Thursday, April 28, 2022

Phantasm (1979)

Un adolescent incepe sa observe comportamentul ciudat al unui angajat la servicii funerare - Tipul Inalt - si isi implica fratele in investigarea anomaliilor.

'Phantasm' e un film horror clasic pentru oarece motive. Pentru o perioada cand gustul pentru horror nu era prea cultivat, Phantasm a creat senzatie si a ramas in istorie pentru arsenalul neobisnuit si figura usor de recunoscut al lui the Tall Man. Ca poveste si joc actoricesc, este slabut si generatia curenta de degustatori de horror va fi cam dezamagita.

Regia:  Don Coscarelli      
Cu: A. Michael Baldwin, Bill Thornbury, Reggie Bannister, Kathy Lester

Rating: 6/10

Phantasm (1979)

A teenager begins to notice the strange behavior of a funeral home employee - the Tall Man - and involves his brother in investigating the many anomalies.

'Phantasm' is a classic horror movie for some reason. For a time when the taste for horror was not very cultivated, Phantasm was auite a sensation and went down in history for the unusual arsenal and the easily recognizable figure of the Tall Man. In terms of a story/plot and the overall acting, it's quite thin and the current generation of horror lovers is likely to be a bit disappointed.

Director:  Don Coscarelli      
With: A. Michael Baldwin, Bill Thornbury, Reggie Bannister, Kathy Lester

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Batman (2022)

Batman investigheaza crimele lui Riddler, un criminal in serie ce pare sa atace doar figuri centrale implicate intr-o conspiratie ce sugereaza straturi adanci de coruptie.

'The Batman' e cea mai recenta ecranizare a aventurilor preaiubitului erou. Reuseste sa atinga nivelul dorit de fani de atmosfera dark printr-un stil noir bine potentat, cu personaje bine puse la punct, cu un nivel rezonabil de avarii mentale ce explica indirect dar satisfacator felul de a gandi si actiona. Batmanul emo al lui Robert Pattinson se potriveste perfect cu mediul inconjurator creat minunat de Matt Reeves, imbinat delicat cu melancolia grunge a anilor '90.

Regia:  Matt Reeves      
Cu: Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Jeffrey Wright, Colin Farrell, John Turturro, Paul Dano, Andy Serkis, Peter Sarsgaard

Rating: 10/10

The Batman (2022)

Batman is investigating the murders committed by the Riddler, a serial killer who seems to be targetting only central figures involved in a conspiracy that suggests deep layers of corruption in the legal system.

'The Batman' is the latest coming to life of the adventures of the beloved hero, a first installment for a new reboot meant as a trilogy. The new film manages to reach the fan-desired level of a dark atmosphere through a well-put together noir style, with well-developed characters with a reasonable amount of damage which indirectly but satisfactorily explains their way of thinking and acting. Robert Pattinson's emo Batman fits perfectly with Matt Reeves' wonderfully crafted Gotham world, delicately combined with the grunge melancholy of the' 90s.

Director:  Matt Reeves      
With: Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Jeffrey Wright, Colin Farrell, John Turturro, Paul Dano, Andy Serkis, Peter Sarsgaard

Rating: 10/10

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Coco (2017)

Miguel traieste pentru muzica dar face parte dintr-o familie ce o respinge, si decide sa patrunda pe Taramul Mortilor pentru a-si gasi stramosul ce e un muzician de legenda.

'Coco' e un film de animatie din brandul Disney ce serbeaza mostenirea culturala mexicana intr-un mod artistic plin de muzica si suflet. Printr-o aventura fara plictis, personaje usor de inteles si placut, si chiar si cu un twist usor previzibil, 'Coco' te unge la suflet.

Regia:  Lee Unkrich, Adrian Molina   
Cu: Anthony Gonzalez, Gael García Bernal, Benjamin Bratt, Alanna Ubach

Rating: 9/10

Coco (2017)

Miguel lives for music but is part of a family that bans it, and decides to enter the Land of the Dead to find his ancestor who is a legendary musician.

'Coco' is a Disney-branded animated film that celebrates the Mexican cultural heritage in an artistic way full of music and soul. Through an adventure without boredom, characters that are easy to understand and very likeable, and even with a slightly predictable twist, 'Coco' manages to touch our hearts.

Director:  Lee Unkrich, Adrian Molina   
With: Anthony Gonzalez, Gael García Bernal, Benjamin Bratt, Alanna Ubach

Rating: 9/10

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Eternals (2021)

Eternals sunt o rasa de extraterestri nemuritori si cu puteri de zei ce au fost trimisi pe Pamant ca sa apere oamenii de inamicii lor antici - Deviants.

