Monday, January 31, 2022

Love and Monsters (2020)

Joel e unul din putinii supravietuitori ai unui apocalips cu monstri, si decide sa isi paraseasca buncarul in care a trait 7 ani pentru sansa de a-si regasi prima iubire.

'Love and Monsters' e un film SF de actiune, cu putina comedie, naivitate si romantism. Efectele speciale sunt decente dar povestea e de ajuns de superficiala pentru a oferi o seara relaxanta, fara batai de cap, dar si fara nimic deosebit.

Regia:  Michael Matthews    
Cu: Dylan O'Brien, Jessica Henwick, Michael Rooker, Dan Ewing

Rating: 6/10

Love and Monsters (2020)

Joel is one of the few survivors of a monster apocalypse, and decides to leave the bunker where he lived for 7 years for the chance to rekindle with his first love.

'Love and Monsters' is an action Sci-Fi movie with a bit of comedy, naivety and romance. The special effects are decent but the story is superficial enough to offer a relaxing evening, without any headaches, but also without anything special.

Director:  Michael Matthews    
With: Dylan O'Brien, Jessica Henwick, Michael Rooker, Dan Ewing

Rating: 6/10

Saturday, January 29, 2022

No Time to Die (2021)

James Bond s-a pensionat dar nimereste in mijlocul unei conspiratii legate de o arma ce ataca ADN dupa ce decide sa isi ajute un prieten de la CIA.

'No Time To Die' este cel mai recent film din seria Bond, ultimul cu Daniel Craig in rolul care l-a facut celebru. Intriga este destul de interesanta dar toate evenimentele ce urmeaza sunt ca o insiruire fara sfarsit de scene de suspans si urmariri ce la un moment dat se pierd unele in altele. Filmul e destul de bine facut, cu efecte impresionante si un cast atragator, iar finalul este neasteptat.

Regia:  Cary Joji Fukunaga      
Cu: Daniel Craig, Ana de Armas, Rami Malek, Léa Seydoux

Rating: 8/10

No Time to Die (2021)

James Bond is officially retired but finds himself in the middle of a conspiracy around a weapon that attacks target DNA after he decides to help a friend who works for the CIA.

'No Time To Die' is the most recent film from the Bond series, the last with Daniel Craig in the role that made him famous. The plot is quite interesting but all the events that follow are like an endless display of suspenseful scenes and chases that at some point all blur into each other. The film is however quite well done, with impressive effects and an attractive cast, and the ending was unexpected.

Director:  Cary Joji Fukunaga      
With: Daniel Craig, Ana de Armas, Rami Malek, Léa Seydoux

Rating: 8/10

Friday, January 28, 2022

Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)

Columbus, Tallahassee, Wichita si Little Rock isi continua aventurile post-apocaliptice cu o noua provocare: zombi evoluati.

'Zombieland: Double Tap' e urmarea unui horror-comedie de success, la 10 ani de la lansarea primului. Primul film nefiind extraordinar, este greu de inteles de ce producatorii au vrut inca unul, mai ales fara sa il aiba pe Bill Murray atasat. Fanii blockbusterelor scumpe au cerut, au primit si au fost satisfacuti cu un film mediocru. Eh, macar e cu Woody Harrelson, si cateva pseudo-cameo de mentionat: Rosario Dawson si Luke Wilson.

Regia:  Ruben Fleischer   
Cu: Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin, Rosario Dawson, Luke Wilson

Rating: 7/10

Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)

Columbus, Tallahassee, Wichita and Little Rock continue their post-apocalyptic adventures with a new challenge: evolved zombies.

'Zombieland: Double Tap' is the sequel to a successful horror-comedy, 10 years after the release of the first. The first film is not extraordinary, so it is difficult to understand why the producers wanted another one, especially without having Bill Murray attached. Fans of expensive blockbusters asked for it, they got it and were satisfied with just a mediocre movie. Ehh, at least it has Woody Harrelson, and some almost-cameos worth mentioning: Rosario Dawson and Luke Wilson.

Director:  Ruben Fleischer   
With: Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin, Rosario Dawson, Luke Wilson, Zoey Deutch

Rating: 7/10

Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Quick And The Dead (1995)

O femeie misterioasa participa la un concurs de pistolari intr-un orasel tipic din Vestul Salbatic.

