
Cu: David Tennant, Robert Sheehan, Kerry Condon, Carlito Olivero

Rating: 6/10