'Eternals' e inca un film de actiune fantasy ce are loc in universul vast ce este Universul Marvel. Povestea e interesanta dar doar calduta, dar e binevenita ca o schimbare de la atentia fixata pe nepatatii Avengers. Distributia e interesanta si variata iar interesul pentru o urmare e considerabil.

Regia:  Chloé Zhao   
Cu: Gemma Chan, Richard Madden, Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Kumail Nanjiani, Kit Harington, Brian Tyree Henry, Lauren Ridloff, Bill Skarsgård

Rating: 7/10

Eternals (2021)

Eternals are a race of immortal aliens with powers of gods who were sent to Earth to defend the humans against their ancient enemies - the Deviants.

'Eternals' is another fantasy action movie set in the vast universe that is the Marvel Universe. The story is interesting but only just warm, but it is a welcome  change from all the attention paid to the infallible Avengers & Co. The cas is quite interesting and varied and the interest for a sequel is considerable and genuine.

Director:  Chloé Zhao   
With: Gemma Chan, Richard Madden, Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Kumail Nanjiani, Kit Harington, Brian Tyree Henry, Lauren Ridloff, Bill Skarsgård

Rating: 7/10

Friday, April 15, 2022

Prisoners of the Ghostland (2021)

Intr-un viitor post-apocaliptic, un criminal inchis primeste sarcina de a readuce acasa nepoata unei capetenii locale ce pare sa reprezinte legea si puterea.

'Prisoners of the Ghostland' e un film greu de definit. Probabil cel mai aproape ar putea fi descris ca un thriller post-apocaliptic absurdist. Nicholas Cage e eroul tipic jucat in n-spe alte titluri (cu ceva mai intense aere mesiatice), iar Sofia Boutella e fata rapita, dar restul e nebunie fara sens, posibil cu niste incercari ratate de simbolism istet (amestecul de Orient si Occident reprezentat de vestul salbatic - poate reprezentand poluarea culturala dinspre Vest si tot asa). Urmaribil, dar fara rost.

Regia:  Sion Sono     
Cu: Nicolas Cage, Sofia Boutella, Nick Cassavetes, Bill Moseley

Rating: 5/10

Prisoners of the Ghostland (2021)

In a post-apocalyptic future, an imprisoned criminal is tasked with bringing back the granddaughter of a local chieftain who seems to represent the lawful and unlawful local power.

'Prisoners of the Ghostland' is a film that is hard to define. Probably the closest it could be described as is an absurdist post-apocalyptic thriller. Nicholas Cage is the typical hero played in many other titles (with slightly more intense messianic traits), and Sofia Boutella is the missing girl, but the rest is meaningless madness, possibly with some failed attempts at clever symbolism (the mixture of Oriental and the West represented by the wild west - perhaps representing the cultural pollution coming from the West and such other ideas). Watchable, but pointless.

Director:  Sion Sono     
With: Nicolas Cage, Sofia Boutella, Nick Cassavetes, Bill Moseley

Rating: 5/10

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Ready or Not (2019)

Noaptea nuntii unei mirese se transforma intr-un cosmar dupa ce familia cea noua ii dezvaluie jocul ce trebuie jucat la fiecare nunta ca urmare a unei superstitii.

'Ready or Not' e un horror de tip slasher cu o intriga ridicola dar amuzanta si usor de iertat in ironia ei. Samara Weaving e iarasi protagonista plina de resurse surpriza a unui horror/thriller de succes, si filmul de fata este antrenant, amuzant, plin de personaje variate si distractiv de analizat/observat.

Regia:  Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett   
Cu: Samara Weaving, Adam Brody, Mark O'Brien, Henry Czerny, Andie MacDowell

Rating: 8/10

Ready or Not (2019)

The wedding night of a new bride turns into a nightmare after the new family reveals the game to be played at every wedding as a result of a family superstition.

'Ready or Not' is a slasher horror with a ridiculous plot but funny and easy to forgive in its irony. Samara Weaving is again the surprisingly resourceful protagonist of the of a popular horror/thriller, and the current one is engaging, funny, full of rich characters that are fun to analyze/observe.

Director:  Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett   
With: Samara Weaving, Adam Brody, Mark O'Brien, Henry Czerny, Andie MacDowell

Rating: 8/10

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Sputnik (2020)

Un incident in spatiu cu un singur supravietuitor starneste o investigatie cu teluri si efecte neasteptate.