'The Quick and The Dead' e un thriller western in stilul incomparabil al lui Sam Raimi ce aminteste adesea de The Evil Dead. Cu o distributie de milioane, o poveste destul de generica pentru genul western, si cu un regizor care stie sa isi coregrafieze scenele la perfectie, filmul de fata a devenit un cult classic cu un factor de revizionare greu de egalat.

Regia:  Sam Raimi    
Cu: Sharon Stone, Russell Crowe, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gene Hackman, Lance Henriksen, Gary Sinise, Tobin Bell

Rating: 8/10

The Quick And The Dead (1995)

A mysterious woman signs up in a gunfighting contest in a typical small town in the Wild West.

'The Quick and The Dead' is a western thriller in the incomparable style of Sam Raimi, and is often reminiscent of The Evil Dead. With a top notch cast, a fairly generic story for the western genre, and a director who knows how to choreograph his scenes to perfection, this film has become a cult classic with a rewatch factor that's hard to match.

Director:  Sam Raimi    
With: Sharon Stone, Russell Crowe, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gene Hackman, Lance Henriksen, Gary Sinise, Tobin Bell

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Circle (2017)

Un grup de studenti de arheologie viziteaza un locas pe o insula scotiana condusi de profesorul lor.

'The Circle' e un film de groaza de buget redus ce reuseste sa faca multe cu putin, inclusiv cu o masura mica de "found footage". Misterul geografic este bine gandit si bine realizat, raportul personajelor putea fi mai bine facut, dar intensificarea treptata a supranaturalului si a tensiunii este binevenita si pastreaza efectul general la un nivel eficient.

Regia:  Peter Callow   
Cu: Edward Baker-Duly, Sesselia Olafs, Griffin Stevens, Eva-Marie Kung

Rating: 7/10

The Circle (2017)

A group of archeology students visit a dig-worthy place on a Scottish island led by their teacher.

'The Circle' is a low-budget horror film that manages to do a lot with very little, including a small amount of "found footage" material. The geographical mystery is well thought out and well done, the relationship of the characters could have been done better, but the gradual intensification of the supernatural presence and the tension is welcome and keeps the overall effect at an effective level.

Director:  Peter Callow   
With: Edward Baker-Duly, Sesselia Olafs, Griffin Stevens, Eva-Marie Kung

Rating: 7/10

Monday, January 24, 2022

The Lion King (1994)

Simba este pacalit de unchiul sau ca si-a ucis accidental tatal, ceea ce-l face sa fuga si sa creasca separat de familia sa de lei.

'The Lion King' e o animatie preaiubita ce a devenit un clasic popular. Povestea e simpla dar eficienta, bazata pe ciclul natural al vietii si sentimente familiale de baza. Prieteniile neobisnuite de pe ecran si soundtrack-ul binecunoscut fac filmul un favorit ce nu da gres chiar si cu generatiile noi de copii.

Regia:  Roger Allers, Rob Minkoff   
Cu: Matthew Broderick, Jeremy Irons, James Earl Jones, Whoopi Goldberg

Rating: 8/10

The Lion King (1994)

Simba is tricked by his uncle into thinking that he accidentally killed his father, which causes him to run away and grow up separately from his lion family.

'The Lion King' is a beloved animation that has become a popular classic. The story is simple but effective, based on the natural cycle of life and basic family feelings. The unusual friendships displayed on screen and the well-known soundtrack make the film a favorite that does not fail even with the newer generations of children.

Directors:  Roger Allers, Rob Minkoff   
With: Matthew Broderick, Jeremy Irons, James Earl Jones, Whoopi Goldberg

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)

Eddie Brock devine implicat in stiri legate de un criminal in serie care devine infectat de Venom cand jurnalistul il viziteaza, astfel dand nastere lui Carnage.

'Venom: Let There Be Carnage' este continuarea povestii lui Venom din primul film, tot cu Tom Hardy in rolul titular, dar sub bagheta regizorala a lui Andy Serkis. Filmul ramane entertaining, dar asteptarile devin cumva dezumflate, mai ales datorita prezentei lui Woddy Harrelson de care aproape ca uiti ca a fost adaugat. Iar personajul lui Naomie Harris putea fi mai bine exploatat.

