Thursday, October 29, 2020

Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)

O actrița de filme de arta e convinsa de asistenta ei sa preia rolul opus rolului ce a lansat-o în tinerețe într-o re-ecranizare în cinstea autorului piesei, recent decedat.

Un film artistic ce reda realist si totusi induiosator relatia semi-conflictuala intre generatii diferite. Juliette Binoche intruchipeaza minunat incapatanarea experientei si snobismul intelepciunii ce nu vede complet si obiectiv calitatile noutatii si modernismului pe cand Kristen Stewart si Chloë Grace Moretz reprezinta generatia noua, cu fatetele ei multiple, fie inteligenta si intelegerea/respectul fata de prezent si trecut pe care o arata prima sau lipsa completa a acestui respect cu o megalomanie exagerata si incredere in propria persoana a lui Moretz. Interesant si placut de vizionat.

Regia:  Olivier Assayas    
Cu: Juliette Binoche, Kristen Stewart, Chloë Grace Moretz, Lars Eidinger

Rating: 9/10

Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)

An art film actress is convinced by her assistant to take on the role opposite the one that launched her career as a young actress, this time in a new adaptation to honor the play's author, who has recently passed away.

An artistic film that portrays realistically and yet very touchingly the semi-conflicting relationship between different generations. Juliette Binoche wonderfully embodies the stubbornness of experience and the snobbery of wisdom that does not manage to fully and objectively see the qualities of the new and modern while Kristen Stewart and Chloë Grace Moretz represent the new generation, with its many facets, either intelligence and understanding/respect for the present and for the past which the first one displays or the complete lack of said respect with a touch of megalomania and exaggerated confidence in their own person that Moretz definitely shows. Interesting and pleasant to watch.

Director:  Olivier Assayas    
With: Juliette Binoche, Kristen Stewart, Chloë Grace Moretz, Lars Eidinger

Rating: 9/10

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Criminal: UK (2019– )

A police investigation drama series that focuses on a single stage and scene of the policing process, namely that of the interrogation room.

A series based on a very interesting idea that gave birth to sister series, similar to what happened with C.S.I. This series is the UK version, but there are also ones for Germany, Spain and France. The emphasis is wonderfully placed on staging, dialogue and facial expressions and well-placed silences. Each episode is built around an individual case, with a different offender, often played by well-known actors (such as David Tennant, Hayley Atwell or Kunal Nayyar), with the team of detectives remaining constant but without allowing the viewer to become too attached. The atmosphere is well built and harsh and intense exactly when and how it should be.

Director:  Jim Field Smith  
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Jim Field Smith, George Kay    
Duration:  2 seasons of 3 and 4 episodes respectively (40-50 minutes each);  
With: Katherine Kelly, Lee Ingleby, Rochenda Sandall, Shubham Saraf, Nicholas Pinnock, David Tennant, Kit Harington, Sharon Horgan, Sophie Okonedo, Hayley Atwell, Kunal Nayyar

Rating: 9/10

Criminal: UK (2019– )

Serial drama de investigatii politiste care se concentreaza pe o singura etapa si scena a procesului politienesc si anume ce se intampla in camera de interogare.

Un serial bazat pe o idee foarte interesanta ce a dat nastere unor seriale surori, similar procesului prin care a trecut C.S.I. Serialul de fata este varianta UK, dar mai exista variantele pentru Germania, Spania si Franta. Accentul este minunat pus pe punere in scena, dialog si expresii faciale si taceri bine plasate. Fiecare episod este construit in jurul unui caz individual, cu un inculpat diferit, adesea jucat de actori bine consacrati (ca David Tennant, Hayley Atwell sau Kunal Nayyar), cu echipa detectivilor ramanand constanta dar fara a permite spectatorului a deveni prea atasat. Atmosfera este bine construita si apasatoare si intensa exact cand si cum trebuie.