'Sputnik' e un thriller stiintifico-fantastic cu accente dramatice. E o mare surpriza ruseasca, cu o poveste originala si foarte bine realizata, cu personaje credibile si usor de inteles si aprobat. In ce priveste entertainmentul, este un bun raspuns al restului lumii pentru teribilismul american.

Regia:  Egor Abramenko   
Cu: Oksana Akinshina, Fedor Bondarchuk, Pyotr Fyodorov, Anton Vasilev

Rating: 9/10

Sputnik (2020)

An incident in space with only one survivor triggers an investigation with unexpected goals and effects.

'Sputnik' is a sci-fi thriller with dramatic accents. It's a big Russian surprise, with an original and very well done story, with credible characters that are easy to understand and approve off. In terms of entertainment, it's a good response from the rest of the world to the usual American badassness.

Director:  Egor Abramenko   
With: Oksana Akinshina, Fedor Bondarchuk, Pyotr Fyodorov, Anton Vasilev

Rating: 9/10

Monday, April 11, 2022

Siren (2016)

O petrecere a burlacilor ia o intorsatura neasteptata cand organizatorul alege sa riste cu un local obscur, ascuns in mijlocul padurii.

'Siren' e un thriller horror cu si despre monstri mitici. Monstrul de fata e o sirena, la fel de irezistibila si imbietoare ca in legende, cu ceva mai mult gore, si chiar prezenta mai multor fiinte supranaturale, à la X-Men. Filmul are potential cu o poveste destul de complexa si credibila, dar pierde din cauza unul buget redus, si lipsa unor actori cu o mai buna prezenta (protagonistii principali, inclusiv actrita sirena, sunt satisfacatori, dar nu ei sunt sursa majoritatii dialogului). In principiu: satisfacator si distractiv de ajuns.

Regia:  Gregg Bishop       
Cu: Chase Williamson, Hannah Fierman, Justin Welborn, Hayes Mercure

Rating: 6/10

Siren (2016)

A bachelor party takes an unexpected turn when the organizer chooses to take a risk with an obscure place, hidden in the middle of nowhere.

'Siren' is a horror thriller with and about mythical monsters. The present monster is a siren, as irresistible and enticing as the legends say, with a little more gore, and even the presence of several more supernatural beings, à la X-Men. The film has potential with a rather complex and credible story, but is at a disatvantage due to the small budget, and the lack of actors with a better presence (the main protagonists, including the siren-actress, are doing well enough, but they are not the source of most of the dialogue). In short: satisfying and fun enough.

Director:  Gregg Bishop       
With: Chase Williamson, Hannah Fierman, Justin Welborn, Hayes Mercure

Rating: 6/10

Friday, April 08, 2022

Satanic Panic (2019)

O tanara ce livreaza pizza se trezeste intr-o situatie neasteptata cand ajunge in mijlocul unui eveniment pentru un cult satanist in cautare de o virgina.

'Satanic Panic' e o comedie horror distractiva ce nu are aere superioare, ci doar incearca sa distraga privitorul cu ceva mai usor, dar oarecum dark. Sunt cateva nume celebre aici - Rebecca Romijn sau Jerry O'Connell - ce sunt pe nedrept trecuti cu vederea pentru proiectele de mare buget in zilele de azi, dar isi duc rolul in spate admirabil.

Regia:  Chelsea Stardust     
Cu: Rebecca Romijn, Arden Myrin, Hayley Griffith, Ruby Modine, Jerry O'Connell

Rating: 6/10

Satanic Panic (2019)

A young woman who delivers pizza for a living wakes up in an unexpected situation when she finds herself in the middle of an event for a satanic cult in search of a virgin.

'Satanic Panic' is a fun horror comedy that wastes no time acting superior, but just tries to distract the viewer with some honest fun, something lighter, but somewhat dark. There are some famous names here - Rebecca Romijn or Jerry O'Connell - who are these days unfairly overlooked for big budget projects, but they play their role admirably.

Director:  Chelsea Stardust     
With: Rebecca Romijn, Arden Myrin, Hayley Griffith, Ruby Modine, Jerry O'Connell

Rating: 6/10

Wednesday, April 06, 2022

The Manor (2021)

After a mild stroke, a nonconformist grandmother is admitted to a nursing home, where she slowly discovers that sinister events are taking place.

'The Manor' is a horror film in the tradition of the supernatural conspiracy investigations ones. The list of quality movies of this genre is very long (and includes titles like Get Out or Rosemary's Baby), and this film unfortunately does not rise to their level, perhaps precisely because of the derivative nature of some of the ideas. The ending is somewhat unexpected though.