Regia:  Andy Serkis      
Cu: Tom Hardy, Woody Harrelson, Michelle Williams, Naomie Harris

Rating: 7/10

Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)

Eddie Brock becomes involved in news about a serial killer who ends up infected by Venom when the journalist visits him, thus giving birth to Carnage.

'Venom: Let There Be Carnage' is a continuation of Venom's story from the first film, still starring Tom Hardy, but under the direction of Andy Serkis this time. The film remains entertaining, but our expectations are somehow deflated, especially due to the presence of Woddy Harrelson, which you almost forget was added to the cast. And Naomie Harris's character could have been better exploited.

Regia:  Andy Serkis      
Cu: Tom Hardy, Woody Harrelson, Michelle Williams, Naomie Harris

Rating: 7/10

Friday, January 21, 2022

Werewolves Within (2021)

Un padurar se muta la postul sau nou dintr-un orasel mic, in munti, aproape de salbaticie si izolat, unde evenimente periculoase se precipita.

'Werewolves Within' e un thriller-comedie cu accente horror. E adaptat dupa un joc video cu varcolaci, dar pune accentul pe personaje extrem de colorate si variate, cu diverse grade de rasism, ignoranta si snobism, sau pur si simplu bunatate nemascata. Farmecul filmului vine complet din dialog si interactiunea personajelor, si audienta va observa mici scene perfect coregrafiate pentru un efect comic maximizat. Un deliciu pentru o seara usoara

Regia:  Josh Ruben    
Cu: Sam Richardson, Milana Vayntrub, George Basil, Sarah Burns

Rating: 9/10

Werewolves Within (2021)

A ranger moves to his new post in a small town in the mountains, close to wildlife and isolated, where dangerous events quickly arise.

'Werewolves Within' is a thriller-comedy with horror elements. It is adapted from a video game with werewolves, but focuses on extremely colorful and ranged characters, each displaying varying degrees of racism, ignorance and snobbery, or simply unmasked kindness. The film's charm comes entirely from the dialogue and the interaction of the characters, and the audience will notice small scenes perfectly choreographed for a maximized comic effect. A delight for a light evening

Director:  Josh Ruben    
With: Sam Richardson, Milana Vayntrub, George Basil, Sarah Burns

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Bringing Out The Dead (1999)

Un paramedic afectat sever de epuizare trece cu greu prin trei zile pline la postul sau.

'Bringing Out The Dead' e un film experiment atipic, sub carma unui Martin Scorsese ce reuseste sa tina in frau un proiect extrem de amestecat, turbulent si dramatic, foarte aproape de viata reala a unor oameni ce sufera de probleme aproape familiare, aproape comune. Nicholas Cage e ca de obicei minunat in rolul paramedicului ce isi tine cu greu echilibrul mental in control, sub povara epuizarii si a stressului post traumatic cauzat de moartea unei paciente.

Regia:  Martin Scorsese    
Cu: Nicholas Cage, Patricia Arquette, John Goodman, Ving Rhames, Tom Sizemore, Marc Anthony, Cliff Curtis, Nestor Serrano, Sonja Sohn, Aida Turturro

Rating: 8/10

Bringing Out The Dead (1999)

A paramedic who's severely affected by exhaustion hardly makes it through three full days of his job.

'Bringing Out The Dead' is an atypical, quite experimental film, directed by a Martin Scorsese who manages to control an extremely mixed, turbulent and dramatic project, very close to real life, with people suffering from almost familiar, almost common problems. Nicholas Cage is - as usual - wonderful in the role of the paramedic who barely manages to keep his mental balance in check, under the burden of exhaustion and post-traumatic stress caused by the death of a patient.

Director:  Martin Scorsese    
With: Nicholas Cage, Patricia Arquette, John Goodman, Ving Rhames, Tom Sizemore, Marc Anthony, Cliff Curtis, Nestor Serrano, Sonja Sohn, Aida Turturro

Rating: 8/10

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Martyrs Lane (2021)

Leah traieste cu familia sa in casa vicarului iar noaptea este martora unor vizite misterioase ce ii ofera diferite indicii sub forma de joc.