Regia:  Jim Field Smith  
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Jim Field Smith, George Kay    
Durata:  2 sezoane a cate 3 si respectiv 4 episoade (40-50 de minute fiecare);  
Cu: Katherine Kelly, Lee Ingleby, Rochenda Sandall, Shubham Saraf, Nicholas Pinnock, David Tennant, Kit Harington, Sharon Horgan, Sophie Okonedo, Hayley Atwell, Kunal Nayyar

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Girl in the Spider's Web (2018)

O noua conspiratie descoperita de Lisbeth Salander, de aceasta data implicand un om de stiinta si fiul acestuia si creatia sa ce pune in pericol siguranta pacii mondiale.

Ecranizarea celui de-al patrulea roman din seria lui Lisbeth Salander, primul care nu este scris de autorul original Stieg Larsson. Preluat de David Lagercrantz  dupa moartea acestuia, zvonurile semi-oficiale macar spun ca se bazeaza pe notitele acestuia si planurile pe care nu a ajuns sa le solidifice. Prima ecranizare americana dupa The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo al lui David Fincher, filmul de fata sare doua romane si devine o poveste independenta ce nu necesita neaparat cunostiinte din actiunile precedente. Fapt dezamagitor pentru fanii cartilor dar si pentru fanii versiunii lui David Fincher, chipurile prea scumpa in mod nenecesar. Eh chestiunea banilor mai putini se simte, deoarece filmul de fata e slabut, nu acorda importanta logicii si verosimilitatii si nu acorda timp privitorului sa ii pese. Pentru actiune simpla si fara stil, The Girl In The Spider's Web e suficient.

Regia:  Fede Alvarez   
Cu:  Claire Foy, Beau Gadsdon, Sverrir Gudnason, LaKeith Stanfield, Sylvia Hoeks, Stephen Merchant, Claes Bang, Cameron Britton

Rating: 6/10

The Girl in the Spider's Web (2018)

A new conspiracy discovered by Lisbeth Salander, this time involving a scientist and his son and his creation that endangers the security of world peace.

An adaptation of the fourth novel in the series starring Lisbeth Salander, the first that isn't written by the original author. Taken over by David Lagercrantz after Stieg Larsson's death, the semi-official rumors say that at least the novel is based on his notes and the plans that he did not get a chance to see fulfilled. The first American adaptation after David Fincher's The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, this film skips two novels and becomes an independent story that does not necessarily require knowledge from previous actions. That's disappointing for the fans of the books but also for the fans of David Fincher's version, which apparently was too unnecessarily expensive. Eh the question of less money is quite significant, because the current film is weak, does not give enough importance to logic and plausibility and does not allow enough time to the viewer to care about the characters. For simple but style lacking action, The Girl In The Spider's Web is sufficient.

Director:  Fede Alvarez   
With:  Claire Foy, Beau Gadsdon, Sverrir Gudnason, LaKeith Stanfield, Sylvia Hoeks, Stephen Merchant, Claes Bang, Cameron Britton

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Nocturnal Animals (2016)

Susan este o femeie de succes nefericita ce incepe sa isi analizeze faptele din trecut dupa ce primeste un roman dramatic scris de fostul ei sot.

Un film drama, analitic aproape fara a spune nimic. Toate tacerile sunt bine plasate si cronometrate si pline de subinteles. Romanul mai sus-mentionat constituie un pretext pentru a avea un film in film. Asta ajuta in a evidentia starea mentala a tuturor celor implicati printr-o paralela foarte interesanta a doua traume psihologice foarte diferite dar e si o miscare de marketing, deoarece face posibila tranzitia de la film artistic cu ceva de spus la un film cu atractie comerciala fara a anula nici una din trasaturile de admirat. Apasator dar inteligent si foarte stilizat, Nocturnal Animals e un film fara cusur.

Regia:  Tom Ford     
Cu: Amy Adams, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Shannon, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Isla Fisher, Armie Hammer, Laura Linney, Andrea Riseborough, Michael Sheen

Rating: 10/10

Nocturnal Animals (2016)

Susan is a successful but unhappy woman who begins to analyze her past actions after she starts reading a dramatic novel written by her ex-husband.

A drama film, analytical almost without saying anything. All silences are well placed and timed and extremely meaningful. The above-mentioned novel is a pretext to have a movie within a movie. This helps to highlight the mental state of all those involved through a very interesting parallel of two very different psychological traumas but it is also a marketing gimmick, because it makes possible the transition from an artsy feature film that has something to say to a film with commercial attraction without having to cancel any of the meaningful traits of the picture. Overwhelmingly dark but intelligent and very stylized, Nocturnal Animals is a flawless film.

