Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Dark (2017–2020)

The disappearance of a couple of children triggers a series of connected events in unexpected ways once the time factor is manipulated.

A surprising series that's based on ideas that are often reused like temporal paradoxes, but taken to an extreme so efficiently and artistically, contributing to a network of connections so complex that some fans decide to watch Dark with a pencil in their hand. The scientific explanation becomes somewhat of a secondary focus while the cause&effect network becomes the main attention and the generator of much fascination and curiosity. Nothing is accidental in Dark, and the few poetic licenses it adopted increase the initial fascination which remains constant right up to the freeing finale at the end of season 3.
The attention to detail is admirable and many may notice that the actors are not chosen at random, because all those who play the same character at different ages look alike just enough so you actually know which character they are without them being introduced.

Production:  Netflix  
Creator:  Baran bo Odar, Jantje Friese   
Duration:  the first season has 10 episodes, followed by 2 seasons of 8 (1 hour each)   
With: Louis Hofmann, Karoline Eichhorn, Lisa Vicari, Maja Schöne, Andreas Pietschmann

Rating: 9/10

1 comment:

  1. Ma uit și eu la acest serial, printre altele, pe Netflix. Însă nu prea ma pot concentra la el, nici măcar la ce vorbesc personajele, parca vorbesc prea repede, uit și detaliile din episodul anterior, nu înțeleg nimic din filmul acesta. Însă este interesant ca stil... poetic după cum ziceai tu, un poetic bacovian cu ceva sumbru as putea spune.