'Martyrs Lane' e un film horror ca eticheta, dar continutul e mult mai liric, aproape de drama si este legat de doliu si dramele tacute ale familiilor ce au pierdut. E bine facut, poate cam incet pentru unele gusturi si posibil un pic derutant pentru cei ce se asteapta la fel mai standard de horror.

Regia:  Ruth Platt   
Cu: Kiera Thompson, Denise Gough, Sienna Sayer, Steven Cree

Rating: 8/10

Martyrs Lane (2021)

Leah lives with her family in the vicar's house and at night she witnesses mysterious visits that offer her various clues in the form of games.

'Martyrs Lane' is a horror film genre wise, but the content is much more lyrical, closer to drama and is tightly linked to the mourning and silent dramas of families that have experienced loss. It's well made, maybe a little slow for some tastes and maybe a little confusing for those who expect a more standard horror.

Director:  Ruth Platt   
With: Kiera Thompson, Denise Gough, Sienna Sayer, Steven Cree

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Odd Thomas (2013)

Thomas Odd e un tanar cu premonitie si alte abilitati supranaturale ce ajuta politia in cazuri de crima sau prezice alte evenimente nefaste.

'Odd Thomas' e un film dark de aventuri ce pare un film film bazat pe un roman de Young Adult, dar de fapt e o ecranizare a lui Dean Koontz. Filmul il are pe mult regretatul Anton Yelchin in rolul principal, fapt ce face filmul tolerabil, dar in mare e un amestec dezorientat de o mare de evenimente de reactie in lant, ce supraincarca privitorul fara a lasa sa se ataseze de personaje sau ideea unui esec al acestora.

Regia:  Stephen Sommers      
Cu: Anton Yelchin, Ashley Sommers, Leonor Varela, Matthew Page

Rating: 6/10

Odd Thomas (2013)

Odd Thomas is a young man with premonition and other supernatural abilities who helps the police in murder cases or predicts other bad events.

'Odd Thomas' is a dark adventure movie that looks and feels like a Young Adult novel based film, but is actually an adaptation of a Dean Koontz novel. The film stars the late and beloved Anton Yelchin in the lead role, which makes the film tolerable, but in general, the picture is a disoriented mixture of a multitude of ​​chain reaction events, which overloads the viewer without allowing him get attached to the characters or the idea of ​​their failure.

Director:  Stephen Sommers      
With: Anton Yelchin, Ashley Sommers, Leonor Varela, Matthew Page, Willem Dafoe

Rating: 6/10

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Salinui chueok / Memories Of Murder (2003)

Doi detectivi mediocri se chinuie sa investigheze un caz de crime in serie intr-un oras de provincie in Coreea din anii '80.

'Memories Of Murder' e un thriller tip investigatie de la mult iubitul Bong Joon Ho, autorul lui Parasite. Filmul e bine facut, cazul, contextul, mediul semi-rural sunt portretizate credibil, iar societatea coreeana pare autentic reprezentata (in principal prin dialogul oarecum in zeflemea, vazut si in Squid Game). Si totusi ce pare sa dauneze - povestii mai mult decat orice altceva - este amestecul enervant de evident al mediocritatii umane cu ceva atat de macabru si dark ca o serie de crime fara solutie, decat accidentala.

Regia:  Bong Joon Ho    
Cu: Kang-ho Song, Kim Sang-kyung, Roe-ha Kim, Jae-ho Song

Rating: 7/10

Salinui chueok / Memories Of Murder (2003)

Two mediocre detectives are struggling to investigate a series of murders in a provincial town in Korea in the 1980s.

'Memories Of Murder' is an investigative thriller by the beloved Bong Joon Ho, the author of Parasite. The film is well done, the case, the context, the semi-rural environment are credibly portrayed, and the Korean society seems genuinely represented (mainly through the somewhat mocking dialogue, also seen in the Squid Game TV series). And yet what seems to hurt - the story more than anything else - is the annoyingly obvious mixture of human mediocrity with something as macabre and dark as a series of unsolved, unless just by accident, crimes.