Director:  Tom Ford     
With: Amy Adams, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Shannon, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Isla Fisher, Armie Hammer, Laura Linney, Andrea Riseborough, Michael Sheen

Rating: 10/10

Monday, October 19, 2020

Verónica (2017)

Verónica e o adolescenta in Madrid in anii '90 ce este urmarita de un spirit malefic dupa o incercare de a-si contacta tatal decedat folosind o placa Quija cu prietenele sale.

Un film de groaza de atmosfera ce reuseste minunat sa redea stilistic lumea anilor '90, intr-un context spaniol ce arata cat de bine sincronizata global era miscarea culturala, mai ales muzicala atunci. Actrita principala este minunata in rolul lui Verónica si reda simplitatea si inocenta varstei intr-un mod foarte natural, generand o compatimire irezistibila in privitorul ce este fascinat dar neputincios. Povestea este bazata pe un misterios caz cu multe elemente reale dar si reimaginari cu licenta poetica. Partea de groaza a peliculei functioneaza suficient pentru a justifica genul filmului dar elementele acesteia nu ar putea exista separat si de sine statator fara contextul temporal special si trairile personajului foarte eficient evidentiate.

Regia:  Paco Plaza 
Cu: Sandra Escacena, Bruna González, Claudia Placer, Iván Chavero

Rating: 8/10

Verónica (2017)

Verónica is a teenager in Madrid in the '90s and she's being haunted by an evil spirit after an attempt to contact her deceased father with her friends using a Quija board.

An atmospheric horror film that manages wonderfully to stylistically reproduce the world of the '90s, in a Spanish context that shows how well synchronized globally was the cultural movement of the time. The lead actress is wonderful in the role of Verónica and renders the simplicity and innocence of her age in a very natural way, generating irresistible compassion in the viewer who is fascinated but powerless. The story is based on a real case and uses a combination of true elements but also reimaginations with a poetic license. The horror part of the film works well enough to justify the genre label of the film but its elements could not stand their own without the special time context and the character's interesting interactions and their inside struggle which are are all very effectively brought to life for our viewing pleasure.

Director:  Paco Plaza 
With: Sandra Escacena, Bruna González, Claudia Placer, Iván Chavero

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Player (1992)

Un producator Hollywood de success primeste amenintari cu moartea de la un scenarist pe care l-a refuzat.

Un film aproape tipic Robert Altman, cu un amestec de multe personaje si multe cameo-uri de la actori celebri si un foarte bine pus la punct control a multe fire narative cu subtilitatile si superficialitatile de rigoare. O mica schimbare in cazul de fata vine de la concentrarea atentiei pe producatorul jucat de un minunat Tim Robbins, ce jongleaza paranoia, simpatia, marsavia si grandomania ca si cum nu ar fi concepte contradictorii. In genere, filmele lui Altman nu au asa ceva, punctul central in jurul carora orbiteaza multele personaje fiind un eveniment central, in cazul de fata acesta devine un personaj, abil si plin de subinteles etichetat prin titlul filmului ca The Player. Fascinant pentru orice fan al lumii cinematografice (in film apar probabil in jur de 50 de actori jucandu-se pe ei insisi), The Player atrage si mai mult prin minunata paralela a situatiei producatorului cu lumea reala, in care nemerituosi (subliniat abil si direct de scenaristul Kahane in scurta sa aparitie) detin putere enorma asupra sortii talentului si a celor nascuti fara privilegii. Prezente sunt si idei secundare legate de "involutia" idealistilor tineri in adultii sceptici ce aproape fara gres toti devin (asemenea este cazul regizorului ce declara sus si tare "no stars!" ca apoi sa aplaude obscen dupa scena finala a ecranizarii ce ii arata pe Julia Roberts si Bruce Willis intr-un happy ending hollywood-ian opus intentiilor initiale de a oglindi tristetea realitatii). 

