Sunday, April 19, 2020

Robocop (2014)

Alex Murphy, a career cop dearly loved by his family, is seriously injured and OmniCorp uses his body to create a hybrid robot.

It's been a while since the premiere (when I actually saw this) but I feel like it's a shame that this one went unnoticed amongst so many popular blockbusters (which are... more or less worthless) .
It revisits a theme (too) well known to many of our childhoods, already portrayed wonderfully at the hands of a master (Paul Verhoeven) and  it turns it very convincingly into a hyper stylized and modern tragic and much more human than we expected story. It makes use of Joel Kinnaman's fresh, multi-faceted persona (known to some from the excellent The Killing), it sprinkles a bit of the everyday Gary Oldman (read that as: not that great Gary Oldman from Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy or The Fifth Element, he seems to use two versions of hist acting self) and voilà: a satisfying and engaging film, the perfect image of a successful blockbuster, even if it wasn't exactly that popular at the box office.

Directed by: José Padilha
Scenario: Joshua Zetumer, Edward Neumeier, etc
Featuring: Joel Kinnaman, Michael Keaton, Gary Oldman, Abbie Cornish, Jackie Earl Haley, Samuel L. Jackson

Rating: 9/10

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