Director:  Bong Joon Ho    
With: Kang-ho Song, Kim Sang-kyung, Roe-ha Kim, Jae-ho Song

Rating: 7/10

Friday, January 14, 2022

Gallows Hill (2013)

O familie se refugiaza intr-o cladire dupa un accident si gasesc o fetita incuiata, dar aparentele inseala .

'Gallows Hill' e un film horror cu o idee foarte interesanta dar cu o executie si scenariu ce lasa de dorit. Lipsa de motivatie a scenaristilor si dorinta producatorilor de a avea un final cusut cu ata alba si rapid au daunat calitatii generale. Din pacate, istoria remake-urilor arata ca numai filmele de calitate vechi primesc sansa de a fi refacute.

Regia:  Víctor García      
Cu: Peter Facinelli, Sophia Myles, Nathalia Ramos, Sebastian Martínez

Rating: 6/10

Gallows Hill (2013)

A family takes refuge in a seemingly abandoned building after an accident and finds a girl locked in the basement, but appearances are deceiving.

'Gallows Hill' is a horror film based on a very interesting idea but with an execution and script that leaves a lot to be desired. The screenwriters' lack of motivation and the producers' desire to have a poorly fast-stitched finished product quickly, damaged the overall quality. Unfortunately, the history of remakes shows that only old quality movies get a chance to be remade.

Director:  Víctor García      
With: Peter Facinelli, Sophia Myles, Nathalia Ramos, Sebastian Martínez

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A Classic Horror Story (2021)

Un grup de tineri ce impart costul drumului cu masina prin Italia raman blocati intr-o zona paduroasa, plina de pericole neasteptate.

'A Classic Horror Story' isi creeaza asteptarile singur prin titlul foarte descriptiv. E un film horror, o coproductie internationala facuta cu Netflix. Misterul e palpabil, realizarea e bine pusa la punct, finalul neasteptat si totusi predictibil. 

Regia:  Roberto De Feo, Paolo Strippoli      
Cu: Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Francesco Russo, Peppino Mazzotta, Will Merrick

Rating: 8/10

A Classic Horror Story (2021)

A group of people who share the cost of driving across Italy are stuck in a wooded area, filled with unexpected dangers.

'A Classic Horror Story' creates its own expectations with its very descriptive title. It's a horror movie, an international co-production with Netflix. The mystery is palpable, the execution is well put together, and the end is unexpected and yet predictable. 

Director:  Roberto De Feo, Paolo Strippoli      
With: Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Francesco Russo, Peppino Mazzotta, Will Merrick

Rating: 8/10

Sunday, January 09, 2022

The Conversation (1974)

Un expert in supraveghere devine obsedat de cea mai recenta sarcina cand incepe sa banuiasca pericolul ce inconjoara subiectele sale.

'The Conversation' e o drama ceva mai neobisnuita, in stilul, poate, al filmelor cu spioni. Gene Hackman e un specialist dedicat, ce portretizeaza perfect tranzitia de la obsesie profesionala la obsesia paranoica a unui ins ce in sfarsit intelege ca actiunea directa nu e singurul mod de a deveni vinovat de fapte nefaste. Conversatia despre care vorbeste titlul este parte integrala a filmului, si este evocata repetitiv, fapt ce poate nu va fi usor de suferit de publicul amator de actiune cursiva, si totusi filmul nu isi pierde din farmec deloc, deoarece astfel reusim sa intelegem cum functioneaza mintea personajului principal.

Regia:  Francis Ford Coppola     
Cu: Gene Hackman, John Cazale, Allen Garfield, Frederic Forrest, Harrison Ford, Teri Garr, Robert Duvall

Rating: 9/10

The Conversation (1974)

An surveillance expert becomes obsessed with his latest task when he begins to suspect the danger that surrounds his subjects.

'The Conversation' is a more unusual drama, perhaps in the style of spy movies. Gene Hackman is a dedicated specialist, who perfectly portrays the transition from professional obsession to paranoid obsession of a person who finally understands that direct action is not the only way to become guilty of unfortunate deeds. The conversation that the title talks about is an integral part of the film, and it is evoked repeatedly, which may not be easy to forgive for the audience that's keen on cursive action, and yet the film does not lose any of its charm, because this is essential to us understand ing how the mind of the main character works.