Regia:  Robert Altman   
Cu: Tim Robbins, Greta Scacchi, Fred Ward, Whoopi Goldberg, Vincent D'Onofrio, Peter Gallagher, Dina Merrill, Sydney Pollack, Dean Stockwell, Richard E. Grant, Cynthia Stevenson, Brion James

Rating: 9/10

The Player (1992)

A successful Hollywood producer receives death threats from a screenwriter he rejected the work of.

An almost typical Robert Altman film, with a mixture of many characters and many cameos from famous actors and a very balanced control of many narrative threads with the expected subtleties and superficialities. A small change in this case comes from the focus on the producer played by a wonderful Tim Robbins, who juggles paranoia, sympathy, contemptuousness and grandiosity as if they were not contradictory concepts. In general, Altman's films do not have such a thing, the central point around which many characters orbit rather being a central event, but in this case the central orbital point becomes a character, skillfully and meaningfully labeled via the film title as The Player. Fascinating to any fan of the world of cinema (in the film there are probably around 50 actors playing themselves), The Player draws even more through the wonderful parallel of the producer's situation to the real world, in which undeserving individuals (aptly and directly stated by screenwriter Kahane in his brief appearance) have enormous power over the fate of real talent and those born without privileges. There are also secondary ideas related to the "involution" of young idealists into their skeptical adult self that befalls almost all without fail (this is the case of the young director who loudly declares "no stars!" to then applaud obscenely after the final scene of his adaptation when Julia Roberts and Bruce Willis appear in a happy Hollywood-like ending that's very much the opposite of the initial intention of mirroring the sadness of reality). 

Director:  Robert Altman   
With: Tim Robbins, Greta Scacchi, Fred Ward, Whoopi Goldberg, Vincent D'Onofrio, Peter Gallagher, Dina Merrill, Sydney Pollack, Dean Stockwell, Richard E. Grant, Cynthia Stevenson, Brion James

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020)

Dani este o guvernanta americana ce are in grija doi orfani in Anglia, si locuiesc cu totii in conacul familiei la Bly Manor, ce include o echipa de ajutoare.

Al doilea sezon dupa The Haunting Of Hill House, complet independent si de sine statator, fara nici o legatura cu primul decat prin fetele familiare ale actorilor. Bazat in mare pe nuvela The Turn Of The Screw a lui Henry James, The Haunting Of Bly Manor este modernizat, adaptat la era anilor '80, si imbogatit cu multe personaje complexe si interactiunile acestora ce urmeaza fire narative secundare de mare interes si complet originale. Dialogul este adesea foarte subtil si plin de subinteles, contribuind imens la constructia personajelor si a impresiei generale asupra privitorului. In mare, acest sezon este mai putin concentrat pe elementele de groaza, accentele fiind indreptate catre mister, dezvoltarea unor personaje complexe si usor de simpatizat de public si in cele din urma povestea de dragoste ce umple finalul sezonului.

Regia:  Mike Flanagan   
Productie:  Netflix   
Creator:  Mike Flanagan   
Durata:  sezonul 2 a cate 9 episoade (45-60 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Victoria Pedretti, Amelie Bea Smith, Benjamin Evan Ainsworth, Henry Thomas, Carla Gugino, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Amelia Eve, T'Nia Miller, Rahul Kohli, Tahirah Sharif

Rating: 8/10

The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020)

Dani is an American au-pair who takes care of two orphans in England, and they all live in the family mansion at Bly Manor, including the help consisting of chef Owen, housekeeper Hannah and gardener Jamie.

The follow up season after The Haunting Of Hill House is completely independent and self sufficient, with no other connection to the first but the familiar faces of some of the actors. Largely based on The Turn Of The Screw novella by Henry James, The Haunting Of Bly Manor is modernized, adapted to the '80s era, and enriched with many complex characters and interactions between them which follow completely original secondary narrative threads of great interest. The dialogue is often very subtle and full of meaning, contributing immensely to the developing of the characters and the general impression on the viewer. In general, this season is less focused on the elements of horror, the emphasis being on mystery, the development of complex characters and their likeableness and ultimately the love story that fills the season finale.

