Sunday, July 28, 2019

Terminator Salvation (2009)

Saw this..liked it. And that's that. Of course, those who are looking for depth, hidden human truths (though maybe this is what the film was trying to do with the duality of ... well,you know who -no spoilers: D), subtlety and sophistication may have to find a different film. But those eager for pure adrenaline and lots and lots of thrills, this one's for them.

The special effects are incredible, I could even say breathless, though frankly I'm still a bit nostalgic for the short fragments of "future" from the first two films with their obviously unrealistic and artificial and exaggerated style (called real special effects nowadays).
Anyone who is expecting a movie in which Christian Bale is the man ... again, will probably be a little disappointed. Not due to his character or his interpretation, but because John Connor is somewhat ... secondary and a little in the background, being a little wiser and tired under the weight of his mother's truth he's been aware of ever since the time he became able to judge it and acknowledge it. Bryce Dallas Howard was a nice choice, but not nearly enough exploited - she had some true potential. She might as well be missing completely. Moon Bloodgood is quite .. efficient. And Sam Worthington, well he's enigmatic and subtle enough to not need too much criticism. Just keep it simple and the effect is guaranteed. Well, in this case: P.
I'm not even going to mention the few plot holes, as that's not the point, ah and I almost forgot about the actor who plays Kyle - quite believable as a teenager version of Michael Biehn - you can notice it with the tone of his voice and his constant need for movement particularly.
Maybe a bit different from what the other Terminator films were, but this movie is effective and worth the attention.

This is a translation of an older post, see it here


  1. Di, trebuie sa îți mărturisesc asta, pentru ca tu mi l-ai prezentat când eram în facultate : am făcut dragoste prin transpunere cu Christian Bale, dar apoi dușmanii mi-au tăiat și firul acesta.

  2. Di... Ma pregăteam sa îți spun oau, câte postări ai pus pe blogul tău în 2020, chiar și în 2019... Ce multe filme ai văzut, te-ai uitat oare la 2-3 filme pe zi, unele seriale... Dar acum am observat ca aceasta postare din 2019 este ultima care îmi apare pe blogul tău. Unde sunt cele anterioare??

    1. Da, nu stiu de ce face asta, dar am un Blog Archive view care te lasa sa te duci direct la ce perioada vrei, fie an, luna sau direct film.

    2. Numarul e dublat pentru ca fiecare post apare in romana si engleza, deci numara 2 posturi pentru un film/serial. Deci nu a trebuit sa vad cate 2 pe zi :)