Director:  Francis Ford Coppola     
With: Gene Hackman, John Cazale, Allen Garfield, Frederic Forrest, Harrison Ford, Teri Garr, Robert Duvall

Rating: 9/10

Saturday, January 08, 2022

Nomadland (2020)

Fern e fortata de imprejurari ca moartea sotului si evacuarea orasului in care locuia sa traiasca intr-o dubita in care isi pastreaza strictul necesar si cu care calatoreste de-a lungul Americii.

'Nomadland' e un film drama ce a primit numeroase laude in ultimul an. Filmul este aproape un documentar, trist si autentic, ce atinge audienta mai ales prin jocul minunat al actritei Frances McDormand, unul din cei doi actori ce apar in film, restul fiind nomazi autentici ce isi traiesc viata asa cum pelicula o prezinta, si aproape complet inconstienti de statutul celor cu care au interactionat in timpul filmarii. Stilul aproape documentar nu este pentru toata lumea, dar minunatele cadre naturale pitoresti, strecurate adesea de abila Chloé Zhao fac experienta cu adevarat deosebita.

Regia:  Chloé Zhao     
Cu: Frances McDormand, David Strathairn, Linda May, Gay DeForest

Rating: 8/10

Nomadland (2020)

Fern is forced by circumstances such as the death of her husband and the evacuation of the city where she lived to continue her life in a van in which she keeps her basic necessities and with which she travels throughout America.

''Nomadland' is a drama film that has received a lot of praise in the last year. The film is almost a documentary, sad and authentic, which touches the heart if its audience especially through the wonderful performance of actress Frances McDormand, one of the two actors who appear in the film, the rest of the cast being actual nomads who live their lives just as the film presents it, and who were almost completely unaware of the status of those with whom they interacted during filming. The almost documentary style is maybe not for everyone, but the wonderful no-talking, picturesque natural wide shot scenes, often slipped by the skillful Chloé Zhao make the experience a truly special one.

Director:  Chloé Zhao     
With: Frances McDormand, David Strathairn, Linda May, Gay DeForest

Rating: 8/10

Friday, January 07, 2022

Mom and Dad (2017)

Un frate si o sora trebuiesc sa se apere de proprii parinti, dupa ce acestia sunt atinsi de o afectiune contagioasa ce ii face doar pe parinti sa isi atace copiii.

'Mom and Dad' e o comedie horror cu o intriga absurda ce aduce la suprafata adevaruri despre sentimente umane ce pot cauza depresii, certuri, acuze la nesfarsit si tot felul de drame familiale, in mod normal absorbite de un echilibru mental compus din dragoste, datorie si nevoia de a procrea. Nicolas Cage e in mediul lui si e o placere sa il urmaresti iar Selma Blair nu e departe in urma lui.

Regia:  Brian Taylor    
Cu: Nicolas Cage, Selma Blair, Anne Winters, Zackary Arthur

Rating: 8/10

Mom and Dad (2017)

A brother and a sister must defend themselves from their parents, after these are affected by a contagious affliction that causes just parents to attack their own children.

'Mom and Dad' is a horror comedy with an absurd plot that brings to the surface truths about human deeply buried feelings that can cause depression, quarrels, endless accusations and all sorts of family dramas, usually absorbed by a sort of mental balance composed of love, sense of duty, and the need to procreate. Nicolas Cage is in his element and it's a great pleasure to watch him go crazy and Selma Blair is not far behind him.

Director:  Brian Taylor    
With: Nicolas Cage, Selma Blair, Anne Winters, Zackary Arthur

Rating: 8/10

Thursday, January 06, 2022

Moulin Rouge! (2000)

Un poet boem de la finele secolului 19 reuseste sa devina scenaristul unei piese de teatru organizate de celebrul Moulin Rouge si se indragosteste de vedeta localului in acelasi timp ca si principalul finantator al proiectului.