Director:  Mike Flanagan   
Production:  Netflix   
Creator:  Mike Flanagan   
Duration:  season 2 of 9 episodes (of 45-60 minutes each)   
With: Victoria Pedretti, Amelie Bea Smith, Benjamin Evan Ainsworth, Henry Thomas, Carla Gugino, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Amelia Eve, T'Nia Miller, Rahul Kohli, Tahirah Sharif

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Devil All the Time (2020)

Mini povesti ale unor personaje cu intenții și acțiuni îndoielnice ce sunt conectate între ele fie geografic, fie prin sânge sau de elemente pur întâmplătoare. 

Un film drama ce concentrează cele mai îndoielnice caractere posibile într-un exercițiu in a evidenția diversitatea fațetelor umane. Autorii au probabil anumite convingeri legate de existenta unei sorti și a moștenirii păcatelor părinților și legate de karma ce sunt discutabile dar tabloul rezultat este convingător, bine pus în valoare, și un bun predicator al prezentei unei organizări quasi-aleatoare în evenimentele sorții umane. 

Regia: Antonio Campos    
Cu: Donald Ray Pollock, Bill Skarsgård, Tom Holland, Haley Bennett, Sebastian Stan, Riley Keough, Jason Clarke, Robert Pattinson, Eliza Scanlen

Rating: 8/10

The Devil All the Time (2020)

Mini stories featuring characters with questionable intentions and actions that are connected to each other either geographically or by blood or by purely random chance

A drama film that concentrates the most questionable possible characters in an exercise in showcasing the diversity of all human facets. The authors probably have certain beliefs about the existence of fate, sins of our fathers and  other ideas related to karma that are open for debate, but the resulting film is convincing, well-done, and a good "preacher" of the role of quasi-randomness in the events of human life. 

Director: Antonio Campos    
With: Donald Ray Pollock, Bill Skarsgård, Tom Holland, Haley Bennett, Sebastian Stan, Riley Keough, Jason Clarke, Robert Pattinson, Eliza Scanlen

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Sinner - Season 3 (2020)

Detective Ambrose meets Jamie, an individual who has a complicated relationship with himself and has become dangerous to those around him.

The most ambiguous and mixed season so far. Matt Bomer wonderfully embodies a character with an internal duplicity, tormented by contradictory feelings that are incompatible with the world around him. The imperfections of the season come from the relationship and reaction he has with Detective Ambrose, who seems to resonate strangely well with Jamie's persona, thus generating a series of debatable actions on his part, with a vague and only partially suggested motivation, facts that contribute to a confusing effect on the viewer. The impression thus becomes slow and dragging in an unnecessary way.

Direction: Andrew McCarthy, Adam Bernstein  and others
Production:  USA Network, Netflix   
Creator:  Derek Simonds   
Duration:  season 3 has 8 episodes (45-50 minutes each)   
With: Bill Pullman, Matt Bomer, Chris Messina, Jessica Hecht, Parisa Fitz-Henley

Rating: 7/10

The Sinner - Sezonul 3 (2020)

Detectivul Ambrose il intalneste pe Jamie, un individ cu o relatie complicata cu sine insusi ce a devenit periculos pentru cei din jur.

Cel mai ambiguu si amestecat sezon de pana acum. Matt Bomer incarneaza minunat un personaj cu o duplicitate interna, chinuit de sentimente contradictorii si incompatibile cu lumea din jurul sau. Imperfectiunile sezonului provin din relatia si reactia pe care acesta o are cu detectivul Ambrose, ce pare sa rezoneze ciudat de bine cu persoana lui Jamie, astfel generand o serie de actiuni discutabile din partea sa, cu o motivatie vaga si sugerata numai partial, fapte ce contribuie la un efect confuz asupra privitorului. Impresia devine astfel de incet si taraganat intr-un mod nenecesar.

Regia: Andrew McCarthy, Adam Bernstein  si altii
Productie:  USA Network, Netflix   
Creator:  Derek Simonds   
Durata:  sezonul 3 a cate 8 episoade (45-50 minute fiecare)   
Cu: Bill Pullman, Matt Bomer, Chris Messina, Jessica Hecht, Parisa Fitz-Henley

Rating: 7/10

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Kill Me Three Times (2014)

Un asasin platit se trezeste in mijlocul unei increngaturi sentimentale intr-o poveste relatata din trei puncte de vedere.

