Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Orphan Black (2013-2017)

The story of a group of clones who discover each other and form a pseudo family fighting against the system, as full of intrigue and conspiracy as they come.

A production of BBC USA and Netflix, Orphan Black presents a story that's a little sci-fi, a little soap opera, sometimes just stitched with white thread, which manages to hold the viewer's interest almost only due to the fascinating performance of Tatiana Maslany, who manages to juggle countless characters. and personalities, even physical differences. She's so versatile and compelling in every personality that you can swear that you can te;; when a certain "sister" pretends to be another.
There's the main character, Sarah, a kind of family leader, her twin sister Helena, a fascinating personality with serial killer hobbies and skills, Cosima, the embodiment of intelligence, a nerd with interesting style choices, and these are just a few to mention.
Also worth mentioning is the darling Felix, the brother of the main character, a gay artist with a British accent and a big heart (to make room for all the new pseudo sisters), and who offers the most amusing and sarcastic lines of the entire cast. Otherwise, the humor is rare, perhaps only sometimes caused by Helena and her odd lines which sound very natural and normal but are completely incompatible with the surrounding modern world.

A production of: BBC USA
With: Tatiana Maslany, Jordan Gavaris, Maria Conan-Doyle

Rating: 8/10

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