'Moulin Rouge' e o poveste nemuritoare sub forma unui musical foarte apreciat ce se inspira din 'Dama cu Camelii' a lui Alexandre Dumas. Baz Luhrmann foloseste scene intens colorate si stilizate in mod aproape ostentativ, muzica originala intercalata cu fragmente de melodii culte, un scenariu simplu dar evocand spiritul boem despre care se vorbeste mult in film intr-un mod foarte inspirator si a atras si inca atrage inimile multor romantici, fie ei fani de musical sau nu.

Regia:  Baz Luhrmann   
Cu: Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, John Lequizamo, Jim Broadbent, Richard Roxburgh, Jacek Koman, Kerry Walker, David Wenham, Kylie Minogue, Ozzy Osbourne

Rating: 10/10

Moulin Rouge! (2000)

A bohemian poet from the end of the 19th century manages to become the screenwriter for a play put together by the famous Moulin Rouge, and falls in love with the establishment's star at the same time as the main investor of the project.

'Moulin Rouge' is a neverending love story in the form of a highly acclaimed musical inspired by Alexandre Dumas's 'La Dame aux Camélias'. Baz Luhrmann uses intensely colorful and almost ostentatiously stylized sceneries, original music interspersed with fragments of famous cult songs, a simple script but very much evoking of the same bohemian spirit that is much talked about in the film in a most inspiring way and he has attracted and still attracts the hearts of many romantics, whether they are fans of musicals or not.

Director:  Baz Luhrmann   
With: Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, John Lequizamo, Jim Broadbent, Richard Roxburgh, Jacek Koman, Kerry Walker, David Wenham, Kylie Minogue, Ozzy Osbourne

Rating: 10/10

Monday, January 03, 2022

Basket Case (1982)

Un tanar aparent normal, isi poarta fratele siamez deformat intr-un cos impletit, in cautare de razbunare.

'Basket Case' e un film horror cult, nu pentru realizarea imaculata dar pentru ce reprezinta in evolutia genului. Cu o intriga si oroare ce poate fi chiar deranjanta pentru multi, filmul este impresionant avand in vedere bugetul foarte limitat, si efectele speciale decente. Interpretarile actorilor sunt cam de lemn dar un montaj eficient fac filmul tolerabil. Iar intriga filmului ar merita atentia unui John Carpenter al anilor '90.

Regia:  Frank Henenlotter     
Cu: Kevin Van Hentenryck, Terri Susan Smith, Beverly Bonner, Robert Vogel

Rating: 6/10

Basket Case (1982)

A seemingly normal young man is carying his deformed siamese brother in a woven basket, seeking revenge.

'Basket Case' is a cult horror film, not for its immaculate execution but for what it represents in the evolution of the genre. With an intrigue and horror that can be disturbing to many, the film is impressive considering the very limited budget, and the actually decent special effects. The actors' performances are a bit wooden but an efficient editing makes the film tolerable. And the plot of the film would deserve the attention of a John Carpenter of the '90s.

Director:  Frank Henenlotter     
With: Kevin Van Hentenryck, Terri Susan Smith, Beverly Bonner, Robert Vogel

Rating: 6/10

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Moana (2016)

Moana, o printesa a insulelor Polineziei, raspunde unei chemari strabune pentru a anula blestemul cauzat de demizeul Maui.

'Moana' e un film Disney ce incearca sa imbine teluri feminine (si nu numai) mai moderne cu reteta clasica a povestilor cu printese si printi. Si reuseste de minune, intr-un frumos film despre urmarea viselor si a talentului, cu muzica memorabila ce isi atinge telul emotional cu usurinta.

Regia:  Ron Clements, John Musker, Don Hall, Chris Williams     
Cu: Auli'i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, Rachel House, Temuera Morrison

Rating: 8/10

Moana (2016)

Moana, a Polynesian princess, responds to an ancestral call in an attempt to undo the curse triggered by the Demigod called Maui.

'Moana' is a Disney movie that tries to combine more modern feminine (and not only) goals with the classic recipe for stories with princesses and princes. And it succeeds wonderfully, in a beautiful film about the pursuit of one's dreams and talent, with memorable music which easily reaches its emotional goals.

Directors:  Ron Clements, John Musker, Don Hall, Chris Williams     
With: Auli'i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, Rachel House, Temuera Morrison

Rating: 8/10