Un film atragator la prima vedere ce promitea umor negru si situatii neverosimile dar amuzante ce exagereaza realitati umane nefavorabile. Desi rezultatul are o masura a acestor elemente, filmul este plictisitor, taraganat si fara farmec.

Regia:  Kriv Stenders   
Cu: Simon Pegg, Teresa Palmer, Alice Braga, Luke Hemsworth, Brian Brown

Rating: 6/10

Kill Me Three Times (2014)

A professional hitman finds himself in the middle of a sentimental jumble in a story told from three different points of view.

An attractive film at first sight that promised black humor and unlikely but funny situations that exaggerate unfavorable human traits. Although the film has some measure of these elements, the overall result is boring, sluggish and without any charm.

Director:  Kriv Stenders   
With: Simon Pegg, Teresa Palmer, Alice Braga, Luke Hemsworth, Brian Brown

Rating: 6/10

Sunday, October 04, 2020

The Gentlemen (2019)

Capul unei retele de distributie de marijuana de succes incearca sa se retraga dar gestul sau da nastere unei intregi increngaturi de incurcaturi, neintelegeri si santaje.

Un thriller marca Guy Ritchie in stilul sau clasic ce aminteste de filmele ce l-au lansat ca Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels sau Snatch. Plin de personaje tipice stilului sau, bine definite in cele mai mici detalii, povestea devine doar un pretext pentru a le expune in mediul lor natural. Fiecare componenta a naratiunii este fascinanta individual, oferind o ocazie minunata lui Michelle Dockery, Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell si Hugh Grant sa isi etaleze talentul versatil.

Regia:  Guy Ritchie   
Cu: Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong, Colin Farrell,  Henry Golding, Hugh Grant, Eddie Marsan

Rating: 8/10

The Gentlemen (2019)

The head of a successful marijuana empire wants to retire, but this triggers a whole tangle of plots, misunderstandings and blackmail.

A thriller by Guy Ritchie in his classic style reminiscent of the movies that made him like Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels or Snatch. Filled with characters that are typical to his style, well defined in the smallest details, the story becomes just a pretext to reveal them in their natural environment. Each component of the narrative is individually fascinating, giving Michelle Dockery, Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell and Hugh Grant a wonderful opportunity to showcase their versatile talent.

Director:  Guy Ritchie   
With: Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong, Colin Farrell,  Henry Golding, Hugh Grant, Eddie Marsan

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, October 03, 2020

Freaks (2018)

Un tata isi izoleaza fiica exagerat iar cand aceasta reuseste sa scape, descopera o lume diferita de ce si-a imaginat.

O drama SF, in parte actiune dar in mod foarte subtil si doar pentru a evidentia un anume punct de vedere. Cu elemente de tip X-Men (oameni cu superputeri), focusul cade pe o familie ce isi doreste siguranta standard pentru copiii lor, elemente perfect umane dar aici transformate de o ura exagerata a "normalilor". Aceasta ura este un pic exagerata si dezumanizata dar structura povestii pe baza acestei idei este bine scrisa si plauzibila si neasteptata, rezultand intr-un film cu efect de bulgare de zapada dar intr-un mod foarte pozitiv.

Regia:  Zach Lipovsky, Adam B. Stein   
Cu:  Emile Hirsch, Bruce Dern, Grace Park, Amanda Crew

Rating: 8/10

Freaks (2018)

A father overly isolates his daughter and when she manages to escape, she discovers a world that's quite different from what she imagined.

A Sci-Fi drama that's partly action but in a very subtle way and only to make a certain point. With X-Men elements (people with superpowers), the focus falls on a family that wants just standard safety for their children, perfectly human traits, here transformed by an exaggerated hatred the "normal" people have over the powered ones. This hatred is overly exaggerated and dehumanized but the structure of the story based on this particular idea is well written and plausible and unexpected, resulting in a film with a snowball effect in a very positive way.

Director:  Zach Lipovsky, Adam B. Stein   
With:  Emile Hirsch, Bruce Dern, Grace Park, Amanda Crew

Rating: 8/10