Director:  Axelle Carolyn   
With: Barbara Hershey, Bruce Davison, Nicholas Alexander, Jill Larson

Rating: 6/10

The Manor (2021)

Dupa un atac cerebral usor, o bunica nonconformista se interneaza la o casa pentru batrani, unde incet incet descopera ca au loc intamplari sinistre.

'The Manor' este un film horror in traditia investigatiilor de conspiratii supranaturale. Lista fimelor de calitate din acest gen este foarte lunga (si include titluri ca Get Out sau Rosemary's Baby), si filmul de fata din pacate nu se ridica la nivelul lor, poate tocmai din natura repetitiva a unelor idei. Finalul e in schimb destul de neasteptat.

Regia:  Axelle Carolyn   
Cu: Barbara Hershey, Bruce Davison, Nicholas Alexander, Jill Larson

Rating: 6/10

Sunday, April 03, 2022

The Bubble (2022)

Un grup de actori accepta sa devina parte din "bula" de izolare pentru productia unui film in timpul pandemiei de covid.

'The Bubble' e o comedie de tip spoof ce promitea multe avand in vedere numele mari din regie si distributie. Incepe bine, amuzant, dar pe parcurs, acea naturalete caraghioasa a situatiei devine prea impinsa, repetitiva, fara a oferi ceva nou din punct de vedere creativ, doar aceeasi idee imbracata in haine noi scena cu scena, fapt ce devine enervant pentru privitor. Momentele amuzante izolate exista desigur, dar nu salveaza filmul. Placut de vazut cele cateva cameo interesante, in cateva cazuri ele insele fiind surse de umor de calitate (ca momentul cu James McAvoy).

Regia:  Judd Apatow     
Cu: Rob Delaney, David Duchovny, Fred Armisen, Maria Bakalova, Leslie Mann, Iris Apatow, Pedro Pascal, Harry Trevaldwyn, Samson Kayo, Danielle Vitalis, Karen Gillan, Keegan-Michael Key, Kate McKinnon

Rating: 6/10

The Bubble (2022)

A group of actors agrees to become part of the isolation "bubble" for the production of a film during the covid pandemic.

'The Bubble' is a spoof comedy that promised a lot considering the big names associated with the directing and the cast. It starts well, humourous, but along the way, that silly nature of the situation becomes too pushed, repetitive, without offering something new from a creative point of view, just the same idea dressed in new clothes frame by frame, which becomes annoying for the viewer. Isolated funny moments do exist of course, but they don't save the movie. It's nice to see though that there are quite a few interesting cameos, in some cases themselves being sources of quality humor (like the moment with James McAvoy).

Director:  Judd Apatow     
With: Rob Delaney, David Duchovny, Fred Armisen, Maria Bakalova, Leslie Mann, Iris Apatow, Pedro Pascal, Harry Trevaldwyn, Samson Kayo, Danielle Vitalis, Karen Gillan, Keegan-Michael Key, Kate McKinnon

Rating: 6/10

Friday, April 01, 2022

The Hunt (2020)

12 straini se trezesc in mijlocul unei paduri unde descopera fara intarziere ca vor fi victimele unei vanatori de oameni.

'The Hunt' e un thriller satiric, cu accente de slasher. E rapid, neasteptat la momentele potrivite, inteligent scris, cu un dialog antrenant si secvente de actiune bine scrise si placut executate. Personajul principal e bine pus in valoare de minunata Betty Gilpin, si intregul public nu se poate abtine din a o sustine vocal si emotional. Imperfectiuni ale intrigii exista in mod natural, dar fara a dauna efectului total.

Regia:  Craig Zobel  
Cu: Betty Gilpin, Hilary Swank, Ike Barinholtz, Wayne Duvall, Ethan Suplee, Emma Roberts, Steve Coulter

Rating: 9/10

The Hunt (2020)

12 strangers wake up in the middle of a forest where they discover without delay that they're about to become the objects of a human hunt.

'The Hunt' is a satirical thriller with slasher accents. It's fast paced, unexpected at the right times, cleverly written, with engaging dialogue and well-written and well-executed action sequences. The main character is delectably brought to life by the wonderful Betty Gilpin, and the whole audience can't help but cheer her both vocally and emotionally. Naturally, the plot has some holes, but that doesn't damage the overall highly satisfying entertainment effect.

Director:  Craig Zobel  
With: Betty Gilpin, Hilary Swank, Ike Barinholtz, Wayne Duvall, Ethan Suplee, Emma Roberts, Steve Coulter

Rating: 9/10